
Desperate for advice on Broken diamond

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Dec 4, 2002
I need advice! I received a .72 old mine cut H VS2 diamond in a four prong antique style setting for an engagement ring in June. Yesterday I looked at it and too my horror if has broken. A small peice had chipped of the rim which took off i estimate to be a third of the diamond mass under the stone. I immediatly went to a jewler who told me that (suprise) diamonds do chip. Though he had never seen one do so as deepl.
My dilemma is this. Is this a inharent flaw to an old mine cut diamond? Should i avoid replacing it with another old mine cut to reduce the chance of this happening again? Also was a four prong setting a factor in the break? And should the jewler who custom made and set this ring be able to spot a flaw in the ring that gave my diamond the potential to break like it did? I am very upset about this, i only had the ring six months and i really dont know if and how it should be replaced. Any help or info that anyone has would be appreciated
Was the diamond insured? If so, you can put a claim in to your insurance company. The diamond would have to have been insured on a separate schedule, as damage or breakage isn't covered under the general limited coverage, only provable theft is convered.

If it isn't insured - depending on the break it may be able to be repaired.

One of the problems with Old style cut stones is that the girdles are very thin - making them subject to chipping, and or breakage.

In addition, this diamond MAY have strain or stress that is only ascertainable with special polaroid lenses.

First you should find out WHY it broke, then take the step to prevent it from happening again, and also to make sure the break doesn't "grow" further to the extent that it isn't repairable.

any suggestions on finding out "why" it broke? i wore the ring everyday that is true but i am a Social Worker i cannot conceive of how this could have happened at all. Is there a way to find out after the damage has been done how the damage was done? the jewler i took it too said it was a 'natural break'. And no i had no insurance on the ring.
A natural break?

I am not sure what this means. Diamonds sometimes have naturals left on the edge, but this is the skin of the rough diamond left on for the purpose of retaining extra weight.

Call the jeweler who told you this and ask him to clarify what he means by that terminology.

You should seek out a credible and experience gemological lab to determine the cause of the damage - but you need to know that sometimes we can't tell.
In addition, the gemologist can tell you if the stone is repairable, any risk factors in the recutting, and how much estimated carat weight will have to be removed to make the repair. Some stones, depending on the size and depth of the break only lose a little, other can lose a lot ... it depends. Be prepared to pay a professional fee, those who don't charge you usually are limited in their expertise along these lines.

Check out the credentials, find the lab equipment used by the lab, and ask about their experience with damage and recutting issues.

And of course get your diamond, and other jewelry insured.

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