


Dec 19, 2015
Hello all,
I have read through various forum topics. At some point I may have saw something about discounts for pscopers. I cannot recall where I saw this. I have tried to relocate but I cannot seem to find anything when I am looking. Does anyone know this to be true? If so can I have a list of the possible discounted locations? Like Ja message Allen for example. I did read that James Allen will offer a discount. Are there others?


Aug 18, 2013
Hi again, Vangrocks :)

I've been following your posts and notice that you now have 5 topics going. Can I suggest that you use just one topic and stay with it? Jumping all over the boards makes it hard for people to follow your journey with you and give you the info you need.

Re discounts; most places offer a wire discount, though that's normally only around 2-3%. JA has a return customer discount, but I'm not sure how much - 3/4/5%? I know you're considering upgrading, but are you in a position to pay double what you've paid for your current stone?

Alternately, Pricescope has a 'sell your diamond' function where you can enter the diamond's info and people jewelers can contact you directly if they're interested in your stone. That option might work for you, though I have no idea how successful or not it is. Here's the link, anyway....

Let us know if you decide to sell or to try to trade up. Otherwise, I'd suggest you try to find a setting for your stone that you love and enjoy what you have.

Wishing you the very best of luck!


Dec 19, 2015
Thank you mrs-blog for all your help. This is the only forum I have ever been active in. As evidence shows I grew impatient (from lack of experience) and went a little posting crazy. You see the first post I made it received one reply. That reply told me GIA certified was not enough info for the cushion cut. Then no replys. I responded to that person with a question in attempts to continge in the conversation. But no replies. So that is when I started a new post and it worked. I received many replies. So I just kept creating more posts to keep them going.
So when I still have questions and a recent post no longer seems to be getting any replies. How do I pick that post up again or how can I go about having my questions answered?
I guess I am just fumbling around on this. The urge to upgrade comes from the experience I have with this ring. It is not my original set. With my original set it is a long not so good of a story right from the beginning. The original jewelers all the way through to the insurance claim where it turns out there was a lot wool that was pulled in the beginning. I didnt think I had any options and turns out I have unlimited options. So with everything that went on there are a lot of not so great memories tied to this ring. Hence the interest in "upgrading" or in other words "replacing" might be more descriptive. I don't even know how interested at this very moment I really am. I need to do some more learning before I seriously commit. So far I feel as though I am in the right place for learning :D


Dec 19, 2015


Nov 7, 2015
Assuming you are ok with K color, this stone is beatiful with ideal proportions. Check out this video for K color.

You almost got it right on the first try. It is almost, because the stone is graded by IGI. Nearly all PSers only consider stones graded by GIA or AGS. Search IGI and you will find many threads on IGI. If it were graded by GIA, it would be an amazing find under $10000.

James Allen does not provide you with ASET images. They only provide Idealscope images for some stones. You just have to ask the customer service. They stopped this service during the busy holiday season,but it may resume anytime. If you want ASET images, narrow your search to include AGS graded stones only. AGS platinum report itself includes a computer generated ASET, which serves as added assurance. Of course, premier vendors such as GOG,WF, and BG provide their own ASET images in addition to other reports and exellent upgrade policy, at a premium.


Jan 3, 2016
I'm new to all this, what is an ASET image and does Blue Nile provide them?
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