
Do you know anyone who has won the lottery?

missy|1467632147|4051305 said:
canuk-gal|1467559532|4051025 said:

No options in Canada?


Sharon, you might need to make room for Greg and me and our 4 kitties if Trump wins this election... :wink2:
(((HUGS))) hope your mom is doing OK.

LOLOL! We have four bedrooms--lots of space!! :wavey: BTW, my Mom is getter =/as in less pain. Thanks for asking--we will see her again soon.

canuk-gal|1467644038|4051342 said:
missy|1467632147|4051305 said:
canuk-gal|1467559532|4051025 said:

No options in Canada?


Sharon, you might need to make room for Greg and me and our 4 kitties if Trump wins this election... :wink2:
(((HUGS))) hope your mom is doing OK.

LOLOL! We have four bedrooms--lots of space!! :wavey: BTW, my Mom is getter =/as in less pain. Thanks for asking--we will see her again soon.


That is great news about your mom Sharon! Thank you for sharing it. And thank you for the warm welcome LOL. Hoping we don't need to take you up on it... 8) Haha don't worry. Even if we move to Canada I would never dream of imposing. But it's nice to know we have wonderful friends there already! :appl:

Sending more healing vibes your mom's way!
The husband reached out to collaborators in Texas and although nothing concrete is available right now, he has received a very favourable response. Very, very favourable, along the lines of "that sounds great! Just apply for a 'something something what what' grant and come and do some work in our lab for six months so you can get your name out and show them what you can do, you can stay in the guest house on the ranch and use one of our spare vehicles, you don't need a thing, just pack up the wife and kid and bring them on over". :shock:

This has taken the hubs by surprise. :shock: He was anticipating a bit more uhming and ahing and talk about the political and economic situation in the US and its impact on funding etc. He was thinking he would have time to get his ducks in a row - he doesn't do anything without a lot of deep thinking and careful consideration, so he was anticipating having more time to think things through and weigh up a hundred different angles, not basically be invited over by someone he holds in such high esteem. I'm trying to convince him that it will still be months and months and months before anything actually happens and that he'd have plenty of time to think and overthink and rethink, but he's in a bit of shock, so I guess I need to leave him to process things.

But I wanted to report back on our semi-exciting almost news, lol. :))
Woohoo Trekkie! That is wonderful news. :appl:

GTG when you get here. :naughty: :cheeky:
missy said:
Woohoo Trekkie! That is wonderful news. :appl:

GTG when you get here. :naughty: :cheeky:

I'd LOVE to!!! The hubs is a really, really slow thinker though, so I don't see this happening anytime within the next 6-9 months, lol. It's taken him TWO years to decide to enter this year's diversity lottery.

But the moment we do decide I'll let you know so you can put the kettle on! ;) :naughty:
Bit of an update.

When I last wrote, I spoke a lot about how much I love South Africa and how this is mainly for DH's professional development. Well, a lot can happen in four months.

Since then we've had major protests at universities across the country and the university I work for is no exception. While I support the call free education in the South African context I am appalled by the methods currently employed.

I've been physically caught up in protests twice in the past two weeks. Once wasn't too bad, I was able to drive through an angry mob of students, and the local newspaper photographed me doing so, much to the amusement of everyone who knows me. The second time, which occurred on Tuesday this week, was a harrowing experience and I honestly think I'm still not over it. I was driving from upper campus down one of the busiest roads, crossed an intersection and drove straight into protest action, complete with police pointing guns at me. I had a choice - drive on and face possibly being shot or do an illegal uturn. I chose the illegal uturn. Just as well, because as I turned, they fired a stun grenade and there was smoke and flames where my car had been just moments before.

A few nights ago a wooden foot bridge at the botanical gardens 200m away from my office was petrol bombed. Another wooden footbridge 50m away from my office nearly suffered a similar fate a week earlier but police were able to prevent that.

And as if that's not bad enough, I woke up this morning to find that my car has been broken into and my laptop with all my pictures of my international travels, my son and my late mother was stolen.

I've seriously had enough. We're weighing up our options and looking at the US, New Zealand (I have two brothers there), Australia (where my husband did his post-doc), and even the UK as a last resort.

We'll be completing our diversity lottery applications this week. It would have been sooner but DHH was overseas on business. Will keep you updated! :wavey:

ETA: A video of students being shot at by police at my university. The road the students are trying to disrupt traffic on is one of the main roads in my town.



Wow that is really scary Trekkie.

And sorry to hear about the turn of events - aside from it being scary it's sad to have to feel differently about a place you love.

Hope you guys stay safe while you make the necessary plans.

Please keep us updated.
OMG Trekkie, I am so sorry! How terrifying! Thinking good thoughts for you and your family and I hope you find a safe haven very soon. Please know if there is anything I can possibly do for you I will. Don't hesitate to ask. And if by any chance you come to NY please let me know and I will help you with anything I can. Sending lots of PS safe ****DUST**** your way and big (((HUGS))).
CJ2008|1477821234|4091975 said:
Wow that is really scary Trekkie.

And sorry to hear about the turn of events - aside from it being scary it's sad to have to feel differently about a place you love.

Hope you guys stay safe while you make the necessary plans.

Please keep us updated.

Thanks so much. Yeah, it's really awful. I have lived in several different countries and have traveled to many more, and I always came home to South Africa because I love it here. I wanted my child to have a South African childhood but right now I feel threatened and unsafe. Suddenly my reasons for not wanting to live elsewhere (nannies and help at home are too expensive elsewhere, probably wouldn't be able to buy a house or car as nice as the one I currently have, wouldn't be able to afford to eat out or travel as much etc) actually seem really petty and selfish compared to the safety of my child.

missy|1477824679|4091980 said:
OMG Trekkie, I am so sorry! How terrifying! Thinking good thoughts for you and your family and I hope you find a safe haven very soon. Please know if there is anything I can possibly do for you I will. Don't hesitate to ask. And if by any chance you come to NY please let me know and I will help you with anything I can. Sending lots of PS safe ****DUST**** your way and big (((HUGS))).

Thanks so much Missy! You are sooo kind! I would love to meet up once we actually get there! Here's hoping we get the visa or else it's cold and miserable England for us! <3
Can we tempt you to consider Australia? :naughty: Your husband sounds like quite a catch for the scientific community and I'm sure you would all be welcomed with open arms here. It's quite multicultural, mostly safe, we have excellent standards of living/education and free medical care!
Yes I was going to say the same thing, contact some Australian Universities and find out if your husband either fills a niche that is not being filled here, or if he can be sponsored by a department or person at a University. If you have someone sponsoring you and you are willing to pay you might be able to get some sort of temporary work visa for a few years here and then when you are here apply to stay longer, or apply and wait for citizenship.
HotPozzum|1477975140|4092558 said:
Can we tempt you to consider Australia? :naughty: Your husband sounds like quite a catch for the scientific community and I'm sure you would all be welcomed with open arms here. It's quite multicultural, mostly safe, we have excellent standards of living/education and free medical care!

arkieb1|1477976228|4092563 said:
Yes I was going to say the same thing, contact some Australian Universities and find out if your husband either fills a niche that is not being filled here, or if he can be sponsored by a department or person at a University. If you have someone sponsoring you and you are willing to pay you might be able to get some sort of temporary work visa for a few years here and then when you are here apply to stay longer, or apply and wait for citizenship.

Hi there! Australia would be hands down be first choice! My husband did his post-doc at UWA and the fish he studies here in SA are closely related to the fish in Western Australia. He does a lot of work with UWA, but sadly it is almost impossible to get into Australia.

It's a pity really, because I have so many friends in Australia. I visited in 2009 and loved it so much I didn't want to leave. It is so beautiful, the people are so friendly, the country feels so safe, education is excellent... It's practically a Utopia!!

I'm heading out to Perth for a wedding in March and I might just end up in Baxter Detention Centre! :lol:
I asked my husband about the finer legalities of it a while ago because he has sponsored a guy and his family here a number of years ago. He said that people have been setting up businesses here, and I guess you would call it buying their way here for years, that is another way to get here read this link;

There are a lot of English expats that send their children to my sons's school they come here on work Visas and seem to manage to know how to navigate the system in order to apply for citizenship and stay or they have children who are born here as well. I think read as much as you can and talk to people, especially when you go to Western Australia (don't hand over any money to anyone because their a lots of people that scam students and others promising citizenship when all they do is take their money) but I believe there are still loopholes in the system that might allow you to come here, work and then stay, be sponsored, work come here and stay, or come here if you have enough money, set up a business and stay. Our government has also been talking about setting up a new system for approved immigrants and charging them $50 000 per person for citizenship but as yet that has not been implemented.
arkieb1|1477985248|4092573 said:
I asked my husband about the finer legalities of it a while ago because he has sponsored a guy and his family here a number of years ago. He said that people have been setting up businesses here, and I guess you would call it buying their way here for years, that is another way to get here read this link;

There are a lot of English expats that send their children to my sons's school they come here on work Visas and seem to manage to know how to navigate the system in order to apply for citizenship and stay or they have children who are born here as well. I think read as much as you can and talk to people, especially when you go to Western Australia (don't hand over any money to anyone because their a lots of people that scam students and others promising citizenship when all they do is take their money) but I believe there are still loopholes in the system that might allow you to come here, work and then stay, be sponsored, work come here and stay, or come here if you have enough money, set up a business and stay. Our government has also been talking about setting up a new system for approved immigrants and charging them $50 000 per person for citizenship but as yet that has not been implemented.

Oh, arkie! Thank you so much for all this research! You are incredible!!! <3

I have just shared this with the husband. Australia is hands down our first choice but so, so difficult to get in. Particularly if you're like my husband who is such a law abiding/do the right thing/follow the correct way, sort of person. Sorry, I'm so excited my English is failing me, but I think you get what I mean. We are going to Perth in March so his plan is to talk to his collaborators in person, but it would be nice to have that discussion armed with this information.

Still doing the US lottery though - we want to keep our options open. :)
Jambalaya|1467641706|4051331 said:
I hear ya, Trekkie. Is it because of the rainy weather?

My country of choice would also be Canada. I think of it as land of crystal clear lakes, evergreens, cool air, beautiful cities, and a peaceful society. They don't seem to be torn with the divisions and arguments that we have in the States. (Example: We're still fighting for abortion rights, in 2016? Really?) And they seem to have a part-private, part-government hybrid system of healthcare that works. Australia has something similar and it seems to work well too.

I think a lot of people would like to move to Canada. Too bad they don't have a lottery.

Hi Jambalaya, I just saw I missed your question!

Partly because of the weather - I'm sorry, but 3 consecutive days of 27C/80F does not constitute a heat wave! - but many, many other reasons. I'm not comfortable with the xenophobia, the Brexit, the decreased financial support for the NHS etc. You pretty much have to send your kids to independent schools if you want them to have a good education, or you have to buy property in an area that frankly, on an academic's salary, we would never be able to afford. Houses are ridiculously small (if you can afford one at all) and I'm sorry, but a 10m2 patch of grass with a bistro table and two chairs is not a garden. The place is dark and dank and dreary and miserable, and my sister says last year she earned less than 2% interest on her pension. Not the kind of growth we'd be looking for, knowing we only have 20 years to save for retirement.

I'm sure you're familiar with the stereotype of the typical South African in the UK - a racist with a beer in his hand, stroking his belly while he talks about how South Africa used to be a grrrrrrrrreat country until the blacks took over, and how he's not racist but the blacks are all HIV+ thieves and rapists who won't give white people jobs. Well, I can't stand people like that and regularly call them out on their BS. I'd hate for people to think I'm one of those South Africans, and I know if I moved to the UK that's how I'd be perceived.

Having said that, if we can't get into Australia and if the US doesn't want us, you bet your arse we'll move to the UK.
Do be careful and I hope you'll be able to exit safely to any country of your choice.
(Just realized this was about green cards, not greenbacks!)
Yes, I have a close friend who rented a room from me as a graduate student and is now here in the U.S. because of the green card lottery. She married in her home country and her husband received it. They are now citizens. They had an established international business that they were able to transfer here, and while they would probably make more money if they were still in the old country, they have not left the middle class. Big house but no servants. Scholarship for teen-age son, who was born here, to local private school. They are well educated but will probably stretch their budgets to do the same for their son.
They come from a basically Moslem country but are atheists themselves. In a Northeastern urban area, there are many others like them in the melting pot, and they have not found much hostility to them as immigrants. Our government may look unstable to some, but not to them! There was significant repression at home and growing violence because of that.
The mother-in-law has also become a U.S. citizen, but returns home often to visit and still has an apartment there. But my "young" friends, now in their late 40s, have made a real home here.
Check out this link, it says we are short on some scientists, (I know we are always looking for doctors and nurses for rural and remote areas in Australia, but also lots of other types of occupations too) so it might be a matter of seeing if you can get your husbands qualifications to fit or edit what he does to be able to work in one of these categories and then find someone to sponsor him out here;
I just won a 6 figure jackpot today. First thing to do is sign the ticket and take a picture of both sides of it. I'm going to fill out a claim form in a few minutes. I'm still a little too shaky to call T & Co or Cartier.
Madam Bijoux|1478724438|4095983 said:
I just won a 6 figure jackpot today. First thing to do is sign the ticket and take a picture of both sides of it. I'm going to fill out a claim form in a few minutes. I'm still a little too shaky to call T & Co or Cartier.

Congratulations Madam!! You should have a sizeable sum-enough to go shopping again at the King of Prussia Mall ;))

You are the only person I've come across who's won more than $70. That was my max win with four numbers correct. :appl: :wavey:
isaku5|1478975197|4097497 said:
Madam Bijoux|1478724438|4095983 said:
I just won a 6 figure jackpot today. First thing to do is sign the ticket and take a picture of both sides of it. I'm going to fill out a claim form in a few minutes. I'm still a little too shaky to call T & Co or Cartier.

Congratulations Madam!! You should have a sizeable sum-enough to go shopping again at the King of Prussia Mall ;))

You are the only person I've come across who's won more than $70. That was my max win with four numbers correct. :appl: :wavey:

Thanks, Isaku! The people at the lottery office said I should get the check in about 6 weeks.
Madam Bijoux|1478982447|4097544 said:
isaku5|1478975197|4097497 said:
Madam Bijoux|1478724438|4095983 said:
I just won a 6 figure jackpot today. First thing to do is sign the ticket and take a picture of both sides of it. I'm going to fill out a claim form in a few minutes. I'm still a little too shaky to call T & Co or Cartier.

Congratulations Madam!! You should have a sizeable sum-enough to go shopping again at the King of Prussia Mall ;))

You are the only person I've come across who's won more than $70. That was my max win with four numbers correct. :appl: :wavey:

Thanks, Isaku! The people at the lottery office said I should get the check in about 6 weeks.

Please let us see something that you bought with the proceeds :bigsmile:
isaku5|1479051454|4097809 said:
Madam Bijoux|1478982447|4097544 said:
isaku5|1478975197|4097497 said:
Madam Bijoux|1478724438|4095983 said:
I just won a 6 figure jackpot today. First thing to do is sign the ticket and take a picture of both sides of it. I'm going to fill out a claim form in a few minutes. I'm still a little too shaky to call T & Co or Cartier.

Congratulations Madam!! You should have a sizeable sum-enough to go shopping again at the King of Prussia Mall ;))

You are the only person I've come across who's won more than $70. That was my max win with four numbers correct. :appl: :wavey:

Thanks, Isaku! The people at the lottery office said I should get the check in about 6 weeks.

Please let us see something that you bought with the proceeds :bigsmile:

I haven't bought it yet, but this is high on the wish list:

Beautiful! :love:

I hope that the lovely watch (which would look perfect with your other gems) becomes a contender. :appl: :wavey: