
Describe your bling personality...


Aug 8, 2005
Are you a hoarder? Do you scan the web to find deals, buy then move onto the next score with your acquisitions sitting in your jewelry box?
Are you a minimalist? You only keep what you wear daily and get rid or it or reset it if you aren't wearing it? You browse and are tempted but ultimately if you don't wear it you don't own it?

Or are you somewhere in the middle?

Where are you on the spectrum?

ULTRA MINIMALIST 4----------3------------2----------1----------0----------1--------2---------3----------4 BIG TIME HOARDER

I'm definitely about a 3 Minimalist scale with diamond pieces-- if I don't wear it I fiddle with it until I do, or I get rid of it.

With colored stones I used to be a 3 Hoarder, but I'm planning on selling all but one of my unset stones and hit 3 on the Minimalist.

How about you?

Miss Sparkly

Jan 2, 2010
I would say a 4 - ultra minimalist. I have two wedding sets - the one that DH and I picked out in 18k yellow gold and then my aunts old wedding set (a one carat diamond band, 10 10 pointers, with somewhere around a two carat solitaire both in platinum. Thankfully the center stone meets PS standards. She does a good job choosing nice pieces :bigsmile: ). And one watch, that's it. Eventually I will have all of my Grandmother's, Aunt's and Mom's jewelry as I'm the only girl on that side of the family :naughty: .


Oct 7, 2004
hahaha... i'm a hoarder. Totally a bling hoarder. And i know exactly how it started.

7 years ago i went thru a phase and sold all the stuff i didn't wear. 5 years ago, i deeply regretted selling two yellow gold engraved bands. Went searching everywhere... couldn't find it again. ;( from that point on, i swore i'd never sell anything again unless it was truly broken because honestly, i usually only paid 30% of online retailer price, so who cares if it's sitting there? And it's a good thing i didn't sell more 7 years ago, because i just sold some broken stuff for a LOT more than i paid a few years ago.

Fast forward to today, after 5 years of searching, collecting, and resetting, i now have about 50 diamond and gem rings.. maybe more. Plus tons of pendants and earrings. i stopped counting. They are ALL styles i love. I have every color of the rainbow, most of them unset, and I have one diamond of each shape- except cushion. I have 6 rb diamonds, different sizes, set in different styles, and about 10 bands that i rotate w/ different rings.

I do wear all of them all... eventually. But each ring only gets lovin maybe one day every two months because i rotate them. Some less than others because they are more... delicate. i've learned that i can damage pretty much any stone that's in a ring, so there's some element of stress, because some of those gems are not easily replaceable, especially at the price i paid. (namibian spess, burmese ruby)

Oh well, it could be worse. At least my hoarding is contained in a single safe, and i haven't gone beyond jewelry. Although i wouldn't mind if my room was full of diamonds...


Jan 18, 2009
Definitely a minimalist. Maybe a 3 on the minimalist scale. I don't have much jeweler and what I have I wear!


Aug 31, 2011
I'm probably a 3M at this point with aspirations on being a 2M or 1M. I need some more pretties, so I can have more variety and switch it up more. :)


Jan 21, 2008
-4, and I'm like that in everything I do.

I'm the opposite of a hoarder. Hoarders fascinate me, actually. My stepfather and his sister are hoarders. I watch shows about hoarders.

I had only three watches, when that was my hobby (in my lifetime, other than jewelry, my hobbies have been cars- don't ask, watches, and stereos- audiophile stuff- I know it forward and backward).

Anyway, my three watches were variations on a theme. Maybe I would call it "industrial quality" watches with silver faces.

1. c1990 Air-King- I want to be up front about the c1990 part- the one you can buy today is not the same.

Automatic movement, 28,800 bph (beats per hour).

2. IWC, Cal. 89 movement.

Manual wound, 18,000 bph (which is also the traditional pocket watch speed).

3. Jaeger LeCoultre Master Ultra Thin, solid back.

Manual wound, 21,600 bph (a fantastic movement, very accurate, it had been derived from a famous 18,000 bph manual wound movement JLC had made for 50 years).

Yes, I did have more Seikos, Casio's, Swatch's, Timex's, and Mickey Mouse watches than I can count over the years, but I didn't set out to collect them as such.

The only watches I have now are the Rolex (they last forever because of the screw-down crown, etc.) and two Casio's.

My bling personality, as you say, is very much centered on the Cartier 2.5 mm gold band ring my SO is giving me to represent, what else, our life together.

There was a charm bracelet to match, although a charm bracelet, and advertised as such, very masculine, very small links, but they discontinued it. The one that got away. I guess I wasn't meant to have it, and some part of me is glad. I like the idea of SO giving me a single piece, because of what it represents. Now that I think about it, I really don't want to ever burden him by asking him for more. Yes, I could have bought it myself, but same difference, at the end of the day.

I have four diamonds, um, but they're all in one ring. LOL.

I had been saving to get SO studs set in platinum screw-backs (his heart's desire, not my choice, necessarily) but with the upward spiral of prices lately, I've become rather pessimistic about the project.

It's a good thing I'm a minimalist when it comes to jewelry. I couldn't begin to afford all of the jewelry I see on the internet and want. I don't know how anyone with the means could reach the point of hitting the 'stop' button on bling.


Jan 9, 2006
I'd say I used to be a 3 on the hoarder scale, but my tastes have changed and I'm all for fewer, finer pieces. I sold nearly all of what I had to fund my eternity ring, my e-ring upgrade, my tennis bracelet and my diamond studs. All from PS vendors and far higher quality than anything I used to own pre-PS, and I rarely wear pieces other then these. Nowadays I'd go for a minimalist 3 :bigsmile:


Jun 8, 2008
I would be a hoarder if I could afford it for sure :cheeky:

Right now I would say I am in the middle somewhere. A 0 on your scale perhaps. I would rather have fewer beautiful expensive pieces than more less expensive ones. Quality over quantity when it comes to jewelry for me.

I try to wear my pieces but I often forget what I have since I love purchasing new pieces that I can afford at the time...but I am of the firm belief that your jewelry is to worn and enjoyed. Just that I am usually rushing out the door so I don't have time to go through my collection. Thanks for starting this thread Gypsy. I think I know what I am going to be doing Monday Labor Day now...going through it all and starting to rotate my pieces a bit!

Though I am thinking of selling 2 settings in my repertoire if I can get a fair dollar amount. I reset my ER 3x and I have 1 platinum setting and 1 18K W gold setting with baguettes. If I can sell it I think I will add it to my bday money and buy some new earrings! :Up_to_something:


Nov 1, 2009
I am a 4M for sure. I have one pair of diamond earrings that are worn daily, my push present bezel diamond necklace, and my wedding set. I am more practical about things. I work very hard for what I do have and to have something sit in my jewelry box is not an option.


Oct 20, 2007
Somewhere in the middle. Maybe a 1H.

I love objects and like collecting them, but I don't feel the need to keep them unless they are sentimental or were presents. So I sell them after a couple of years when I find something that I like better. I don't have much big, expensive jewellery, mostly smaller silver pieces.


Feb 15, 2007
I'm a 4 Ultra Minimalist.

I wear all of the diamonds I own every day. Calm down, it's not much--my OMC, my eternity wedding band, and my grandmother's ring.

Scratch that--I do have a 0.22 ct RB from a failed engagement that I cannot unload. I've tried to sell it on eBay, Craigslist, etc, to no avail. If I could sell it, I would.

Other than these pieces, I don't own much fine jewelry. I like it this way. I'm a minimalist in most areas of my life. Except for books, of course.

I think this is because I don't tend to make connections to objects, and thus I'm rarely sentimental about them. I can think of only three objects about which I am sentimental. Everything else is just here because I think it's beautiful, or it makes me feel beautiful when I wear it. Or it serves a function I really need, of course. Can't cut a watermelon without a knife.


Dec 12, 2006
I would say I am a 1 on the hoarder scale, I have stuff I want to get rid of but just cant bring myself to do it, I dont wear 95% of the stuff I have...with that being said, I have unloaded some of my older stuff and melted them...I got some cash out of it, but of course I had to buy something else with the money :Up_to_something: but what the


Dec 17, 2008
I'm probably a 3 or 4 on the M scale. I dont need a lot of jewelry sitting around that I dont wear. Matter of fact I have a pair
of diamond studs that I'm looking to turn into dangles because my ears just dont do studs well. I also have a diamond braclet
that I dont wear and feel guilty about that...need to have the safety chain fixed on it. There is also the money thing that
I cant afford to be a hoarder but even if I could I dont think that I would because its not my personality.

I dont like shoes or purses either. I find that too many things makes me have to make decisions that I really dont care
about. Dont get me wrong...I still dress nice and care about how I look when I leave the house everyday. Its just more
in a minimal decision kind of way.


Apr 26, 2007
"Hoarder" is such an ugly word. I prefer to think of myself as an accumulator: a collector.

And, in all modesty, I'm off the scale. I use jewelry as a kind of tangible memory palace: when I look at the necklace my husband got me when we first started dating, the earrings I bought with a friend, the ring I got to celebrate my graduation, I'm immediately thrown back into memories of those moments, much more than I would be by a simple photograph. Not to mention that it gives me, a) my own inimitable style of decorating (beetle-wing earrings flanking an antique mirror are tres chic), and, b) a lot of options when I get dressed in the morning (I like costumes).

I will be trying to get better: I just got a new necklace that I adore on the condition that I recoup at least twice again its purchase price. Given that I got the necklace for what I think was a very fair price, and what the current prices of gold are ... soon I'll basically be running a tiny secondhand shop, trying to get rid of all the bizarre things that I accumulated over the years, and not necessarily of my own volition. Farewell, Dunay brooches! So long, watermelon tourmaline naturally shaped like a heart! The former were gifts from my folks, and the latter, a gift from an ex.

But the end result there, I think, will simply be that I'll be a more streamlined +1000 hoarder, with only my own trinkets surrounding me as opposed to them + a bunch of things other people have given me with no sentimental value. Eh, it's still progress .... :devil:


Aug 14, 2009
2-Hoarder is my tendency I think, but budget constrains that - I have to pick what I actually want!

I have a few smaller diamond pieces I don't wear regularly. Usually I just wear my Ering, Wband, and 0.1ctw studs, so day-to-day wise I'm pretty minimalist! I have quite a bit of high karat gold I don't wear regularly, for fear of damaging it, those are family pieces or gifts though and most don't have stones, or have very few.


Jan 9, 2008
4!!!! I'm especially bad with wedding bands, and stackers - I'm up to 23 - eeek!!!!!!!


Jun 6, 2010
I'd say I'm a 3M....there are a few pieces I want and once I have them, I'll be satisfied.


Jul 7, 2004
Im probably a #3Minimalist. I don't wear much jewelry, just my rings, and RARELY my studs. I don't really wear necklaces or anything.


Oct 27, 2008
I am on the 3 minimalist. When I find something even though I'm not sure I want to keep it yet, rather than "oh shoot, I regretted not buying that bling" I will end up selling it if it doesn't work out. When I first joined PS, I hoarded, but then I realize I only want certain pieces much later on.


Jan 1, 2007
As far as fine jewelry, I'd say I'm around the middle, although lately I've been accumulating at a high rate for me! :-o So maybe a 1 on the Hoarder side?

I have my e-ring and wedding band, 2 diamond pendants (1 bezel BGD signature and 1 OMC set by GOG that I have to do a thread on), my 5 stone diamond ring from my grandmother, bezel set earrings from WF and *ahem* 2 Leon Mege bands I picked up recently from an unnamed jewelry message board. (One of which just arrived at my husband's work a few minutes ago...DYING TO SEE IT!)

I do have 2 Cartier rings (1 rolling, 1 tri-gold band) I need to sell. I've been meaning to sell them for a while but I'm really bad about taking pictures and I'm a serious procrastinator, so who knows when that will be.

For non-fine jewelry, pendants in particular, I have TONS. I went through a serious pendant phase. Most are silver, some are yellow gold. I don't wear them much but haven't gotten rid of any of them. Some are made by fairly well known indie jewelry lines and weren't cheap...not sure where to sell those if I did decide to part with any.

I find that the older I get, the less stuff I buy, though. I guess I'm just over having too much crap. Plus I refuse to settle, so if I can't afford to get something I either wait and save up more $ or just don't get anything.


Apr 30, 2005
I wear one rock but have some in a bank safe deposit box, so I guess I'm an H2 or H3.


Nov 27, 2007
I am definitely a hoarder but I do wear and totally enjoy all of the pieces I own or they get ruthlessly sold. I got rid of a 2 ct transitional cut ring because I was wearing my 1.22 ct OEC quite a bit more, and my 5 cttw OEC deco line bracelet. Again because I was wearing my BGD bezel set AVC more. So off to new homes they both went. I do talk myself into really good deals on 2nd hand stuff if I find it. My rule is: if I am confident I can resell for a profit if I *have* to, I'll consider it money well spent. Occasionally I'll pay retail but only very rarely.
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