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Mar 6, 2005
Today I did back and sholders wiht a measly 20min on the treadmill. I stayed out until late 1 or so and then couldnt fall alseep. Boy was I dragging so I did a quick ten minutes on the stair climber before going home. I hope everyone is having awsome workouts.


Dec 23, 2004
I took today off. I figured that I''m seeing my trainer tomorrow and I''ve gone every day this week. I still feel guilty though. There''s something about being sore and physically exhausted that is satisfying.

I didn''t finish all of my breakfast b/c the fruit they gave me was kind of gross. But I made up for it since the guy in the coffee shop accidentaly gave me whole milk instead of skim milk. I was bad -- I saw it and said nothing. But boy, was it yummy!

I''m going out to dinner tonight with two other couples and I hate trying to diet with other people. I think it shines so much more attention on you when you''re asking the waiter to tell the chef to prepare something special... so I''m determined to not eat everything. Fish, and only half of it. And an extra 30 mintues cardio tomorrow...

Ugh, this is hard...


Sep 10, 2004
I was bad and didnt go to the gym last night... FI made a wonderful dinner that we ate by candle light last night and went to bed early because weve both had horrible weeks. But im stopping by on my way home from work!


Apr 15, 2004
Well, despite having zero motivation today I managed to make myself go to the gym for a pretty light chest/back workout & spent 30 minutes on the arc trainer...

FI is out of town fishing this weekend so I''ve already planned a splurge... I know that''s bad but I''ve been craving Thai food for weeks now and if I don''t get it out of my system I think I will just eat other bad stuff in an attempt to satisfy myself... So, since he''s not crazy about Thai food like I am, this is my treat weekend. But, in return, I''m making myself spend a lot of time doing cardio this weekend!! It''s supposed to be 75 degrees outside tomorrow so I think I''ll go walk/jog around the lake and maybe take Griffin to the dog park!!!


Jan 7, 2005
Sorry I missed posting on here yesterday, this week has been CRAZY.

FF- Good for you for making it this morning, as I''m sure that took an amazing amount of willpower!

Ammayernyc - I hate eating out on a diet with other people too. I feel like if they didn''t already notice I was fat, they''d certainly look me over again then...and or think "finally!"
I realize it''s all in my head though. Stay strong at the dinner though, and you never know, perhaps they''ll be impressed. The other night I went out for dinner w/ BF to a thai place and I wavered...pad thai..drool, but I went with the lean delight, and it was great.

Njc - your evening sounds lovely, and it sounds like you needed it.
Have fun at the gym tonight.

As for me, I had a personal training appt today and she had me doing sprint drills. I was a little apprehensive because the longest I''ve run since surgery is 2 miles, and I did that last week...I wasn''t sure I was ready for sprint drills. Anyway, we did 1 minute sprint, 30 seconds slow, and I ended up running 2.12 miles, but it felt like 5 because of the sprints. It was really hard.
Then she made me do suicides in the studio, interspersed with pushups and crunches, followed by walking lunges with bicep curls. At the end of that she said I didn''t look so good, and I certainly didn''t feel so good, so that was the end of the workout. I guess I''m proud of myself for going farther than I have before, but I hate it when I don''t quite finish a session. Ah well...

I''ve been feeling skinnier, so I''m looking forward to weighing on Monday.


Mar 6, 2005
Blue Chica- It sounds like you are pretty hard core! Good for you. I am hoping to have that sort of motivation someday.
Everyone is doing so well. I can''t belive how deticeted ya''ll are
Ammayernyc....I would think nothing of a milk switch. I would be patting my back for drinking milk
TeeBee- where do you live? 75 outside? Oh I am soo jealous
it is freezing in AL
NJC- Everyone needs time to be loved! And if you dont take sometime off you will actually gain muscle mass slower.
I hope everyone has a great evening. Talk to yall tommorow!


Apr 15, 2004
Date: 3/11/2005 8:45:41 PM
Author: Matatora
Blue Chica- It sounds like you are pretty hard core! Good for you. I am hoping to have that sort of motivation someday.
Everyone is doing so well. I can''t belive how deticeted ya''ll are
Ammayernyc....I would think nothing of a milk switch. I would be patting my back for drinking milk
TeeBee- where do you live? 75 outside? Oh I am soo jealous
it is freezing in AL
NJC- Everyone needs time to be loved! And if you dont take sometime off you will actually gain muscle mass slower.
I hope everyone has a great evening. Talk to yall tommorow!
Matatora ~ I''m in Oklahoma. I just heard a weather report saying it may even get up to around 80. We''ve had a really mild winter & it seems like spring sprung early this year. I noticed a lot of dogwoods & bradford pear trees flowering earlier this week!! I hope it stays nice and mild for a while... I''m afraid we may end up paying for all of this nice weather with a miserably hot summer...

Okay ladies... I''m such a big dork but I''ve been having a really fun night... I have a ''mix CD'' of some of my favorite fun old school groove songs ~ like Earth Wind & Fire, Stevie Wonder, Kool & the Gang, Commodores, GAP Band, etc. ~ and I have been listening to that all night and dancing around the house like a lunatic for nearly 2 hours now!!! My dogs think I''m nuts but now I know how realize how I stayed in such good shape when I was younger, single, and going out all the time ~ dancing is great excersize & so much FUN!!!


Mar 6, 2005
Oh! I wish I was in OK...I live for the hot summers, but I iwll be interning in NJ and will have to bounce back and forth between there and AL. On an up note I am going to go and steal back my puppy (Ava the adorable Boston in my avaitar) from my younger sister on the 28th. I am sooo excited I miss her oddles and she is the best running buddy ever!
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