
detailed questions, might need an expert =)

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oc boy

Mar 18, 2007
hi everyone. i just recently decided to propose to my wonderful girlfriend and after getting the ok from my parents, stumbled upon this site while doing some internet diamond research. alot to take in for a diamond newbie but i am so glad that i was able to find this site.

my budget is between 9-11k and i have decided that the specs that i would like are:
color: E or F
clarity: vs2-si1
carat: the biggest i can get between 1.3 - 1.6
cut: as good as i can afford
cert: GIA

i was dead set on purchasing on but after reading through this site have also added whiteflash and GOG to the sites that i am looking at currently. i have yet to make phone calls but will be doing so soon.

while doing the whole tiffany''s, robbins bros, diamond district thing with my hunnie, i figured out that her preferences are more rock with an emphasis on color (because her friends only seem to ask and talk about color and clarity), visually clean clarity is cool with her since she compared it for herself, she would rather get a simple setting if it means she can have more rock (and she says that she can always get a different setting later). it seems a tiffany style 6 prong would be good.

i can squeeze out some more $$ if the rock is a superb deal but i want to stay in my budget if possible. i also don''t want to consult with her too much because i want to do a surprise proposal (even though she is kind of expecting it).

so my questions are:

1. where can i get the best tiffany solitaire 6-prong plat. setting?

2. i don''t hear alot of talk about polish. how important is this characteristic?

3. how do you look through an online listing of diamonds and conclude that you found the "right" or "perfect" diamond? i just see a bunch of listings that look all but the same with similar properties and price tags.

4. can someone tell me what this means (i found this in an old post):

I would like to thank Oscar and his crew at Abazias. They made my buying experience easy, informed, and quick. I was a bit skeptical about sending some cat a large sum of dough over the internet and hoping for the best (even with the testimonials I read here). The rock was here in two days! I took it to a reputable jeweler in town and he was very impressed. We figured it up and I saved close to Two Thousand by choosing Superbcert instead of HOF and no sales tax! Now it is off to Cali to be hammer into a Gelin & Abaci tension mount.

if the above poster bought a diamond at abazias, how did he get a superbcert? aren''t those diamonds sold through

5. who do i contact for escrow/inspection services if buying from either abazias, GOG or whiteflash? is it necessary?

6. what is the difference between superbcert, hof, Eighternity, Solasfera, etc? are they all just categories of "ideal" or "premium" cut diamonds? are they they awesome? what do you guys recommend?

7. what about diamonds with proportions that make it look bigger from top down? is it worth it to seek out these types of diamonds?

8. how much difference is there between diamonds labeled excellent and premium for cut? how much better are HOF and these other premium diamonds'' cuts?

i can''t think of any more questions at the moment but will post as i remember. thanks everyone in advance for your help.


Regular Guy

Jul 6, 2004
One or two to look at for starters...

Regular Guy

Jul 6, 2004
See in context below...

Date: 3/18/2007 8:47:44 PM
Author:oc boy
hi everyone. i just recently decided to propose to my wonderful girlfriend and after getting the ok from my parents, stumbled upon this site while doing some internet diamond research. alot to take in for a diamond newbie but i am so glad that i was able to find this site.


my budget is between 9-11k and i have decided that the specs that i would like are:
color: E or F
clarity: vs2-si1
carat: the biggest i can get between 1.3 - 1.6
cut: as good as i can afford
cert: GIA

probably both I selected are from AGS. Both GIA and AGS are good...AGS with newer certs tend to be associated with more premium goods. For their top of the line, it''s all WF uses.

i was dead set on purchasing on but after reading through this site have also added whiteflash and GOG to the sites that i am looking at currently. i have yet to make phone calls but will be doing so soon.

while doing the whole tiffany''s, robbins bros, diamond district thing with my hunnie, i figured out that her preferences are more rock with an emphasis on color (because her friends only seem to ask and talk about color and clarity), visually clean clarity is cool with her since she compared it for herself, she would rather get a simple setting if it means she can have more rock (and she says that she can always get a different setting later). it seems a tiffany style 6 prong would be good.

i can squeeze out some more $$ if the rock is a superb deal but i want to stay in my budget if possible. i also don''t want to consult with her too much because i want to do a surprise proposal (even though she is kind of expecting it).

so my questions are:

1. where can i get the best tiffany solitaire 6-prong plat. setting?

Per your notes below, if that''s what you definitely want, Superbcert has a good rep, but I think most vendors here will have a suitable replica, and signficant headache can be minimized by going with a vendor that has it in house.

2. i don''t hear alot of talk about polish. how important is this characteristic?

Not too

3. how do you look through an online listing of diamonds and conclude that you found the ''right'' or ''perfect'' diamond? i just see a bunch of listings that look all but the same with similar properties and price tags.

See below my signature...particularly "location # 3"

4. can someone tell me what this means (i found this in an old post):

I would like to thank Oscar and his crew at Abazias. They made my buying experience easy, informed, and quick. I was a bit skeptical about sending some cat a large sum of dough over the internet and hoping for the best (even with the testimonials I read here). The rock was here in two days! I took it to a reputable jeweler in town and he was very impressed. We figured it up and I saved close to Two Thousand by choosing Superbcert instead of HOF and no sales tax! Now it is off to Cali to be hammer into a Gelin & Abaci tension mount.

if the above poster bought a diamond at abazias, how did he get a superbcert? aren''t those diamonds sold through

The poster got the diamond from Abazias, and though they were interested in a ring from Hearts of Fire, ultimately thought they got good value from Superbcert instead.

5. who do i contact for escrow/inspection services if buying from either abazias, GOG or whiteflash? is it necessary?

see above right under resources/appraisers.

6. what is the difference between superbcert, hof, Eighternity, Solasfera, etc? are they all just categories of ''ideal'' or ''premium'' cut diamonds? are they they awesome? what do you guys recommend?

Different brands...right? Different "stylists," fashioning cuts, with somewhat different looks. Somes like somes.

7. what about diamonds with proportions that make it look bigger from top down? is it worth it to seek out these types of diamonds?

For''re talking spread. The in-house db does a calculation on it for you, for example

8. how much difference is there between diamonds labeled excellent and premium for cut? how much better are HOF and these other premium diamonds'' cuts?

It depends. Mostly these are based on in-house reference points based on proportions, that...especially in the case of some fancies like princesses, hurt themselves, more than help. Stick with guides like HCA and AGS0, and you''re OK to virtually ignore these, generally.

i can''t think of any more questions at the moment but will post as i remember. thanks everyone in advance for your help.


Regular Guy

Jul 6, 2004
Date: 3/18/2007 8:47:44 PM
Author:oc boy

i can squeeze out some more $$ if the rock is a superb deal but i want to stay in my budget if possible. i also don't want to consult with her too much because i want to do a surprise proposal (even though she is kind of expecting it).

Carefully review notes below my signature for "plan B," and consider this one...too. (it's $10,896 based on Pricescope & wire pricing)....


Sep 3, 2000
"5. who do i contact for escrow/inspection services if buying from either abazias, GOG or whiteflash? is it necessary?"

There are many of us "Independent Appraisers" listed in Pricescope who can provide the services you may require. SOme folks know how important this service can be and others prefer the go-it-alone method. It makes good sense to purchase expert assistance when making high priced purchases of things you are unfamiliar with, but not "necessary".

Lots of us will help you make a good deal with nearly any vendor you select.


Aug 15, 2000
RE; How did the poster get a Superbcert diamond from Abazias?

Years ago Abazias used to be one of SuperbCert''s authorized sellers.

Since that time SuperbCert chose to become a "retailer" selling direct on the internet, and dropped all his sellers.

Hope that helps.



Nov 25, 2002
Date: 3/18/2007 8:47:44 PM
Author:oc boy

1. where can i get the best tiffany solitaire 6-prong plat. setting? -

Most of the vendors have pretty good tiffany-style solitaire settings, so shouldn''t be hard.

2. i don''t hear alot of talk about polish. how important is this characteristic?

If you stay with VG, EX or Ideal, you''ll be fine.

3. how do you look through an online listing of diamonds and conclude that you found the ''right'' or ''perfect'' diamond? i just see a bunch of listings that look all but the same with similar properties and price tags.

Look for parameters that suggest well-cut according to AGS and GIA cut parameters. Most here look for depth of 60-62, table 54-57, and complimentary crown/pavilion angles. When you find stones, folks here would be happy to look over the #s and give you feedback.

4. can someone tell me what this means (i found this in an old post):

I would like to thank Oscar and his crew at Abazias. They made my buying experience easy, informed, and quick. I was a bit skeptical about sending some cat a large sum of dough over the internet and hoping for the best (even with the testimonials I read here). The rock was here in two days! I took it to a reputable jeweler in town and he was very impressed. We figured it up and I saved close to Two Thousand by choosing Superbcert instead of HOF and no sales tax! Now it is off to Cali to be hammer into a Gelin & Abaci tension mount.

if the above poster bought a diamond at abazias, how did he get a superbcert? aren''t those diamonds sold through

It most likely means that shopper was considering an HOF (likely through a traditional storefront retailer), and was able to instead get a comparably cut stone from SC for about $2k less.

5. who do i contact for escrow/inspection services if buying from either abazias, GOG or whiteflash? is it necessary?

It''s not necessary for ''escrow'' purposes, but there are several excellent independent appraisers here on PS (Rich Sherwood, RockDoc, Dave Atlas) who provide top-shelf appraisal services for those who want them. If you''re more concerned about protecting the $$, no need to worry. They are all reputable, but for your peace of mind, you could just use your c/card for purchase.

6. what is the difference between superbcert, hof, Eighternity, Solasfera, etc? are they all just categories of ''ideal'' or ''premium'' cut diamonds? are they they awesome? what do you guys recommend?

In most cases, they aren''t different (with the exception of those that have added facets, special shape, etc). Most branded stones are ideally-cut round brilliants. Branding simply gives you peace of mind in knowing that there is a stated level of quality/consistency to that product. For example, Whiteflash''s "A Cut Above" line promises exceptional performance and H&A patterning. HOF''s brand is also a round brilliant and exhibits consistency in the elements that define it''s brand hallmarks.

7. what about diamonds with proportions that make it look bigger from top down? is it worth it to seek out these types of diamonds?

In some cases, yes. It''s great to maximize diameter, but I personally don''t like to TRADE diameter for other elements. I.E. I wouldn''t want an overly shallow stone if it means that I''ll have to sacrifice fire or dispersion. In most cases, if you keep the depth within the 60-62 range and a thin-med girdle with ideal crown/pav proportions, that''s the best way to maximize diameter without sacrificing something else.

8. how much difference is there between diamonds labeled excellent and premium for cut? how much better are HOF and these other premium diamonds'' cuts?

Can''t really provide anything meaningful on this - the differences could be minute or vast depending on the vendor/source. Cut is similar to clarity/color; some need the creme-de-la-creme to satisfy their mental criteria; others are willing to go with a premium (instead of ideal cut) to get other things more important to them. What''s important to you?

i can''t think of any more questions at the moment but will post as i remember. thanks everyone in advance for your help.


oc boy

Mar 18, 2007
first off, thanks for the informative responses everyone. Ira (regular guy), i really liked your informative post (location, location, location). aljdewey, thanks also for your elaborations.

the more i read about premium cuts and see pictures of the H&A, Solsafxxx, Eightxxx, etc. the more i feel tempted to sacrifice some weight for the better cut. my baby seems to not care and wants more carats. me being obsessive compulsive about getting the most bang for my buck am looking for the perfect compromise (like most others). i don''t know if i should just get her what she thinks she wants and then risk her saying somewhere down the line that she wished her diamond sparkled more. advice?

i want to get a position where i can begin my inquiry with a vendor/broker with some reference diamonds and not go in blind and ask them what they think is a good deal. i want to do my own research about particular stones on each vendor''s site and see what they say about their stones v. what i thought/think about them.


1. Ira (regular guy). how did you find the diamond in your response:

Carefully review notes below my signature for "plan B," and consider this one...too. (it''s $10,896 based on Pricescope & wire pricing)....

and how did you get the pricing? also plugging into HCA, it seems like an excellent deal. but i didn''t have any figures for crown, pavillion, cutlet. =(

2. to plug in diamonds into the HCA, what do i do if i don''t have all the figures?

3. how prudent would it be to refine my diamond search to sub 1.5 carats (1.4-1.49) in an effort to cut corners and have extra to spend on cut? it seems that it is very difficult to find diamonds in these weight specs but that finding one may allow me to find the right balance of what i am looking for.

4. are all branded diamonds (from the reputable online vendors) going to outperform anything i can find non-branded?

thank you again so much for your responses.


Feb 17, 2007
Date: 3/19/2007 11:38:44 PM
Author: oc boy
first off, thanks for the informative responses everyone. Ira (regular guy), i really liked your informative post (location, location, location). aljdewey, thanks also for your elaborations.

the more i read about premium cuts and see pictures of the H&A, Solsafxxx, Eightxxx, etc. the more i feel tempted to sacrifice some weight for the better cut. my baby seems to not care and wants more carats. me being obsessive compulsive about getting the most bang for my buck am looking for the perfect compromise (like most others). i don''t know if i should just get her what she thinks she wants and then risk her saying somewhere down the line that she wished her diamond sparkled more. advice?

i want to get a position where i can begin my inquiry with a vendor/broker with some reference diamonds and not go in blind and ask them what they think is a good deal. i want to do my own research about particular stones on each vendor''s site and see what they say about their stones v. what i thought/think about them.


1. Ira (regular guy). how did you find the diamond in your response:

Carefully review notes below my signature for ''plan B,'' and consider this one...too. (it''s $10,896 based on Pricescope & wire pricing)....

and how did you get the pricing? also plugging into HCA, it seems like an excellent deal. but i didn''t have any figures for crown, pavillion, cutlet. =(

2. to plug in diamonds into the HCA, what do i do if i don''t have all the figures?

3. how prudent would it be to refine my diamond search to sub 1.5 carats (1.4-1.49) in an effort to cut corners and have extra to spend on cut? it seems that it is very difficult to find diamonds in these weight specs but that finding one may allow me to find the right balance of what i am looking for.

4. are all branded diamonds (from the reputable online vendors) going to outperform anything i can find non-branded?

thank you again so much for your responses.

I can only answer a few but I hope this helps:

Dropping just below 1.5 carats CAN make a big difference in price, but these stones can be hard to find. 1.5 is a price ledge and thus cutters often try and make the jump to 1.5, even if it means sacrificing cut, to get the extra $$$ for a 1.5.

Branded diamonds are often not better than unbranded ones and will often cost more. Some semi-branded ones (e.g., A cut above from Whiteflash
are great deals compared to "branded" cuts like Hearts on Fire, Royal Asscher, etc.

Please please don''t sacrifice too much cut to get more weight. You would be much better off dropping as low as you are comfortable in color and clarity before you drop the cut. Cut is what will make it sparkle, and trust me, a smaller sparkly diamond will catch more eyes than a slightly bigger dead one. Unless she requires that you get a 1.5, she is NOT going to know the difference between the two sizes, and most likely it will face up bigger than her friends'' 1.5 carats because it is such a fantastic cut.

ONLY go to the 1.5 mark if it is important to her. Otherwise, stay just below it and get the best cut possible.

Honestly, the easiest way for you is to go to one of the PS vendors and ask them to find you a stone. Tell them your budget, what is most important to you, and they will find you a fantastic stone. The catch to looking on their websites is that it often is only a small selection of diamonds AND you are competing with everyone else for the same stones. By calling, you can get ahead of the game, and take some of the headache out of finding one. PS vendors would be silly to find you a "dog" as they all know you are just going to come here and post the specs before you buy anyway!

During our hunt we called Mark T. (for a cushion) and he came up with a fantastic stone, bigger than I expected, UNDER budget, and the stone was nowhere to be found on anyone''s websites. It was the best decision my BF ever made to let it out of his hands.

Good luck!!!

Regular Guy

Jul 6, 2004
Date: 3/19/2007 11:38:44 PM
Author: oc boy


1. Ira (regular guy). how did you find the diamond in your response:

Daniel, quoting from myself in my shopping strategies: "efforts to both constrain for these documents (searching for AGS only) and look for a visual confirmation of that newer cert (measuring 0 for light performance) is an obvious direction for "nailing down" a strategy B.:"

So, after 3a...searching the search by cut db...the way I found the diamond you saw is with strategy 3b...searching
here, selecting where it says "search all," in the big db here, and in the options where you can search all or some of: AGS, GIA and other...I only selected AGS. In this case, the option that comes up is still without a visible cert...but we know something about it, that is encouraging.

and how did you get the pricing?

From reading the info from the line in the db

also plugging into HCA, it seems like an excellent deal. but i didn't have any figures for crown, pavillion, cutlet. =(

2. to plug in diamonds into the HCA, what do i do if i don't have all the figures?

you won't have that info until you ask WF to call that diamond in...or perhaps they can at least ask for more info from the certificate, so you can more quickly get that information to consider.

3. how prudent would it be to refine my diamond search to sub 1.5 carats (1.4-1.49) in an effort to cut corners and have extra to spend on cut? it seems that it is very difficult to find diamonds in these weight specs but that finding one may allow me to find the right balance of what i am looking for.

I tried this, and it didn't help me, or...well...that was true for those 2 databases, as least. Going one more time to the Pricescope well...there are actually some further options buried in the big db which you can unearth with a Pricestats search. See again my strategies thread for details, but I did see there's several more there. (eta...For example...though there's some additional ones at about's one sub 1.5 picked up from the H&A section of the Price Stats chart, a 1.4 F VS 2 at $10,637, that also is specifically noted for having H&A...with a GIA cert.) If you've no problems with flor, however, the one I already pulled out may be sufficient. But...if you do want GIA...there's others to be found!

4. are all branded diamonds (from the reputable online vendors) going to outperform anything i can find non-branded?

The general wisdom doesn't concur here...but they are a safer way to go, frequently.

thank you again so much for your responses.


Nov 25, 2002
Date: 3/19/2007 11:38:44 PM
Author: oc boy

the more i read about premium cuts and see pictures of the H&A, Solsafxxx, Eightxxx, etc. the more i feel tempted to sacrifice some weight for the better cut. my baby seems to not care and wants more carats. me being obsessive compulsive about getting the most bang for my buck am looking for the perfect compromise (like most others).

i don''t know if i should just get her what she thinks she wants and then risk her saying somewhere down the line that she wished her diamond sparkled more. advice?

OC.......keep in mind that she will be the one wearing it, so I''d definitely want to be sensitive to what she wants. On the other hand, I think you CAN focus on quality that satisfies your mind while keeping a priority on size.

She wants size; you want sparkle. To get those two things, you need to maximize diameter (size) and cut (which affects sparkle). Neither of these is affected by COLOR, and I think that compromising on color will give most of what you both want.

E/F is colorless. That designation comes at quite a steep premium. Most people don''t realize that near-colorless stones face up pretty much colorless, too, in WELL-cut stones. Most of them see crappy cut stones, and from that experience, they come away thinking "Oh, I need to get F or better if I don''t want a yellow-looking stone". For most people, E/F is a mental thing.

I felt the same way until I began looking (with my EYES) at ideally cut stones. Prior to looking, my criteria was "no lower than F". After I began looking, I realized that near colorless stones offered a great deal more value, and that exceptional cust can mask color in stones. They look just as white to me, but cost a LOT less.

We ended up buying an "A Cut Above"......H color. When I became engaged and coworkers asked to see my ring, most automatically said "Wow, look at how white it is - it must be an F! I just smiled.....and didn''t say.

You really should take a look at some WELL-CUT near-colorless stones. You may be pleasantly surprised. Here are a few options that seem to fit your budget:

1.68 I, SI1 for $11101 PS price - My top pick; size she wants, H&A, exceptional cut quality, and looks to be eyeclean

1.61 I, SI1 - $11101 PS price - Offers the size your gals wants without compromising cut.

1.57 I, SI1 for $10100 PS price - Another H&A - KICK BUTT numbers.

1.52 G, SI1 for $11983 PS price - Another H&A; a little above your stated budget but would let you get G color


Jan 13, 2006
Alj is right on cut and color. I didn''t suggest this one earlier, but since she''s thrown that fact out there, here''s one I''ve been waiting to suggest for someone looking just under 1.5.

With bank wire the price is $10,145.00.


Feb 7, 2007
Date: 3/20/2007 2:07:17 PM
Author: aljdewey

Date: 3/19/2007 11:38:44 PM

Author: oc boy

the more i read about premium cuts and see pictures of the H&A, Solsafxxx, Eightxxx, etc. the more i feel tempted to sacrifice some weight for the better cut. my baby seems to not care and wants more carats. me being obsessive compulsive about getting the most bang for my buck am looking for the perfect compromise (like most others).

i don''t know if i should just get her what she thinks she wants and then risk her saying somewhere down the line that she wished her diamond sparkled more. advice?

She wants size; you want sparkle. To get those two things, you need to maximize diameter (size) and cut (which affects sparkle). Neither of these is affected by COLOR, and I think that compromising on color will give most of what you both want.

E/F is colorless. That designation comes at quite a steep premium. Most people don''t realize that near-colorless stones face up pretty much colorless, too, in WELL-cut stones. Most of them see crappy cut stones, and from that experience, they come away thinking ''Oh, I need to get F or better if I don''t want a yellow-looking stone''. For most people, E/F is a mental thing.

I felt the same way until I began looking (with my EYES) at ideally cut stones. Prior to looking, my criteria was ''no lower than F''. After I began looking, I realized that near colorless stones offered a great deal more value, and that exceptional cust can mask color in stones. They look just as white to me, but cost a LOT less.

I just upgraded my wife''s original .8c D, VS1 engagement ring to a 1.8c H, VS2 (AGS0, H&A). We were comparing them side by side and neither of us could see a color difference. It was an eye-opening and educational experience.

oc boy

Mar 18, 2007
thank you so much for your advice and suggestions.

a couple of those rocks made me dizzy:

1. regular guy''s diamond:

this one looks to have everyone that i want. and its and F color (for my gf''s peace of mind)...

2. alj, as much as i would like to go down to I color, i just don''t think i can get there but the G one looks great (and ACA) but a little expense.

3. honestly, ellen''s diamond:

this one is soooo nice... and those cut specs...

i need some serious advice. especially between going for specs #1 and #3. i have begun contacting vendors also...


1. will H&A be denoted on a GIA or AGS report?

2. please some serious thoughts about screwing the colorless requirement and getting into G-H color for more sparkle and/or size? i''m a practical guy and i wouldn''t hesitate to get into G,H,I range but its not for me... =/

any ladies out there with advice: assuming that my gf doesn''t really care too much about the diamond beyond what she can see BUT she does care about what people will say or ask her about the diamond (i have no idea because my only interest in diamonds is for her benefit), what do you think? fyi. we and our friends are all in the yuppie age group (28-31).



Regular Guy

Jul 6, 2004

A few thoughts...

Date: 3/20/2007 4:01:05 PM
Author: oc boy

3. honestly, ellen''s diamond:

this one is soooo nice... and those cut specs...

They are nice, and the vendor has many accolades. But H is not F. Has your partner actually expressed the desire for the lower color. It is something to consider.

i need some serious advice. especially between going for specs #1 and #3. i have begun contacting vendors also...


1. will H&A be denoted on a GIA or AGS report?

No, do you care? Alternately, if you''re looking for assistance grading''ll best read here about some vendors who are more finicky about grading this than others. They''ll be your best aficionados for you, on your behalf, if that is a feature you really want.

2. please some serious thoughts about screwing the colorless requirement and getting into G-H color for more sparkle and/or size? i''m a practical guy and i wouldn''t hesitate to get into G,H,I range but its not for me... =/

any ladies out there with advice: assuming that my gf doesn''t really care too much about the diamond beyond what she can see BUT she does care about what people will say or ask her about the diamond (i have no idea because my only interest in diamonds is for her benefit), what do you think? fyi. we and our friends are all in the yuppie age group (28-31).


Another thing to ill will intended to USA Certed, who I otherwise (and here, above, sometimes recommend)...but the diamond I found, was found on the board where many "virtual" diamonds reside. It''s at least possible Jonathan can get it in for you, and help you compare it to Ellen''s. Just an idea.


Jan 11, 2006
I''d definitely go to the G-H range. I have bought from both Good Old Gold and WhiteFlash, and I''d limit my searches to those due to their excellent in-house selections of very high quality stones. My original diamond was an F, but in these hearts and arrows stones, you can go to G and H with little sacrifice in color. Of course, if her friends are going to ask what the color is, then she''ll have to deal with that. You are really going to sacrifice size if you go to E-F color.

Ironically, I looked for a 1.4-1.5 range stone in G-H color for months, and they rarely come along. That 1.45 H VS2 stone Ellen came up with is rare and an excellent value for a stone so close to 1.5 carats. I''d probably be buying it myself if it had come along at the right time! (It won''t be there long now that it has been posted on here, I assure you!)

All vendors carry simple 6-prong tiffany style settings. I wouldn''t invest in a very expensive one if she thinks she might want to change the setting later.


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 3/20/2007 4:01:05 PM
Author: oc boy

1. will H&A be denoted on a GIA or AGS report?

2. please some serious thoughts about screwing the colorless requirement and getting into G-H color for more sparkle and/or size? i''m a practical guy and i wouldn''t hesitate to get into G,H,I range but its not for me... =/

any ladies out there with advice: assuming that my gf doesn''t really care too much about the diamond beyond what she can see BUT she does care about what people will say or ask her about the diamond (i have no idea because my only interest in diamonds is for her benefit), what do you think? fyi. we and our friends are all in the yuppie age group (28-31).


Well, one thing to point out here. The one Ira found is well cut and an F. But, even though it''s a 1.40, it''s facing up a bit smaller (7.14) than my 1.40 (7.25). and since we know size is an issue, the GOG stone is facing up bigger at 7.30. Not winning the size category by a landslide, but it is a bit bigger.

As for color, GOG is an H. Honestly, this stone is going to face up beautifully, and white. I know you think color is important to her (because that''s been taught to us) , but maybe you could explain to her that CUT is the most important C. That''s your call though, you know her best.

Ask them to send you a copy of the grading report so you can see what all is listed.

Honestly? this is exactly what I was looking for when I bought my upgrade.


Jan 13, 2006


Jan 11, 2006
Date: 3/20/2007 4:54:47 PM
Author: Ellen

Date: 3/20/2007 4:48:02 PM
Author: diamondseeker2006
Unreal, but there is another 1.42 H VS2 as well:
I know! But I liked the one I posted better.
Me too, but there is a good chance they''ll both be gone relatively quickly now that they have been posted here, so I wanted to give him another possibility! I''ll bet we couldn''t tell them apart if we were holding both, though!
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