
Diamond fell out of my ring - help

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Feb 10, 2007
I feel sick
, my husband has just bought me a beautiful 10 year anniversery eternity ring (4 weeks ago) and today I noticed one of the diamonds has fallen out. There are 11 diamonds each around 15 points. Obvioiusly we are taking it back to the jeweller store tomorrow and have called them and explained. Now the exchange/refund time period has elapsed, and I really love the ring so dont reallly want to change it, but at the same time what should I be expecting to happen when I visit the jewellery store. The store is a high end jewellery store - so not some little dodgy store.

I would expect them at this short time frame to replace the diamond free of charge and fix the problem. But now I am worried about the integrity of the ring setting, and will it happen again??

Are there best practice standards or industry norms for reputable high end jewellery stores in relation to this -
what time frame can I expect them to guarnatee that stones wont fall out under normal conditions?? What is my recorse if they fix it and over the next 5 - 10 years this happens again and again? I love my eternity ring and want to have it until I am old and grey
, and plan to wear it regulary (expect when cleaning, gardening etc). In short, what should I expect the jewellery store to do, what should I ask regarding the future and this ring style and potenitall diamonds falling out and anything else I should say or ask for / make sure they provide in terms of future guranteee/ checks.

It is a really low set ring, and the 11 stones seem to be seamlessly set. Will try to attach a photo but am having problems.

Thanks heaps for any advise /suggestions

I''m sorry this happened. I bet they will replace the stone for free as it is such a short time since you bought the ring. From your pic, looks like the stones are bead set?? I''d have them go over the rest of the stones to make sure none of them are loose. I have a bead set band too and have never lost stone. Good luck and let us know what they say. Looks like a beautiful band!!!
Thanks Kaleigh. I think you may be right in saying it is a bead setting. Have done a bit of a search on this since I read your post in PS and am now worried about more potential stones falling out at a later date. The stones are .15 carats so big enough that I dont want to have to replace them regulary. I wish I had been warned about this when I purchased the ring - I am now turning into a worrywart

Does anyone know about the extent to which a jeweller can be expected to warranty their settings from having diamonds fall out - ie how many years down the track is it reasonble to expect them to replace it, given normal wear and tear.

Funnily enough I was getting set to take some photos this weekend and finally have something to post in the Show me your ring section, I just didnt expect to be posting about lost diamonds.

I have a pave set e-ring and I have lost 4 or 5 stones out of it. My jeweler is a small family owned business, but they''ve been around forever, they keep replacing the stones for me whenever one pops out. Through them I get lifetime guarantee on all work (free of charge to me) and they polish & re-plate my rhodium every 6 months for free too.

They just have good customer service.

If I were you I''d expect them to repair the ring & to check the integrity of the setting. Don''t be afraid to be polite, yet firm with them.

Date: 3/24/2007 5:41:34 PM
Author: divergrrl
I have a pave set e-ring and I have lost 4 or 5 stones out of it. My jeweler is a small family owned business, but they''ve been around forever, they keep replacing the stones for me whenever one pops out. Through them I get lifetime guarantee on all work (free of charge to me) and they polish & re-plate my rhodium every 6 months for free too.

They just have good customer service.

If I were you I''d expect them to repair the ring & to check the integrity of the setting. Don''t be afraid to be polite, yet firm with them.

They are pretty cool there.... that might have played more into my reasoning if I was going to stay here indefinitely.
I have lost a melee as well. My jeweler replaces them for free. Since the ring is so new I am sure they will take care of you as well!
As your ring is new, the jeweller may replace the stone this time. I am in the UK and I would not expect a jeweller here to replace 15 point melee diamonds if they fell out, that would be what I would have to buy insurance for. A jeweller may replace 1 point and 2 point diamonds as they are not as expensive.
Thanks for your replies so far.
Pyramid, it is an interesting point, in that because the stones are 15points the jeweller may not replace them if they fall out later. The ring was not cheap, and you would expect the jeweller not to make a setting that does not have diamonds falling out, where this to happen regularly I couldnt keep on claiming on insurance as this would just increase my insurance IYKWIM. Well here is hoping this is the first and last time
If it does happen again I will have to get another setting - which would be annoying but what else can I do, cant just replace the stones if they keep on falling out.

Pyramid, we have recently moved to the UK, any pointers on ring insurance you can provde??
I don't know about you, but my insurance has a $1000 deductible on it (which is more than the lost 15pointer). So if I were to make a claim, I'd have to eat the deductible first. Since my melee stones are 1pointers, its no biggie for my jeweler to replace them free of charge.

You've got bigger diamonds so that may present a problem down the road. The only thing I can suggest to you is to ask a lot of questions, (like -- under normal "wear and tear" can I expect my diamonds to stay in?, and what kind of help can I expect from your store if this happens in 5, or 10 years?)

I'd also have them check the integrity of the prongs or bead that are holding the stones in to ensure they will hold tight. I lost 4 or 5 stones in a time frame of 4 months and I was pretty upset. I had them keep my ring for a few days & make sure every stone was set securely. That was over 6 months ago & I haven't lost a stone since *knock wood* and I've been wearing it a lot more than I used to & knocking it around a bit more.

another thought: Ask them if you can bring the ring in for "checkups" every 6 months to check the prongs & clean the ring. (for free of course). That way you can sleep a little easier.

My personal, unprofessional opinion is that bead setting isn't as secure as other types of prongs, but then again, there are antique rings out there that have never lost a single who knows... I guess nothing is perfect.

Good luck!

Well, we took it to the jeweller today who will look at it and get back to us. They said it was a claw setting. I thought claw settings were secure? I certainly told them I would be wearing it everyday. So how safe are claw settings??
I still have an awful feeling in my stomach, this has not been a very nice experience and I just want to wear my ring and get on wtih things.

Stones don''t come out of settings in a mysterious fashion. It is almost always a result of less-than-ideal workmanship, or compromise, or wishful thinking. Often, its the "rush job" that''s to blame.
If the ring was sized to fit you, that can result in "distortion" that affects the way in which the stones are trapped in the settings. If the person who sized the ring didn''t closely examine the settings following the sizing, the stones may be vulnerable to loss from that lack of attention. Or, not enough attention was paid when the stones were originally set....

When diamonds are lost from settings, the jeweller should be responsible. Imagine if you bought a new car, and one of the wheels came off on the highway.... it''s sort of the same thing, except nobody gets injured through the loss of a stone. To shrug and say that it''s common to have small stones come out of settings is akin to suggesting that its an acceptable risk to have medical instruments left inside patients following surgery. It''s negligence.
And, yes, it''s upsetting....and it''s an embarrassment the trade, when posts such as yours and subsequent ones reveal how common stone loss is.
The end result of it being common knowledge that stones regularly come out of settings is a decrease in desire to own jewellery, and that is not a good prospect for the trade to have to consider.
Insist that your jewellers take full responsibility for lost stones. The "shrug" simply can''t be tolerated.
Well, I just spoke to the jeweller and they have said they will give me a totally new ring and double check it prior to sending it to their store. I am relieved. Mistakes can occur, as long as a business deals with it in a professional manner I have no hesitation in dealing with them again. So I am looking forward to seeing the new ring and posting some pictures when I get it.
I am very glad your stressful experience is coming to an end. Enjoy wearing your new ring.
that is good news D2B. can''t wait to see pics when it''s done!!
Yay! I''m so glad they resolved it for you!
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