
Diamond on hold, need advice


Jan 5, 2016
Last time I posted I received some great recommendations on stones, but I waited on purchasing and lost out on the options provided. I did some searching based on what I learned on here and found the following diamond from James Allen that I have put on hold. Any feedback on whether you think this is a good diamond to purchase would be great! I asked for Idealscope images and the rep said that since I was familiar with the HCA and pricescope it would yield the same result and only delay the purchase, any thoughts on this as well?

Thanks so much!!
I am not exactly thrilled with their answer to your request for an idealscope image. Are you in a hurry? If so, just go ahead and buy it as it is probably okay. If a couple of extra days won't matter, then yes, I'd get the Idealscope image.
Thank you! I went ahead and requested the image which they said should take about 3-5 business days to get back to me. Not the most convenient, but also not a dealbreaker.
diamondseeker2006|1454090505|3983617 said:
I am not exactly thrilled with their answer to your request for an idealscope image. Are you in a hurry? If so, just go ahead and buy it as it is probably okay. If a couple of extra days won't matter, then yes, I'd get the Idealscope image.

As I've been waiting for the images from James Allen, I have continued my search. Analysis by paralysis I suppose! I have received the attached images from another recommended vendor for another diamond with the stats below. The price difference is only about $100. What do you think of the images? Could this be the one? Thanks!

Carat Weight:1.13
Crown: 32.5
Pavilion: 41.0

To be honest, I like the looks of this new one better but it does have a lower crown angle than I usually like. Can you wait
till you get the idealscope back on the JA stone before making a decision?
Hmmm, this is a tough one. The light return images look great. I definitely prefer I color over J. I personally prefer the crown angle to be 34-35, and in some cases, as low as 33.5. That is just because the profile view is prettier to me when the crown is higher. But the average person won't know a thing about that. Sooooo, it might be a good buy. Is the diameter larger than the other one? Probably is with that depth.
What's your budget?
I can wait on getting the images from JA, just with the risk of losing out on this one if someone else buys it.

I like the I color better as well, though I have seen some J's in person and liked them very much. This J did seem to be a little warmer on the zoom than some of their others so I was a little worried about that. The diameter on The I is only slightly bigger at 6.8 vs 6.76 for the JA one.

As for budget, right around 5k.
Can you explain the impact of the low crown angle on the last stone? If it's something that, like you said, the average person (me) would know nothing about, could it still be an option? I'm just trying to understand my options and where to sacrifice, which in comparison to your suggestion is size.

As far as dropping to VS2, I don't mind that at all. I have looked even down to SI2 when discussing with vendors.
I honestly cannot tell you that the I VS1 would look much different face up. But you aren't always seeing a diamond from the top, you see the profile often and I just like the look of a higher crown angle. Bottom line is that it would probably be fine. It just wouldn't be in the most desirable specs within GIA Excellent, but it still is in the excellent range, which is a good thing. There have been people who later resold a diamond for various reasons, and this one would be a little harder to sell to the crowd here due the low crown angle. I really can't rule that diamond out with those good light return images.
Thank you! That explanation helps!

JA got back to me today with the idealscope. Any other thoughts now that I have this?

Thanks again!!

Any thoughts?
Pretty good. Preferred the first stone though.