
Diamond recut should be finished soon!


Jul 28, 2007
My diamond was a 2.24 carat GIA certified stone that was a triple X. When I plugged the numbers into the HCA it only scored a 4.3 I believe. Looked great in the store but in certain lighting I didn't like how it performed at home. I realized after researching here that just because a stone is a triple X doesn't always mean a great cut. It was too late to return it. I was planning on living with it until I saw a thread on diamond recutting and saw some of the results here on this site. It seems there were many very satisfied customers on this forum who had their stones recut by Brian Gavin. When I researched having my stone recut I found the cost was affordable! I'm going to try to post the precut images sent to me by Brian Gavin Diamonds. It has been about 4 weeks since I sent my stone to them and they said it would take about that long to complete. I can't wait!

Pre Recut Arrows.jpg

Pre Recut ASET.jpg

Pre Recut DI.jpg

Here are the other images they sent me.

Pre Recut Hearts.jpg

Pre Recut IDS.jpg

Pre Sarin224.jpg
What were the "before" specs of your stone, and how much weight do you expect to lose? I can't wait to see the "after" pictures!
Very interesting - can't wait to see the final results. I assume it will be sent back to GIA for recert?
Venice I believe it will go from a 2.24 carat to a 2.04 carat. Starting diameter is 8.47 mm and will decrease to 8.19 approx. I think it will look bigger though with a better cut. Crown angle was 33.7 and pavillion angle 41.5.
MissGotRocks- not sure if recert is included in these 4 weeks. Good question that I will have to ask. :))
cant wait to see the new and improve stone!
Do you have the new specs of the recut stone?
No exact numbers yet but the precut estimations are above. I think the finished table should be about 57.3, depth 60.9, CA33.7 and PA 40.7.
Wow! Looks like it will be stunning! Can't wait to see!
You had the perfect size stone to recut because they can try to keep it above 2 cts.! I really would rather have an ideal cut stone at 2 cts., personally, so I hope you will be so glad you did it!

You will have to pay if you want it sent to AGS or GIA for regrading. My understanding at this time is that AGS is a lot faster (about a week turnaround). Brian will not guarantee Ideal on everything, as I am sure you know. I did not have my stone sent for grading because it was easier and cheaper just to use a regular appraisal for insurance since I knew I would never sell the stone (which was much smaller than yours). I was very pleased with my recut! I can't wait to see your after pictures!
Diamondseeker2006- I'm thrilled that my stone will remain above 2 carats.I may not even notice the size difference since the cut will be better. The anticipation is killing me. I like your idea of an appraisal for insurance purposes since i will not be selling my stone either.