Hi everybody! Great site you have here. Very informative. I think I''ve read almost all of the information in the tutorial, as well as on other sites, but just when I thought I was getting to know my stuff, things took a turn for the complicated in the high quality cut area. In particular, the brand name diamonds. I''m familiar with the categories of AGS000 and their class system, but where do all these brand names fit relative to each other? I''ve heard of 8Star, Superb Cert, and A Cut Above, and there certainly may be others that I''m not aware of. I take it that all these brands produce diamonds that reveal the H&A patterns, but where do they lie in quality amongst themselves? I''ve heard of varying degrees of ideal, but now we''re getting into varying degrees of super ideal, or perfection? I hope you can start to see why I''m getting so confused.
Also, I''ve read in this tutorial that H&A diamonds generally look better than AGS000, yet not all H&A diamonds are ideal cuts. So, from a purist''s perspective, is the cut requirements for H&A more stringent than for AGS000? Which class is a more reliable guarantee of a superior cut diamond?
Thanks in advance for the help.
- Generacy
Also, I''ve read in this tutorial that H&A diamonds generally look better than AGS000, yet not all H&A diamonds are ideal cuts. So, from a purist''s perspective, is the cut requirements for H&A more stringent than for AGS000? Which class is a more reliable guarantee of a superior cut diamond?
Thanks in advance for the help.
- Generacy