
Diamond Cutter

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Oct 4, 2002
Can anyone suggest where I might be able to have a diamond cut specifically for me and who to contact?

I am looking for a pear-shaped roughly 1 ct give or take. Extremely high quality cut parameters.

I would like to see if it is possible to get excellent polish and symetry.
On 12/15/2002 10:25:13 PM

Can anyone suggest where I might be able to have a diamond cut specifically for me and who to contact?

I am looking for a pear-shaped roughly 1 ct give or take. Extremely high quality cut parameters.

I would like to see if it is possible to get excellent polish and symetry.

Yes, it is possible.... The reason I say this is I have one in my collection.... NO- ITS NOT FOR SALE, since I gave up selling a long time ago.

But it is a great diamond. Its 1.11 D- FLAWLESS ( not Internally Flawless )and its polish and symmetry is Ex Ex.

I did see two others last year.... A matched pair of 21 carat D FL's

just a little pricey for me to buy them and not sell them.... wish I could hoard them like I have the other pet rocks in the collection here, but these were multi-million dollar diamonds...... and my Master Card limit isn't that high !

So, the answer is YES, you can get this type of diamond, it just may take a little while to find the EXACT one you want.

(innocent look)

On 12/15/2002 10:25:13 PM

Can anyone suggest where I might be able to have a diamond cut specifically for me and who to contact?

I am looking for a pear-shaped roughly 1 ct give or take. Extremely high quality cut parameters.

I would like to see if it is possible to get excellent polish and symetry.

My advice would be to find a stone already cut. There are problems in having someone cut it for you, as you would be obligated to purchase it, even if you didn't like it when they were done with the cutting.

In addition, suppose the stone shattered or developed a feather while being cut? You'd be stuck, which is the position diamond dealers are in when they buy rough and have it cut. Much like playing roulette.

If things go well, they can make a profit ( sometimes not much of one, particularly if the stone "finishes" at a carat weight less than they anticipate when analyzing the rough...

Barry or Brian can each make some comment on their experiences here - they do this on a regular basis, and might want to add some further comment for you....but I think you'd be far better off not gambling.... as you may have to purchase several stones before you'd get the "right" one, that is unless things went superbly on the cutting wheel ( which it does sometimes, but doesn't sometimes too).

Plus you wouldn't be SURE of the grading of it till GIA graded it. Now a stone can be "reworked" to ex ex, but it could have to be "adjusted" one or more times before reaching that grading.

Hope this helps....

Thanks Rock,

I just sent you a PM, you can disregard some of it as I sent it before I read your second post.

Thanks for the advice again. Always helpful.
Hey Rock,

Any chance you could send me some info on your pear, for comparison. I.E. gem file, BS, Ideal-scope, Pics, ect.

Do you think that the Ex/Ex makes a good deal of noticable visual difference in the diamond?

Would it be benificial to have a diamond with gd/gd cleaned up to be a ex/ex, and how difficult would that be?

Thanks again
Hi Rook

Don't want to mislead you with providing specs.

The B Scope software hasn't yet been finished for pear shapes. Another "problem" is the personal preferences even of those in the industry.

I think mine is the "cat's meow" of pear shapes, but not everyone would agree with me.

If you are in the area, I will show you the stone, but trying to duplicate the proportions might not yield or result in another stone looking the same.

I certainly understand your interest in having a stone cut the way you want, but the problem is fancy shapes even in identically proportioned stones can look very different.

I don't see a point in buying an existing stone with the intent of recutting it, unless you are STEALING it price wise ( not to influence you to go rob someone). In order to assure you of getting what you really want, you just need to find it already "done".

Also ... suppose the cutter broke the stone while he was "fixing" it, or a feather opened up on it making it worth a fraction of what you anticipated getting? These are gambles that sometimes go the wrong way, and you have to swallow a huge lump in your throat and just take it on the chin. Are you prepared for such an occurance?

I bought a very nice piece of Cherry Opal rough.... it was 34 carats or something like that. A feather opened in it while I was cutting it , and the stone finished as a 1 carat when I got done.. big dissappointment and loss but a great experience in learning just how much of a gamble cutting is.

I also was cutting an amethyst making a preform.... stone shattered and I lost another large piece of rough.

Another example of Mother Nature's middle finger sticking up at you...which she can do very frequently......

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