
Did i miss anything

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Jun 15, 2005
I am going to go see this diamond tomorrow or the next day. I ran the numbers on the cut advisors and it was excellent all the way across. I have looked over the numbers and everhting looks good, is there anything that i missed ? I know this stone has medium blue flouresence but if i cant tell then i don''t really care. How does everything else look.

Thanks for all those that take the time to post.

GIA Numbers
Measurements 6.85 6.69 x 4.01
Weight: 1.08
Depth: 60.1
Table: 57%
Girdle: Medium to Slightly Thick Faceted
Culet: None
Polish: Excellent
Symmentry: Excellent
Clarity: SI1
Color: E
Floursence: Medium Blue

Sarin Numbers
Round AGS 2
Wt. 1.089
Diam 6.67-6.72
Table 3.89mm 58.1%
Crown 32.2 degrees (31.8 - 32.6) 13.2%
Pavilion: 41 degrees (40.7 - 41.2) 42.9%
Culet .08% Small
Girdle 1.6 medium - 2.5 Slightly thick 2.0%

Price: $4911

Not only good numbers, but a BIC! I haven''t seen one here. It also accounts for the AGS2, I would think. Hopefully, you should be able to take advantage of the lucky miss from AGS''s old system, and the diamond will be modestly discounted, to account for it. Since you don''t mention, that I could see, color or clarity, I couldn''t say, but you should be able to do a comparison here, yourself.

Best wishes!
What''s a BIC????
As much as Pricescope allows to compare prices, this one sounds good - you must have seen that already.

And it is a ta larger than the 6.5mm expected of 1carat AGS0 rounds because of the flatter crown. As much as those numbers can tell, that bit works just fine. As usual, this one remains to be seen because numbers can only tell just so much and fall short of the person-to-diamond encounter

Good luck with this one ! Where does it come from ?
Date: 6/21/2005 3:15:24 PM
Author: kaleigh
What''s a BIC????
Yeah, what is a BIC? The only two things that I know of as "BICs" have nothing to do with diamonds
If that is not a typo in the measurements, there is a big variance (.16mm) in the diameter, which means it is slightly out of round. I don''t know if this would be visible, but I would look for it when you see the stone.
Date: 6/21/2005 3:19:57 PM
Author: Diamonds4Me

Date: 6/21/2005 3:15:24 PM
Author: kaleigh
What''s a BIC????
Yeah, what is a BIC? The only two things that I know of as ''BICs'' have nothing to do with diamonds
I''m guessing a revision of the tutorial here de-emphasized this a bit, but you can read about it here. Lately, Garry may have suggested that analyzing for this sort of trait is one of the reasons you might find value in using the HCA at all! (But I could have mis-read him on that.)

Thanks Ira, I''ve got the lingo down now!!!
Wow you guys are great. Thanks for the responses.

I put the color and clarity. You must have skipped over it
The color is E and the Clarity is SI1

Thanks for the info on the BIC... i learned something new today :D

The numbers are correct, no typo. I did notice that variance. I am hoping that this wont affect the performance or the look with the naked eye.

I am going to pray about it tonight and then call them tomorrow to arrange a viewing at an independant appraiser. I was assured that they would have an idealscope so i can see the light return.
Good luck, I hope it''s a beauty. Let us know how it looks in person!!!
Date: 6/21/2005 3:48:03 PM
Author: kaleigh
Good luck, I hope it''s a beauty. Let us know how it looks in person!!!
Thanks, I will let everybody know how it goes.
I put the color and clarity. You must have skipped over it
The color is E and the Clarity is SI1
Yes, sorry, I did miss it.

And having compared...although there''s also florescence (frequently preferred, rarely a problem, and sometimes contributing to a discount for market reasons), I''ll say that''s a discount!

I hope you love it; looks like an excellent value.

Very best wishes,
nice! i think the flouro is great!
let us know what you think.
I think the E/SI color and clarity is terrific. A perfect combo, in my book. Who are you going to be viewing it with?
Date: 6/21/2005 6:04:31 PM
Author: lop
I think the E/SI color and clarity is terrific. A perfect combo, in my book. Who are you going to be viewing it with?
I will be viewing with a private appraiser either in Sanfrancisco or Monterey. I will arrange for a viewing probably on Friday. The people i am dealing with the Martin Sheffield with USA certed diamonds. He is going to have the diamond shipped to the appraiser for viewing. There will be a 50-100 dollar charge for the appraising but i think it is worth it, plus i get to view it.

I had been looking at two other diamonds that H for the color and i figured if i spent a little bit more and dropped the size a tad i could get an F. They were able to find a E and increase the size. Very pleased with this company so far. They have been very attentive to my concerns and seem to be concerned with finding me the right diamond not just selling me something.
The appraiser fee is definitely worth it, IMO. It not only gives you a way to view it first, but you have an objective, expierenced person to help you through it. I would make sure you''ve thought through what you want to see and know, and find out how the person works -- are they cut knowledgable, what tools do they have, and are they willing to help you evaluate it for purchasing info, or are they more focused on making sure the stone is what the cert says it is. They should also give you a good document to use with insurance.

Denverappraiser posted a good topic on what to expect and how to work with an appraiser a while back. It might be good reading before you go see this stone.

Good luck!
I will do a search for that thread. Thanks so much :D
Date: 6/22/2005 12:18:34 PM
Author: antimatter
I will do a search for that thread. Thanks so much :D
It''s under FAQs
Thanks, i read that whole Article. Very informative. It seems like there isn''t many independant appraisers. The closest one was Nancyin walnut creek california which is almost two hours away.

So.... I just bought it. I should have it friday.
congrats on your purchase!

please take some pics and post when you get it!
Oh that''s great!!!! Congratulations!!!!
I am going to go pick it up after work today.
Oh that''s great please post some pics tonight!!!
I couldn''t wait :D

I went and picked it up at lunch. I am really pleased. It appears completly colorless. I cant see even a hint of color. I also don''t notice any unuaual blue from the flouresence. The other concern was that it wasn''t completley round and from the i cant tell.

I tried to take some pictures but none of them turned out any good. I used a really good camera but they were blury and i couldn''t figure out how to use the macro function. I will try with my camera when i get home.

The three things i have on my todo are going to a shop in the mall and finding a comparable diamond to see how it stacks up against, Finding a place that has an ideal-scope so i can see the light return and getting set. I have an appointment next tuesday to get it set with a local jeweler that a coworker spoke highly of.

Any ideas on where i can find someone with an ideal scope or should i just buy one?
If I were you I would buy one, it would be fun to have. They are pretty inexpensive. Oh I hope you can get some good pics tonight. I really want to see it!!!
So I stopped by the malls today and visted a couple of the big name jewelers. I was kinda shocked at what they were pushing. I asked to see a comparable diamond. None of them had any diamonds within the colorless range let alone an E. THe clarity of the stones were rated better though. Most were vs1-vs2. I couldn''t tell the difference unless i was looking under a loupe. I even compared it to the leo diamond and i again wasn''t impressed. Although the Leo had slightly more fire my diamond was signifigantly whiter and brighter.

THe other store i visted was pushing hearts and arrow diamonds. I looked at theres and my diamond under there hearts and arrow scope and to my suprise mine had the hearts and arrows that were very symetric and well shaped. Their diamond was almost perfect. She kept telling me that the cut on her diamonds was better, and i believer her but not worth 3k more in my opinion. Plus the lowest color they was an I.

I feel good about the purchase of my diamond and thank all of you sincerely for helping me not be another uninformed unintellegant buyer.

Enjoy the pics. They leave much to be desired but out of 100 these were the best three



great pics antimatter!
it looks like a beauty!
The GIA Gemologist I was working with to replace my stone - highly recommend that to keep cost down but get a nice size stone - go with H/SI2 as long as it is cut well and it is eye clean. I ended up with a 1.28 H/SI2 and it is beautiful! You would think it was a E/VVS1 and never know it was anything less since you are not wearing it next to a cleaner diamond on your hand!! He indicated that is only in the persons mind that they don''t have a better stone - with a round it will always keep its value!
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