
diamond & ring crooked, set too low - FIXABLE?


Oct 15, 2015
I'm looking for a jeweler's perspective on some flaws I've noticed with my ring, and if any of these are fixable or if I'm just looking too closely. I have a custom A.Jaffe ring, that I've had a couple months. The diamond was set in a hurry as we were about to go out of town for a couple weeks, so I'm wondering if some of these issues are from being done too quickly.

1. Diamond is set crooked in the head. It's pretty obvious when you look at the profile and see the clearance on either side between the prongs. Is this something I can / should go back to the jeweler for? I noticed this early on, but have tried to ignore it.


2. The diamond is set too low in the head. When I was working with the jeweler, I asked them to set it like the head shown on the website for a similar ring made by the designer. Here's the snapshot for reference. I recently asked my jeweler and was told it can't be set any higher since the prongs were cut to this height during the mounting. If there's anything I can do about this, I really want to, since this was a major part of the design element that I wanted.


3. Ring seems lopsided. I'm not sure if the head is crooked, or if the ring is bulging to one side, but now that I see it I can't unsee it. Is this fixable?


4. The ring is waaay too big, and constantly spinning. It's strange because the 5.5 presentation setting fit like a glove (maybe too tight). I initially thought this setting fitting too big had to do with the space that this type of head has created. But now I'm wondering if this has to do with how the ring isn't quite round and may "measure 5.5" but actually is closer to a 6 or higher.

All in all it really is my dream ring, but just bumming me out a bit with some of the flaws I'm noticing. Should I go back to my jeweler or am I being too particular, and I'd just make them think I'm imagining things?
If you are not happy with it, by all means go back to the jeweler and discuss it!
Your ring is stunning. I see what you mean and I understand once you notice the flaw it can be hard to live with it and you shouldn't have to. I like the diamond set low better actually. The diamond set crooked would drive me insane.
Thank you, so maybe I should just leave the height as is, since that's obviously the easiest option.

Do you think the jewelers would be able to reset the diamond straighter easily? I just don't quite know how invasive on the setting / prongs it is to reset, and it's not like the head can easily be replaced.
Now that you point them out, I notice all the things you have said. Though the height it is set does not bother me, the other items would. I would definitely bring these issues, including that it is spinning, to your jeweler's attention so they can be addressed.
I also actually prefer the diamond set low - and I see the other things you're referring to. I'm assuming your jeweler ordered the setting from A Jaffe but it sounds like the jeweler set the stone. I'm surprised this ring passed quality control at A Jaffe, it is clearly off- kilter. I wonder if the asymmetry is affecting how the stone sits in the setting. At any rate, I would definitely speak to the jeweler about your concerns and find out what your options are. I'm sorry about this, it is a gorgeous ring!
As junebug17 mentioned there seems to be some asymmetry in the ring. If they mount the diamond so it's centered in the head then the table might be angled instead of being parallel.
Your ring is beautiful. However, I see your concerns. The crooked set diamond and the lopsided shank would drive me absolutely insane. I wouldn't have accepted the ring from a jeweler at all. I would definitely speak to the jeweler about your concerns because it is truly unacceptable.
I would first make sure it is in fact the Jaffe setting you ordered. The pic of your ring has a rounded shank, whereas the Jaffe has a euro shank with a diamond accent on the side with the Jaffe logo. I have a Jaffe ring too, and it does have the accent stone with stamp. Also the basket doesn't look quite the same - in yours, the bottom is more pointed, and in the Jaffe it's more flat. Can you see a Jaffe stamp inside the shank anywhere?
Yes, this is the actual A.Jaffe, the stamp is inside the shank since I decided to go with a round shank instead of the euro.

I went back to my jeweler today and explained all of the above and they agreed and could see how it's "off". They're going to see if they can straighten out the ring themselves. They assured me that if it doesn't come out right that they will then send it back to jaffe to make it right, so that's a relief.

It actually measured at a 5.75 today (supposed to be a 5.5). Even with that, there were obvious pockets of light where the shank is not round. It's almost like the ring once was round, but somewhere along the way got warped, which is affecting the basket.

Thanks for the assurance and encouragement to go back to the jeweler, I appreciate getting everyone's perspective on this so far.

I'll keep you all updated!
Hi guys! The ring is back, and I'm honestly shocked at how well it turned out. Much thanks to you all for the encouragement to go back to the jeweler, and assurance that these were not normal ring things.

Here are pictures of the new and improved custom A.Jaffe!




For those interested, here's a little more detailed breakdown of what they ended up doing:
- They noticed where the ring was not round on the mandrel and corrected to make it actually round. This also seems to have taken care of the bulge that was previously showing on one side of the shank.
- They adjusted one of the prongs by adding to it.
- They adjusted the angle of the prongs themselves as previously they weren't symmetrical.
- They took it down 1/4 size, which is perfect. As I'm typing right now it doesn't fall over to the side at all!
- They completely removed the diamond and reset it so that it looks straight in the head.
Oh my gosh, it looks fantastic Rocksy! :clap: Wow, your jeweler did a fabulous job, you must be so happy! Now you can truly enjoy your gorgeous ring. Thanks for coming back with an update!
junebug17|1445880937|3942265 said:
Oh my gosh, it looks fantastic Rocksy! :clap: Wow, your jeweler did a fabulous job, you must be so happy! Now you can truly enjoy your gorgeous ring. Thanks for coming back with an update!

Thank you! We have a local jeweler that's been wonderful to work with, and never made me feel awkward for coming in with all my questions. I was skeptical that they'd really be able to make it better, but very happy with the outcome! :D
Now that's a beautiful ring! So glad they were able to make it all it should be! Very happy for you!
Your ring is exquisite- I am so glad you posted this happy outcome.
Perfect! Good on you for following up on your concerns!
Ahh, I was scared to read the update but it looks GREAT! They did a wonderful job, yay for jewelers who listen and make things right. Lovely ring! :love:
Wow, the jeweler really was able to address everything. It looks perfect!
I am so happy for you that your jeweler was successful at making all the corrections. However I am still shocked at how the original ring was set so improperly. If I am not mistaken some of the problems were with the setting itself. I have admired A. Jaffe settings and know their platinum rings are not at all cheap. Thank you for sharing, so that other people who are considering A. Jaffe might know.
I'm glad they were able to fix it! It is a beautiful setting but troubling multiple issues weren't addressed before it went out.
Wow! Your jeweler really did a fantastic job! Your ring looks perfect! It's beautiful! :appl:
LLJsmom|1445995150|3942810 said:
I am so happy for you that your jeweler was successful at making all the corrections. However I am still shocked at how the original ring was set so improperly. If I am not mistaken some of the problems were with the setting itself. I have admired A. Jaffe settings and know their platinum rings are not at all cheap. Thank you for sharing, so that other people who are considering A. Jaffe might know.

Yes, glad I can help! I do think that most of the issues were with the setting, and they were all small enough that unless you were looking closely and really staring (which I was obviously doing), you wouldn't see them. It baffles me a little bit too, and the more I stare at the old pictures, I feel like the head itself - the "V" part wasn't even symmetrical before.

It would have been nice if it was perfect from the beginning, but at the same time, this process has made me feel a little more confident with my decision to go with a good designer for my ring. My jeweler confirmed with me that if they could not fix the problems themselves that they would send it back to A.Jaffe and have them fix it or remake it. To me, that's a big positive factor for going with an established company that's been around for a long time - they will stand by their products if there's a flaw. Hopefully mine was just a fluke!
rubybeth|1445970689|3942651 said:
Ahh, I was scared to read the update but it looks GREAT! They did a wonderful job, yay for jewelers who listen and make things right. Lovely ring! :love:

+1 on all of the things Rubybeth said. That is a gorgeous profile. :love: