
Do you have a housekeeper?


Jul 17, 2008
I'm not a spring chicken any more and I hate cleaning floors and bathrooms. Do you have one and about how much do they cost? And do you trust them not to steal from you?
I have one. She's a wonderful lady and charges $80/week to do our whole house, and it's a big home. I trust her completely. Every month when I write her a check I think, "Totally worth every penny!"
No, but I want one. DH is a deputy sheriff and he says no. He takes way too many burglary cases from people who are either robbed by their cleaning people or robbed by someone the cleaning people know (after the cleaning people stake it out).
I dont have one..but it sure has entered my mind.....
I have never liked housework, and have a cleaner that comes in once a week to clear for me for an hour or so.

I used to have someone who did the ironing for me, however, I am very fussy about my ironing, and found them not good enough for my liking, so I do it myself instead. It is a chore that I don't mind doing myself.

I also have a dog walker who comes and walk the dog from time to time.

I asked for references, however, I relied on my gut feel when I met and interviewed them.

I have not met my current cleaner, however, she came highly recommended by my dog walker who also cleaned for me until she decided to drop the cleaning side of her business to concentrate on dog walking.

Touch wood, all the hired help I have had turned out to be trust-worthy. :))

DK :))
amc80|1397250439|3651998 said:
No, but I want one. DH is a deputy sheriff and he says no. He takes way too many burglary cases from people who are either robbed by their cleaning people or robbed by someone the cleaning people know (after the cleaning people stake it out).

This. I use to but have been stolen from by more than one housekeeper I thought I carefully screened. No more.
Several years back when I worked we had someone come in every other week. It
Was glorious! Definitely worth every penny!
I do everything including all gardening/landscape work up through running the chain saw.
I wanted to hire a housekeeper but wife does not trust a stranger coming into our house, like we have something worth stealing.. :rolleyes:
amc80|1397250439|3651998 said:
No, but I want one. DH is a deputy sheriff and he says no. He takes way too many burglary cases from people who are either robbed by their cleaning people or robbed by someone the cleaning people know (after the cleaning people stake it out).

ugh amc80, this totally depresses me.

we usually do, and it is fabulous - but once back from EU I thought I would handle it all myself. having second thoughts about that plan now!
Yes, and we travel a bunch so we would make a good target. Sigh. Guess I have to hire Kenny to fly out once a month or do it myself.
AprilBaby|1397267480|3652156 said:
Yes, and we travel a bunch so we would make a good target. Sigh. Guess I have to hire Kenny to fly out once a month or do it myself.
But, can you really trust a guy who is sporting an Octavia?... :lol:
Off and on over the years I have had cleaning ladies. I always had them come when I was home, never gave them keys.
I loved having a service and became close to the people I had. Never had a problem. Of course I have three large dogs that aren't friendly so no fear of anyone entering my house when we're not home. Due to that we rarely take vacations either.

My DH was against it at first but loved the results. He is a clean freak and I am not super into it :lol:
I would happily hire a service again and plan on doing so by next fall. We are in the middle of remodeling projects right now so it's not worth spending the money until that's done.
I have a pair of cleaning ladies that come every other week. They work as a team, and have been cleaning for me for over 5 years, during which we are never home. I trust them with a key. I hate to clean, so having this, plus dh for daily clean-up is an expense I'm happy to have! We pay $130 every other week, we have a 5 bedroom, 3000 sq ft house. I feel like I trust them since I have left random pieces of jewelry out, and cash.....they have never taken anything to my knowledge.
Harpertoo said:
ugh amc80, this totally depresses me. we usually do, and it is fabulous - but once back from EU I thought I would handle it all myself. having second thoughts about that plan now!

Me too, because I want a cleaning lady!!
Yes. Twice a month we have a person who comes in to do all the things we can't get to (dusting vaulted ceilings, light fixtures, vacuuming various un-used rooms, etc.) and we pay $75 each time. We're in a much lower COL (cost of living) area than you, though, AprilBaby. I think you're in Chicago or very close to, right? Our person is bonded and insured, and my husband found them through the company he works for.

When I lived in Chicago, we used to get monthly cleaning help (deep clean bathrooms, kitchen, windows, etc.) and I think back in 2006-7 it cost around $300 per visit. I'm sure it's gone up a bit since then. I was always pleased with the team we used--I think they were an independent outfit. They were good, and I remember thinking I would've paid double because they were so thorough!

ETA: I forgot to answer your last Q re how do you know "they" won't steal: well, you hire from a reputable company and require licensed/bonded/insured help, (and pay more) or you hire through word of mouth and worry a little more, or you do a combo of those and you keep your stuff locked up tight. I'd say prevention is key. Don't leave valuables or cash/etc. where people could be tempted.
Dancing Fire|1397268488|3652165 said:
AprilBaby|1397267480|3652156 said:
Yes, and we travel a bunch so we would make a good target. Sigh. Guess I have to hire Kenny to fly out once a month or do it myself.
But, can you really trust a guy who is sporting an Octavia?... :lol:

You can trust me to be sporty. :wink2:
Yes we do have a cleaning lady in NY and a cleaning crew at the Beach House at the Jersey Shore. The cleaning crew consists of one lovely woman and her 2 assistants. She started her own business after working for a cleaning service for a few years so by hiring her and the woman in NY it makes me feel I am also helping out the independent business person paving a better life for themselves and their families. I pay a lot more than some of you but I guess it's because of the areas we live in.

For a few years I fought my dh on having cleaning people at both homes but it means much more to him than to me so I relented and he is happier because of it. He likes a clean home (so do I but he's much pickier that way) and it's a quality of life issue for him so IMO it is money well spent in our case. Though when I think of all the money spent on cleaning people over the years vs the bling I could have gotten with that money... :cheeky:
No, I'm too picky about stuff. I do all my own housework. I'm too OCD and am always cleaning something all the time it seems!

The good news is that it is great exercise - lol!
missy|1397300043|3652262 said:
Yes we do have a cleaning lady in NY and a cleaning crew at the Beach House at the Jersey Shore. The cleaning crew consists of one lovely woman and her 2 assistants. She started her own business after working for a cleaning service for a few years so by hiring her and the woman in NY it makes me feel I am also helping out the independent business person paving a better life for themselves and their families. I pay a lot more than some of you but I guess it's because of the areas we live in.

For a few years I fought my dh on having cleaning people at both homes but it means much more to him than to me so I relented and he is happier because of it. He likes a clean home (so do I but he's much pickier that way) and it's a quality of life issue for him so IMO it is money well spent in our case. Though when I think of all the money spent on cleaning people over the years vs the bling I could have gotten with that money... :cheeky:

I want to come to your jersey shore house! I'm so jealous! I grew up going to ocean city every summer as a kid.
AprilBaby|1397304978|3652291 said:
missy|1397300043|3652262 said:
Yes we do have a cleaning lady in NY and a cleaning crew at the Beach House at the Jersey Shore. The cleaning crew consists of one lovely woman and her 2 assistants. She started her own business after working for a cleaning service for a few years so by hiring her and the woman in NY it makes me feel I am also helping out the independent business person paving a better life for themselves and their families. I pay a lot more than some of you but I guess it's because of the areas we live in.

For a few years I fought my dh on having cleaning people at both homes but it means much more to him than to me so I relented and he is happier because of it. He likes a clean home (so do I but he's much pickier that way) and it's a quality of life issue for him so IMO it is money well spent in our case. Though when I think of all the money spent on cleaning people over the years vs the bling I could have gotten with that money... :cheeky:

I want to come to your jersey shore house! I'm so jealous! I grew up going to ocean city every summer as a kid.

AprilBaby, it would be my pleasure and an honor to have you visit us at our beach house and if I get better from whatever it is I am dealing with health wise I promise if you still want to come I would love you to!

In fact if I get better maybe I'll have a GTG at the beach house. :appl: We are just a 30 minute ferry ride from Pier 11 in Manhattan. So maybe (fingers crossed my health improves!!!) we can make it happen. It's an easy trip.
We had a woman clean our former condo for a few months last year. My husband convinced me and I finally gave in. As much as I hated to admit it, it really helped us out a lot. I had thought that since there are only two of us here, we should be able to pick up after ourselves and clean our house ourselves without needing a third party to do it for us. We compromised and asked our cleaning person to just focus on vacuuming (wall to wall carpeting throughout) and deep cleaning the bathrooms and kitchen. It worked out really well! Occasionally if she had time, she'd dust the dining room and living room as well, free of charge.

A family friend recommended her to us and she checked out great with other references as well. I think we paid her $100 a month. She came every other week, I believe.

ETA: The first cleaning is always more expensive than subsequent cleanings. The woman we used was bonded and insured. I was a little nervous about having someone come in without us being home, but it's been fine. We don't leave valuables out obviously, but we did really trust her. Now, my husband works from home, so if we do hire someone else, he can keep an eye on things if needed.
We've had a lovely lady clean our house every other week for the past 16 years. :appl: :wavey:

She's become part of our family. When we treat her to a nice lunch in our area, I introduce her as our friend. Really she is! :love:
I have someone who comes every other week. I trust her completely and she has worked for me for years. I do consider her a friend and went to her mother's funeral. I live in the southeast where the cost of living is lower, so I only pay $65 per time and our house is relatively large although there is only one child left at home.

The trust issue is is super easy to resolve, in my experience, and I have had cleaning help for many years before my current person. It is because I always get someone that a friend has used for a long period of time with no issues such as theft or break-ins of any kind.
Yes, once a week and yes, I trust her.
I really fought it. I rallied against the idea of having strangers 'organizing' the refrigerator. With that said, I'm a much nicer person when my house is immaculate clean. DH works crazy hours and it's simply too much for one person.
3 ladies have been cleaning our home for 9 years now. We pay $165 every other week+ Christmas gift+ supplies/equipment [sorry, I don't like to share].
I ran a criminal background check on all of them; know where the live, talked to all the people they work for [easy task since half of them are neighbors]. We don't leave anything of value in the house, they do not have a key and I'm in and out for the 3 1/2 hours that takes them to clean this place between the three.
We have someone come every other week, and it's a GODSEND. I really had a tough time getting behind the idea because it made me feel very "let them eat cake"-ish, but man, BEST $$ we ever spent.

Hub was nervous re theft - he was stolen from years ago, so she comes on days I work from home and it works out fabulously.
I have a cleaning lady.... she comes every other week, we pay her 125$ per visit .. (I think we a bit overpay her :) she has been working with us for 15 years.. never had anything stolen, she broke a Belek vase :( but uh oh accido... she is a good person.. she speaks damn little english after being here legally for 20 years but her sons are my younger son's age so I just talk to the older one... we love her, she originally was brought to the USA by a couple who needed a Spanish speaking nanny.. so she came from Mexico.. couple was from south America... after the kids got older and she was needed less she started cleaning.. I hired her after my first service came up missing with my husband's wedding band.. (turns out she hired her staff from outpatient crack addicts, no lie) couldn't prove anything but got rid of that service and our cleaning lady has been with us over 15 years and I have affection for her and her hard life and how she is trying to provide for her kids.. and it makes ME keep things clean cause you don't want your cleaning lady to think you are a slob! ;-)

quote="AprilBaby|1397249301|3651984"]I'm not a spring chicken any more and I hate cleaning floors and bathrooms. Do you have one and about how much do they cost? And do you trust them not to steal from you?[/quote]
I have had 3 cleaning ladies. I live in a smaller city and there are no cleaning agencies - so finding a cleaning person can be difficult.

So I took the approach of I would help train someone who was getting into the cleaning business.

The first person was not trainable.

The second person was trainable and showed great promise - but not reliable on showing up at agreed times (and did not even call); and ultimately I had to let her go.

The third person did a very good job and worked out well for 6-9 months - and then stole and forged a check from my checkbook (for something like $37.95) as if she did not think I would notice.

I cannot remember what I paid - but I pay well above average. The guy who does my lawn, snow removal, and other yard or housework help tells me that I pay him way above what anyone else does. But the payoff is that when I call I get immediate response. Last year a storm took down a tree in my yard - which took down the utilities (and a lot of other houses in the area had similar issues). The tree had to be cleared before I could have a new service built for my house and power/phone reconnected. Guess who he took care of first. Some of the other people did not get power back for 2 days. I have long found that paying above average for personal services has huge advantages when you need something.

Have a great day,


Edited to add: I have not had to hire a cleaning lady since marrying... Princess and I work well together.
We don't, though i would LOVE to, our budget and my DH are not open to it. Instead once a year or so we hire someone to deep clean. We just had it done yesterday and I am in :love: . I hate cleaning and neither of us have time and with 2 little boys and a dog, a weekly or biweekly cleaner would be AMAZING...sigh...maybe someday.

We don't have lots of valuables, so I put away my bling and don't really worry about theft, pluys we tend to use a local cleaning cooperative that is bonded and insured.