
Diamond Phosphorescence


Jun 22, 2007
I have a FLY diamond that I cannot detect fluorescence on, but I can definitely see the Phosphorescence of the stone after I turn the black light off (it glows yellow).
I was just wondering if it is possible to have a diamond with Phosphorescence but no fluorescence, or if I can assume the diamond has very faint fluorescence (that maybe I do not have the correct light to detect) since the stone exhibits Phosphorescence.
A few of the stones in my ering setting have very strong Phosphorescence but they also have very strong fluorescence... so thats why I was wondering if the Phosphorescence phenomenon can occur without fluorescence. :))

I have seen this phenomenon a few times, almost exclusively with blue diamonds. But I think your analysis is correct. The same type of excitement causes fluorescence and phosphorescence, so I expect that when the phos is visible but the fluor is not that it is a function of the excitation wavelength being a bit off from the optimal for this particular diamond. Thus the fluor is very weak, but when the light is off the phos is visible.

I hope this helps a little, and please remember this is only speculation from empirical data.
This thread got me curious so I just checked.
I just found out several of my natural Fancy Colored Diamonds exhibit phosphorescence, which is different from fluorescence.
Fluorescence is when they glow when UV light is present, as in the second pic above.
Phosphorescence is where they continue to glow after the UV light is turned off.
I do not have a pic of this . . . yet.

Witnessing phosphorescence is kind of a hassle.
The light given off by a phosphorescing diamond, at least mine, is VERY dim and VERY fleeting.
My strongest one lasts perhaps 2 or 3 seconds as I watch it fade to dark.
The more faint ones last less than a second.

Since light given off is so dim you won't see it in a normally-lit room, just like you can't see stars during the day.
I had to sit in a dark interior closet for a minute or so to let my eyes adjusted to the dark, something you also have to do for star gazing.
I think to fully-experience a diamond's phosphorescence it takes around 45 minutes of sitting in the dark for the eyes to reach their full sensitivity.

I used this UV light:

FWIW, I'll report later on the relative strengths and the exact color I see and how/if it phosphorescence relates to the fluorescence of my collection.
BTW my asscher (GIA F VVS2 2.26 ct med blue fluor) has very substantial phosphorescence. TOO COOL!
I was hoping that my blue diamond would phosphoresce red (I've read that they do) but I don't detect that, yet.
Maybe I need to let my eyes adjust to the dark longer to detect it.

Gosh! What a dork I am!!!

I doubt phosphorescence is bright enough to capture with a camera but I'll give it a try.



Thank you both for the responses.

Kenny, I am interested to see the results of your experiments :))
What I do to help me see the Phosphorescence is to bombard the diamond with the uv light (hold the UV light almost on top of the diamond) for about a minute (I noticed the longer the diamond is exposed to the UV light the stronger and longer it Phosphoresces), and during this time I keep my eyes closed (I am in a dark interior room with no windows). This helps your eyes not adjust to the brightness of the UV light itself.

I will also try to capture a picture of the phosphorescence... we will see how hard it is... haahaa ;))
i have tried capturing phosphorescence on my fancy colored diamonds but no such luck... there's just not enough light source for the camera to pick up... all i get is pure blackness in my pictures... :)
acebruin|1311014551|2971584 said:
i have tried capturing phosphorescence on my fancy colored diamonds but no such luck... there's just not enough light source for the camera to pick up... all i get is pure blackness in my pictures... :)

Yes that was the exact experience I just had while trying to capture it. I was able to get 2 blurry dots to come out (from 2 stones in my ering mount), but that was it. I really wanted to get the yellow phosphorescence from the FLY, but was unable to do it :wacko:

I am interested if Kenny can do it since I know he has a pretty cool set up for diamond photos :bigsmile:
I intended just post this link here, to a thread where I recently posted pictures of my wife's engagement ring fluorescing and phosphorescing... but I guess it can't hurt to re-post a couple of pictures here too :)
The stone is a natural fancy greyish green diamond. It phosphoresces for many minutes after exposure to ANY bright light source (ok, I haven't tried red-light yet, but all regular white light sources - especially the sun!).

First fluorescence with UV light:

Second phosphorescence after exposure to incandescent light bulb:


My 0.96ct Marquise with Strong Blue Fluo glows Bright yellow then fades into a pale yellow then chalky white - It stays illuminated for around 10 seconds in total - This is just after being under Normal Long-Wave UV Light

My 0.96ct Marquise with Strong Blue Fluo glows Bright yellow then fades into a pale yellow then chalky white - It stays illuminated for around 10 seconds in total - This is just after being under Normal Long-Wave UV Light


That is very cool. I have 3 diamonds that show phosphorescence. The two colored diamonds that have it (glow for a little while. The white diamond only for a short period. I haven't been able to get pictures, sadly.
That is very cool. I have 3 diamonds that show phosphorescence. The two colored diamonds that have it (glow for a little while. The white diamond only for a short period. I haven't been able to get pictures, sadly.

Thanks! Yours sound awesome too!

I actually took a Video then saved a few screenshots from the Vid rather than trying to take individual Stills