
Diamonds in Chicago?

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Mar 11, 2003
After much discussion my boyfriend wants to go diamond shopping in Chicago this weekend and then again in a few weeks when we can be home again. The main reason is that two guys he works with have him convinced that its the cheapest and easiest way to find the perfect diamond next to going to NYC. They both ended up buying in Chicago so they seem to think they know it all.

I'm not saying either of the rings they purchased were anything but nice looking. We just aren't looking to spend what they did. One is a VP the other the owner of the company's son, neither were on a budget like ours.

I am totally for buying online, but he really wants to go out and look. We've been to the horrid maul stores already, and I didn't know whether to laugh or cry in those places... But I've known better than to go into a store like that to shop since I was a child.

So, I've done my research, he's done barely any, and we're going shopping. What would you ask about/for if you were shopping at an actual store?

Obviously I know I'd want to know angles, depths, who graded it (lab wise gia, egl, igi, etc), etc.

Does anyone have any words of wisdom of where to go and not to go? You can PM them to me if you're not comfortable saying it in public.

The only reason I'm wanting to go at all is to look at Vatche settings in real life. I am in love with the Royal Crown and have already scoped out where I can see one. Other than that this should be an interesting experience.

Thanks for any help you have to offer!
Another thing. My dear boyfriend told me that I am not allowed to take in my notebook and pen like I "always do". (meaning when we've gone car shopping, apt. hunting, furniture shopping, etc) What do you think? I mean does one really go in trying to remember everything they see/are told?

I live in Chicago and my boyfriend and I have had the jewelry district shopping experience here. Ultimately we ended up buying online (I shouldn't know this as he hasn't officially proposed yet but yesterday was supposed to be the day and he had an elaborate set up all planned and then the ring didn't get here in time--so he let the cat out of the bag although I haven't received proposal or ring yet. MAYBE TODAY!!!!!). Anyway, it is worth going and having a look. We had a decent budget, but what it boiled down to was that we could get a much nicer stone online for a cheaper price. It was certainly helpful to go and see a lot of stones in person. Also, it helps to get the B&M pricings so you can compare the price for a similar stone online.

We really liked the people at Windy City Diamonds, Diamonds on Wabash and some of the "stands" at the Wabash Jewelers Mall at 5 S. Wabash. The worst experience we had was at New York Jewelers. They basically locked us in a room with three stones and did not want us to leave until we had purchased one. It was very uncomfortable and none of the stones they showed us were that great. They use very high pressure sales techniques. The other places we went were friendlier and not so pushy.

Don't worry so much about bringing your pen and paper. If you see something you like or want to remember, ask the jeweler for a copy of the cert, or ask them to write all the details of the diamond down for you.

FYI, we were a little nervous about purchasing an expensive stone online that we had never seen. Whiteflash had the diamond shipped to Chicago, before we committed to buying, so we could view it and make a decision. If you see a stone online, many of the online dealers will be happy to ship it here to an independent appraiser for you to view before committing to a purchase. Good luck!
My business is 3 hours from Chicago and that is my biggest customer base. Yes they will drive a 4 hour round trip to keep from buying there.

Big city , big overhead, fast talking salesman. I guess some people like going to an easy going farm town with an educated gemologist, that has low overhead and a heart of gold ,a family business with midwestern values that will be honest with them and think $100 profit is the world

These are the places you want to shop. Best of luck in the biggest liars club Ive known

I would certainly recommend you visit Iceman

Iceman where are you located? You may be worth a little drive

There is also a new EightStar dealer in Chicago. You can check out their website here:

Enjoy the shopping,

Okay maybe someone here can help me out:

Where exactly is Iceman located? kind of bothers me that I've even sent him a PM with no reply...
Thanks for the names Googleman and Lawmax. One is actually the place that one of the guys who was recently engaged mentioned... maybe we'll have to stop by there.

We didnt make it downtown because of all of the crazy weather. I ended up not having power at my mom's house and wasn't going venture out in the crazy stuff. So we still need to go...
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