
Do you ever wonder how the PS''ers who don''t post here any more are doing?

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I was just thinking about Ephemery today--I hope she''s ok. I miss Independent Gal as well. So many of us were just heartbroken for her when she lost her cubs.
I also wonder...especially Widget. I loved Widget. I just got back into PS, and didn''t know Diamondfan was gone
Ooh, Belle! I actually did wonder what happened to her the other day!
Date: 7/13/2009 5:21:23 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 7/13/2009 5:17:03 PM
Author: bebe
I have wondered about Reena, Diamondfan, Widget and a host of others who I bet I''d recognize their jewelry
There used to be a poster I think LAJennifer or maybe just Jennifer. She always had the neatest finds in jewelry. (and shoes)
And DiamondDiane (??), who had the gorgeous collection of rings.
if you mean LAJennifer, she''s still around...
TG, no not LAJennifer. I messed that one up. I wish I could remember the posters name. She had such great stuff.
Date: 7/14/2009 1:29:58 AM
Author: bebe

Date: 7/13/2009 5:21:23 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 7/13/2009 5:17:03 PM
Author: bebe
I have wondered about Reena, Diamondfan, Widget and a host of others who I bet I''d recognize their jewelry
There used to be a poster I think LAJennifer or maybe just Jennifer. She always had the neatest finds in jewelry. (and shoes)
And DiamondDiane (??), who had the gorgeous collection of rings.
if you mean LAJennifer, she''s still around...
TG, no not LAJennifer. I messed that one up. I wish I could remember the posters name. She had such great stuff.
Ah, I know who you are talking about. I remember her other SN, which was Lions,Tigers&Bears and found her previous name through that. She was Jennifer5973 previously.
And here was her stuff...

Date: 7/14/2009 1:37:05 AM
Author: TravelingGal

Ah, I know who you are talking about. I remember her other SN, which was Lions,Tigers&Bears and found her previous name through that. She was Jennifer5973 previously.
and also known as Kate Winslet from the movie Titanic.
And Madam, may I say that I am glad you have stuck around all these years!!

Thanks, Hlmr!
I wonder about Sweetpea. She had the most amazing taste in jewelry and her designs were really something - the Swan and the amazing purple blue stone that she named sweetpea. I was pretty much a lurker back then though.
Date: 7/13/2009 12:22:58 PM
Author: Gailey
Date: 7/13/2009 12:04:11 PM

Author: TravelingGal

Only two that I can think of at the moment.

Independent Gal - I wonder how she is doing since the loss of her twins.

Ephemery - I wonder if everything went well with her pregnancy.

Ditto. I often think of IG. Las I heard, she wanted to create a two stone project in commemoration of her little cubs. I hope she is doing well.

Surfgirl showed up on another forum - I saw her post yesterday, so she''s out there!

Now where on earth has Platinumrock got to? I think she''s a teacher, so perhaps she'' on her ''hollies''

Gailey-if you see SurfGirl again, tell her we all say hello and we miss her!
Date: 7/14/2009 1:37:05 AM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 7/14/2009 1:29:58 AM
Author: bebe

TG, no not LAJennifer. I messed that one up. I wish I could remember the posters name. She had such great stuff.
Ah, I know who you are talking about. I remember her other SN, which was Lions,Tigers&Bears and found her previous name through that. She was Jennifer5973 previously.
Jennifer left because of specific reason
. Let's not discuss it further because it'll just end up having this thread removed.

She did have fabulous stuff. Problem one of the most amazing collections among PSers and women her age (she was in her early 30s when she left PS). I remember how she talked of how she worked two jobs while in school and hardly had any money and from there she worked up to being a successful career woman.
Date: 7/13/2009 5:17:03 PM
Author: bebe
I have wondered about Reena,
I recall that Reena had moved across the country to begin a new career as an attorney. For her, life probably for sure took over.

TG - that thread of older photos is giving me flashbacks! lol All the long-forgotten people.

Besides others mentioned, I enjoyed Ana and Lady Klemma.

There are so many I wonder about. Blueroses for so long, but she came back. Goldengirl. Reena. I like to think they still lurk sometimes and post. I can''t imagine leaving this forum cold turkey. Although I can see posting less and less because life takes over and then eventually stopping. But I''m sure I would drop by for pictures once in a while.
Anna/Valeria101, Belle and Kenny came most quickly to mind. Kenny...they threw him out, though, I''m pretty sure.

Sorry...I''m maybe in the old timer''s corner.
Date: 7/15/2009 6:56:55 PM
Author: Regular Guy
Anna/Valeria101, Belle and Kenny came most quickly to mind. Kenny...they threw him out, though, I''m pretty sure.

Sorry...I''m maybe in the old timer''s corner.

I really liked Belle and KENNY?? OMG, how he used to make me laugh. He was sooooooooooo funny.
There are several people I miss and think about. But the one who is most likely to pop back in that is at the top of my list is 777_LDY. She is hysterical, and terribly nice. And I really miss her.

So if you''re lurking and read this, please come back and visit, would ya?


*wipes snotty nose on sleeve*

Date: 7/15/2009 6:56:55 PM
Author: Regular Guy
Anna/Valeria101, Belle and Kenny came most quickly to mind. Kenny...they threw him out, though, I''m pretty sure.

You can find Valeria on another corner of the web

I liked Kenny too! He was quite the character.

I agree with you about Reena, ally! She had just gotten her Leon when we joined. And the obsession began, right?
Date: 7/13/2009 12:04:11 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Only two that I can think of at the moment.

Independent Gal - I wonder how she is doing since the loss of her twins.

Ephemery - I wonder if everything went well with her pregnancy.
I miss the two of them also. Eph and I were due around the same time and I''ve always wondered what happened.
That is a great question!I very much miss Lady Amythyst 69.She started one of the best threads on the jewelry thread about Royal jewelry.I read she was caring for her mother that has cancer.Anyone hear from her?Im very sorry to hear about independant gal.
I wonder about how Surfgirl and Independent Girl (Gal?) are doing... I miss them both.

Every now and then I pop over to the pregnancy/baby/family threads to see how a few other posters that are ensconced over there are faring!
for the longest time for me it was Widget, BlueRoses, Manderine, IrishGirl, DKS, and Kenny...

But I''m older on this board. We all go through changes and then we have things come up and life just happens.
This is so sad; but I do understand life "taking over" I took a break (I think 4-6 months), I did still I believe (and hope) they still are out there.
A few names come into mind...

DiamondFan, valeria101, Hest88, kenny, cflutist....
Date: 7/15/2009 8:34:55 PM
Author: Kay
Date: 7/13/2009 12:04:11 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Only two that I can think of at the moment.

Independent Gal - I wonder how she is doing since the loss of her twins.

Ephemery - I wonder if everything went well with her pregnancy.
I miss the two of them also. Eph and I were due around the same time and I''ve always wondered what happened.
Ditto. I miss Eph and IG and hope they are both doing well.
Mandarine is still around in the FHH section.

Hest is an old one...her lovely VC set.

Top of my list in the old days is CanadianGrrl...and where did Belle get off to anyway. Did DF take a break?

I mostly lurk, too busy these days, but sometimes there are interesting posts for responses.
I definitely think and wonder the most about IG..was so heartbroken for her.
Date: 7/16/2009 6:25:24 PM
Author: SarahLovesJS
I definitely think and wonder the most about IG..was so heartbroken for her.
Date: 7/14/2009 1:51:49 AM
Author: TravelingGal
For fun, here''s one of PS''s early photo albums. Lots of members who no longer post...and a few who still do!

I find that on most of the self photo threads, it''s the newbies who post. Even the current one has people who are no longer here.
Thanks for the look back, T-Gal.

I had forgotten some of these posters - - many of whom had spent 2-5 years here on PS. And then they just ''disappeared''.

I miss msflutter, Sweetpea, moremoremore, treysar, Rockchick, Matatora, and MelissaSue. Surfgirl is missed for sure, and what has happened to diamondfan?? Door Knob Solitaire needs to come on home. I hope Independent Gal is okay these days; she suffered such a loss.
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