
Dinnerware help

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Mar 28, 2006
We have started registering, and I need some help. What type of dinnerware (bone china, porcelain, earthenware, stoneware) is best for everyday use? Crate and Barrel has a bone china that I love, and Pottery Barn has something similar that is earthenware. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
I just googled this- but have read about this before:

Bone china is extremely strong and durable despite its delicate appearance. This fine china is comprised of kaolin clay, feldspar, quartz, and bone-ash. It is fired at extremely high temperatures, making it nonporous. Thin and lightweight, this dinnerware is chip-resistant and has a smooth appearance. Though naturally white, bone china is available in a wide variety of beautiful patterns and colors at Borsheims. Bone china''s durability makes it an available option for everyday use as well as formal occasions.

Porcelain is made of the same materials as bone china, but without bone ash, and naturally tends to be off-white or ivory in color. Though porcelain is thin and light in weight, it is extremely strong and durable, making it suitable for daily as well as formal use.

Eartchenware- Also known as stoneware or pottery, this dinnerware is either made on a potter''s wheel or through a molding process. Since it is thicker than porcelain, earthenware is better able to retain heat and is the heaviest type of dinnerware. Although earthenware is suitable for daily use, it is more prone to chipping than porcelain. Most often used in casual settings, earthenware''s beautiful designs can create a formal and elegant table.
Date: 11/30/2006 10:41:58 AM
We have started registering, and I need some help. What type of dinnerware (bone china, porcelain, earthenware, stoneware) is best for everyday use? Crate and Barrel has a bone china that I love, and Pottery Barn has something similar that is earthenware. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
I just registered for a casual bone china pattern and plan on using it everyday. I have friend who went the earthenware route, a pretty square shaped pattern from Crate and Barrel, she got married 11/05, and her stuff is already chipping.
Thanks so much for the great information. I prefer the pattern of the bone china so I am happy to hear that it is more durable and suitable for everyday use. Crate and Barrel here I come!
I have the Staccato porcelain china from Crate and Barrel. My big thing was making sure it was dishwasher and microwave safe. I''ve been using it for 6 months and love it.
When I moved in my FI had tons of earthenware from IKEA and let me tell you, that stuff is completely chipped up. It looks nice, it just does not hold up.

We registered for a set of porcelain dinnerware from Williams-Sonoma. It''s dishwasher, microwave, and oven safe. I wanted basic white dishes because they are classic, and you can mix and match them with everything. I think everyone needs at least one set of good white porcelain! Mine is the "everyday restaurant" 30 piece set, and I registered for 2, so 12 place settings.

P.S. someone already bought them off of my registry -- I am such a registry stalker now!


I think the reason people usually get stoneware/earthenware for everyday is it''s not that expensive, so when you get bored with it you can replace it... but honestly, it doesn''t hold up, so you HAVE to replace it... If you like the bone china the best, go for it.

I''ve had lots of stoneware from C&B and it''s all chipped, crazed, and cracked.
We registered for porcelain from Crate and Barrel and now it''s all on backorder. This makes me sad. Should I worry?
Date: 11/30/2006 12:13:00 PM
Author: AmberWaves
We registered for porcelain from Crate and Barrel and now it''s all on backorder. This makes me sad. Should I worry?
i wouldn''t worry. i had several of my glasswares go out of production. when this happened we received an email and ample time to purchase the items ourselves.
This is great info. Thanks ladies! I was wondering the same thing about what to get. I''ve seen bone china in such a wide variety of prices. Does anyone know what the difference in quality is? Excluding designer china, I see some 5 piece sets for $200 and some 5 piece sets for $30 and they''re all described as bone china. And how come some bone china is microwave, freezer, oven and dishwasher safe but some aren''t? What''s the difference?
I refuse to have any eartheware in my kitchen. I recieve it as gifts on occasion and am quick to return it and get something made of either bone china or porcelain. Even if its a mug-- won't keep it. I can't stand the stuff... it chips way to easily.

As for pricing differences Crown Jewel... quality depends on the maker and the pattern much more than the price. I had some GREAT Mikasa bone china... the extra hard or whatever designation they have and it was fairly inexpensive and held up great. I sold it to though when the pattern was discontinued because I didn't want to keep it if I couldn't expand/replace any longer. So I bought Wedgwood White... it's a lifetime pattern for them and once a year they offer buy two place settings get two free on their white patterns. So I got them for something crazy like... 35 bucks a place setting. Regularly 70 at Bed, bath, beyond. And I bought 16 place settings for myself. It's classic, I can add to it and it can be dressed up with chargers or accent plates. 35 bucks a place setting is cheaper than Target's porcelain sets.

Oh and my Wedgwood is dishwasher/microwave... you name it safe.
That was truly fantastic advice Gypsy. Thank you SO much. I was wondering if there were any patterns that NEVER got discontinued. Good to know they do exist! And that''s a great price for such sturdy dinnerware! I was actually going to get stoneware because of the price, but I think I''ll go look at Wedgewood now! Thanks again!!!
That was truly fantastic advice Gypsy. Thank you SO much. I was wondering if there were any patterns that NEVER got discontinued. Good to know they do exist! And that''s a great price for such sturdy dinnerware! I was actually going to get stoneware because of the price, but I think I''ll go look at Wedgewood now! Thanks again!!!
You are welcome Crown Jewel. I don't know what type of pattern you are looking for... but FYI any pattern with a gold/platinum rim isn't going to be microwave safe-- so for me that was out for everyday sets.
This is my set... many companies carry similar sets... but Wedgwood was the one that had the sale/promotion PLUS the lifetime pattern designation I wanted.

Thanks again Gypsy. I figured that for an everyday/"everyway" set of dinnerware, I'd have to stay away from gold/plat rims. I like simple setting with maybe a little embossing like this "white pearl" set from crate and barrel: link

Gypsy, I''m looking on the website. Is this where you ordered your sets? How do you browse sets that are lifetime patterns?
I don''t know about how to search for those patterns on the website... but I knew that certain patterns are not discontinued by some makers because my mother has Autumn by Lenox (she never uses it and hates it... but she has it) and it''s one of thier lifetime patterns... so when I was looking at china I just asked the sales people to only show me patterns that fit that requirement... and At David M Bryant here in CA and at Bloomingdales in NJ both the salespeople confirmed that "white" is one of those for Wedgwood. I would just send them a note and ask them... also Wedgwood does have thier promise/ pledge if you register your purchase with them. Mine is registered with them.

The one above is "Nature" from Wedgwood. Didn''t find anything that was exact to the Crate and Barrel set you like, though.
I worked in the china dep''t of a dep''t store through high school and college so had to learn all this stuff years ago.

China/Porcelain - fine china and porcelain are high-fired so somewhat resistant to chipping but also thinner in design so can still break fairly easily if hit against something or dropped. True bone china will always be white (I believe real bone is or at least used to be added to get the white color) but is fired the same as regular fine china which will be ivory in color. Porcelain tends to be a little thinner and more fragile than fine china or bone china.

Earthenware - more porous in nature so is less dense which makes it lighter even if it''s fairly thick, but also makes it very prone to chipping. This is the stuff that will look terrible in a year or two if you''re not careful.

Stoneware - stoneware and earthenware are totally different materials. Stoneware is very dense and heavy so doesn''t chip like earthenware. True stoneware is also going to be more expensive than earthenware. It holds up well but you have to be able to handle the weight.

Our first set of stoneware that we used for everyday lasted 20+ years. We use bone china for entertaining and special occasions. Never chipped a single piece but broke a plate when it dropped on the counter.
rainwood, thanks for the info. I think I''m going to go with bone china.

gypsy, where did you find the promotion? I showed my fiance the "nature" set that you posted and he liked it more than the crate and barrel "white pearl" set. I like the idea of the "wedgwood promise." Are the quality and guarantee of Lenox and Mikasa as good as Wedgwood? A friend of mine also registered for Wedgwood china that cost around $35 a set and she said it''s great.

Thanks again ladies!
The Nature set is lovely. As for the promotion... the lady at David M Bryant told me it happens in November- December and when I looked at Ross last year at this time (who no longer seems to be doing china) the 20 piece set for 4 was priced to reflect the buy two get two free. I would call ... I would call David M Bryant in Walnut Creek, CA (regardless of where in the US you live) and ask them the dates of the promotion. Then I''d order from Bed,& Bath Beyond as I think their price is 79 a set regularly.
Opps. I always get the name of that store wrong. It''s David M. Brian.
Fortunoff''s would also be a good place to ask. THey have very knowledgable sales people.
gypsy, haha...I was in the middle of posting that I searched for david m bryant and couldn''t find anything!! And then I saw your post. Great, I''ll give them a call. I really appreciate your help and the time you took to post about your china!! Thanks a million times!

How come Ross Simon only sells china in random pieces? They have a lot of older patterns which are BEAUTIFUL but just the saucer, or just the oval platter and the soup bowl. Silly. :)
Ross simon used to sell complete lines of China... that''s where I bought all of my tabletop as they had the BEST absolutely unbeatable prices but it seems like they are trying to get out of the china/flatware/crystal business because they don''t carry the selection they used to. I think now they are just selling off what they have in stock. I haven''t called to ask, but that''s my guess from what I''ve seen on their site. When I was looking for flatware, I went to their site first thinking I''d buy from them... but they didn''t have anything anymore. I have to admit I''m very disappointed by that. They were a great resource for home goods freaks like myself.
Date: 12/4/2006 5:25:24 PM
Author: CrownJewel
Thanks again Gypsy. I figured that for an everyday/'everyway' set of dinnerware, I'd have to stay away from gold/plat rims. I like simple setting with maybe a little embossing like this 'white pearl' set from crate and barrel: link
CJ- This is our china! DH and I really liked the simplicity and pearl detail on it. You can certainly dress it up with colorful linens and charger plates. We registered for 12 sets, and received about 8 of them. Not bad! We also registered for the "matching" flatware- it's called Grand Hotel II. We've used it twice since our wedding in late september. We only break it out for dinner parties and such. Our everday stuff is the basic set from BB&B
I love the white pearl set from C&B. I think that''s what we are going to register for.
Hi ChargerGrrl!!! I still love that "white pearl" set the most. What do you have as your everyday set from BB&B? I''m looking for bone china to use everyday. My fiance and I will be living in a tiny Manhattan apt with barely any room to put anything, since we''ll both be students (again) next year. We definitely won''t have time to entertain, and more importantly we won''t have any SPACE to have more than 4 people at a time!!! So sad. So I''m hoping to get china because it''s durable, and if we can get a lifetime pattern, we can add to it once we have more space. We will be severely limited on cabinet space, so I''ll probably get 4-8 place settings for now. We definitely won''t have space for an "everyday" set and another formal set. So I want just a few plates and bowls of one set, something that I''ll never get sick of, something that will be easy to add to for when we have the time and place to entertain.

My only reservation with the "white pearl" is that it may be discontinued and I''ll have to start all over again in a few years. I really do love the look of it though!!!
Date: 12/5/2006 1:58:29 PM
Author: CrownJewel
Hi ChargerGrrl!!! I still love that ''white pearl'' set the most. What do you have as your everyday set from BB&B? I''m looking for bone china to use everyday. My fiance and I will be living in a tiny Manhattan apt with barely any room to put anything, since we''ll both be students (again) next year. We definitely won''t have time to entertain, and more importantly we won''t have any SPACE to have more than 4 people at a time!!! So sad. So I''m hoping to get china because it''s durable, and if we can get a lifetime pattern, we can add to it once we have more space. We will be severely limited on cabinet space, so I''ll probably get 4-8 place settings for now. We definitely won''t have space for an ''everyday'' set and another formal set. So I want just a few plates and bowls of one set, something that I''ll never get sick of, something that will be easy to add to for when we have the time and place to entertain.

My only reservation with the ''white pearl'' is that it may be discontinued and I''ll have to start all over again in a few years. I really do love the look of it though!!!
CrownJewel- I am a fellow manhattanite who only registered for one set of dishes as well because of the whole space issue you mentioned. I would recc''d registering for a set of 10 or 12 placesettings and the serving pieces you like, because then other people will buy it for you vs you having to go and buy it yourself. We got almost all of our Kate Spade china for shower and wedding gifts (yes I know a lot of people give money, but we definitely got a good # of wedding gifts) - is there anyplace you could store the extra pieces and place settings while you and your husband to be are both in school? Right now while my husband is still in b-school and we are in a studio all of our wedding gifts are waiting in my childhood bedroom for us.
we received white anna dinnerware and some anna''s artistry for our wedding (crate and barrel) we havent used any of it yet, we arent going to use any of our wedding gifts till we move next spring. For daily use we use fiestaware and I LOVE it! My hubby and i each had sets before moving in together and i love how we have so many colors! I know its not fancy, but its perfect for daily use. We even used it last year for thanksgiving, everyone had different color plates, and i bought all the serving dishes and gravy boat to match!
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