
distressed about SI1

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Apr 4, 2006
I purchased a ~1.5ct G SI1 $11000, with a cloud in the table (I did not know it had a cloud when i purchased it). You cannot see any inclusions from the crown(top view), but you can easily see the cloud from 6 inches (without a loupe) from the pavilion and from a side-view. I was thinking about mounting it in a setting very similar to Michael B''s micro pave rings. I just received the diamond a few days ago but considering sending it back. Any takers for opinion? It looks beautiful but I am worried that my GF will see the inclusion (from the side) and not like it.
Eye clean is graded from the top down, so its possible to see some vs stones that have visible inclusions from the side (I did when diamond searching). My current si1 stone has a small inclusion that you can see from the side if you reeeeeealy look close and hard and know its there, but 99.9% of the time you cant see it, so it doesnt bother me. And I am usually a super anal person. So if you dont feel the inclusion will be "hidden" by the setting enough that your GF may not like it, you may want to consider exchanging it. since you are spending a lot of money you need to be confident in the stone you choose! as they say around here you need a "mind" clean stone, one whose inclusions dont keep you up at night!

jmho, as i am no expert. let us know what you decide!
4 prong? 6 prong?

Is it possible for it to be mounted (maybe parallel to the shank) so that it''s not visible if she''s looking between the prongs vertically to the shank?
4 prong? 6 prong?

Is it possible for it to be mounted (maybe parallel to the shank) so that it''s not visible if she''s looking between the prongs vertically to the shank?

I am not sure what you mean there. I was thinking about a 4 prong. By mounting it "parallel to the shank" do you mean having the diamond sunken into the band so that the band and diamond are at the same level?? could you please explain.

this is what i was thinking about?
it is the ring in the link without the bridge around the prongs.
If the gaps between the prongs are NSEW, then parallel to the shank is EW and vertical to the shank is NS

When it's on her finger, she'll only see NS gaps, not the EW gaps.

If you do have the bridge/basket setting, it might cover up enough of the inclusion.
Are you sure you are not seeing the girdle reflection? I thought for the longest time that I was looking at an inclusion when I looked through the pavilion of my original diamond, and it was only the girdle reflection! Did you see a copy of the certificate before ordering this diamond? If so it should have had inclusions marked on there.

If it is an inclusion and you think it would worry her, I''d send it back. There are plenty more where that one came from. My husband is getting me a new diamond because I have never been happy having an SI (plus the cut isn''t great either). The inclusions just bother me. Some people could care less. But I am getting a VS this time and hope it will look clean with a loupe!
If it looks like these, it is girdle reflection.

Am I the only one that thinks that $11000 sounds like too much?
$11k for a 1.5 G SI1 is not bad at all if it is ideal. Heem, I gave my girl a 1.7 ct ACA that has SI2 clarity, but it doesn''t bother her at all. If you look the right way (very close), you can actually see 2 little dots from the top view, but only me and her know that they are there. You can also see inclusions through the side if you look very closely, but noone will ever see them. If you get a diamond that sparkles like crazy (AGS000), she will probably care less about possibly seeing an inclusion through the pavilion.
We talk alot about a phrase coined here by Dancing Fire - mindclean versus eyeclean. You know your future fiancee best - whether or not the inclusion can be hidden by a prong or by the setting - if she ends up finding it, is she the type of person that will be bothered knowing it''s there? If the answer is yes, then exchange the stone. Better now than later. Some people like inclusions, like birthmarks on their stone. Others go bonkers when they can see one. You know best which category she would fall into. Go from there. Good luck.
That''s true FireGoddess, but my girlfriend is extremely picky and I defenitely thought that she would make a fuss over the inclusions when I was pointing them out to her. Like I said, if you buy an ideal cut, such as an ACA, odds are she will be too busy staring at the sparkle, rather than worrying about possibly seeing an inclusion through the pavilion (just my 2cents). Also, 1.7 is considered big in my area, so she was overwelmed by the size also; so that factor might come into play. Heem, is there a viewing period and return policy on the diamond?
I hear ya on that Pahoyafan. I've just known too many people that, when the diamond 'honeymoon period' wears off....they drive themselves bonkers with what *used* to be 'the perfect' stone for them, flaws and all.
thanks for all the great replies..i am starting to feel a bit more ok about the diamond. first, I am sure it is an inclusion because it is noted on the GIA cert. It is a GIA Excellent cut, as for the viewing period, i still have 2 weeks to send it back. There is another diamond that I was also interested in. what are you opinions of the two below.
I purchased the first one, the second diamond (1.55ct is also an SI1 and I was not able to see anything in it, it''s cert said that it had twining wisps (other than that it looked clean to me), the cuts are a little different as you can see below. Please let me know your opinions? thanks

1.62 G SI1
GIA cert
cut: excellent
pol/sym: EX/VG
flouro: none
table: 55%
depth: 61.4%
crown ang: 35
crown %: 16%
pavilion ang: 40.6
pavilion %: 42.6%
girdle: Thin to medium
culet: none
measurements: 7.55-7.6x 4.65mm
price: $11,100
HCA: .8

1.55 G SI1
GIA cert
cut: excellent
pol/sym: EX/EX
flouro: none
table: 55%
depth: 62%
crown ang: 35
crown %: 16%
pavilion %: 43.5%
culet: none
measurements: 7.43-7.5x 4.63mm
price: 11,200
HCA: 3.5
i got a call from the guy who has the 1.55ct and he said that he has another buyer lined up if i dont want it, so i have to make a decision by today. ANy help between the two diamonds???

First are the stones from the same seller?

Second do you have the financial ability to buy the second diamond (1.55) and keep the first?
-Not permenantly but then you can look at the diamonds side by side and still have the 2 weeks to return the one you like the least.

Ideally if you have the means thats what I would do as long as they are a well respected seller or PS distributer that you trust the return policy.

Just my opinion,

You could even through it on credit if you have the ability because you only need the stone for a day to look at it and then hopefully you wouuld be credited back as soon as you sent the other stone back. You would only loose out on the shipping and the insurance. But. . . . I would defiantely inquire about how the refund is given and the timeline so you don''t get stuck with 11k on your card and not get the credit to your account before the payment is due.


I know very little about angles and diamonds by the numbers so I was going on a purely visual evaluation. If the numbers of diamond 2 don''t warrant the stone being called in PLEASE SOMEONE CORRECT ME!!!!

Date: 5/2/2006 1:08:56 PM
Author: Heem11
i got a call from the guy who has the 1.55ct and he said that he has another buyer lined up if i dont want it, so i have to make a decision by today. ANy help between the two diamonds???
I do not see the pav angle listed on #2, but with an HCA of 3.5, it is probably not great, esp for $11K+. Let it go...

As far as #1 goes, it looked good on paper. I would want to find out if you have an eagle eye for inclusions or if you just caught a bad one. Are most GIA/AGS Si1 eye clean to you? They certainly are to me, even from the side (I''m 40). Does Si1 generally work for you, or just this Si1 did not? If not satisfactory to you, send it back while you can. After your options are over, it will only look worse.

There are more fish in the sea...

I would not consider #2 (if the HCA is correct). If you think inclusions on #1 will bother your girlfriend, then why not consider looking at H VS2? I think the sales pressure is ploy to get you to make a hasty decision. I don't know how many days you've had this stone, but the vendors I've talked to gave me 10-30 days for unconditional return. There are many more diamonds out there and I would look for a better stone if you feel uncertain about this one.
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