
Do you eat breakfast?


Apr 28, 2008
I usually grab a Luna bar and cup of coffee before running out--I realized I was always exhausted in the mornings because I just wasn't eating enough for energy. I've started eating a more solid breakfast, and its made a huge difference. How about you? Do you eat breakfast?
Yep! Every day! I make an egg, veggie-sausage, and cheese sandwich on a multi-grain english muffin. If I didn't, I'd probably be asleep at my desk by 9:30am! I truly believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day!
I never used to but for the last 6 months I have eaten a cinnamon toaster strudell and coffee---every morning without fail. Instead of gaining weight (bc its fattening) I have shrunk to a size 2. Yayyy :bigsmile:
Yep I eat breakfast everyday, most of time its just cereal, but I have daily pills I have to take and I have to eat to take I dont miss breakfast!
Yes. I usually have cheerios and fresh fruit.
Yep! I'm a hypoglycemic and would be a mess if I didn't eat first thing every morning!

I try to keep a wide variety of things on hand, but sometimes I don't even eat breakfast foods for breakfast..
Yes. Every day for breakfast I have orange juice and eat something with protein. Egg, cheese, smoked whitefish or plain yogurt. I also eat a mid-morning snack that has protein - any of the foods I already mentioned or nuts, hummus or nut butter. The protein is important to regulate blood sugar and also to prevent cravings for unhealthy food that has no or minimal nutritious value.
Yes, everyday. Usually reduced fat peanut butter on whole wheat with tea and a banana.
Definitely. I usually eat scrambled egg or oatmeal with a sliced banana in it. Truthfully, I would rather have sourdough toast
with butter and maybe jam, but that would give me a bigger butt so I try to refrain. Yada yada yada, plus it's white bread.
I never used to- but the fast few weeks I have started a routine of having breakfast in the morning.
Does coffee count? :bigsmile:

I can't eat breakfast. It makes me ten times hungrier throughout the day. If I eat something for breakfast, big or small, around 8, I'm guaranteed to be starving by 10. And then noon. And so on. I'll need to eat pretty much every other hour thereafter.

I'm sure that means that my metabolism has been boosted or something beneficial, but I just can't.
Yes- usually cereal, multigrain Eggos, or wholewheat bread and cheese.
My favorite meal of the day, in fact I could eat breakfast 3x a day!
I grab a sandwich daily and wash it down with a latte. Can't function well without breakfast... All the diamonds look a bit more included...

Yup. Protein load. Gets me thru my day. Must. eat. breaky.

Yes and no. I used to just drink tea in the AM. THen I started doing toast with PB & banana. Then I went back to just tea. Now I do cereal because I like something on the sweet side. But you all inspired me, I"m prepping steel cut oatmeal now for breakie tomorrow AM.

luv2sparkle|1316050658|3017893 said:
Definitely. I usually eat scrambled egg or oatmeal with a sliced banana in it. Truthfully, I would rather have sourdough toast
with butter and maybe jam, but that would give me a bigger butt so I try to refrain. Yada yada yada, plus it's white bread.

Wow, lots of of breakfast eaters! And so many breakfast ideas. :naughty: Now I'm even more inspired. Perhaps I'll go to bed early so that breakfast will come even sooner. :halo:
Nope. Never. But I don't keep a "normal" schedule and I'm never hungry until midday. My last meal is usually dinner between 8 and 9 o'clock. I've always been this way and it's worked well for me so I don't intend to change unless my life circumstances demand it.
I have to, if I don't I end up fainting. I have to eat every 3 hours. I am better now but it used to be that if 4 hours passed without eating I would end up on the floor unconscious.

It really sucks, but I wake up really hungry and have to eat immediately on waking up. At that time I am still a zombie, you do not want to see the mess that occurs if I try to do cook something like oatmeal. So I usually eat some bread with margarine or some leftovers from the day before.

Sometimes I will eat something small and then make an omelet with tomatoes, spinach, a bit of Parmesan and some smoked ham. Really great.
Bunny007|1316053359|3017933 said:
Does coffee count? :bigsmile:

I can't eat breakfast. It makes me ten times hungrier throughout the day. If I eat something for breakfast, big or small, around 8, I'm guaranteed to be starving by 10. And then noon. And so on. I'll need to eat pretty much every other hour thereafter.

This is how I am too. When I first wake up I have coffee and I usually cannot even think of food but when I do eat early I am hungry all day. Not sure why that is but I am good till I eat. However nowadays I eat much earlier than I used to. I wake up at 4:45 AM during the weekdays and usually eat a banana and almonds around 8AM at work but then I am basically eating small meals all day long. I used to not eat anything till the afternoon but these days I need to eat earlier. During the weekend when I wake up a bit later it's also the same thing. I cannot eat for about 3 hours from when I first wake up and as soon as I do eat something I start getting hungrier.

My favorite thing though is to eat "breakfast" for dinner- scrambled eggs and whole wheat toast yummm! :lickout:
Yes, a cup of tea and either toast and butter or crumpets and butter. I feel awful if I don't have breakfast.
I do. I can't eat a ton of carbs though. I need protein so I usually eat eggs.
To me, it's the most important meal of the day. I often skip lunch, so if I didn't eat a decent breakfast, I'd never make it til dinner. It's also one of my fav. food groups!
Every day, I get cranky otherwise! Most days I make an egg and cheese sandwich, but occasionally I will grab cereal. I tend to get hungry much more quickly when I have cereal vs. a high protein breakfast though.
When I started eating breakfast and drink 3 liters of water a day I lost 10 pounds without exercise.
Yea but it's not exactly healthy everyday.
Oh yes, my word! I can't function without breaky! If I'm pushed for time a few pieces of wholemeal toast and Vegemite and a banana usually does the trick, but I mostly start the day with a biiiiiiiig bowl of porridge with honey and fresh strawberries... mmmmmm :lickout: On weekends after going to the gym I like eggs and baked beans on toast with some fruit and yoghurt. I'm a big breaky eater.

It's 11:30pm here, and now I'm really looking forward to the morning so I can eat my breakfast! :bigsmile:
Protien shake every morning... Snack before lunch is usually yogurt or banana. I love eggs but they require grits. Next thing I know breKfast is only on the weekends... Do I indulge in more.... No sweets for breakfast ever... I just have a glycemic crash afterwards...

My eating habits are pretty much the opposite of what the books tout - the idea of forcing anything down before about noon makes my stomach churn just thinking about it! I do have a mug of herbal tea every morning when I get to work.

Lunch is usually light - fruit and yoghurt, or some oatmeal, or soup... DH and make a big dinner every couple of days and have the leftovers for dinner the next day.