
Diamond peeves and LOVES

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Nov 24, 2006
It is snowing a lot here so I am stuck in doors
I was just curious if these things happened to you?

Okay, everytime I show people my ring they HAVE to TOUCH the diamond. It makes me crazy and I don''t get WHY they do that!!! I never say anything but when no one is looking I breath on it and wipe the smudge


I love to look at my ring out driving when the sun is out (hopefully I don''t cause any accidents)! j/k.

I love to look at my ring in different lighting!!!

This may be my husbands peeve. I make him look at how sparkly it is at our local video store!!!

I am CURIOUS of others have Peeves and loves to share.
Date: 1/20/2007 2:14:07 PM
It is snowing a lot here so I am stuck in doors
I was just curious if these things happened to you?

Okay, everytime I show people my ring they HAVE to TOUCH the diamond. It makes me crazy and I don''t get WHY they do that!!! I never say anything but when no one is looking I breath on it and wipe the smudge


I love to look at my ring out driving when the sun is out (hopefully I don''t cause any accidents)! j/k.

I love to look at my ring in different lighting!!!

This may be my husbands peeve. I make him look at how sparkly it is at our local video store!!!

I am CURIOUS of others have Peeves and loves to share.
It is snowing here too Skippy!

Peeves: I also hate when people touch my diamonds and I don''t like when they ask questions about color, clarity, or how much things cost!

Loves: I like to clean my diamond jewelry and set it out in the nice bathroom lights and admire it while I am drying my hair and putting on my makeup. This is a good way for me to see the stuff like my studs and pendants that I can''t see when I am wearing them!!!
Peeves: I absolutely HATE it when people ask how much my fiance spent on my ring. He never even told ME how much he spent (and I didn''t even ask him!) but random strangers always ask. I also hate it when people I don''t know automatically ask to try it on. Hmm...another thing I don''t like is when other girls (usually younger than me) start comparing rings ("Mine''s better than yours!"). It''s my engagement ring! I love it and I''d have loved it even if it were the ugliest CZ ring he could possibly find!

Loves: I love looking at my ring in the elevator at work. When I''m by myself in that elevator I just stand there and stare at it.
Skippy''s probably laughing at me now, picturing that!

I love the little light reflection sparkels that hit the dashboard in the car when when the sunlight hits it just right.

I love the way it looks after I take it to the jewelery store to be cleaned...this is a weekly trip, but it always looks so pretty!
Date: 1/20/2007 5:14:00 PM
Author: Sundial

It is snowing here too Skippy!

Peeves: I also hate when people touch my diamonds and I don''t like when they ask questions about color, clarity, or how much things cost!

Loves: I like to clean my diamond jewelry and set it out in the nice bathroom lights and admire it while I am drying my hair and putting on my makeup. This is a good way for me to see the stuff like my studs and pendants that I can''t see when I am wearing them!!!

Sundial, I am so excited for you. It is funny because I remember when you said you wanted snow and now I always wonder if Farmington is getting snow!
Yippeee for snow in Farmington.

It stopped snowing here. Valerie, I am going to have to check out my ring in the elevator now

I always think it is fun to see your jewelry tried on by friends cuz then you get to admire it
and see it in a way you never see it!!!

Enjoy admiring your sparkles
One of my peeves is people who don''t clean their rings!!! Yucky!
Another is when people call my diamond "cute" (as in small)
Also, I don''t like it when people feel the need to judge you either way for spending too much/too little on your ring. Believe me, I''ve heard both so I''m pretty sure there is no perfect budget.

Peeves, I don't think I have any. No one ever touches it, nor asks about its specs. I think part of that is lack of knowledge, part of it is the way people are around here, part of it may be jealousy...

Loves, let me count the ways.

I LOVE how it looks like it's glowing at times.

How it looks at the kitchen table where the sun shines in on it while I'm doing whatever.

How it looks in the car on a sunny day with the sunroof open.

How it looks in low lights.

How it looks in stores with high fluorescent lighting...

OK, you get the picture.

It's getting ready to snow here too, and possible freezing rain.
No one asks about mine, either, Ellen, but I see ''em lookin''!!! I LOVE that, LOL!

I love looking at it when I''m waiting in the car for the light to change and see the sun hit it. I love it when I can roll the window down and dangle my hand out and watch my ring in the mirror -- I am SUCH a dork!!!

I hate when I think something really stupid like, "If I had only traded that pear a year earlier I probably could have gotten a full carat..." I hate knowing that I will never be 110% satisfied and that I have to settle for being 99.8% satisfied.
Great thread! My peeve this week is: Why do they put G colored pave'' with a D color stone?

Loves: Watching the diamonds play in good lighting
Gazing into a Royal Asscher
Looking at my jewelry after I''ve cleaned it
Peeves: maintenance! I don''t mind cleaning my rings, but I hate how things get knocked loose in prongs, tiny diamonds come popping out, stones chip. Why can''t rings stay like the day you get them forever with no upkeep?

Loves: catching it in just the right light and then moving it around to get more sparkle. And whenever I look down at my hand, I feel like there''s a tiny present waiting there just for me.
Date: 1/20/2007 8:04:42 PM
Author: lumpkin
No one asks about mine, either, Ellen, but I see ''em lookin''!!! I LOVE that, LOL!
peeves - people who don''t keep their rings clean! I know one person who just won''t take it off to clean it. Yuck!

I love staring at my ring in shaded sunlight. Also, on the windowsilll on a sunny day it looks great. And I make my husband look at it sometimes if we''re out shopping or whatever. I don''t even have to say anything, just put it in front of him and he sees the sparkles and rolls his eyes laughing because he knows what I''m thinking - look how sparkly in these lights!! Sometimes he''ll even grab my hand and comment on the sparkle, which of course makes my day
I do the same thing with my son, although he gets plenty embarassed and tells me to stop staring at my ring in public!
I hate when people scream, HOW BIG IS THAT?

I do not like people grabbing my hand...

I hate when my ring is dirty, which seems to be a lot with an emerald cut stone...

I do not like people to ask cost, pretty rude if you ask me...

I love my ring and am happy with it but hate when people make comments that are hurtful...I would NEVER want that, it is too big.

I always say something nice about people''s things. i would never be intentionally hurtful.
Well my new ring isnt done yet but with my old ring.


I hate hand grabbers lol when I worked at Kays thats all the people I waited on would do.

Greasy fingerprints

People that compliment and condesend at the same time "Oh thats so georgeous I would never want a diamond that big its just to gaudy on me.


The light reflections on the wall or wherever

How special I feel to be engaged to my FI
I remember there was a thread here about why we love diamonds or something like that. Tawn said she loved it because she could stare at it when her husband watched tv, or when she was in a waiting room for some reason. Essentially it kept her entertained when she was bored.

I laughed to myself because it''s so true. That''s what I like about having mine...when we''re out running some errand for TGuy, or he''s taking way too much time in the DVD section at Costco, I can just play with my ring.

I swear, I must appear a bit idiotic to the onlooker.....
I have had people honk at me at a light cause I was too busy staring at my ring!!! I don''t have many peeves. Just the usual dirty diamonds that drive me insano. Or the grabbing of the hand.
Oh my goodness, I loved reading this thread. You all are too cute!!!

TravelingGrl, I get lost in my diamond too! That is too funny!!!! LOL.

Ellen, I love when it glows too.

Diamond rocks. I so understand when the diamond sparkles all the people we love, MUST see too. hee heee

Kaleigh, that is too funny someone honked because you were lost in your diamond. Don't people know they are suppose to wait till we are finished staring, shesh!!
peeves - i am a reformed dirty diamond person and i think we are worse than refomed smokers. i hate looking at mine or others dirty diamonds.

when people have bent or scary prongs and don't notice.

favorites - "walmart moments". I was in walmart yesterday in the electronics dept and there were women standing in line at the register. all 3 including the cashier were diamond junkies because all of a sudden it became a mutual diamond admiration moment. i am glad there was no one in line behind us. edited: all 3 of us were hand grabbers, by mutual consent

it does not bother me when people ask how much. she asked me how much and where i got it, and i told her. she told me the same. Is this regional, because in texas it doesn't seem to be a big deal.

Btw, all of us had on 2-3 rings per hand. ha ha. I know that drives a lot of you nuts, but quite normal for here. and in yellow gold too

how diamonds look under dappled tree light, in the car, and at home depot, sugarland mall, and walmart.
Peeves: The size! I could go bigger...


The shape (princess cut)
The sparkle
The color (or lack of) ''F''
The setting
The size isn''t too bad (but I could go bigger
That DH gave it too me
Date: 1/21/2007 12:13:38 AM
Author: TravelingGal
Tawn said she loved it because she could stare at it when her husband watched tv, or when she was in a waiting room for some reason. Essentially it kept her entertained when she was bored. I laughed to myself because it''s so true.

EXACTLY! HA!! I caught myself staring & playing with my asscher in a slow-moving Lowes line just yesterday! I probably DO IT everytime -- but had a little "out of myself" moment there and was like "I am a total nutball!"

It''s like Scarface ... "Say hello to my little friend" ... it''s my little sparkly, hypnotic friend. And I play with light inside it like those little "get the metal ball in the hole" games.

But my fave light situation is always in the car ... dunno why. The SUPER sparkly & wacked-out it gets in pin-light superstores is almost too much to take ... fun sometimes but yeesh. The car it''s cool, probably dappled light where I can see every little detail of the pattern POP, but not blind me. It''s ICY there - so wide open & breathtaking.
Date: 1/21/2007 11:21:33 AM
Author: decodelighted

Date: 1/21/2007 12:13:38 AM
Author: TravelingGal
Tawn said she loved it because she could stare at it when her husband watched tv, or when she was in a waiting room for some reason. Essentially it kept her entertained when she was bored. I laughed to myself because it''s so true.

EXACTLY! HA!! I caught myself staring & playing with my asscher in a slow-moving Lowes line just yesterday! I probably DO IT everytime -- but had a little ''out of myself'' moment there and was like ''I am a total nutball!''

It''s like Scarface ... ''Say hello to my little friend'' ... it''s my little sparkly, hypnotic friend. And I play with light inside it like those little ''get the metal ball in the hole'' games.

But my fave light situation is always in the car ... dunno why. The SUPER sparkly & wacked-out it gets in pin-light superstores is almost too much to take ... fun sometimes but yeesh. The car it''s cool, probably dappled light where I can see every little detail of the pattern POP, but not blind me. It''s ICY there - so wide open & breathtaking.

I will go to Lowe''s with my husband and say "honey go inside and get what you need, I am going to wait in the car." Then it is diamond fun for me; I have only done it once, but I can''t wait for more diamond fun!!!
I have a lovely 1930''s engagement ring which is pretty much the basis of my peeves. I''m actually really very pissed off at the moment!

Peeves: I hate it when jewelers disrespect my ring! I''ve been scouting jewelers looking for the right place to bring fi for wedding bands. I hate hate hate it when they tell me it''s not an antique or they have something just like it. Upon closer inspection they''re like ''oh, it is an antique''.

I also hate it when jewelers try to use my ring to tell me what I should wear as a wedding band.
One told me I couldn''t wear a channel set band since it''d look to modern and kept insisting I should get one of these horribly uncomfortable and fussy rings he had. Um... hello? My side diamonds are channel set!

Loves: How perfectly suited my ring is to me. He knows me better than I know myself! I love how I''ll always remember how I felt when he gave it to me. I love how his shine when he looks at it.

And of course I love how it always sparkles no matter how horrible the light. I admire my ring all the time: in the car, in airport bathrooms, while grocery shopping.... etc.
My peeve is that I don''t have my diamond yet!

Roll on March!

Date: 1/21/2007 12:33:11 PM
Author: Maisiebelle
My peeve is that I don''t have my diamond yet!

Roll on March!


Gotta add your loves in March

Indie, so sorry w/your peeves. I would be super peeved too! Give them heck
Don''t mean to hijack, but Skippy I love your new avatar! You guys are just so gosh darn cute!!!
Sundial, You make me feel like a million bucks
, my fellow sweetie pie New Mexican!!! Thank you:-)

Last night my accounting firm had their winter ball. It was so much fun and my hubby and I got dressed up. I feel like I am hijacking my own thread now since I wanted to share how cute my husband is!!! Plus I got to wear some fake bling. heee heee

My husband held out his hand to take our picture so that is why it looks sort of funny.

Thanks for posting a bigger picture! You have such a beautiful smile and yes your hubby is quite a handsome guy!!! It looks like you two were having a ball.
thank you, thank you, thank you!!! You are very kind

Sundial, did the snow melt??? I hope you gotta make a few snowmen!!!

touching my diamond or grabbing my hand and twisting it this way and that
raving about my ring and diamond until i feel embarassed OR showing others like 'look at what SHE has'...
people trying to estimate what size or color or whatever it is. just ask...don't go 'oh is it a 1c?'...haha..or 'wow that's a beautiful D'.

how you can never quite capture what your eye sees in a diamond's never QUITE as great.
people who say 'oh he must REALLY love you' when they see my diamond or ring.
dirty diamonds or encrusted with dirt overall rings...


church lighting, track lighting in restaurants, any sort of recessed lighting
driving and seeing the tons of little itty bitty fire sparkles on the car roof etc..and airplanes!!
catching a blinding flash of white light from the table at odd times in the sunlight
how direct sunlight turns the stone bluish (didn't used to like this in my old stone but this new one, i don't know, it's awesome!!)
catching a glimpse of my rings on my hand when i am least expecting it aka in a mirror or a window i'm walking by, it's a great cure for DSS!!!
The one that I don''t know if it is a Peeve or what it is?!?!? A client of mine asked me if my ring was CZ. I laughed and said nope. I smile of course because they are a client!

Do you guys get the CZ question?????
Date: 1/21/2007 11:21:33 AM
Author: decodelighted

Date: 1/21/2007 12:13:38 AM
Author: TravelingGal
Tawn said she loved it because she could stare at it when her husband watched tv, or when she was in a waiting room for some reason. Essentially it kept her entertained when she was bored. I laughed to myself because it''s so true.

EXACTLY! HA!! I caught myself staring & playing with my asscher in a slow-moving Lowes line just yesterday! I probably DO IT everytime -- but had a little ''out of myself'' moment there and was like ''I am a total nutball!''

It''s like Scarface ... ''Say hello to my little friend'' ... it''s my little sparkly, hypnotic friend. And I play with light inside it like those little ''get the metal ball in the hole'' games.

But my fave light situation is always in the car ... dunno why. The SUPER sparkly & wacked-out it gets in pin-light superstores is almost too much to take ... fun sometimes but yeesh. The car it''s cool, probably dappled light where I can see every little detail of the pattern POP, but not blind me. It''s ICY there - so wide open & breathtaking.
There is no way I could have put it better. I loved those stupid games when I was a kid (probably because I wasn''t bright enough to ever complete more than one side on a Rubix cube). No wonder I still there and try to do the same thing with my ring. Sometimes I''ll go nuts trying to get the light *just* right on the I can make sure it''s clean.

Bonafide loony.........
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