
Diamond Price Help!

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Jan 29, 2003
I am getting ready to buy a diamond Need some oppinions first.

.91, VS2, H, AGS Excellent 1,
Fluorecence: Inert
Cutlet: Pinpoint
Girdle: Med to slightly thick
Table: 56
Depth: 62.7
Crown Ang. 35.4
Pav ang. 40.6
measurements 6.15x6.20x3.87 mm


Any comments appreciated. Thanks
Proportions seem ideal... Is polish or symmetry excellent, making it an AGS1?

My opinion would be to continue running a pricescope comparison
to this stone...

Perhaps it may be possible to find a diamond similar to this one,
but with the AGS0 grade across the board, and for a similar price...

Kirk Konst
The polish = Ideal
Symmetry = Excellent

Any thoughts?
Its interesting you mention this...

Basically AGS use the term 'excellent' to describe a diamond
that has a grade one step lower than ideal.

GIA on the other hand, use the term 'excellent' to describe
the best possible conclusion for their polish or symmetry.

Kirk Konst
Why would the AGS report identify it as excellent? Also, is there any way, if I have the ASG # to confirm that the diamond was in fact certified by AGS?
The proportions as stated do appear to be within tolerance of the zero ideal cut rating from the AGS. The pavilion angle at 40.6 degrees is one that we've found to be within a range (40.5 - 40.9 degrees0 that usually makes the diamonds quite lively although we would like to see the crown angle a little shallower - but wouldn't pass over the stone just for that. So the 1-Excellent rating must be from polish or symmetry which is not something that is so readily visible to the average person... Price is right at Rap and essentially in line with what is to be expected right now when there are very few ninety pointers in the market. AGS Diamond Quality Documents (DQD) state individual grades for Polish, Symmetry and Proportions - the overall Cut Rating drops to the lowest denominator. You can call the AGS Lab at 702-233-6120 to verify the characteristics of any diamond represented as being AGS Graded, simply provide them with the DQD number and ask your questions, keep in mind that they are busy people and not in the business of helping you buy
Todd/Robin is right about trying to get AGS to help you buy.

While I respect Kirk's opinion, if you are purchasing from a store that is not a bad price at all as .90's are VERY hard to come by. Just because a person doesn't get a broker price on a diamond doesn't mean it's a bad deal by no means.

Matter of fact, while I generally shy away from stones with crown angles over 35 degrees the 40.6 pavilion angle is the salvation of that stone.

Here is a possible simulated LightScope image of that stone which shows a very nice amount of dark reds throughout the stone and the crown/pavilion angle combo you have there may even well produce an H&A internal symmetry pattern.

Don't take that to the bank as I would NEVER guarantee something I didn't inspect personally but the possibilty certainly exists with those angles and table size.


Here's a virtual model of that example. You'll need the gem reader software which you can dl for free on this website.



Here's another possible example manipulating the minor facets some. Doing this does increase the leakage under the table some but overall not bad.


Not a bad stone, but spend a little more time
doing a PriceScope search. There are .90's out
there that are a better "Cut" at a better price.

On 1/29/2003 10:39:31 PM barry wrote:

Not a bad stone, but spend a little more time
doing a PriceScope search. There are .90's out
there that are a better "Cut" at a better price.



Of course there are Barry. There are however many people who value the fact that they can walk into a bricks and mortar store, purchase a quality rock (as this appears to be) at a fair price and know there is an address they can go to if they should want help and service that online brokers simply cannot provide. There is *value* in that, that most people appreciate. Also if one looks hard enough they'll even find cheaper than pricescope. There's always a little better deal. The mission (putting myself in the shoes of John Doe) is finding a great value for a great price, not necessarily the cheapest stone. There's always someone who'll sell it cheaper and I've always found that you get what you pay for (weighing all factors) 99.9% of the time.

I do not even know if this is rdu's case but even if it isn't who are we to point him in another direction? How does you or anyone even know exactly what he really has there (concerning the geeky details)? It scores a 1.1 on the HCA and has simulated LightScope/FireScope/IdealScope images that check just fine. Why point him away from what may be a fine stone at a good value?

My .02c
rdu... for clarification.

The stone you post does not raise any red flags. Had your pavilion angle been steeper I'd suggest considering other options. If you are happy with whom you are dealing with and would like further gemological information you might want to consider sending it (or having your jeweler send it) to a good qualified appraiser (like for further inspection which THEN if you are not happy may want to consider other avenues or may just simply want to have that jeweler call in other stones that will make you happy.


rdubay asked for advice and opinion.
I gave mine.
It's a nice stone, but not the very best
with its depth of 62.7% and average Crown over
35 degrees. A quick PriceScope search shows
.90's with better Cut stats with better prices.
We're on the same page as far as wanting consumers visiting this forum to get the best value for
their hard-earned money.

Rhino & Barry,

Thanks for all your help! Just wanted to let you know that I purchased the diamond. It's beautiful! It was appraised at $3,000 above what I paid. I'm proposing on Thursday.
Hi Rdubay,

$3,000 above what you paid? That sounds like a 'feel good' appraisal to me. How did the appraiser arrive at that figure? Just shouldn't be paying extra on insurance premiums when you can definitely replace that stone for less than the 'appraised' figure. Your insurance company would never cash out for the high figure either. Just my thoughts, Cindy
a HRD 90 G SI1 (very beautiful under 10x) HCA under 1.6 just passed between my hands.... I can sell it
for 10% under RAP... anyone interested???????????

lol....... I love it.. don't want to let it go so soon.......

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