
Delayed/Selective Vaccine Schedules?

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Aug 31, 2005
Date: 8/20/2009 5:54:21 PM
Author: neatfreak

Not to start a fight-but you do realize that the website you linked to is not backed by solid research, right? It''s an advocacy group website...
Not saying anyone is right or wrong-just that you might want to find a more unbiased source of information to do your research.

I completely agree, neat. I just linked to it in case anyone asked where I got those particular numbers from. I haven''t consulted that particular organization''s website for any other information.


Jan 20, 2006
This is so interesting!.

I haven''t done any research at this point but do know I;ll want the boys to be fully vaccinated. I am most certainly interested in looking at spreading them out though. I had to get the MMR as an adult (for immigration purposes) even though I had it as a child...and I had strong reactions to it!. So autism concerns aside, I just think they''re so tiny that it would be better to spread them out and let their little bodies deal with effects more evenly. I''m ok with the added costs and added visits that come with that decision.

I don''t get the chicken pox vaccination...specially since it doesn''t last forever and it''s really dangerous if you get it as an adult.

Just interesting to read everything...and definitely need to start doing my own research.


Aug 31, 2005

I was just reading about ethyl vs. methyl- thank you for the breakdown (and the other information). As I said, I'm still learning and absolutely appreciate any good information either way.

If you don't mind my asking, how is the amount safe for a single exposure different than the EPA's safe levels for daily consumption?

ETA: I'm reading now that the FDA is working to eliminate Thimerosal from all vaccines because of lack of definitive data of toxicity. So while not the same as the more toxic methyl, we're still not sure how toxic it really is to human infants, correct?


Feb 17, 2007
Date: 8/20/2009 6:15:20 PM
Author: EBree
Date: 8/20/2009 5:54:21 PM

Author: neatfreak

Not to start a fight-but you do realize that the website you linked to is not backed by solid research, right? It''s an advocacy group website...

Not saying anyone is right or wrong-just that you might want to find a more unbiased source of information to do your research.

I completely agree, neat. I just linked to it in case anyone asked where I got those particular numbers from. I haven''t consulted that particular organization''s website for any other information.

Oh good.

As a health researcher I always get worried when I think people might be making health decisions based on some random organizations website with little or no scientific research substantiating their claims!


Aug 31, 2005
Regardless, thimerosal isn''t high on my list of concerns about chemicals/''toxins'' in vaccines, as all given in my ped''s office are thimerosal-free. I am interested in aluminum levels, however. Sears'' plan has one aluminum vac. given at a time, but I just read that both given to Henry yesterday contained aluminum. I guess I was expecting Pc but he received Prevnar instead, a different vaccine.


Aug 31, 2005
Date: 8/20/2009 6:29:39 PM
Author: Mandarine

I had to get the MMR as an adult (for immigration purposes) even though I had it as a child...and I had strong reactions to it!.

The same happened with my husband and the tetanus vaccine! He''d received it as a child, but had a reaction as a pre-teen. Do you have any idea which component might have caused the reaction?


Feb 17, 2007
Date: 8/20/2009 6:52:01 PM
Author: EBree
Regardless, thimerosal isn''t high on my list of concerns about chemicals/''toxins'' in vaccines, as all given in my ped''s office are thimerosal-free. I am interested in aluminum levels, however. Sears'' plan has one aluminum vac. given at a time, but I just read that both given to Henry yesterday contained aluminum. I guess I was expecting Pc but he received Prevnar instead, a different vaccine.

I might be wrong but I thought aluminum was one of the heavy metals that accumulates over time in one''s body? If that is the case then it wouldn''t matter if you space it out because you''d still be getting the same amount in the end which is what matters. But I might be wrong on someone correct me if I am wrong please!


Sep 23, 2005
Date: 8/20/2009 6:33:23 PM
Author: EBree

I was just reading about ethyl vs. methyl- thank you for the breakdown (and the other information). As I said, I''m still learning and absolutely appreciate any good information either way.

If you don''t mind my asking, how is the amount safe for a single exposure different than the EPA''s safe levels for daily consumption?

ETA: I''m reading now that the FDA is working to eliminate Thimerosal from all vaccines because of lack of definitive data of toxicity. So while not the same as the more toxic methyl, we''re still not sure how toxic it really is to human infants, correct?

Toxicity is a very complicated thing. Often times a single higher dose of a chemical is less toxic than sustained lower doses. There are many mechanisms that can account for this, including the bodies ability to clear a single higher dose quickly, the kinetics of how the chemical acts in the body and the ability of the body to heal from any damage done.

Its not ethical to test toxicity on human infants, but animal studies have shown no defects in those treated with vaccines containing thimerosal.

The FDA has encouraged pharmaceutical companies to remove mercury containing compounds from vaccines. From what I can figure out on the website it is not a requirement, and the FDA maintains that the data supports the fact that its safe to use. And I''m sure the companies are happy to remove the thimerosal anyway since the solution is a single dose vaccine that does not require a preservative and they can charge more for it.

I can find nothing in the literature that indicates that aluminum in vaccines posses any health risks. Its used as an adjuvant to make the immune reaction stronger, so it can cause more redness, swelling and fever than vaccines that dont use it. But without it the vaccine would not confer full immunity.

Here''s a website I have come to trust for health and medical information and they seem to have some definite issues with Dr. Sears.

Pubmed is a database of reviewed scientific literature, and can be a good source for first hand information on all these topics.


Nov 8, 2005
Just wanted to point out that the Dr Sears of the vaccine book is not the same Dr Sears of the attachment parenting book. I believe it is his son. I was glad to see that the book advocates getting vaccinated - when I saw the title, I was afraid it was a fearmongering book! If parents do not vaccinate their children, it not only puts their children at risk. It also puts other children - like MY child - at risk for diseases for which they are still too young to be vaccinated. I don't want to get going on this topic though because I know it is not the intent of this thread.

After discussing it with my pediatrician we are going with the AAP schedule. So far so good. So far he has not had more than 2 sticks at once, and is a real trooper! My friend's baby (same age) had a bad fever following one of the shots, so they were able to do a reduced dose per shot, given more times, and delay some of the less important vaccines while watching her response to the reduced dose. She was told that the reaction was very rare (as in 1 in many thousands).


Aug 31, 2005

This excerpt states:

The amount of aluminum in the human body ranges between 50 and 150 mg., with an average of about 65 mg. Most of this mineral is found in the lungs, brain, kidneys, liver, and thyroid. Our daily intake of aluminum may range from 10-110 mg., but the body will eliminate most of this in the feces and urine and some in the sweat. With decreased kidney function, more aluminum will be stored, particularly in the bones.

It goes on to talk about toxicity and how to avoid:

Treatment of toxicity: Decreasing contact with and use of aluminum-containing substances will reduce intake and allow more aluminum to leave the body...

So you''re right- if this is correct, it does build up in the body, but the less you consume, the more your body will be able to eliminate.


Thank you for that information, and for those links. I''ll try to read them while kiddo''s sleeping.


Feb 27, 2006
We''re doing an alternate schedule. We started because we were uneasy giving him that many different shots at once, as it would be difficult to pinpoint what he was reacting to if he had a reaction. Plus, being a BF baby staying at home, he was at fairly low risk of contracting anything so we figured that there was little harm in spacing them out. So far he''s had DTAP (can''t remember which letters are capitalized in the infant one), rotovirus, PC, and HiB and has done fine on all. Our schedule has been:

2 mo: DTAP
3 mo: PC, HiB
4 mo: rotovirus

This is not at all what we intended to do. DH took him in for the two month visit to get him DTAP and rotovirus, and the doctor refused to give him rotovirus. We intended to do the PC and HiB at 3 months and then re-evaluate vaccine timing. We decided at 4 months to get him caught up to schedule, as he had done fine on everything so far, as we''re both now working so time is more precious as far as scheduling office visits goes, and as being in daycare puts him at higher risk of coming into contact with germs. However, he was in there 2 days too early to get the PC and HiB again, and so they asked me to schedule a visit sometime this week or next to come in. They went ahead and gave him the rotovirus at that visit (I''m still not sure what was going on when DH took him in), and we''re going to do a combo plus the other recommended ones when I manage to schedule some time to go back in.

FWIW, our doctor doesn''t charge a copay for vaccine-only visits. And our daycare was fine accepting him with his current messed-up vaccine schedule, as long as our doctor is fine with it.


May 16, 2006
We delayed/are delaying some vaccines. I have a few health practitioners in my family that have given me their 2c on the issue and so this is the route we went. Like someone else mentioned, you still get the same protection, but apparently much easier on the child''s system.
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