
Diamond buying experience - GoodOldGold

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Mar 3, 2003
Here is a brief synopsis of my ring buying experience...

I started looking into buying an engagement ring back in Sept. 2002. A friend of mine had purchased his engagement ring from ( so I decided to check them out. The website was very easy to navigate but I wanted to check out some other sites as well. I did the usual search engines searches and came up with a huge number of sites. After a couple weeks of research I noticed a lot of the diamonds listed on many of the sites seemed to be the exact same diamond! This was confirmed when I looked at some of the GIA or AGSL reports which had the same report number. This bothered me a bit because I wanted to work with a company that was more than just a broker. I wanted to buy my diamond from someone who actually had -=SEEN=- the diamond.
Along the way I found some very informative site like DiamondTalk (, PriceScope ( and DiamondChitChat ( I started checking out the websites of the jewelers who frequent (or had frequented) those sites and eventually I stumbled across GoodOldGold ( I have to admit, I initially just glanced at the first page and dismissed the site because it didn''t have all the bells and whistles that the big dogs have (like BlueNile and I eventually came back to the site however due to the large number of positive comments I had read on the forums. I also checked out their BBB record. Spotless for the last 36 months (which is much more than I can say about some of the big dogs)
. After delving deep into the knowledge base that is GoodOldGold I emerged feeling confident enough to visit some local jewelers...
Out of the 5 jewelers I visited only one of them was able to give more information than just the 4C''s spiel. I went to Tiffanys in SF just for fun and was ignored after a gentleman and his wife/girlfriend walked up to the counter requesting to see some 6ct. stones. The salesperson that was helping me immediately shuffled him off to a viewing room after handing me a small pamphlet on the 4C''s and why Tiffany diamonds are the best.
What I found interesting was the lack of knowledge at many B&M jewelers. Not one jeweler was able to give me any information on the cut of the diamond other than "It is the best" or "I''ve certified it myself so I can assure you it is an ideal cut." When I would ask what constitutes an "ideal cut" I was usually told that it took many years of gemological study to understand. I was even told by one jeweler to stop asking so many questions and to stop "trying to be a gemologist."
So back I came to the internet. The information on each diamond on GoodOldGold was truly astounding. Jonathan even posts Sarin analysis files for many of his stones that allow you to view a 3-D model of the diamond. Very cool. After another 2 months of searching I finally decided to go with GoodOldGold. Jonathan, Marie and Christen were always prompt with their responses and were more than happy to answer my endless questions. I ordered my diamond ( on a Thursday and had it in my hands the next morning at 10am. I had the diamond appraised by Nancy Stacy ( who was a pleasure to work with and very thorough. I shipped the diamond back to GoodOldGold for the setting and had my finished setting/diamond a week later.

In case anyone plans on shipping their diamond anywhere and wants to have it insured, DO NOT SHIP IT THROUGH MAILBOXES, ETC. They are a complete rip off. I shipped my diamond through them with FedEx and they charged me 4x the price that FedEx charges. I could have saved a bundle if I had filled out the FedEx shipping form myself and dropped it off at any FedEx location. Better yet, I found out you can ship via the USPS with Registered Mail which includes insurance up to $25k (

All in all my diamond buying experience was fun and my experience with GoodOldGold was outstanding. I will definitely be buying from them in the future. Now on to the excitement of planning the proposal!


Here are some of the sites I found helpful in my search:

and perhaps the most important...


Oct 30, 2002
Hi Binister...congrats on what sounds like a great story! I'm very interested to know what Nancy said about your stone and the quality (since its an H&A), appraisal etc. She's an interesting, thorough lady!!! She was conservative on our appraisal, wondering if she was similar with yours? She told us straight up she doesn't inflate for retail purposes.

Beautiful Bscope image!

Oh and post pictures!!


Mar 28, 2001
Hey binister!

Thanks for the kind words. It's been more than a pleasure to be of service. Think of all the money you'll save in flashlights!

Peace and thanks,
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