
Do you ever wonder if some PS'ers are vendor sockpuppets?

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Jun 19, 2010
I won't name names, but sometimes I see posts from "rough rock" PS'ers that seem sorta fishy. Almost like vendors disguising themselves as PS. Do you think it's possible or have I been subscribing to Conspiracy Theory Weekly too long?
Re: Do you ever wonder if some PS'ers are vendor sockpuppets

I guess it's possible. I feel more often than not that the 'rough rock' members giving advice in rocky talky are the one stop shop guys who blew through PS to get advice for an engagement ring, found the vendor they 'clicked with' and decided to stick around for a few weeks posting about all their newfound diamond knowledge and promote their vendor before they get bored with PS and disappear. (Not the case for all, btw, some get just as obsessed as the rest of us and stick around forever!)
Re: Do you ever wonder if some PS'ers are vendor sockpuppets

It's happened a couple of times where they've actually been outed, I think, but the ones I remember were super sketchy eBay vendors, mostly not "real" vendors with names any of us would recognize.
Re: Do you ever wonder if some PS'ers are vendor sockpuppets

It's not every rough rock I see that makes me think sockpuppet. Nevermind, I'm going to put my virtual foot in my virtual mouth if I'm not careful.
Re: Do you ever wonder if some PS'ers are vendor sockpuppets

athenaworth said:
I won't name names, but sometimes I see posts from "rough rock" PS'ers that seem sorta fishy. Almost like vendors disguising themselves as PS. Do you think it's possible or have I been subscribing to Conspiracy Theory Weekly too long?

I've wondered that exact thing many times. And, hmm, I found myself wondering that just today. The "rough rock" in these cases seems to be asking very pointed questions (rather than the usual vague rough rock questions that are honest "I don't know much about this and I'm confused" questions) and the questions often cause a big circular discussion about the "usefulness" of certain tools. My suspicions (okay, conspiracy theory) have led me to make the decision to stop posting on the "helping" threads in RT. Too bad, I used to learn a lot there. Now I think it's a mine field.
Re: Do you ever wonder if some PS'ers are vendor sockpuppets

I only can recall one person who pushed Tiffany like CRAZY and I would have bet that she worked for them ... she stopped posting. I am very new to buying jewelry and have a few Tiffany pieces and just bought 2 string bands from Leon Mege over the summer. I get treated like crap nearly every time I walk into a Tiffany store or any other jewelry store since I'm very young and presumably don't have any money. Leon treated me like gold and I share that experience on PS often.
Re: Do you ever wonder if some PS'ers are vendor sockpuppets

Sometimes. I think suspicion can be damaging to the forum, and insulting to the posters (this is one reason I don't visit the CS forum too often, despite having a big collection - it's the one place where I've seen people being very catty with comments like "Mighty shilly in here, isn't it!" if some innocent schmoe comes on showing off a piece from an unknown or unloved vendor).

On the other hand, there have definitely been a few threads that have made me suspicious: I remember one woman over in SMtB who kept raving that her husband would only let her buy from this one designer, this one designer was so awesome, look at her collection from this one designer ... and then somebody asked if some of the shots didn't look awfully 'shopped. She never posted again, but, curiously enough, a year or so later another poster started up with a similar spiel, same vendor. I casually mentioned that they made great pieces, this other poster had loved them too ... and she, too, disappeared without a trace. Made me think a lot less of the vendor, truth be told.
Re: Do you ever wonder if some PS'ers are vendor sockpuppets

I don't want to say too much about my suspicious person because I am probably totally off-base, but it just seems fishy to me that there has been a lot of negative talk about a certain vendor (one that really does have very hot and very cold reviews) and this person comes swooping in. God I feel horrible even saying anything, but again, conspiracy theories are my favorite pass-time.
Re: Do you ever wonder if some PS'ers are vendor sockpuppets

hmmm, dare I comment in this thread???

Yeah, why not?

While I think it is possible, and I think it has been done, usually with quick discovery and a hearty bye-bye from the Admin, I do not think it is common.

Often a client does become quite enthusiastic about the vendor that helped them and I think that is very much a good thing in the long run. Those that stay around tend to become well rounded sources of valuable information for others, and their natural favoritism for one or two vendors is usually tempored by others who favor other vendors and the knowledge seekers learn that there are many good vendors here.

What I would not like to see is participants like Portree quit offering their opinions. It is the opinions of other non professionals like themselves that our seekers treasure most. Sure, it is nice to have a professional giving answers, but we are understood to be biased. When another seeker responds, in a reasonable manner, with their opinions based on what they have learned searching out the same questions, then the current seeker gets to see the response in the manner in which it was understood rather than in the technical jargon of the trade.

This serves two purposes. One, it helps the current seeker, and two, if the understanding is not correct by the non professional person giving the answer then it opens the door for a professional to better explain it to both parties with the result that all have the opportunity to learn and understand even better what they have already learned.

It is the job of the Administrator and the moderators to ferret out the cheaters, which they seem to do very well. It is our job to enjoy the forum and to share information with one another.

Go forth and share!

Re: Do you ever wonder if some PS'ers are vendor sockpuppets

athenaworth said:
I don't want to say too much about my suspicious person because I am probably totally off-base, but it just seems fishy to me that there has been a lot of negative talk about a certain vendor (one that really does have very hot and very cold reviews) and this person comes swooping in. God I feel horrible even saying anything, but again, conspiracy theories are my favorite pass-time.

Re the part I bolded above -- Yes, athena, I did wonder about the timing of this post, considering the very long thread about this vendor that's happening in RT right now.

But the thread I was referring to was a new thread on the HCA and GIA VG cut grade stones. I stay away from those threads now because of my conspiracy theory musings that the thread was started to fuel an ongoing debate. And that's sad that I have to wonder if a new poster is a vendor-with-an-agenda instead of jut a newbie looking for answers.
Re: Do you ever wonder if some PS'ers are vendor sockpuppets

If you have suspicions, I'm sure the admins would be happy to hear about it. Just report the post or poster.

I'm pretty oblivious to stuff like that, and it wouldn't stop me from posting my opinion on something one way or the other. I guess I'm just gullible. :rolleyes:
Re: Do you ever wonder if some PS'ers are vendor sockpuppets

lyra said:
If you have suspicions, I'm sure the admins would be happy to hear about it. Just report the post or poster.

I'm pretty oblivious to stuff like that, and it wouldn't stop me from posting my opinion on something one way or the other. I guess I'm just gullible. :rolleyes:

Oh no, I wouldn't feel comfortable reporting someone. I'm still rather fresh here, so I could be 100% mistaken. I didn't mean to cause any kind of stir.
Re: Do you ever wonder if some PS'ers are vendor sockpuppets

athenaworth said:
lyra said:
If you have suspicions, I'm sure the admins would be happy to hear about it. Just report the post or poster.

I'm pretty oblivious to stuff like that, and it wouldn't stop me from posting my opinion on something one way or the other. I guess I'm just gullible. :rolleyes:

Oh no, I wouldn't feel comfortable reporting someone. I'm still rather fresh here, so I could be 100% mistaken. I didn't mean to cause any kind of stir.

Well, it is all confidential, so don't be worried about it! Your instincts might just be spot on. ;))
Re: Do you ever wonder if some PS'ers are vendor sockpuppets

Lyra is correct. We hope that if anyone has suspicions that they would let us know by using the report button. This does not mean anything bad will happen if you are wrong, it means only that we will keep a closer eye on that poster and take action if necessary.

Your report is confidential and regardless of the outcome no one will know that you reported.

We need everyone's help to make sure PS stays shill-free.
Re: Do you ever wonder if some PS'ers are vendor sockpuppets

Ella said:
Lyra is correct. We hope that if anyone has suspicions that they would let us know by using the report button. This does not mean anything bad will happen if you are wrong, it means only that we will keep a closer eye on that poster and take action if necessary.

Your report is confidential and regardless of the outcome no one will know that you reported.

We need everyone's help to make sure PS stays shill-free.

Big ditto!! PS is what it is because of the people that respond.. If something looks wrong, sounds fishy report it.. ;))

Nothing wrong about that. We all want PS to remain a healthy, shill free place... ::)

And puhleease those posters that come across that way are nabbed from the get go.... They don't fool any of us...

I don't read as much as I used to, but gosh can spot it a mile away.... I don't even need to look at the number of posts....

I have been here too long?? Is my expiration date up???? : :snore:

DF, try your best not to respond..... :devil:
Re: Do you ever wonder if some PS'ers are vendor sockpuppets

i'am INNOCENT.. :!:
Re: Do you ever wonder if some PS'ers are vendor sockpuppets

You guys are cute.
Re: Do you ever wonder if some PS'ers are vendor sockpuppets

Kenny's back! it you?

Ira Z.
Re: Do you ever wonder if some PS'ers are vendor sockpuppets

Regular Guy said:
Kenny's back! it you?

Ira Z.

Don't tease like that...I miss him :((
Re: Do you ever wonder if some PS'ers are vendor sockpuppets

Okay, I just read the latest post in the thread and I have to say it made me throw up a little bit in my mouth. Off to hit report concern.
Re: Do you ever wonder if some PS'ers are vendor sockpuppets

Portree said:
Okay, I just read the latest post in the thread and I have to say it made me throw up a little bit in my mouth. Off to hit report concern.
Um, yeah. It just keeps getting curious'er and curious'er
Re: Do you ever wonder if some PS'ers are vendor sockpuppets

Athena, I love your term Conspiracy Theory Weekly, thanks for the laugh, Dale Gribble.....or should I say Rusty Shackleford? :lol:
Re: Do you ever wonder if some PS'ers are vendor sockpuppets

athenaworth said:
Portree said:
Okay, I just read the latest post in the thread and I have to say it made me throw up a little bit in my mouth. Off to hit report concern.
Um, yeah. It just keeps getting curious'er and curious'er

I confess I'm so curious what post this is referring to :devil:
Re: Do you ever wonder if some PS'ers are vendor sockpuppets

Yssie said:
athenaworth said:
Portree said:
Okay, I just read the latest post in the thread and I have to say it made me throw up a little bit in my mouth. Off to hit report concern.
Um, yeah. It just keeps getting curious'er and curious'er

I confess I'm so curious what post this is referring to :devil:
me too!!... :confused:
Re: Do you ever wonder if some PS'ers are vendor sockpuppets

Yssie said:
athenaworth said:
Portree said:
Okay, I just read the latest post in the thread and I have to say it made me throw up a little bit in my mouth. Off to hit report concern.
Um, yeah. It just keeps getting curious'er and curious'er

I confess I'm so curious what post this is referring to :devil:

You will get no where with this.... It's kinda like something has been reported, and you all want the details...

Methinks it's plain as day, the writing is on the wall....

Any problems or questions should be directed to the mods... Use the report concern button... I get it, but that's all I have for you..... ;))
Re: Do you ever wonder if some PS'ers are vendor sockpuppets

Kaleigh said:
Yssie said:
athenaworth said:
Portree said:
Okay, I just read the latest post in the thread and I have to say it made me throw up a little bit in my mouth. Off to hit report concern.
Um, yeah. It just keeps getting curious'er and curious'er

I confess I'm so curious what post this is referring to :devil:

You will get no where with this.... It's kinda like something has been reported, and you all want the details...

Methinks it's plain as day, the writing is on the wall....

Any problems or questions should be directed to the mods... Use the report concern button... I get it, but that's all I have for you..... ;))

Haha of course it is, and I wasn't expecting the play by play - we are in polite company afterall :halo:
Re: Do you ever wonder if some PS'ers are vendor sockpuppets

what did i miss???... ;(
Re: Do you ever wonder if some PS'ers are vendor sockpuppets

Dancing Fire said:
what did i miss???... ;(

I really don't get it either but then again, I never do.
Re: Do you ever wonder if some PS'ers are vendor sockpuppets

was that thread deleted?
Re: Do you ever wonder if some PS'ers are vendor sockpuppets

PS is pretty good about policing the forums. Heck I've had the admins ask me if I was a vendor, a few years ago IIRC :tongue: (FWIW, no, I'm not!) I appreciated that they care enough about the integrity of the forum and posters to check up, actually. I'm sure it's possible that shills sneak through the cracks but I also think that most such funny business is pretty readily apparent; people are rarely as sneaky as they think they are. And yes- if you run across something that seems questionable, just message the admins. Truly, that's what they're there for, and your gut feeling is probably worth following up on.
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