
Do you answer your door?

Do you answer your door?

  • Yes

    Votes: 29 42.0%
  • No

    Votes: 40 58.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Apr 30, 2005
I don't.


Everyone we know knows to call first, even the next door neighbors - because we've told everyone this is not the 1950s.

That means every surprise ring of our doorbell means someone is after something . . . either money or souls.
I can be even sitting and playing the piano, so they know I'm home, and I still ignore the bell.
Eventually they stop and leave.

Back when I used to answer the door not a single visitor came to give me money, food, love or even a hug.
Not one single one.
So, why open the door?

Do you answer your door?
It depends....

If I'm at my parents house me and my mom have a good 1 minute stare down in order to decide who will answer....sometimes we call it a draw and nobody answers.

When I'm at mine and SO's house...I NEVER answer. I actually feel very safe in the neighborhood as it is a gated community but SO's mom is a crazy B and I wont put anything past her (aka when she decided she would try to come into our house by attempting to pry off the window screen).
Yes, I answer my door when FH is home or during the daytime. I wouldn't answer it if I was home at night by myself. You're right in that more often than not it's people who want to ask me for money, but there is the odd occasion when it might be something else.

I always answer it back home because people do tend to drop in all the time, and I actually enjoy their visits.
mayerling|1310683223|2969149 said:
Yes, I answer my door when FH is home or during the daytime. I wouldn't answer it if I was home at night by myself. You're right in that more often than not it's people who want to ask me for money, but there is the odd occasion when it might be something else.

I always answer it back home because people do tend to drop in all the time, and I actually enjoy their visits.

I love visits too, but I've told them to call first.
Depends. I look out the window to see who it is. If it's a little kid selling candy, then yes I will open the door and buy a chocolate bar. Yum! But if it's a teenager or adult, then no.
I always do. It never occurred to me to not open it. I live in a small town (~14,000 and falling) and there's little to no crime. Fi's mom also lives upstairs from us, needs a moderate amount of care, and refuses to use her phone. So, I have to answer the door, or the window, as the case may be.
We live in a gated community, so about 3/4 of the time I answer the door: it's usually a family member who has dropped by on the way somewhere else, or a delivery. I also feel zero guilt if I don't answer the door, because anyone who really, really needs to see us a) has a key, or b) knows to call my cell phone if I don't answer the door.

I also only answer the phone if I recognize the telephone number. Everyone else can leave a message.
My reason for not opening our door has never been concern about crime, unless seeking sales or souls is a crime.
I usually answer the door. We recently moved to an area that I consider pretty safe, and it is gated, so far we have not had any solicitors at the door. It's usually just a neighbor's kid wanting to know if my kids can come out to play. The closest thing to "soliciting" was the neighbor's gardener, asking if we needed gardening services.
Always. We have an open door policy with friends and family, and if they stop by on a whim, that's fine by me.

However, I should add...I look first before opening the door. I make sure I know whose on the other side, safety first.
Our door is half glass, but I always answer it in the daytime because we receive parcels a few times a week. I have never ever bought anything (goods, services, etc.) at the door and have no trouble saying "Not interested!" and closing my door promptly. Or if I can clearly see it is a salesperson, I don't bother at all.

I never ever answer the phone though, unless it is one of my kids or husband. No other exceptions. ;))
If I'm where i can see, I check to see who's there first -- as you say, Kenny, it's so often souls or money. In general I usually answer. In one house we had, nobody who knew us ever used the front door -- when that bell rang it had to be somebody selling magazines.

I frequently don't answer the phone. That's what voicemail is for!
I just started not answering the door because of the same reasons as you described. All that come to our door are solicitors and teenagers selling newspapers for college. At first, we signed up for the newspapers and then the newspaper started billing us even though the teenager said they wouldn't. I don't remember the exact circumstances but they were contrary to what was stated. I feel bad, though, I wish they would sell candy bars!
I rarely do, though I always check to see who it is (on rare occasion, I've had friends pop by).
I don't. I live in an apartment building in a decent neighborhood, but the access isn't controlled - anyone can just walk in, go up the stairs, and knock on my door. So I don't answer the door unless I know someone has been invited!
I answer the door. It it almost always ups or fedex bringing me gemstones, or neighbors bringing me cake. I live in a large town of 8 million people, but my neighborhood is very small townish, and my building is as well. Also we have awesome security. Keyed elevator and stairwells, with different keys for each floor.
Unless I can see who it is through the peephole thing and it's someone I want to talk to, no I do not answer the door. My neighborhood is reasonably safe but as far as I'm concerned no neighborhood is safe. A boy in Brooklyn was just found dismembered after attempting to walk seven blocks home from his day camp by a neighbor who abducted him. You never know what is lurking around the corner.
Only on Halloween. And, of course, whenever I'm expecting a package. So, I only answer the door for fun stuff.
If I'm busy doing something I won't answer the door if I'm not expecting someone I know, otherwise yes, I'll answer.
Friends and family call first unless they are passing by.
One of my dogs is from a K9 personal protection academy, I never worry about answering the door with her here, she gives me peace of mind.
Unless I know who it is, I don't answer.
I'm with Kenny 100% on this one.
I live in a suburb with very little crime, but NEVER answer the door. If SO is around, he answers it.
I watch enough crime shows to know that many times a raper, robber, etc. is let into the house simply by ringing the bell and giving a phony story.
Never. Everyone who knows us knows to call first even if they wait until they're around the corner to call. It's never good when someone just shows up.
Nope, never, for the same reasons you mention, as well as safety concerns. That said, I'm in an access-controlled apartment building now so it isn't an issue for the time being.
Nope, I never answer the door (except for trick-or-treaters).

We have a solid door with no windows, just a tiny peep hole, so I can always peer out and see who it is without being seen myself.
If I'm home alone, under no circumstance do I open the door.

If my husband is home, he'll likely answer it, and there is less than a 1% chance that I will. I am completely paranoid, admittedly, but I just don't see a good reason to do it. I don't want to join your religious group, buy your vacuum, or get an estimate on windows!
Absolutely not.

I live alone and if someone I know is at the door, I should know about it! I don't live close to many friends so they wouldn't make the trek without calling first.

Plus, it's so annoying to have to listen to the schpeel about whatever they want me to buy. Also I don't live in the um.. safest neighborhood so I'm pretty sure when the doorbell rings at 10pm and my porch light is OFF, you are not wanting to just say hi!
I answer the door during the day because it might be UPS or FedEx or the USPS with a package. And it can even be safer to do that. Most burglaries in our neighborhood (big city but safe neighborhood) happen during the day, and the burglars knock first to make sure no one is home. If someone answers, they go elsewhere because they don't want to confront anyone. Several people have even surprised burglars in their house because the burglar knocks, then when there is no answer, goes ahead and breaks in. I think the best idea is to check and see who it is, and make sure they know someone is home even if you'r not going to open the door. You can always say "I'm not interested" through the door. It also helps to have a big dog with a big bark, which we do.
I do sometimes but look through my peephole first. If it's not someone I know - then I don't open it.
I must live in the same neighborhood as Kenny, soul savers, sales people and someone wanting a signature and a donation for their cause. I work from home and every ring of the doorbell is a distraction and drives me nutso! I live in a large-ish city and my neighborhood is safe, kind of like a small town. Lately Ive been hearing of break ins where the burglars knock on the door first, then if no one answers they break in. So now instead of not answering I look out the front window so the can see me and I wave to acknowledge them and go straight back to work--HA! I'm passed the point in my life where I worry if people think I'm crazy, rude or nuts..they're strangers knocking on my door I and I don't care what they think! Plus this new way of doing it makes sure I don't miss important deliveries of say, jewelry... Lol.

Anyway, all neighbors and friends come to my back door...they used to call first but I don't answer the phone either. :0)
I do but I always make sure to only open it far enough for me to step out and I then shut the door behind me. Having the screen door that opens outward forces anybody to step back ensuring that they can't push past me into the house. If they're standing there with the screen door open then no way!