
Dance Mr. Zappa, DANCE!!!

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Jul 18, 2007
Date: 3/5/2009 9:42:28 AM
Author: EBree

Date: 3/5/2009 9:26:56 AM
Author: beebrisk


Actual demographics:

600 stations.

19.5 million listeners per week

25-54 year old males make up 60% of the listeners. 40% are women.

Majority have college degrees and Average household income is $10,000 over the median at $50k.

Yeah, real ''fringy''.

You keep bringing up the number of listeners as if they represent an army. He''s an entertainer. How many of those 19.5 million would stand behind all of his loud, obnoxious ideas?

He doesn''t represent the more moderate Republicans, and this will bite both him and the RP in the @ss. Haven''t we seen this before?

The more ''moderate'' Republicans are why Barack is in the WH. If we had actual leadership -- not a bunch of panty-waists -- your guy would be in Chicago right now, organiziing his sock drawer . . er, his community.


Jan 1, 2007
If Limbaugh has no power, why is the Republican leadership (including Steele) kowtowing to him and apologizing for daring to disagree with him?

And the reason Obama is in the White House is that the majority of Americans do NOT agree with Republican "values" and voted accordingly. Oh, plus McCain/Palin was a joke.

P.S. What does kobe steak have to do with anything?


Jan 8, 2007
I wish this were a joke

Honestly, don't listen to Rush....don't care.....
but sometimes I think we have a lot of growing up to do as a nation.

uh, yeah, my commentary is reference to thing's link too.

ETA: Grumpy tonight for some reason. I'm just so sick of the media dodging real issues to feed us the "US WEEKLY" version of this stupid Rush feud, and Michelle Obama's arms. Although they are fabulous.


Mar 16, 2005
Date: 3/6/2009 7:47:14 PM
Author: HollyS
Date: 3/5/2009 9:42:28 AM

Author: EBree

Date: 3/5/2009 9:26:56 AM

Author: beebrisk


Actual demographics:

600 stations.

19.5 million listeners per week

25-54 year old males make up 60% of the listeners. 40% are women.

Majority have college degrees and Average household income is $10,000 over the median at $50k.

Yeah, real 'fringy'.

You keep bringing up the number of listeners as if they represent an army. He's an entertainer. How many of those 19.5 million would stand behind all of his loud, obnoxious ideas?

He doesn't represent the more moderate Republicans, and this will bite both him and the RP in the @ss. Haven't we seen this before?

The more 'moderate' Republicans are why Barack is in the WH. If we had actual leadership -- not a bunch of panty-waists -- your guy would be in Chicago right now, organiziing his sock drawer . . er, his community.
Holly, I agree with you on a lot of things, but I have to disagree with you on the above. The reason a Republican is not in office right now is simple....America had had enough of George Bush. I think it was a losing battle before it started. I think any one of the candidates, Clinton, Obama, Biden, etc. would have easily beaten anyone we could have put up simply because people equated our party with Bush and so many people we sick of him and they way things were going with the economic conditions, war, etc.


Dec 1, 2008
Date: 3/6/2009 11:25:49 PM
Author: thing2of2
If Limbaugh has no power, why is the Republican leadership (including Steele) kowtowing to him and apologizing for daring to disagree with him?

And the reason Obama is in the White House is that the majority of Americans do NOT agree with Republican 'values' and voted accordingly. Oh, plus McCain/Palin was a joke.

P.S. What does kobe steak have to do with anything?

Well put, thing2of2.

And I also agree--you might not like that Obama was elected, but a pretty sound majority of American's voted for him, and since this is a democracy, he is our president. I didn't like when Bush was re-elected in 2004, but I accepted it, because a majority voted for him (Unlike in 2000
). I don't think you can call all moderate republicans "panty wasted". Many moderate republicans felt uncomfortable with a candidate who seemed so similar to Bush (and also, since McCain had a 20% chance of dying in office, Sarah Palin as their president frightened them.). That is nobody's fault but Mr. McCain's and Mrs. Palin's--that's not the fault of the Moderate Republicans.


Jan 30, 2008
Date: 3/6/2009 11:25:49 PM
Author: thing2of2
If Limbaugh has no power, why is the Republican leadership (including Steele) kowtowing to him and apologizing for daring to disagree with him?

And the reason Obama is in the White House is that the majority of Americans do NOT agree with Republican 'values' and voted accordingly. Oh, plus McCain/Palin was a joke.

P.S. What does kobe steak have to do with anything?
BING BING BING!! We have a WINNER!!! The point was not that Rush was bloated, or can't get a date, it's that the Republican party, which admits it needs an overhaul and fresh ideas to engage the American voter and give them faith that they "get it", is grovelling at the feet of someone who SHOULD be a sideshow. If the dems make a bit of hay with this, well, that's politics. I'm just waiting to see who's next to lick his boots.


Jul 18, 2007
Date: 3/7/2009 10:56:54 AM
Author: ksinger

Date: 3/6/2009 11:25:49 PM
Author: thing2of2
If Limbaugh has no power, why is the Republican leadership (including Steele) kowtowing to him and apologizing for daring to disagree with him?

And the reason Obama is in the White House is that the majority of Americans do NOT agree with Republican ''values'' and voted accordingly. Oh, plus McCain/Palin was a joke.

P.S. What does kobe steak have to do with anything?
BING BING BING!! We have a WINNER!!! The point was not that Rush was bloated, or can''t get a date, it''s that the Republican party, which admits it needs an overhaul and fresh ideas to engage the American voter and give them faith that they ''get it'', is grovelling at the feet of someone who SHOULD be a sideshow. If the dems make a bit of hay with this, well, that''s politics. I''m just waiting to see who''s next to lick his boots.

Karen: The reality is that Steele is licking Rush''s boots because of one thing -- and only one thing -- the average conservative out in America is no longer listening to or voting for the middle ground candidates, but they are listening to the more forthright, in-your-face conservative pundits. Rush happens to be one of many, but has been singled out for ridicule by the Obama administration. All because he said that he wants the policies of the current administration to fail --because he believes them to be ultimately bad for the country. (No need to respond to that; we all know your thoughts.)

McCain didn''t lose just because of Bush, he lost because McCain has proven in the Senate that he''s too much of an ''across-the-aisle'' kind of politician. True conservatives are looking for the polar opposite of Obama; we aren''t interested in playing along.

So, yes, Rush is now enjoying another 15 minutes of fame, courtesy of the WH, because he said what we think. And that''s just the tip of our conservative iceberg. It''s going to be a bumpy ride for Obama; just like it was a bumpy ride for Bush. It''s our turn to call a spade a spade. (And no, that wasn''t a racist remark.)


Jul 18, 2007
Date: 3/6/2009 11:25:49 PM
Author: thing2of2
If Limbaugh has no power, why is the Republican leadership (including Steele) kowtowing to him and apologizing for daring to disagree with him?

And the reason Obama is in the White House is that the majority of Americans do NOT agree with Republican ''values'' and voted accordingly. Oh, plus McCain/Palin was a joke.

P.S. What does kobe steak have to do with anything?

While your president is cajoling the country into sacrifice and belt-tightening, he is partying every week -- on your tax dollar. You''re eating hamburger; he''s serving his guests Kobi steak.

If we are truly in a crisis, the likes of which we haven''t seen in many a decade, and probably not in my lifetime of 50 years, why is the WH throwing a weekly party? This country''s citizens expect their leader to do a little sacrificing of his own. I can assure you, if everyone else is struggling to make ends meet, and have long ago waved bye-bye to their 401Ks, the conspicuous consumption of the Obamas will start to stink to high heaven. To everyone. Including their faithful.


Nov 9, 2007
That post sounds just like a mini story on Fox TV news, down to the "zinger" and the total lack of sources. I wonder if Obama personally selected the menu for the, probably NOT.

I''m waiting till he takes more than 25% of they year as vacation (like Bushy did) to really get my panties in a wad. Guess you have a jump start on that. source


Jul 18, 2007
Date: 3/7/2009 3:57:18 PM
Author: swimmer
That post sounds just like a mini story on Fox TV news, down to the ''zinger'' and the total lack of sources. I wonder if Obama personally selected the menu for the, probably NOT.

I''m waiting till he takes more than 25% of they year as vacation (like Bushy did) to really get my panties in a wad. Guess you have a jump start on that. source
Actually, Eisenhower (another Republican, those lazy jerks) was probably guiltier than most at taking too many vacations, and spending far too much time on the golf course. But, no president is every really on vacation. The change in scenery doesn''t keep the job at bay.

And I believe you''ll find that First Ladies choose the menus for functions and parties. Unless, of course, she just told the chef "Whatever". Since she chose the guests, the entertainment, etc., she probably has chosen the menus too. Just pick up any newspaper Style section or Google it; I''m sure there are countless breathless regalings of the soirees, down to each fascinating detail. This sort of coverage isn''t really FOX''s thing.


Dec 18, 2005
Date: 3/7/2009 4:52:54 PM
Author: HollyS
Date: 3/7/2009 3:57:18 PM

Author: swimmer

That post sounds just like a mini story on Fox TV news, down to the ''zinger'' and the total lack of sources. I wonder if Obama personally selected the menu for the, probably NOT.

I''m waiting till he takes more than 25% of they year as vacation (like Bushy did) to really get my panties in a wad. Guess you have a jump start on that. source

Actually, Eisenhower (another Republican, those lazy jerks) was probably guiltier than most at taking too many vacations, and spending far too much time on the golf course. But, no president is every really on vacation. The change in scenery doesn''t keep the job at bay.

And I believe you''ll find that First Ladies choose the menus for functions and parties. Unless, of course, she just told the chef ''Whatever''. Since she chose the guests, the entertainment, etc., she probably has chosen the menus too. Just pick up any newspaper Style section or Google it; I''m sure there are countless breathless regalings of the soirees, down to each fascinating detail. This sort of coverage isn''t really FOX''s thing.

Perhaps one or two people here can remember back to the Reagan era when Nancy Reagan often feted her famous Hollywood friends and socialite donors. She was treated by the press like modern-day Marie Antoinette. Michelle Obama serves Wagyu Steak ($60/lb) and all anyone can talk about is her arms. Personally I think extra large portions of PORK might have been more appropriate.
While Obama may not "pick the menu", he most certainly can dictate the parameters and at least look like he''s trying to reel it in.
Hey! What happened to ALL of us sacrificing, Mr. O ?


Mar 16, 2005
Come on Holly, do you REALLY want Obama to fail? I mean, we might not have voted for him or agree with his policies, but he's got almost 4 more years in office. Do you want 4 more years of increased job losses, foreclosures, and bankruptcies? I surely don't. Rush can say these type of things because he has millions in the bank and can afford for Obama to fail. However, I am not that fortunate yet and would like for my husband to keep his job and for our family to keep our house. I hope Obama succeeds because we can't afford for him not to!


Dec 18, 2005
Date: 3/8/2009 10:57:29 AM
Author: steph72276
Come on Holly, do you REALLY want Obama to fail? I mean, we might not have voted for him or agree with his policies, but he''s got almost 4 more years in office. Do you want 4 more years of increased job losses, foreclosures, and bankruptcies? I surely don''t. Rush can say these type of things because he has millions in the bank and can afford for Obama to fail. However, I am not that fortunate yet and would like for my husband to keep his job and for our family to keep our house. I hope Obama succeeds because we can''t afford for him not to!

The whole "I want Obama to fail" thing has been blown so completely out of context.

Nobody wants to see the country fail. At all. However, some of us think that Obama''s policies are detrimental, therefore we don''t want to see them succeed. We do not believe the "success" of such a platform brings success to the country. Quite the contrary, actually.

We ALL want things to get better, for the unemployment rates to drop, etc. But some believe that the policies of this administration, including the largest spending bill in history, with its 9000 earmarks is not the way to reach that goal. Just because a policy is in place, doesn''t mean it''s a good one. I for one, don''t want to see bad policy succeed. To me that''s the failure.

While Limbaugh was talking bigger picture with regards to more than just the latest financial policies, this was the intention behind his statements.

"So what is so strange about being honest to say that I want Barack Obama to fail if his mission is to restructure and reform this country so that capitalism and individual liberty are not its foundation? Why would I want that to succeed?"

I think if we are to discuss "wanting Obama to fail", then it needs to be discussed honestly and within context. The notion that Limbaugh and the conservatives would risk the country "failing" to prove a point about Obama is a wholly disingenuous.


Jul 18, 2007
Date: 3/8/2009 10:57:29 AM
Author: steph72276
Come on Holly, do you REALLY want Obama to fail? I mean, we might not have voted for him or agree with his policies, but he''s got almost 4 more years in office. Do you want 4 more years of increased job losses, foreclosures, and bankruptcies? I surely don''t. Rush can say these type of things because he has millions in the bank and can afford for Obama to fail. However, I am not that fortunate yet and would like for my husband to keep his job and for our family to keep our house. I hope Obama succeeds because we can''t afford for him not to!
How did I become the focus of a thread on Rush and what he said?

Brace yourself. If you think we''ve seen the worst, and it''s all uphill from here, I daresay you are in for quite a shock. His policies will either fail because they are ill conceived (and they are), or they will fail colossaly because socialism does not work. History books are full of the failings of socialists and their imagined utopias.

Ask yourself this question: Why does the stock market plummet (not drop -- plunge) every time he opens his mouth to give another speech? Ask another question: Why do I and others defend him in one breath, when we will rant in another thread about how terrible it is that we have to ''bail-out'' our neighbors bad mortgages? Are you going to be just as happy paying for their health insurance? Because you will. Maybe not in actual money taken from your pocket in a premium; but you''ll pay with much higher costs, fewer options, less coverage.

He''s been in office for six weeks or so; look how much stuff he''s thrown against the wall to see what will stick. And in the meantime, they haul out the ''dog and pony show'' of Michelle''s wardrobe, or which puppy for the kiddos, or his graying (no longer dyed) hair to distract you from the main event. And if that doesn''t work, we''ll focus on talk radio personalities.

Can you imagine, if the President of the United States was a far-right facist instead of a lefty liberal, and he was spearheading an effort to silence his critics? What would you think then? I would hope you wouldn''t tolerate it.


Jul 18, 2007
beebrisk: There are no "within context'' discussions here. They don''t exist.


Dec 18, 2005
Date: 3/8/2009 5:03:02 PM
Author: HollyS
beebrisk: There are no ''within context'' discussions here. They don''t exist.

I try. Sigh...


Jan 26, 2003

3/8/2009 5:01:30 PM
Author: HollyS

How did I become the focus of a thread on Rush and what he said?

That would be because someone finally realized that your thoughts are very powerful and that if you think the wrong thing (e.g. that Presiden Obama will fail) that that bad thing (e.g. President Obama failing) will actually occur. Ergo, your thoughts must be controlled. Capisce?

Your friend,
Deb...always glad to enlighten you in your ignorance ;-)


Jan 8, 2007
Annnnnnnnnndddd that''s why I only posted in this thread once.


Jul 18, 2007
Date: 3/8/2009 6:17:54 PM
Author: AGBF

3/8/2009 5:01:30 PM
Author: HollyS

How did I become the focus of a thread on Rush and what he said?

That would be because someone finally realized that your thoughts are very powerful and that if you think the wrong thing (e.g. that Presiden Obama will fail) that that bad thing (e.g. President Obama failing) will actually occur. Ergo, your thoughts must be controlled. Capisce?

Your friend,
Deb...always glad to enlighten you in your ignorance ;-)


Thanks, Deb. The question was just a little rhetorical, because I do know that those who disagree must be silenced. Big Brother is alive and well. All Americans should be mighty concerned when anyone''s rights are stepped upon; not just the rights of those who think along the same idealogies.

As far as Rush and company are concerned, the less conservative pundits (Al Franken) had an opportunity to hit the airwaves with their opinions. They tanked. They lacked an audience, but really, so what? The visual medium is chock full of their kind, and none of us are crying foul. And yet, it''s always the conservative who is told they have no tolerance for the differing opinion. Uh huh. If that''s the case, why the big snafu over Rush? Were I Mr. Obama, I would have ignored him, instead of sending in my minions to be appalled on my behalf.


Jan 8, 2007

Don''t worry. I''ll replace the batteries in my sarcasm radar.



Mar 16, 2005
Holly, I wasn''t trying to make you the focus of the thread...I''m sorry if you took it that way. I was just truly curious what your thoughts were on the subject. Like I said, with almost 4 more years in office, I don''t think our country can afford for Obama to fail. I understand the thought behind it, but it just doesn''t make sense to me because if he fails, it puts all of us...Democrats and Republicans a bad position.


Nov 1, 2003
Rush is a liberal who tries to talk like a conservative... just like 90% of the republican party candidates.
I for one am tired of rinos on one hand and idiots on the other and that is 99% of the republican candidates.

At least the dem leaders are honest about how they are going to destroy the country.
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