
Dance Mr. Zappa, DANCE!!!

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Jan 30, 2008
** refererence to an old SNL skit where John Lovitz, dressed in a Satan suit, sits in the courtroom with Frank Zappa, who is on trial **

And now......The new Head of The Republican Party!!

Once upon a time, you could drive to the most remote reaches of the United States and escape Rush Limbaugh. But from the Mogollon Mountains of New Mexico to the Badlands of South Dakota, where only the delicious twang of a country tune or the high-pitched pleadings of a lone lunatic came over the AM dial, there is now the Mighty El Rushbo.

As someone who spends a lot of time on the road, I used to find Limbaugh to be an obnoxious but entertaining companion, his eruptions more reliable than Old Faithful. But now that Limbaugh has become something else — the face of the Republican Party, by a White House that has played him brilliantly — he has been transformed into car-wreck-quality spectacle, at once scary and sad.


The sweaty, swollen man in the black, half-buttoned shirt who ranted for nearly 90 minutes Saturday at the Conservative Political Action Conference. He reiterated his desire to see the president of his country fail. He misstated the Constitution’s intent while accusing President Obama of “bastardizing” the document. He made fun of one man’s service in Vietnam, to laughter.

David Letterman compared him to an Eastern European gangster. But he looked more like a bouncer at a strip club who spent all his tips on one bad outfit. And for the Republican Party, Limbaugh has become very much a vice.

Smarter Republicans know he is not good for them. As the conservative writer David Frum said recently, “If you’re a talk radio host and you have five million who listen and there are 50 million who hate you, you make a nice living. If you’re a Republican party, you’re marginalized.”

Polling has found Limbaugh, a self-described prescription-drug addict who sees America from a private jet, to be nearly as unpopular as Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who damned America in the way that Limbaugh has now damned the nation’s newly elected leader. But Republicans just can’t quit him. So even poor Michael Steele, the nominal head of the Republican Party who dared to criticize him, had to grovel and crawl back to the feet of Limbaugh.

More here.....
Date: 3/5/2009 6:34:45 AM
** refererence to an old SNL skit where John Lovitz, dressed in a Satan suit, sits in the courtroom with Frank Zappa, who is on trial **

And now......The new Head of The Republican Party!!

Once upon a time, you could drive to the most remote reaches of the United States and escape Rush Limbaugh. But from the Mogollon Mountains of New Mexico to the Badlands of South Dakota, where only the delicious twang of a country tune or the high-pitched pleadings of a lone lunatic came over the AM dial, there is now the Mighty El Rushbo.

As someone who spends a lot of time on the road, I used to find Limbaugh to be an obnoxious but entertaining companion, his eruptions more reliable than Old Faithful. But now that Limbaugh has become something else — the face of the Republican Party, by a White House that has played him brilliantly — he has been transformed into car-wreck-quality spectacle, at once scary and sad.


The sweaty, swollen man in the black, half-buttoned shirt who ranted for nearly 90 minutes Saturday at the Conservative Political Action Conference. He reiterated his desire to see the president of his country fail. He misstated the Constitution’s intent while accusing President Obama of “bastardizing” the document. He made fun of one man’s service in Vietnam, to laughter.

David Letterman compared him to an Eastern European gangster. But he looked more like a bouncer at a strip club who spent all his tips on one bad outfit. And for the Republican Party, Limbaugh has become very much a vice.

Smarter Republicans know he is not good for them. As the conservative writer David Frum said recently, “If you’re a talk radio host and you have five million who listen and there are 50 million who hate you, you make a nice living. If you’re a Republican party, you’re marginalized.”

Polling has found Limbaugh, a self-described prescription-drug addict who sees America from a private jet, to be nearly as unpopular as Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who damned America in the way that Limbaugh has now damned the nation’s newly elected leader. But Republicans just can’t quit him. So even poor Michael Steele, the nominal head of the Republican Party who dared to criticize him, had to grovel and crawl back to the feet of Limbaugh.

More here.....

Ohhh, I just love when the Dems get their panties in a bunch and start assassinating character as opposed to debating the issues. It''s fun to watch!

Yeah, they "played" him so well that if there was even a single person left who didn''t know who he was 2 weeks ago, they are well familiar now.

If he''s simply an entertainer, I fail to see the reason why the Dems are either A.) Afraid of him, or B) Wasting their time with him. After all, dontcha think they more important things to be focused on right now? Hmmmmm?

As for being as "unpopular as Jeramiah Wright", I would defy Rev Wright to find himself on the airwaves tomorrow with upwards of 19 million listeners per week.

Yup, he''s unpopular alright. And yeah, some lunatic! LOLOLOL
** giggle **

** giggle harder **
I have no respect for a man who talks behind a golden microphone.
Could be bad news for the Republican party indeed.

More from Frum:

And for the leader of the Republicans? A man who is aggressive and bombastic, cutting and sarcastic, who dismisses the concerned citizens in network news focus groups as “losers.” With his private plane and his cigars, his history of drug dependency and his personal bulk, not to mention his tangled marital history, Rush is a walking stereotype of self-indulgence – exactly the image that Barack Obama most wants to affix to our philosophy and our party. And we’re cooperating! Those images of crowds of CPACers cheering Rush’s every rancorous word – we’ll be seeing them rebroadcast for a long time.

I can''t believe Steele apologized to that bloated joke.
I'm not surprised he's so unpopular...I have a great dislike for entertainers who use their opinions to belittle people. I don't like him, Bill O'Reilly. Michael Moore rubs me the wrong way, although I don't find him as hateful as Limbaugh or O'Reilly.

It does disturb me that he has so much power in the republican party...I feel bad for the moderate republicans, like my parents and some of my friends. When someone as volatile/confrontational as Limbaugh has such influence, it makes even the most liberal of republicans look bad, simply because they are republicans.

I do, however, love Stephen Colbert. So I guess I'm just a dirty, hypocritical democrat, since he's based on O'Reilly.
Date: 3/5/2009 9:09:48 AM
Author: AllieGator
I'm not surprised he's so unpopular...

Oh, he's popular all right- with the fringe. "Those who cannot remember the past..."
i, for one, don''t see the humor. when the information you provided stooped to attacking a person''s appearance, namely his size, i think it was really struggling. almost as pathetic as the references to ms. obama''s appearance that have made the news.

people do talk, but with the important issues this nation is facing, trying to either defame or glamorize people, who are not in the fashion industry, to take the country''s attention off of the real issues is kind of pathetic.
Date: 3/5/2009 9:13:42 AM
Author: EBree
Date: 3/5/2009 9:09:48 AM

Author: AllieGator

I''m not surprised he''s so unpopular...

Oh, he''s popular all right- with the fringe. ''Those who cannot remember the past...''

Yea, you''re right about with the fringe...I do know some rather conservative people who think he''s the best, but they are also the people who assume I think Michael Moore does no wrong.
Date: 3/5/2009 9:13:42 AM
Author: EBree
Date: 3/5/2009 9:09:48 AM

Author: AllieGator

I''m not surprised he''s so unpopular...

Oh, he''s popular all right- with the fringe. ''Those who forget history...''


Actual demographics:

600 stations.
19.5 million listeners per week
25-54 year old males make up 60% of the listeners. 40% are women.
Majority have college degrees and Average household income is $10,000 over the median at $50k.
Yeah, real "fringy".
Date: 3/5/2009 9:16:48 AM
Author: crown1
i, for one, don''t see the humor. when the information you provided stooped to attacking a person''s appearance, namely his size, i think it was really struggling. almost as pathetic as the references to ms. obama''s appearance that have made the news.

people do talk, but with the important issues this nation is facing, trying to either defame or glamorize people, who are not in the fashion industry, to take the country''s attention off of the real issues is kind of pathetic.

Dems have perfected the politics of distraction....
This Limbaugh thing is nothing more than that. Ridiculousness.
Date: 3/5/2009 9:16:48 AM
Author: crown1
i, for one, don''t see the humor. when the information you provided stooped to attacking a person''s appearance, namely his size, i think it was really struggling. almost as pathetic as the references to ms. obama''s appearance that have made the news.

people do talk, but with the important issues this nation is facing, trying to either defame or glamorize people, who are not in the fashion industry, to take the country''s attention off of the real issues is kind of pathetic.

Good grief. Forgive me if I don''t cry a little that Rush''s appearance is being criticized.

On his TV show, early in the Clinton administration, Limbaugh put up a picture of Socks, the White House cat, and asked, "Did you know there''s a White House dog?" Then he put up a picture of Chelsea Clinton, who was 13 years old at the time and as far as I know had never done any harm to anyone.
Date: 3/5/2009 9:30:15 AM
Author: MaggieB
Date: 3/5/2009 9:16:48 AM

Author: crown1

i, for one, don't see the humor. when the information you provided stooped to attacking a person's appearance, namely his size, i think it was really struggling. almost as pathetic as the references to ms. obama's appearance that have made the news.

people do talk, but with the important issues this nation is facing, trying to either defame or glamorize people, who are not in the fashion industry, to take the country's attention off of the real issues is kind of pathetic.

Good grief. Forgive me if I don't cry a little that Rush's appearance is being criticized.

On his TV show, early in the Clinton administration, Limbaugh put up a picture of Socks, the White House cat, and asked, 'Did you know there's a White House dog?' Then he put up a picture of Chelsea Clinton, who was 13 years old at the time and as far as I know had never done any harm to anyone.

Right on, Maggie B. Anyone who chooses to belittle and insult a child, wether you agree with her father's politics or not, does not demand my respect.
Date: 3/5/2009 9:26:56 AM
Author: beebrisk


Actual demographics:

600 stations.

19.5 million listeners per week

25-54 year old males make up 60% of the listeners. 40% are women.

Majority have college degrees and Average household income is $10,000 over the median at $50k.

Yeah, real 'fringy'.

You keep bringing up the number of listeners as if they represent an army. He's an entertainer. How many of those 19.5 million would stand behind all of his loud, obnoxious ideas?

He doesn't represent the more moderate Republicans, and this will bite both him and the RP in the @ss. Haven't we seen this before?
Date: 3/5/2009 9:30:15 AM
Author: MaggieB
Date: 3/5/2009 9:16:48 AM

Author: crown1

i, for one, don''t see the humor. when the information you provided stooped to attacking a person''s appearance, namely his size, i think it was really struggling. almost as pathetic as the references to ms. obama''s appearance that have made the news.

people do talk, but with the important issues this nation is facing, trying to either defame or glamorize people, who are not in the fashion industry, to take the country''s attention off of the real issues is kind of pathetic.

Good grief. Forgive me if I don''t cry a little that Rush''s appearance is being criticized.

On his TV show, early in the Clinton administration, Limbaugh put up a picture of Socks, the White House cat, and asked, ''Did you know there''s a White House dog?'' Then he put up a picture of Chelsea Clinton, who was 13 years old at the time and as far as I know had never done any harm to anyone.

i don''t expect you to cry about anybody''s appearance being criticized. i don''t think you can take the same path you say rl did regarding cc and look any more intelligent than you think he did. i don''t believe we need to use our time or energy being concerned with personal appearances but need to put the attention where it should be with the troubled us economy.

but if it makes things better to call names on rl appearance jump right in there. i just don''t see the connection of his girth or cigar smoking to what he says. i also don''t see the slender body or cigarette smoking of the president having anything to do with us policy. rl is a tv and radio personality i don''t expect presidential behavior out of him. barack obama is the president i do expect it from him.

in other words, i like my president to do his job and not try to distract the country from the important issues. the tv and radio have channel selectors and no one has to listen to rl unless they so choose. the president is here for the next four years and he does have some power that rl does not.
Date: 3/5/2009 9:42:28 AM
Author: EBree
Date: 3/5/2009 9:26:56 AM

Author: beebrisk


Actual demographics:

600 stations.

19.5 million listeners per week

25-54 year old males make up 60% of the listeners. 40% are women.

Majority have college degrees and Average household income is $10,000 over the median at $50k.

Yeah, real 'fringy'.

You keep bringing up the number of listeners as if they represent an army. He's an entertainer. How many of those 19.5 million would stand behind all of his loud, obnoxious ideas?

He doesn't represent the more moderate Republicans, and this will bite both him and the RP in the @ss. Haven't we seen this before?

Exactly. He's an entertainer making it all the more silly and all the more embarrassing that the White House is embroiled in such distraction while Rome is burning...

With a $400 million contract under his belt, nothing's biting him in the @ss anytime soon. He's laughing all the way to the (newly nationalized) bank.
Date: 3/5/2009 9:55:16 AM
Author: crown1
Date: 3/5/2009 9:30:15 AM

Author: MaggieB

Date: 3/5/2009 9:16:48 AM

Author: crown1

i, for one, don''t see the humor. when the information you provided stooped to attacking a person''s appearance, namely his size, i think it was really struggling. almost as pathetic as the references to ms. obama''s appearance that have made the news.

people do talk, but with the important issues this nation is facing, trying to either defame or glamorize people, who are not in the fashion industry, to take the country''s attention off of the real issues is kind of pathetic.

Good grief. Forgive me if I don''t cry a little that Rush''s appearance is being criticized.

On his TV show, early in the Clinton administration, Limbaugh put up a picture of Socks, the White House cat, and asked, ''Did you know there''s a White House dog?'' Then he put up a picture of Chelsea Clinton, who was 13 years old at the time and as far as I know had never done any harm to anyone.

i don''t expect you to cry about anybody''s appearance being criticized. i don''t think you can take the same path you say rl did regarding cc and look any more intelligent than you think he did. i don''t believe we need to use our time or energy being concerned with personal appearances but need to put the attention where it should be with the troubled us economy.

but if it makes things better to call names on rl appearance jump right in there. i just don''t see the connection of his girth or cigar smoking to what he says. i also don''t see the slender body or cigarette smoking of the president having anything to do with us policy. rl is a tv and radio personality i don''t expect presidential behavior out of him. barack obama is the president i do expect it from him.

in other words, i like my president to do his job and not try to distract the country from the important issues. the tv and radio have channel selectors and no one has to listen to rl unless they so choose. the president is here for the next four years and he does have some power that rl does not.


3/5/2009 9:16:48 AM
Author: crown1

i, for one, don't see the humor. when the information you provided stooped to attacking a person's appearance, namely his size, i think it was really struggling. almost as pathetic as the references to ms. obama's appearance that have made the news.

crown1, I am really glad you said a matter of principle. I really hate the ideas that Rush Limbaugh stands for and I also hate the way he expresses himself. He seems to me to be mean-spirited in the extreme. I feel like the ACLU defending the Nazis' right to free speech by defending him, but I believe in principle above personality. If it isn't right to make fun of people I like for their weight, it isn't fair to make fun of people I dislike for it. Weight is not germane to issues I want to discuss when I discuss Rush Limbaugh. I think it is beneath contempt to attack someone for his physical attributes.


3/5/2009 9:35:11 AM
Author: AllieGator

Right on, Maggie B. Anyone who chooses to belittle and insult a child, wether you agree with her father''s politics or not, does not demand my respect.

In my opinion, one does not "earn" the right to be treated decently. One is granted that right by decent people.

Date: 3/5/2009 10:46:00 AM
Author: AGBF

3/5/2009 9:35:11 AM
Author: AllieGator

Right on, Maggie B. Anyone who chooses to belittle and insult a child, wether you agree with her father''s politics or not, does not demand my respect.

In my opinion, one does not ''earn'' the right to be treated decently. One is granted that right by decent people.

This is a hard statement to address without getting into the larger debate of what is fair game when it comes to "public figures." Should, for example, someone like Jessica Simpson, who is just a singer, be criticized for gaining weight? Some would argue that she has achieved whatever career she has by exploiting her looks, and since she invited the public to gawk at her in her Daisy Dukes, she can''t then complain about the attention when she gains weight. Just the first example off the top of my head, but my point is, certain behaviors invite certain responses.

But back to Rush Limbaugh - he participates in, and some would argue is the leader of, a group of political commentators whose "schtick" involves the mockery of public figures. I think "right" is an unusual and inappropriate word to use when talking about what they do. I don''t think there is a "right" to not be made fun of. There is perhaps an expectation in polite society that people will not make fun of your appearance. But does Rush Limbaugh, a person who has made his empire from public mockery, have an expectation that he will not be mocked in turn? I doubt it.
I just have to say as a moderate republican, Rush Limbaugh does not represent me or my feelings about the new president at all. Even though I didn't vote for him or agree with some of his policies, I will stand behind Mr. Obama and hope with everything that I have that he is successful in his position because that is what our country needs. We need to put politics aside and work together to get our country back on the right track. Name calling and finger pointing from either side accomplishes nothing.
Date: 3/5/2009 11:31:24 AM
Author: steph72276
I just have to say as a moderate republican, Rush Limbaugh does not represent me or my feelings about the new president at all. Even though I didn''t vote for him or agree with some of his policies, I will stand behind Mr. Obama and hope with everything that I have that he is successful in his position because that is what our country needs. We need to put politics aside and work together to get our country back on the right track. Name calling and finger pointing from either side accomplishes nothing. nice to hear from a reasonable Republican on these boards! You''d think reasonable Republicans don''t exist from reading a lot of the posts here.

I am not a Republican (I''m sure that''s VERY clear by now) but I think it''s obvious that Limbaugh is doing nothing to help the Republican party or the country as a whole.
Date: 3/5/2009 11:31:24 AM
Author: steph72276
I just have to say as a moderate republican, Rush Limbaugh does not represent me or my feelings about the new president at all. Even though I didn't vote for him or agree with some of his policies, I will stand behind Mr. Obama and hope with everything that I have that he is successful in his position because that is what our country needs. We need to put politics aside and work together to get our country back on the right track. Name calling and finger pointing from either side accomplishes nothing.


Date: 3/5/2009 2:59:42 PM
Author: thing2of2 nice to hear from a reasonable Republican on these boards! You'd think reasonable Republicans don't exist from reading a lot of the posts here.

I'm sure most of the PS Republicans are more moderate- the ones that lean far right happen to be the loudest.
There are perhaps 8 billion things that President Obama needs to do before wasting time with Rush.

But man, it would be great to see him up against Rachel Maddow or Jon Stewart. Sort of like WWE, but political throwdowns. Would that sort of dialogue debase the dialogue (if that is even possible), or start a nation-wide discourse on the nature/status of politics?

What other match-ups would you want to see?
Date: 3/5/2009 7:03:08 PM
Author: swimmer
There are perhaps 8 billion things that President Obama needs to do before wasting time with Rush.

But man, it would be great to see him up against Rachel Maddow or Jon Stewart. Sort of like WWE, but political throwdowns. Would that sort of dialogue debase the dialogue (if that is even possible), or start a nation-wide discourse on the nature/status of politics?

What other match-ups would you want to see?
I would like to see Rush sit on top of Keith Olberman. Maybe he would crush him to death! LOL! I think KO is a sniveling, nasty idiot. TV and radio, are purely for entertainment. Rush is laughing all the way to the bank!

Actually, I prefer Glenn Beck, although he has been doing a LOT of whining lately, and in the afternoons, I listen to Todd Schnitt.
Date: 3/5/2009 7:03:08 PM
Author: swimmer
There are perhaps 8 billion things that President Obama needs to do before wasting time with Rush.

But man, it would be great to see him up against Rachel Maddow or Jon Stewart. Sort of like WWE, but political throwdowns. Would that sort of dialogue debase the dialogue (if that is even possible), or start a nation-wide discourse on the nature/status of politics?

What other match-ups would you want to see?

Swimmer, did you see when he was on Colbert Report? Colbert shouted back over him, and O''Reilly wasn''t sure what to do. It was quite hilarious.
Allie, I loved it! Keith is totally insane and I love him. Keith could kill Rush with his bare hands. Easily. But I would be more interested in a mediated debate format than a physical altercation.

It would be cruel to have a morbidly obese pain killer addicted elderly man in a match against a very tall and fit younger man. I''m not insulting Rush, these are obvious conditions he admits to having, which would make wrestling with a 6''4" Keith difficult.
Keith''s pinstripes alone could kill Rush.

Love Rachel Maddow, she makes me wish I was a lesbian. So freaking smart, love her.
Date: 3/5/2009 9:09:48 AM
Author: AllieGator
I''m not surprised he''s so unpopular...I have a great dislike for entertainers who use their opinions to belittle people. I don''t like him, Bill O''Reilly. Michael Moore rubs me the wrong way, although I don''t find him as hateful as Limbaugh or O''Reilly.

It does disturb me that he has so much power in the republican party...I feel bad for the moderate republicans, like my parents and some of my friends. When someone as volatile/confrontational as Limbaugh has such influence, it makes even the most liberal of republicans look bad, simply because they are republicans.

I do, however, love Stephen Colbert. So I guess I''m just a dirty, hypocritical democrat, since he''s based on O''Reilly.
Rush does not have power in the Republican party. None. He has listeners. None of whom are high muckity-mucks in the party. No one ''in power'' is paying any attention to him. Our Rep leaders are much too busy doing their fair share of fawning over the New Guy In Town; like our very own Spectacle himself, Arlen.

And, really, if the media would ignore him, instead of giving him a forum, he would remain what he has been since the Clinton''s left the White House -- yesterday''s news.
Date: 3/5/2009 9:28:59 AM
Author: beebrisk

Date: 3/5/2009 9:16:48 AM
Author: crown1
i, for one, don''t see the humor. when the information you provided stooped to attacking a person''s appearance, namely his size, i think it was really struggling. almost as pathetic as the references to ms. obama''s appearance that have made the news.

people do talk, but with the important issues this nation is facing, trying to either defame or glamorize people, who are not in the fashion industry, to take the country''s attention off of the real issues is kind of pathetic.

Dems have perfected the politics of distraction....
This Limbaugh thing is nothing more than that. Ridiculousness.
Yep. Right up there with Michelle''s bare arms, and Barack''s graying hair. Not to mention a swing set and a puppy.

Can we get back to the horrifying problems facing this country? No wait, if it''s Wednesday at the WH, it''s party time! And hey, how ''bout some more of that $100lb Kobi steak?

"Let them eat cake." - Marie Antoinette
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