
Daisy and Diamonds


Jun 8, 2008
I cannot open your thread and just wanted to let you know I am so sorry for your loss.

Hugs to you. Keeping you in my thoughts.

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Aug 8, 2019
I did comment on the other thread, but I wanted to come here too and send more hugs to Daisy. I am very sorry this happened Daisy!

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Thanks you

My heart is breaking

its 6am and I'm waiting for ginger to turn up for breakfast

Its no consultation but today in the light its the little twin (well i know tjey are all twins) but its the one who looked like the one who died when i had the vertigo
When i found her she had been out in the rain a week and i hoped it was a car
now i suspect otherwise

This is the sweet soul murdered my those dogs last night
This was on only a couple of days ago having a snooze with Tibby

Tibby slept on the end of my bed last night


Nov 4, 2018
@Daisys and Diamonds I'm so sorry to read this! I grew up in a very rural area, and my father didn't believe in allowing our pets to live indoors. Again and again we lost our cats to coyotes, and our dogs to vehicle strikes. It always hurt like the first time. My heart breaks with you.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
@Daisys and Diamonds I'm so sorry to read this! I grew up in a very rural area, and my father didn't believe in allowing our pets to live indoors. Again and again we lost our cats to coyotes, and our dogs to vehicle strikes. It always hurt like the first time. My heart breaks with you.

Im sad for your pets
in NZ most cats go outside through the day
our last cat dear Tinky was home alone all day while we were at work and i know 80% of the time he did not stay in our enclosed protected completly dog proof front yard but he had street smarts by the bucket load
when we had a wippet move next door i was so worried because the landlord had no fence between our backyards
that first day Tinky went over there and sorted George out and we never had a problem
Tinky came and went as he pleased and when George was a good boy we would invite him in to hoover up dropped cat biscuits

but these little kitties are still babies
And they were adventurous babies

But the darling wee thing was on our driveway - right up the driveway outside our lounge window, 2 metres from safety where cats can fit under the gate into the back yard
the driveway is nice and warm at night
Even before she got freindly she would come to the front door at night

Or even if she had just got under the car - another 2 metres away - she would have been safe


Jun 7, 2014
@daisy and Diamonds, I also want to add that I hope you know how much you are loved here. Your kindness and genuineness brightens people’s day. @moneymeister wrote in a thread last night that you are a delight and how she wouldn’t change a hair on your head. I couldn’t agree more.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
A man from the council animal control just visited
he said its the 2nd cat in our street this week
he said when a death of another animal is involved the council's preferred option is production and having the dog surrendered
He said there are a lot of dogs around here and its finding the correct one

I dug a hole in the garden - down into the pumice, it was hard finding a place with no tree roots and i found some flowers and the pompom toy they liked to play with

Tibby, Borris, Ginge and Fluffy had temptation cat lollies and half a tin of friskies each
the kittens have never had friskies before
I hope in Kitty heaven they have the best most yummy food

Wnen the mummy cat (the abandpned tom) and the unrelated grey kitten turn up for dinner I'll make sure they have something nice not $1.50 cat food

When i went out to look for Tibby he was lying in the grass like usual - for a moment i thought he was dead- but he was just snoozing in his own back yard - safely behind the gate


Jun 8, 2008
(((((Hugs))))) @Daisys and Diamonds

I wish we could keep all of them safe. It’s not possible. It’s heartbreaking. We do what we can. I’m always concerned for the well being of our ferals but we can’t control their fate. We can only make their lives a little bit easier for the time they are here.



Nov 26, 2013
Ugh! So sorry. I’m so sad for you. Know that you gave the kitten love, food and attention and made its life happier. Gentle hugs!

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
(((((Hugs))))) @Daisys and Diamonds

I wish we could keep all of them safe. It’s not possible. It’s heartbreaking. We do what we can. I’m always concerned for the well being of our ferals but we can’t control their fate. We can only make their lives a little bit easier for the time they are here.


I was trying so hard missy
all the houses around here are on piles so cats have all sorts of places to hide
in the front, back and one side of our house cats can get under but not off the driveway

i know i can't save them all and i felt overwelmed with what seemed like so many of them, but after taking Ms Freeloader to the SPCA this week i felt like i could save them all (or at least all 'our' ones
I need to get the mommy (daddy) freindly becsuse he's fathering half the kittens in the neighbourhod
he's looking so much better since he's been getting 2 meals a day - even if one is just the cheap biscuits
his coat is beautiful but he's no beauty pageant
But often has gunky eyes, like he really needs to see a vet
He's been basically alone for over 3 years but he now sits at the back door and lets me get really close at dinner time
im not going to give up on him
he talks to me in his funny way

But first Fluffy and Ginge need to get to the SPCA
I can tell them fluffy is timid because of the dogs
She is certainly spooked


Jan 22, 2014
@Daisys and Diamonds
I remembered you’d love an Opal.
ta da, here’s one for you. It’s a Welo opal, very pretty, lots of colour about 10mm x 8mm.
Now, I can send it to you loose OR if prefer I can get a silver ring or pendant setting and set it for you.
You just have to promise to love it and anytime you feel sad you sit outside in the sunshine and admire the pretty colors.
I’ll do better photos tomorrow and I’ll do a Loupe Troop listing for you. 161127CF-B608-4101-85B7-BD8CC546B691.jpeg

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
@Daisys and Diamonds
I remembered you’d love an Opal.
ta da, here’s one for you. It’s a Welo opal, very pretty, lots of colour about 10mm x 8mm.
Now, I can send it to you loose OR if prefer I can get a silver ring or pendant setting and set it for you.
You just have to promise to love it and anytime you feel sad you sit outside in the sunshine and admire the pretty colors.
I’ll do better photos tomorrow and I’ll do a Loupe Troop listing for you. 161127CF-B608-4101-85B7-BD8CC546B691.jpeg

I feel overwhelmed by your kindness
Thank you

How do i loup troop?
Im thinking they have a PM facility


Jan 22, 2014
I feel overwhelmed by your kindness
Thank you

How do i loup troop?
Im thinking they have a PM facility

go to the website Loupe Troop. You will need to register an account, easy to do, so you can reply to my message.
It is listed under “other” but seeing as it’s a recent listing, it’s showing on the front page. They show the most recent 4 listings lodged across the top and after more listing appear the listings drop down “the list”.


Feb 24, 2017
I’m so sorry @Daisys and Diamonds, I know it’s absolutely no consolation to you, but at least the sweet little kitty knew love and kindness from you in her short life.

Lisa Loves Shiny

Nov 1, 2007
Daisy- I am so sorry. Your heart must hurt so much right now. Wishing you comfort and peace.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
This morning i woke up to Tibby and Mommy tom cat enchanging angry words under my bedroom window so it was time to get up
They quietened down on getting breakfast
Ginger was so friendly he wanted affection before food !
I wish i had been feeding them in the house sooner - the fluffy was exsploring all the places Borris likes and Tibby was keeping a freindly eye on her
i was slicing up left over roast dinner and after i had plated up a frozen dinner for us next week i make sandwhiches for our breakfast with the left over meat.
To think on Friday i was so concerned about googerling to see if roast pork was ok for cats
So this morning Fluffy and Ginger had their first real descent taste of human food, not just a tiny morsel
And Fluffy had some of Tibby's temptation cat lollies, she even sat in a chair in the lounge and practiced being a family pet cat

Today is too bright for Gary's eyes to drive and i know im being selfish but i just want to spend a day with them
please God, keep them safe

Everybody is avoiding the driveway

The tiny grey kitten (also referred to as fluffy) is getting less timid and Mommy also let me touch him today

Borris is practicing social distancing with them - she is on the clothes horse bed while they lounge on the chair, mommy has gone off for the day to go about his bussiness, as has Tibby who was last seen enjoying the warmth of the rising sun on the garage roof

I wish i could keep fluffy and Ginge but in my present finacial situation that's an irresponsible wime

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
@Daisys and Diamonds
I remembered you’d love an Opal.
ta da, here’s one for you. It’s a Welo opal, very pretty, lots of colour about 10mm x 8mm.
Now, I can send it to you loose OR if prefer I can get a silver ring or pendant setting and set it for you.
You just have to promise to love it and anytime you feel sad you sit outside in the sunshine and admire the pretty colors.
I’ll do better photos tomorrow and I’ll do a Loupe Troop listing for you. 161127CF-B608-4101-85B7-BD8CC546B691.jpeg

I think i did it right?


Nov 5, 2017
So sorry for your loss Daisy and Diamonds! Just like Missy I could not open your thread. You are in my thoughts. Hugs to you.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Fluffy and Ginger have had their tea -
ginger tom - its like dog roll for cats
Tibby loves it but he's not turned up yet neither has the unloved Tom Mommy, they both run on their own time
Borris is sleeping off a chicken dinner from Gary's dinner
Now Fluffy is up to mischif and exsploring the lounge
the birds are all saying good night to each other
the Tui stopped singing the dryers tune and now favours someone's car alarm

if its overcast tomorrow and Gary can drive we will take Ginger and his sister to the SPCA to begin their best life and the one they both deserve

Ive never had much to do with kittens or young cats before - i did not know how delightful they are
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