
Do you ever feel guilty about your ring?

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Jul 13, 2005
Well.... As some of you know, I still don''t have a diamond engagement ring.

Not because we can''t afford one but because I have a really serious issue with deciding on the shape and size... but to be honest, it''s mostly because we can''t find the time to...

Honestly, we are also overwhelmed with school work, volunteering hours, and having to do house chores, we just can''t seem to find a decent amount of time to look around at various jewelers together...

There are 2 different groups of people in my surroundings...
(1) the medical school ppl and (2) the non medical school ppl.

And my 2ct round CZ e-ring in the Tiffany Lucida setting draws a lot of attention among the non medical school ppl. Even at Jewelry stores, and at BBB too! I would think people can tell the difference because, to me, my ring looks like glass... but no matter where I go people compliment on it

Even when I see a small stud on their fingers I DON''T FEEL GUILTY AT ALL!! because I know my ring cost a fraction of what theirs coast! And to tell you the truth, unless I am asked whether it''s a diamond, I simply say "thank you." and don''t go around telling everyone who notices, "Oh it''s only a CZ"

I wear it out proud because my husband bought it for me and I COMFORT those women who feel bashful about theirs. "Well you are so lucky you know... because although your ring is small it''s a real diamond! Mine is a CZ. But doesn''t it look sparkly?" and I end up referring them to the jeweler who made my ring.

I''m only in the process of applying to medical school, but my husband''s friends or their fiances all have some big bling on their fingers. The smallest stone I''d seen was a 1ct but unlike the non-medical school people, none of them seem to care. It''s not an issue. period.

I would feel like a total ditz if I started talking about diamonds like I do here. Sometimes I think they are all acting like they don''t care but go home and sing into their jewelry boxes.. but for what I understand... scrutinizing over the size of e-ring seem like last thing, and the most trivial, on their minds since we have to deal with global health issue like AIDS...So I just keep my mouth shut and vent out my diamond obsessions here... with you''all.

Even if they have nice e-rings many just wear plain bands.... and wear the e-ring out for parties balls etc...

How would you feel going into the doctor''s office to find a rich doctor wearing a 4ct diamond ring when you are sick and miserable?


Jul 12, 2004
This is an old thread, but I am gonna jump in here.

I agree that its not really guilt.. but it is sometimes awkward.. my ring is certainly not huge, esp. by PS standards.. but I am fairly young (24) and not from a wealthy area, so my ring is much bigger than most of my friends my age and many of my coworkers, even ones that are older..

So everytime I see someone else that has recently been engaged.. I don''t know what to say. They always ask to see the ring..and I always feel bad.. I don''t want to ask to see theirs because I don''t to make them feel like I''m comparing or anything.. but then I feel bad for not asking. I am sort of shy about those things and don''t lile asking people to see their rings anyway, so I never would unless they asked me first.. so I don''t know.. I guess I just find the whole situation awkward..

And then onetime the opposite happened, one of my very dear friends and I saw each other for the first time since we had both gotten engaged, and we''d both seen pics of each others rings, but never in person.. and she pretty much flashed hers in my face.. and while its very pretty, it was much smaller than mine.. so I didn''t know what to do.. Do I flash back?! I didn''t.. but again.. felt bad..


Jul 23, 2005
OMG!! I can''t believe that I''m not the only one.
Well, not much guilty but more embarrassed especially when it''s my Dh that is gloating about them. I can''t imagine what he will do if we upgrade to something bigger.

My stone is .904cts but it looks over 1 ct because of the cut (H&A) which makes it very very sparkly. It''s blinding.

Here in the ''burbs of BC, Canada 1 ct is BIG.
I''ve had a couple of people ask if my rings were fake because they sparkle so much and so big, small in my terms (DSS)
. I just chuckle and say ''No, they''re real."

You don''t have to feel guilty about what you have. You''ve earned it. It''s your money, you do whatever you want with it.


Nov 30, 2003
Don''t feel guilty! I live in NY and my ring (.97) is not big at all for here. In fact, it''s pretty small. But, I don''t feel bad when I see other people''s rings. Sometimes it''s just fun to see them and I enjoy looking at them. Wear it as if it''s normal and not a big deal and that is the attitude others will have towards it as well :)


Sep 24, 2004
When I am around my husbands employees, I never wear much jewelry. I''ll switch my diamond studs for simple gold hoops or pearl studs, remove my tennis bracelet and remove my 1ct. pendant. Though my jewelry is not that flashy, I just don''t want them to think I''m wearing their raise!

On the other hand, my husbands partners wife wears a 5ct e-ring with 2 eternity bands, Rolex w/diamonds and 2 diamond tennis bracelets on her left wrist. Then on the right wrist, more diamond bracelets. 2ct. each studs w/diamond hoop jackets (big!). Then her choice of necklaces'' will blow your mind. Her current favorite is what I refer to as her Princess Di necklace. It really is a nice piece but is around 12tctwt., with a 3ct pear as the centerpiece. Then on her lapel, an American flag, all diamonds and gemstones. It is just so gawdy. But, I could never, ever wear all that. And never in front of employees. But she does and yes, they all make comments. She thinks it is cute. And I''m sure loves the attention. My guess is it makes her feel like somebody.

Now, the time is coming for us to get my e-ring upgrade and I am feeling very guilty. It will end up costing close to 50k, if (and that is a big if) I get what I want. I feel like I need to keep it lower because my husbands company is in a big slump. But I have been wanting this for so long and he says do it...


Jan 17, 2005
The only time I''m ever embarassed about my diamonds is when I''m around my husband''s sister. We got engaged right around the same time, and she got a HUGE honking pear, and my first ering was a half carat marquise! When we got married, I upgraded to the 3/4 carat RB that I have today (and consider to be my real ering). Anyway, she''s made comments on more than one occasion about how small it is. I know that she''s embarassed my husband, too by telling him that he didn''t spend enough money on it, or accused him of being cheap. When we got engaged, though, my husband was just out of his residency and up to his eyeballs in debt. But he wanted to get me a ring, and I guess I could have either driven him even further into debt for a larger diamond, or waited to be engaged until he could afford bigger. But that wasn''t what I wanted. I wanted him more than the diamond (and him NOT in any more debt). Then, when we got married and I was going get my wedding rings, we still weren''t totally out of debt, we were hoping to buy a bigger house and had other more pressing financial issues to consider, so I didn''t go big then, either. Now, 14 years later, I''m comfortable with the size I have (except for when I''m around I''ve even bought a new diamond (keeping the original to wear, too) and it''s the same size as my original...3/4 carat! My husband is wanting me to upgrade next year for our 15th wedding anniversary to a 1.5, which would be twice the size of what I''m used to wearing. The jury is still out out that. I have a size limit AND a financial limit stuck in my head about how much money I want to have tied up in a single peice of jewelery. If I can get over that, maybe I''ll have a larger diamond someday. But since I''m kind of stuck on this higher clarity issue, who knows?

As far as my current diamonds go...both are 3/4 carat RB''s. They are about average in relationship to what most everyone else wears in my community. Even among the other doctor''s wives, believe it or not! Granted, some of the older doctor''s wives have pretty big diamonds, but they are in their 50''s and 60''s for the most part, and seem to be able to carry off the bigger, more flashy rings. I have noticed the beginnings of a trend in some of the really young newly engaged women (early 20''s) of having larger stones...maybe 1.5-2.0 carats. I think in a way is because of some pressure in the media and advertising. Most of the women in my age range (mid thirties to mid forties) that I know have erings between .5-1.5 carats, with ones .75-1.0 being the most common. So I never feel embarrassed about my diamonds. If anything, I''m more flattered by the compliments my rings get than embarassed.


Apr 30, 2005
I just wanted to make an observation for those who haven't bought their diamond yet.

Size is the main thing people notice.
Yes, we at PS all know that cut is king.
But 99% of the public react mainly to size.

So, use this to your advantage.
If you feel a larger diamond will make you feel some of the anxiety expressed in this thread go for a stone with better cut, color and clarity but a size that makes you feel more comfortable around others.

You will always appreciate your stone's other qualities, but others will never be put off by them.


Aug 5, 2004
its probably callous of me to say it but i never feel guilty about it. my fiance and I both grew up financially disadvantaged and we worked hard to put ourselved through school and get good jobs/careers. we also made our priority list when we were discussing wedding plans...rings, honeymoon and photography, because those (or at least the honeymoon memories) would last forever, so we wanted to get something nice. But it was more for our own pleasure to get nice rings (his and mine, not to show off to others because I am not like that and I only show it or discuss it if people ask to see it so they dont think i am rubbing it in their face. these are mostly my coworkers, and most have been genuinely happy for me to have a nicer ring. most of my other friends have bigger rocks so they dont care about mine anyway


Nov 18, 2004
I waited a long time to get the ring I have now, so no I don''t feel quilty at all. My hubby wanted to give me my current ring as an upgrade. I was thrilled to get it. My friends have similar sized rings, but we are 40 plus so many have gotten upgrades as well.


Jan 17, 2005
Date: 8/6/2005 12:14:15 PM
Author: kenny
I just wanted to make an observation for those who haven''t bought their diamond yet.

Size is the main thing people notice.
Yes, we at PS all know that cut is king.
But 99% of the public react mainly to size.

So, use this to your advantage.
If you feel a larger diamond will make you feel some of the anxiety expressed in this thread go for a stone with better cut, color and clarity but a size that makes you feel more comfortable around others.

You will always appreciate your stone''s other qualities, but others will never be put off by them.
Size will be the first thing to attract people''s attention, but it''s the sparkle that will make me wish the stone was on MY hand instead of someone else''s. Recently, I was in a public place standing near some lady that had on one of the biggest pear shaped diamonds I''d ever seen. That thing was a monster! I did that thing where you try to get close enough to sneek a peek without the person know you are looking. When I got a good look at her honker, I could easily see from several feet away that it had a huge black inclusion. Very visible. Once I saw that, you couldn''t have given me that ring! It didn''t really sparkle all that much, either, and we were in full sunlight. My rings, on the other hand, were sparkling like mad!

Sometimes it does bother me, but not because I''m envious or jealous or anything, when I hear people rooting "bigger bigger bigger". Sometimes bigger does not mean better. Especially when it comes to diamonds. Of course, all things being even, we''d all take the biggest and best quality stone that we could afford to buy. That''s just human nature. But it kind of makes me sad when I read here about people who say they "compromised" on color or clarity, or didn''t get the ideal cut stone that they really wanted because they could get one that was almost orclose enough to an ideal cut. Sometimes I have to wonder if people are lowering their their standards just so that they can say they got the biggest stone that their money could buy. Personally, I''d rather have a smaller stone to get the best cut, and the clarity that will make me happy. I know it''s a matter of personal preference, and many people say that they don''t care if the stone has long as they can''t be seen without a loupe, or they can be hidden by a prong, or they only show when you look through the side of the stone. I''ve heard people say that they got used to a lower color grade because it still "looks" white, especially when they don''t look through the pavillion, or hold it up next to a colorless grade diamond, or mount it in a white metal or whatever. But it still kind of sounds like people are "settling" when they have to qualify "going down" in color, cut, or clarity simply to get a bigger stone. To me, all good quality diamonds are beautiful, regardless of the size. Some people, even if they could afford a large stone, may just prefer to have a smaller stone, or a more simple setting for whatever reason. I wonder sometimes how many people might feel embarassed to post here and say that, with all the cheerleading going on for "bigger bigger bigger". I see polls here basically asking how big is too big, or how big would you get if you could afford it. I just hope the next one isn''t going to be something like "how small would you go before being too embarassed to show anyone your diamond?"


Oct 30, 2002
"But it kind of makes me sad when I read here about people who say they "compromised" on color or clarity, or didn't get the ideal cut stone that they really wanted because they could get one that was almost orclose enough to an ideal cut. Sometimes I have to wonder if people are lowering their their standards just so that they can say they got the biggest stone that their money could buy. Personally, I'd rather have a smaller stone to get the best cut, and the clarity that will make me happy. I know it's a matter of personal preference, and many people say that they don't care if the stone has long as they can't be seen without a loupe, or they can be hidden by a prong, or they only show when you look through the side of the stone. I've heard people say that they got used to a lower color grade because it still "looks" white, especially when they don't look through the pavillion, or hold it up next to a colorless grade diamond, or mount it in a white metal or whatever. But it still kind of sounds like people are "settling" when they have to qualify "going down" in color, cut, or clarity simply to get a bigger stone. To me, all good quality diamonds are beautiful, regardless of the size. Some people, even if they could afford a large stone, may just prefer to have a smaller stone, or a more simple setting for whatever reason. I wonder sometimes how many people might feel embarassed to post here and say that, with all the cheerleading going on for "bigger bigger bigger". I see polls here basically asking how big is too big, or how big would you get if you could afford it. I just hope the next one isn't going to be something like "how small would you go before being too embarassed to show anyone your diamond?"


Actually I think there is a very old poll or something about how small is too small. I may even have started it, I can't remember.
(Edited to add:

Personally when I say that an inclusion can be hidden by a prong or I don't care what's there if I can't see it and that my diamond still looks very white but I can see some very slight color through the pavilion, I am not saying that the diamond is ugly or that I am disappointed with it by any means. I'm just being up front and honest about what I think and what I see. If someone asked 'well do you think a J stone will show color' and I responded with 'well I think that all good quality diamonds are beautiful' helpful would that be to people?

Size is important to alot of people. To other people it is not. To each their own, what is the big deal. Of course not everyone likes big stones. That's obvious. But 99.9% of the population will see size and that's it. That is pretty much the point that Kenny was making, in my opinion.

As for people lowering their standards, well who cares if they are? These are DIAMONDS we are talking about here. Whether or not it is a G or H color is not going to change the world. We're not choosing mates for life here based upon lowered standards. Be sad about world hunger, not that people are compromising on luxury jewelry items.

Bottom line is if you want a bigger stone and you don't want to hock the house for it, you will have to 'lower your standards' or 'compromise' or 'settle'...none of which I view as a negative connotation. I guess it's all about perception and what is important to YOU, the buyer. That is really all that matters.


Jul 13, 2005
GOING off tangent a bit...

but Did anyone buy something that is significantly cheaper than what your boyfriend/fiance could afford?

To rephrase......
Even if you had a budget of $30000... you ended up paying $10000 for your ring???


Jul 22, 2002
I left over 30k of budget hubby gave me on the table.
This was for my anniversary ring.

That said, we did the perfect little stone. Ideal (almost bought a lazare Kaplan), F, VVS stone. No one asked me the specs. People noticed the sparkle. But, most of the bigger rings (regardless of quality) were the ones that were noticed. FEW EXCEPTIONS.

This time around, knowing what I experienced & under my jeweler''s recommendation, I got the biggest pretties stone I wanted. I like my little perfect stone; but, only because of it''s sentimentality. The specs hold no allure. I like my big pretty stone best.

Mara, I agree with you. It''s a diamond for pete''s sake.


Jan 17, 2005
I understand what you are saying, Mara. And I wasn''t trying to knock big diamonds, or SI diamonds, or J diamonds or anything like that. Personally, the color of a diamond doesn''t make that much difference to me, and I don''t feel like it''s "settling" to go with a lower color because I happen to think they can be very pretty. I have recently found, however, that the SI diamonds aren''t for me. Some of the diamonds in the VS category aren''t, either. I look at my diamonds through the loupe quite often, and seeing the inlusions does bug me.

I also understand well the concept "to each his own". That''s fine, too. What ever works. By all means, if a big diamond is what will make you happy, and you can live with it being less than "icy white" or having some inclusions that aren''t noticeable, it''s great.

The concern that I keep having is when I see people encouraging folks to go for the "biggest" stone, regardless. When people ugrade, almost the first question they get asked is "how much bigger did you go?" Not "did you get a better diamond?" And I''m not just talking about here on PS, either. I see that a lot with my friends and family. Granted, when they are talking how much bigger, they are usually upgrading from something like a .5 carat stone to a 1.0 carat stone, and not usually the 2+ and 3+ carat stones that I see frequently on here.

Even some of the upgrades I''ve seen discussed on PS amaze me sometimes. People who have what I already consider to be huge diamonds are on the search for even bigger diamonds! I guess if that''s what people really want, and they can afford it, there''s nothing wrong with that. But I keep seeing references to "shrinkage" and the "upgrade monster" and I do think it can be an addiction, or even an obsession to always keep wanting a bigger diamond.

Maybe I''m personalizing this too much, who knows. I''m in the process of upgrading one of my diamonds, but I haven''t discussed it much publicly on PS, and only privately with a couple of individuals on here. Why? Because I think that many of you will probably think I''m I just traded in a .743 H SI2 for a .76 F VVS1. I don''t have the stone in hand yet, still waitng for WF to ship it out to me. I didn''t go bigger at all, but to what I consider a better quality stone. Actually, the color thing wasn''t even what prompted it. I thought the H color was lovely, and my other diamond is a J which I think is lovely as well. Truth be told, I''m a little nervous that I won''t like the F color! The reason I traded the stones is because I realized that the inclusion in the SI2 bothered me, even though I had to either look through a loupe to see it, or jam the stone right up to my eyeball. Just didn''t want to know there was a speck in my diamond.

A few of my friends that know about the trade have already asked me why I didn''t try to go with a bigger stone. Even my husband said that I could spend more and get a bigger diamond if I wanted, without compromising on the clarity or color. But I really think I''m happpy with the size that I''ve been wearing for the past 14 years. I just wonder if there might not be other people who feel the same as I do, and perhaps feel "pressured" into going with a bigger diamond rather than a smaller diamond with better marks in the other 3 C''s. And before you say "nobody is pressured to do anything around here", remember peer pressure, shrinkage, the upgrade monster, or whatever you want to call it, can be a very powerful motivator! I wonder a lot of times if people keep wanting to go "bigger bigger bigger" all the time because they see everyone else doing it, and feel like they need to keep up or something?

The statments that I posted in this post and my other post are just my observations. Not trying to critisize anyone. I''m not suprised that you felt you needed to justify your choices, though, and I''m sure you won''t be the only one
. Even the idea of size being the thing that''s going to catch people''s attention doesn''t really appeal to me all that much, because I don''t wear my diamonds for other people''s benefit, I wear what I am going to enjoy and be happy with. The heck with everyone else, let ''em get their own damn diamonds!


Jan 17, 2005
Date: 8/7/2005 9:17:20 AM
Author: coconut
GOING off tangent a bit...

but Did anyone buy something that is significantly cheaper than what your boyfriend/fiance could afford?

To rephrase......
Even if you had a budget of $30000... you ended up paying $10000 for your ring???
Initially, on our first diamond purchase, no. We didn''t have much of a budget back then. But over the years, when given the budget and opportunity to upgrade, I''ve pretty much always either declined, or spent the money on something else, or dumped the budget into the savings, invested it somehow, or put it toward our kids'' college funds.

The upshot of all that is, while I don''t have a huge diamond, I have and embarassing amount of riches in my jewelry box consisting of other jewelry and stones. We also have a pretty nice savings account, were able to build and furnish our dream home 3 years ago, and by the end of next year, both of our kids'' college educations should be paid for by the time they reach 18...and their ages are 12 and 6 right now.

My husband is already telling me that he was planning to get me a bigger diamond next year for our 15th wedding anniversary. The jury is still out out whether I even want it. I have been wanting a built-in jacuzzi on the deck, and a koi pond in the back yard. I''m thinking of trying to see if I can barter the upgrade budget for the 15 year anniversary diamond into one or both of


Mar 6, 2005
Date: 8/7/2005 9:57:58 AM
Author: sjz

Date: 8/7/2005 9:17:20 AM
Author: coconut
GOING off tangent a bit...

but Did anyone buy something that is significantly cheaper than what your boyfriend/fiance could afford?

To rephrase......
Even if you had a budget of $30000... you ended up paying $10000 for your ring???
Initially, on our first diamond purchase, no. We didn''t have much of a budget back then. But over the years, when given the budget and opportunity to upgrade, I''ve pretty much always either declined, or spent the money on something else, or dumped the budget into the savings, invested it somehow, or put it toward our kids'' college funds.

The upshot of all that is, while I don''t have a huge diamond, I have and embarassing amount of riches in my jewelry box consisting of other jewelry and stones. We also have a pretty nice savings account, were able to build and furnish our dream home 3 years ago, and by the end of next year, both of our kids'' college educations should be paid for by the time they reach 18...and their ages are 12 and 6 right now.

My husband is already telling me that he was planning to get me a bigger diamond next year for our 15th wedding anniversary. The jury is still out out whether I even want it. I have been wanting a built-in jacuzzi on the deck, and a koi pond in the back yard. I''m thinking of trying to see if I can barter the upgrade budget for the 15 year anniversary diamond into one or both of
You are such a wonderful mother. I love that you take money that your hubby would give to you for things that you want and put the money towards your childrens future education. So sweet!


Jan 17, 2005
Thank you very much for the compliment, Matatora. I don''t know if I deserve it, though. I just try to do what''s right by my kids. Neither my parents or my husband''s parents were able to afford to send us to college, so we both worked our way through school. He went on to medical school after college, and I did nurses training after getting my biology degree. We both had a rough go of it for a few years financially becuase of that, and we are hoping to spare that for our kids. We don''t want them to have to worry about working too many hours at a job while they are trying to go to school, nor do we want them to have a lot of loans and debts to pay off when they finish school.

We do all right. My husband makes a more than adequate salary, and I don''t even need to work right now, so it''s not like we are hurting at all to save the money to pay for their college. It kind of makes me wonder, though, when I hear people talking about how their kids have all these college loans to pay off and all, when I know they make just as much money, if not more, than we do
It makes me wonder what all they spend their money for!

And don''t worry...I''m not! I have a lot of other nice jewlery, just not a big diamond. I have also spent a pretty nice sum of money buying musical instruments over the years, too. I think we live a pretty upscale lifestyle, we are just not what I''d call extravagant


Oct 30, 2002
There definitely is a bit of an obsessive nature about diamonds here on PS. I think people realize that..and I have even said that hanging out on PS gives you a really skewed idea of your ring as compared to other rings in reality, not against other PS''ers. Oh my ring looks so small but then out in the real world I seem like one of the blingiest people I see.

I want a really big honkin'' rock. Not to impress anyone but because I feel like that is what looks best. Well-cut of course. We were at a wedding yesterday and I could see the bride''s e-ring from the audience as she covered her mouth and the like. It looked monstrous. Of course when we were hugging her and congratulating her, I said, I have to see your ring! I could see it winking from the audience. She''s a very exuberant friendly person...she thrusts out her hand and it''s even bigger than I had expected. Something like maybe a 4c princess, but a branded one so very well cut and sparkly, flanked by what seem to be around 1.5c princess cut stones set lower than the center stone and then some other ''stuff'' going on around the whole ring but I didn''t see specfics that just made it pop. Her w-rings were two diamond encrusted Tacori like things (two rings) and all of this on something like a size 4 or 4.5 finger. WOW! It knocked me off my feet. Now many would consider that TOO MUCH but not me. I practically had drool coming out of my mouth. She also had some other jewelry on but my eyes were all on the rock/ring. And that''s mostly my priority. I don''t wear lots of other stuff and if I do it''s not a daily thing. My rings are it for the most part and thats why I don''t mind spending $$ to have what I really want and what I find appealing. It just happens to be bigger.

My first upgrade was from a 1.23 G VS1 shallow spready stone to a 1.29 H SI1 stone that was an almost H&A. I didn''t get any size out of it, the second stone was actually .05mm smaller due to spread, but it was a much more beautiful stone. But from that point on, it''s size! I freely admit it''s an addiction.


Jan 17, 2005

I suppose it''s just an issue of individual tastes and styles that dictate what size stones people prefer. That''s not to say I won''t get "infected" with the shrinkage thing someday. I think that my husband kind of worries about that, considering all the time I''ve spent over the past few months on PS! Maybe he''s thinking "quick, upgrade that girl now, before she gets the sickness!" Just the other day, I was looking at the thread with all the stones that were 3+ carats. I kept saying "Andy, come over here and LOOK at this rock!" I said it so many times that he was starting to look concerned. I finally put him out of his misery by telling him that I didn''t think I''d ever want anything that big, but I just enjoyed looking at them. I actually have tried on my SIL''s huge honking pear, and on MY hand it looks kind of weird and fakey. I have small, kind of boyish looking hands, and too much bling just makes them look even smaller and more boyish somehow. But on her hand, it''s a knockout ring.

I differ with you in other ways, too. You said you don''t wear a lot of jewelry, other than your ering and wedding ring. I actually do wear quite a bit. Not really big or flashy things, but I have a couple of expensive rather blingy watches that I wear all the time, and I always wear bracelets. I have 3 diamond bracelets and some really nice gold ones that I alternate between. I also wear diamond earrings every day and various pendants with diamonds and gemstones. I think that everything I have is pretty understated, but still...if it all had big flashy stones in it, I''d start looking like a poor man''s Liz Taylor or I do dress down pretty much, though. My daily uniform in summer time is capri''s or shorts with tank tops and flip flops, and in winter I wear mostly jeans, black turtlenecks, and boots. If I go out, I almost always wear black. In some ways, I think that my understated wardrobe kind of makes my jewelry stand out and look more blingy.

If I was someone who really didn''t wear a lot of jewelry other than my ering and wedding ring, I might feel differently and want a bigger stone. I don''t know though, because I''ve always been a jewlery person.


Oct 30, 2002
I''m so not a big jewelry person mostly because I can''t deal with putting it all on and taking it off and the like. It''s not because I don''t love drooling over beautiful pieces. But I am trying to branch out a bit more with a few more earrings and a cool RHR or something over the next few years. Figure I need something for more formal events. I dress very casually as well, jeans and flip flops or the like so I also totally agree that wearing some bling with a more casual dress is kind of fun and stands out even more. I bet people probably think some of it is fake too, which is funny!


Jan 17, 2005
Date: 8/7/2005 2:48:44 PM
Author: Mara
I''m so not a big jewelry person mostly because I can''t deal with putting it all on and taking it off and the like. It''s not because I don''t love drooling over beautiful pieces. But I am trying to branch out a bit more with a few more earrings and a cool RHR or something over the next few years. Figure I need something for more formal events. I dress very casually as well, jeans and flip flops or the like so I also totally agree that wearing some bling with a more casual dress is kind of fun and stands out even more. I bet people probably think some of it is fake too, which is funny!

Oh, I totally agree about people thinking it might be fake! I have this one bangle bracelet that my mom and dad bought me several years ago. The stones aren''t really all that big, but they sparkle like mad. I don''t wear it as much as some of my other bracelets, because I''m not that much of a bangle person (I think they bang around too much). But I get lots of compliments when I wear it. A few times, though, I''ve had people grab my wrist and say things like "is that REAL???" It used to embarass me a bit, and I go "nah, just a fake". But I''m not that self-conscious anymore, so I cop to it being real if anyone asks. I have a blue topaz and diamond pendant that is HUGE, and everytime I wore that one, people used to ask me if I got that when I was on the That was back when the movie came out, and it sort of resembled the pendant that girl was wearing in the movie, I guess. Most people just assumed it was a fake, and I never usually bothered to correct them. I haven''t worn that pendant in a long time, just because it WAS too blingy. It was one of those gifts from my hubby that I never truly got "into" that much. But he bought it on a trip to Atlanta once, and I couldn''t return it or upgrade it because I don''t live near Atlanta! I''ve since had a talk with him about buying my gifts at stores where I can at least exchange it if I really don''t like it, or possibly upgrade it down the road.

On a side note, because of the way I normally dress, I''ve had sales people in upscale stores kind of ignore me in the past
. I hate that! Even though I wear jeans and fairly casual clothes for the most part, they aren''t shabby, nor are they cheap! Even my flip flops are I''ve had sales people totally ignore me when I was practically the only customer in the store, then go running right over to some lady in a business suit and heels who came in after me. At that point I''ll usually just walk out and take my business elsewhere. I notice, though, the older I get the less it happens. Must of one of the advantages of getting

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Date: 8/7/2005 9:57:58 AM
Author: sjz

My husband is already telling me that he was planning to get me a bigger diamond next year for our 15th wedding anniversary. The jury is still out out whether I even want it. I have been wanting a built-in jacuzzi on the deck, and a koi pond in the back yard. I''m thinking of trying to see if I can barter the upgrade budget for the 15 year anniversary diamond into one or both of

now that''s my kind of upgrade.
just had my koi pond refinish.if you decide to built one,i can give you some tips.people think dogs and cats are expensive,it''s common for a imported japaness koi to cost 2k and time i was quoted $25k for one fish.


Jun 17, 2005
I think that if your priorities are in the right place and you have the money and want someone, go for it.

People''s snide remarks show their issues. It is hard not to be upset, but try to consider the source.

I have gotten my second upgrade and it is quite large. I have had people yank at my hand, show all the people standing around us, ask how large it is and how much it cost...unreal. I have noticed people staring and trying to look like they are not. Bottom line, I got it because I want it (and think I was Liz Taylor in another life) and NOT to impress others. It makes me happy. DH just does not get it but he understands that I love jewels. I do get a bit uncomfortable if someone puts their own stone down after seeing mine. I agree that though bigger in our lives now usually means better, a bigger ring does not mean your hubby loves you more, and no rock is worth a bad marriage. Also, HEALTH and LOVE are what matter, a ring may be pretty but won''t cuddle you at night. As long as you keep that in mind, the rest is gravy!!!


Jul 22, 2002
Oops - double post.


Jul 22, 2002
Date: 8/7/2005 1:43:01 PM
Author: sjz
and in winter I wear mostly jeans, black turtlenecks, and boots. If I go out, I almost always wear black. In some ways, I think that my understated wardrobe kind of makes my jewelry stand out and look more blingy.
Hah! You sound just like me. I''ve always said my wardrobe is just a back drop for my jewelry. And, with understanded dress, it''s true.


Oct 8, 2004
I never feel guilty for wearing my ring or loving it. It''s not about the size of the diamond, it''s the commitment and promise which it symbolizes that it important anyway. Upgrade or first ring, it has meaning. My first ring meant that my husband wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. My upgrade symbolizes that even though now he knows all my little quirks, he still wants to spend the rest of his life with me. Carat size does not detract from symbolism.


Mar 13, 2005
Nope! Not at all! Of my family and friends, i have the biggest rock so far. My wedding set is 4.43 ctw of round diamonds: 2.57 ct round center stone (H, SI2) .36 ctw sides (G-H, VS2) and a 1.5 ctw eternity ring (G-H, SI1-SI2). But I am more into jewelry than they are, and I have a fascination for diamonds. But I am usually the first to compliment people on their jewelry, especially when it''s an e-ring or wedding band. My husband and I researched and saved for a while, so the wait was excruciating! But it was well worth it. I am very proud and grateful.

Beautiful jewelry are meant to adorn the body, so wear them well!


Oct 30, 2002
Date: 8/10/2005 1:18:26 AM
Author: platinumrock
Nope! Not at all! Of my family and friends, i have the biggest rock so far. My wedding set is 4.43 ctw of round diamonds: 2.57 ct round center stone (H, SI2) .36 ctw sides (G-H, VS2) and a 1.5 ctw eternity ring (G-H, SI1-SI2). But I am more into jewelry than they are, and I have a fascination for diamonds. But I am usually the first to compliment people on their jewelry, especially when it''s an e-ring or wedding band. My husband and I researched and saved for a while, so the wait was excruciating! But it was well worth it. I am very proud and grateful.

Beautiful jewelry are meant to adorn the body, so wear them well!
Platinum Rock please post your rings in the SMTR...They soundss divine!!


Mar 13, 2005
Date: 8/10/2005 1:22:23 AM
Author: Mara

Date: 8/10/2005 1:18:26 AM
Author: platinumrock
Nope! Not at all! Of my family and friends, i have the biggest rock so far. My wedding set is 4.43 ctw of round diamonds: 2.57 ct round center stone (H, SI2) .36 ctw sides (G-H, VS2) and a 1.5 ctw eternity ring (G-H, SI1-SI2). But I am more into jewelry than they are, and I have a fascination for diamonds. But I am usually the first to compliment people on their jewelry, especially when it''s an e-ring or wedding band. My husband and I researched and saved for a while, so the wait was excruciating! But it was well worth it. I am very proud and grateful.

Beautiful jewelry are meant to adorn the body, so wear them well!
Platinum Rock please post your rings in the SMTR...They soundss divine!!

Hi Mara, don''t get your hopes up too high though! You might be disappointed! Compared to the super ideally cut sparkly bling blings on here, talks about stats and data, scopes, light performance etc, it can be very intimidating. But my husband and I owe it to you and the Pricescope community for giving us the tools to be "smart diamond shoppers". We''re so happy that we got the best value without jeopardizing our future (mortgage, car upgrades, vacations). Not too shabby for a first e-ring and for someone in her mid-twenties

I will try to post some photos in the SMTR once I get some decent shots. I don''t have the best digicam, but you''ll get the idea.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
I do feel guilty all the time. My ring is bigger than both of our moms and all my friends. Sometimes it is akward. But I do love it and wouldn''t trade it for the world but I know how you are feeling.
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