
Diaper Bags


Jun 18, 2004
I've got a 3 year old now, and went through several diaper bags. It really dependens on the type of person you are, I found backpacks worked best for me. We originally had a $60-ish one from BRU, it was great until we graduated from formula/bottles to just sippy cups, then it was on the "bigger than I need now" side and I moved on. My favorite was actually a black sling style one that my pedi gave me (from Similac). It was the perfect size, light, and as a sling pack I could carry the toddler and it was out of my way. My only issue with it was the strap went on my bad shoulder and it was aggrevate it after a while. For the last year+ I've had a Ju Ju Be Mini-Be backpack. It's been discontinued, but it's a mini backpack. I can fit my wallet in the outside pocket, cellphone on one side pocket, keys on the other, snacks in the wet pouch, a small camera, change of clothes and toys in the main pouch, and yet it's very compack and the kid can wear it for me if he feels like it. I really like the Ju Ju Be bags, I've got the Be-Light as a work bag, and one of the wallets I use in my purse.


Jan 2, 2011
vintagelover229|1333992995|3166694 said:
I wish I had checked this a few days ago before buying a diaper bag! I just bought one from this site (if you haven't checked it out it has a ton of different products everyday that change that is a deal-at least 50-80% off retail). It's called babyhalfoff

And I got this bag shipped to Canada for 40.00

Has anyone heard of this brand? I'm still excited and read reviews and they were great but I know PSers have lots of experience with diaper bags :)
Hey VL - I have heard good things about that brand! Do you have any pics?


Aug 19, 2009
Hi Vintage, I have a Kalencom as the bag we kept on our stroller (I think it's an earlier model/very similar model to the one you posted). I like it alot. If we had an infant I probably would have used it a lot more, but since my son was older when he joined our family, I didn't need quite that much room (it's not huge by any means, but was just a little bigger than what I needed:)


Jan 23, 2008
Hey VL - I have heard good things about that brand! Do you have any pics?[/quote]

MuffDog: I haven't gotten the bag yet-it's international shipping so hopefully it will arrive in the next couple of weeks. However I was able to save a larger picture off their website. I really wanted a different color but they sold out pretty quickly and I'm not sure what we are having (we aren't finding out) and so I love yellow and figured it's natural enough to be okay. I'm SO relieved to hear that the reviews I read are on par with the rest of them.

Bella_mezzo said:
Hi Vintage, I have a Kalencom as the bag we kept on our stroller (I think it's an earlier model/very similar model to the one you posted). I like it alot. If we had an infant I probably would have used it a lot more, but since my son was older when he joined our family, I didn't need quite that much room (it's not huge by any means, but was just a little bigger than what I needed:)

This is good news! Thank you so much bella! We are planning on using cloth diapers and I'm a bit worried that I won't have enough room for everything. But I think in reality since I'm BF I'll only need a nursing blanket, a few diapers/cloth wipes-home made bum cream a change of clothes and maybe a few other odds and ends (like a small wet bag). I'm hoping it will all fit. If not I was told I'll still get 3 more diaper bags from showers :) It comes with a changing cloth which is nice too!



Aug 12, 2005
I guess I have to buy a diaper bag after all. I washed the bag I was going to use, inside out, and it got caught on the upper part of the washer and now the lining has a long tear/melted spot. In other words, if I use it things inside could fall through the hole and get stuck between the liner and the innards of the bag. I could definitely repair it, but then I started looking at Petunia Cake bags online last night and I am sorely tempted by them. :blackeye: Anyone have one of those? I can't decide if they are the most beautiful things ever, or if they are totally old lady. There's a plum colored one that would match the plum-colored stroller I have picked out...and I am currently in love with a pair of rose-colored platforms by Fossil...I think I deprived myself of shopping/went minimalist for too long and now my consumerism is coming back tenfold.


Jan 2, 2011
I'm such a brat. I have no purchased two 'diaper' bags.

First one is a large Longchamp Le Pliage with an organizer insert. I bought this one because I found it on sale and figured I'd like it regardless, even if it isn't a great baby bag.

And then (I know...I'm so bad)...I realized that if I wanted my splurge bag, I should buy it while my mom is still in the US (she is in AZ all winter and comes back mid-May) because US stores have WAY better prices.

So I purchased the Storksak Sofia in taupe (grey). Total splurge but at least that one I've seen in person and love it, both as a bag and as a diaper bag (lots of pockets, wipeable inside, etc).


It is $425 plus 13% tax in Canada and I got it for 298 no tax in the US. That is a savings of $182 dollars. Am I justifying the purchase? Hell yes :) haha

Anyways, Longchamp will be here tomorrow when my dad gets back into town and the Storksak will come in May with my mom.

That is my update, friends. :)

PS BLISS I'm still waiting for your Not Rational pics!


Jan 7, 2010
MuffDog, LOVE that Storksak Sofia! I was going to get that one in the taupe colour but then in the end got the Elizabeth instead. I hope you like it - I find my Storksak really really well designed and sturdy. My husband also has one (obv it was a present from me, lol!) - the Aubrey; he uses it mostly as a work bag, and finds it works really well for that too as it fits a laptop, folders etc in it.


Jan 2, 2011
Pancake! I'm so glad you love yours. Do you have any real life pics? I originally wanted the Elizabeth but saw the Sofia in person so decided to go with what I knew just in case.

I'm hoping I love it as much as you do!


Apr 4, 2008
MuffDog, I am so sorry I have been so late to post pics! I know there are lots of pics of the Not Rational bags online but for me, it was tough figuring out how it would look on... so I tried to take some decent body shots to give a sense of the scale. Ha ha, my arm looks a little jacked because I've been carrying my toddler around so much lately. Just call me Ahhhhh-nold!!!! LOL Feels like I have giant hams instead of arms these days! ;(

It's not a huge bag but it certainly feels like it can hold a lot! We took it for our day trip to Philly and everything went in there very easily, including our Ergo carrier! The bottle holders hold sippy cups very nicely - no squeezing in and out! Everything is so convenient and I love the feel of the bag on my shoulder. It just feels great on the body and nothing ever feels too heavy because of the sturdy straps and good heft of how it's balanced. It clips onto my stroller very easily, too!

The only downside is, now I hate to leave it! I'm used to throwing my diaper bags in a corner as I chase my toddler around the playground or at classes. I'd just take my wallet out and go go go! But now, I feel like I have to tote the bag around because I'd be a little sad if someone walked off with it. It looks more luxe than normal diaper bags so it's not like you can just leave it on a NYC park bench and expect it to still be there when you turn around! Ahhhh, it's OK in the end!

Anyway, I'm 5'4" so you can see how it isn't too overwhelming for you petite ladies! I think we saw it way back on jcrow's TDF petite figure and it looked great on her. A great bag overall! I look forward to buying a brown one next! :naughty: Hope this helped!

ETA: I was worried initially that the leather would be too soft/delicate for my mountain man ways. But while it's squishy, it's very thick durable leather - this can definitely take lots of spills and abuse! No babying needed for the bag, which is a huge plus for me. I can't own anything I can't throw around - too stressful! :wavey: And thanks to MuffDog, I got it for a great deal! TinyTruffles rocks!!! Thanks again, MuffDog!



Apr 4, 2008
MuffDog, the Storksak Sofia in taupe is GORGEOUS! So elegant!!!!!!! Very very beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!

Cannot wait to see it! Your turn for pics now!!!! :appl: :love:


Dec 29, 2004
Bliss|1335055191|3177481 said:
MuffDog, I am so sorry I have been so late to post pics! I know there are lots of pics of the Not Rational bags online but for me, it was tough figuring out how it would look on... so I tried to take some decent body shots to give a sense of the scale. Ha ha, my arm looks a little jacked because I've been carrying my toddler around so much lately. Just call me Ahhhhh-nold!!!! LOL Feels like I have giant hams instead of arms these days! ;(

It's not a huge bag but it certainly feels like it can hold a lot! We took it for our day trip to Philly and everything went in there very easily, including our Ergo carrier! The bottle holders hold sippy cups very nicely - no squeezing in and out! Everything is so convenient and I love the feel of the bag on my shoulder. It just feels great on the body and nothing ever feels too heavy because of the sturdy straps and good heft of how it's balanced. It clips onto my stroller very easily, too!

The only downside is, now I hate to leave it! I'm used to throwing my diaper bags in a corner as I chase my toddler around the playground or at classes. I'd just take my wallet out and go go go! But now, I feel like I have to tote the bag around because I'd be a little sad if someone walked off with it. It looks more luxe than normal diaper bags so it's not like you can just leave it on a NYC park bench and expect it to still be there when you turn around! Ahhhh, it's OK in the end!

Anyway, I'm 5'4" so you can see how it isn't too overwhelming for you petite ladies! I think we saw it way back on jcrow's TDF petite figure and it looked great on her. A great bag overall! I look forward to buying a brown one next! :naughty: Hope this helped!

ETA: I was worried initially that the leather would be too soft/delicate for my mountain man ways. But while it's squishy, it's very thick durable leather - this can definitely take lots of spills and abuse! No babying needed for the bag, which is a huge plus for me. I can't own anything I can't throw around - too stressful! :wavey: And thanks to MuffDog, I got it for a great deal! TinyTruffles rocks!!! Thanks again, MuffDog!

Bliss, great bag for a beautiful mama. Fortunately for the rest of us mortals, the bags look great on daggy moms too, hahaha. :rodent:

(I take it you don't always run around looking THAT perfect?)

And don't worry about it getting beat up. My black one is still in PERFECT condition. My wine one not as much, but I literally threw it all over the place and dragged it around (and put my feet up on it on planes, etc.)


Jan 2, 2011
Bliss|1335055191|3177481 said:
MuffDog, I am so sorry I have been so late to post pics! I know there are lots of pics of the Not Rational bags online but for me, it was tough figuring out how it would look on... so I tried to take some decent body shots to give a sense of the scale. Ha ha, my arm looks a little jacked because I've been carrying my toddler around so much lately. Just call me Ahhhhh-nold!!!! LOL Feels like I have giant hams instead of arms these days! ;(

It's not a huge bag but it certainly feels like it can hold a lot! We took it for our day trip to Philly and everything went in there very easily, including our Ergo carrier! The bottle holders hold sippy cups very nicely - no squeezing in and out! Everything is so convenient and I love the feel of the bag on my shoulder. It just feels great on the body and nothing ever feels too heavy because of the sturdy straps and good heft of how it's balanced. It clips onto my stroller very easily, too!

The only downside is, now I hate to leave it! I'm used to throwing my diaper bags in a corner as I chase my toddler around the playground or at classes. I'd just take my wallet out and go go go! But now, I feel like I have to tote the bag around because I'd be a little sad if someone walked off with it. It looks more luxe than normal diaper bags so it's not like you can just leave it on a NYC park bench and expect it to still be there when you turn around! Ahhhh, it's OK in the end!

Anyway, I'm 5'4" so you can see how it isn't too overwhelming for you petite ladies! I think we saw it way back on jcrow's TDF petite figure and it looked great on her. A great bag overall! I look forward to buying a brown one next! :naughty: Hope this helped!

ETA: I was worried initially that the leather would be too soft/delicate for my mountain man ways. But while it's squishy, it's very thick durable leather - this can definitely take lots of spills and abuse! No babying needed for the bag, which is a huge plus for me. I can't own anything I can't throw around - too stressful! :wavey: And thanks to MuffDog, I got it for a great deal! TinyTruffles rocks!!! Thanks again, MuffDog!

Omg it is gorgeous!! Definitely doesn't look like a diaper bag but has all of the "stuff" that a mom would need. I love how squishy it looks. It was n my list but even with the discount I didn't think I could swing it. I'm glad I can live vicariously through you :lol:

Ps your herringbone floors are insane. Amazing. I am super envious!!


Aug 12, 2005
I finally bought a diaper bag. I ended up with a Petunia Pickle Bottom touring tote that I found on Amazon for $89 brand new. It's a nice size, and comes with stroller valet hooks which I think will be great to have. It's glazed, so I can wipe it down which was a concern with the Cake bags. My husband balked at spending $350 on a Cake bag, haha, so I gave him a break with this. He didn't have any idea what this stuff goes for--he has had some sticker shock over baby items since we started this process, poor thing! :bigsmile:



Jul 27, 2007
Love that pattern, Monnie! I posted here a month or two ago about how my PPB had no snags (I also have the touring tote). I started using the stroller straps almost immediately after posting and the velcro on them caused about a thousand snags on the bag. Now I leave the stroller straps o nthe stroller and unhook the bag. Just letting you know!


Aug 12, 2005
NewEnglandLady|1337625708|3200342 said:
Love that pattern, Monnie! I posted here a month or two ago about how my PPB had no snags (I also have the touring tote). I started using the stroller straps almost immediately after posting and the velcro on them caused about a thousand snags on the bag. Now I leave the stroller straps o nthe stroller and unhook the bag. Just letting you know!

Oh thank you! That is really helpful information. WHAT DID WE EVER DO WITHOUT THE INTERNETZ???? :bigsmile: Seriously...yesterday we were in the last half of our childbirth class and the instructor gave us a worksheet on which we were to list all of the resources we could think of to call upon after baby is here. I was like "google is all I need, heck I don't even know the neighbors!" I am half joking, obviously we all have real life resources but it is so nice to be able to ask a burning question at 4 a.m. or whatever, get the info, and be done with it.


Jul 27, 2007
monarch64|1337626102|3200345 said:
NewEnglandLady|1337625708|3200342 said:
Love that pattern, Monnie! I posted here a month or two ago about how my PPB had no snags (I also have the touring tote). I started using the stroller straps almost immediately after posting and the velcro on them caused about a thousand snags on the bag. Now I leave the stroller straps o nthe stroller and unhook the bag. Just letting you know!

Oh thank you! That is really helpful information. WHAT DID WE EVER DO WITHOUT THE INTERNETZ???? :bigsmile: Seriously...yesterday we were in the last half of our childbirth class and the instructor gave us a worksheet on which we were to list all of the resources we could think of to call upon after baby is here. I was like "google is all I need, heck I don't even know the neighbors!" I am half joking, obviously we all have real life resources but it is so nice to be able to ask a burning question at 4 a.m. or whatever, get the info, and be done with it.

Word. I did the same throughout my pregnancy and somehow have managed to use Google even more now that the baby is out in the world. The books are great for leisurely reading, but nothing is more satisfying than typing in "screaming child won't take bottle" at 3am and finding truly helpful advice. Every mom in my mom group cited "The internet" as their #1 parenting resource. With friends/family aclose second.

Love all of these bags, by the way!! I keep coming back to this thread in case I can rationalize a third diaper bag.


Jan 2, 2011
So my bag finally arrived!! (well, the second one haha).

This is the Storksak Sofia in Taupe (although it is really grey IMO).


Sorry if it is sideways - I seem to have issues posting on PS sometimes!!

The bag is very very nice. It has lots of pockets and the leather is gorgeous. Is it nicer than I needed? Sure. But I like it still and when DH saw it, he was happy because he thought it looked like a piece of luggage and he'd be okay carrying it once in a while.

I also picked up the stroller clips but the bag could also go in the basket underneath.


Nov 12, 2004
Love the new bag Muff!!! Got any other pics for us?? :naughty:


Jan 2, 2011
haha Dani - not of diaper bags!! What kind of pic were you hoping for?


Nov 12, 2004
The diaper bag! I'm thinking of the Storsak Elizabeth but in the Dove gray color. Do you think it will be too light?


Jan 2, 2011
Ah okay I can take a few more pics for ya :)


Mar 4, 2010
After 11 months of the Babymel Amanda, I just bought a used Storksak Gigi on ebay. :D


Jun 18, 2010
I hate my diaper bag. Hate. It probably is big enough but isn't designed well, so I have to take everything out to find anything. Lots of compartments but they aren't big enough so it's just wasted space. For baby #2 in getting something else. Maybe a backpack style.


Jan 2, 2011
My sister went with a backpack (not even backpack style - just a normal backpack) and I think had everything in ziplock baggies (ie a diaper 'kit', extra clothes, etc). She loved it.

I'm not a backpack girl so I didn't really think about it but as Luca gets older, I think having a backpack would make a lot of sense.


Nov 24, 2009
I bought a PPB and a skip hop diaper bag for me before the baby was born, and 7.5 months in, I'm not a big fan of either of them. The one that DH and I both really like and pretty much use exclusively now is the Diaper Dude bag I bought for DH. It's nothing fancy, but it has several separate zippered compartments and pockets that let's us keep things organized.


Mar 4, 2010
Muff, are you happy with your storksak?


Jan 2, 2011
Mayerling - well...I WAS happy with it....until someone broke into my car and STOLE it!!

I'm not kidding. A few months ago - I was at a baby/mommy music class with L at a nearby CHURCH and someone smashed the window and took it. Of course, there was nothing in it other than some baby stuff. My wallet was actually in the car but was under some jackets.

So lesson learned - a diaper bag that looks like a purse...well...looks like a purse!
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