
CS Respected Vendor List


Aug 5, 2010
I have been debating starting this thread for a while, and thought it was finally time to do so!

As all of you know, we have a much used pinned thread that lists various vendors that members have used with good results. The list is broken down by categories and lists cutters, jewelers, ebay sellers, gemstone vendors, etc. Some of the vendors have received across the board raves, while others have had quite mixed results by members. Some vendors are extremely popular, with members purchasing multiple times a week, while others, it appears, were added because of a one time sale to a member. A few of us, VL, Chrono, and me, (as well as any others I may have forgotten), periodically go in and clean up the list so that it is visible, complete, and organized as periodically well meaning newcomers post questions/comments, or sometimes names are inadvertently dropped from the list.

A couple of things have concerned me about the list which prompts this thread. It is important to hear from our members - our new ones as well as our old ones please :praise: - on what they want this thread to be. In another thread recently, one of our esteemed members suggested that anyone could add any vendor to the thread at any time, which raised issues for me. Is this so?

As a result, I thought it would be good to start a discussion to see what people are thinking about the list. Some questions for your consideration:

1. Can anyone come along and add a vendor?

2. What about vendors that have been purposely omitted from the list? Can they be added back?

3. What about a brand new member who has limited posts? Can they add vendors?

4. Should we make a distinction between vendors with stellar records (I'm thinking of the precision cutters here like AC Stones, Roger Dery, Jeff White and Precision Gems) and those that have mixed feedback (for example, NSC)?

5. Should we keep it informal and continue as we have?

6. Should the thread be locked so that only certain designated folks, after discussions with the moderator, can make changes?

7. If the thread is locked, should we designate members to periodically clean it up? For example, check that links still work, that there are no extraneous comments on the thread, etc.?

8. If no members have bought from the vendor in a long period of time (Five years?), should they stay on the list?

9. How do we prevent a shill acting as a newcomer from coming on with a glowing review of a new vendor? Right now, this would automatically result in their addition to the list - is this acceptable?

10. Can a vendor be removed from the list? If so, what prompts such action?

These are the questions I keep coming back to in my mind. Periodically, they have been raised but I thought it time to initiate a discussion so that we might find consensus. Thanks for any thoughts you'd like to share.
I would like the thread to be renamed, "Colored Stone+ Vendors", and a bolded disclaimer at the beginning of each renewed list" This list is only an open list of vendors that provided stones and jewelry related items/services. This in no way gives a guarantee of vendors' products or customer service. It is the responsibility of each individual to properly research the vendor and verify the products. Please be aware of return policies, including restocking fees and taxes/duties/tariffs when purchasing across countries. For comments on vendors, please start your own thread.."

I think anyone should be allowed to edit it as there is documentation on the thread who is adding what. As this is an anonymous forum, there is no reasonable way to verify if someone has actually purchased an item and is not a shill.

Personally, I consider the "trusted" vendors to be ones that _I_ trust. As many of you know, I had issues with one vendor that I posted about here, and to this day, I feel badly about how they treated me. However, they are a vendor that has a great reputation. They sent me a hand written letter, but no admission of guilt, and no refund on the item that cost me ~$2K. In contrast, I have not had a single bad transaction with 10+ other vendors for settings and stones.
I've been thinking about this myself.

1. Can anyone come along and add a vendor?
In theory, this is wonderful and ideal but it brings its own set of problems. To avoid the list getting out of control and anyone adding whoever they like willy-nilly, certain criteria must be met first. I think the obvious ones are that the vendor must have a 100% refund and no questions asked policy, and the members here can add other criteria as they feel fit.

2. What about vendors that have been purposely omitted from the list? Can they be added back?
The key being why they were omitted in the first place.

3. What about a brand new member who has limited posts? Can they add vendors?
I see no reason why a new board member or a member with limited posts cannot add vendors. Some just aren't prolific posters and should not be penalized.

4. Should we make a distinction between vendors with stellar records (I'm thinking of the precision cutters here like AC Stones, Roger Dery, Jeff White and Precision Gems) and those that have mixed feedback (for example, NSC)?
Here's where I think meeting a set of criteria might be useful or perhaps add a short caveat line?

5. Should we keep it informal and continue as we have?
I am open to ideas and discussions.

6. Should the thread be locked so that only certain designated folks, after discussions with the moderator, can make changes?
This forum is for all of us, not just a few folks so I don't think it should be locked but it should be somewhat limited just to make it easier to keep track of who is added/deleted.

7. If the thread is locked, should we designate members to periodically clean it up? For example, check that links still work, that there are no extraneous comments on the thread, etc.?
It is always easiest to have a member do this but many of us are busy at one time or another, sometimes for weeks and months and be unfair to hoist such a burden on a select few CSers.

8. If no members have bought from the vendor in a long period of time (Five years?), should they stay on the list?
I'm not sure. Just because there hasn't been a post doesn't mean that a CSer didn't buy from the vendor in a long time. I'm sure there are many members who do not post everything they've purchased.

9. How do we prevent a shill acting as a newcomer from coming on with a glowing review of a new vendor? Right now, this would automatically result in their addition to the list - is this acceptable?
Minou, you ask very good but difficult questions and I don't know the answer to this one myself.

10. Can a vendor be removed from the list? If so, what prompts such action?
Yes. Not sure yet but horrible customer service would be a big one for me. An example would be insulting the client or calling the client names.

I like Preg's idea; it is simple, it is clean and it is clear. One person's criteria might not be another person's criteria so her suggestion makes it easy to moderate.
9. How do we prevent a shill acting as a newcomer from coming on with a glowing review of a new vendor? Right now, this would automatically result in their addition to the list - is this acceptable?

As to #9, maybe the only people that can add a respected vendor have 100+, 500+, 1000+, ???? posts or more????
Don't quote my typo. :oops: I fixed the original but cannot fix the quoted part. :lol: This is where I'm of two minds. Long time posters are sure bets to not be shrills but I also want to be fair to those with low post counts since not everyone is a prolific poster.
I fixed it. ;)
Minous, thank you for starting this long overdue discussion. You raise a great many interesting points. When the vendor list was started and replaced the old, locked vendor list some of these issues were mentioned but saw no follow up. Not all these questions are things that are under the purview of the body at large. Once when a new "member" for their first and what turned out to be only post I asked Ella about the question and she did say that new member may post. There is no waiting period or minimum posts for that privilege. If something needs to be removed after the fact we can make a deletion much the way we now make additions, with the appropriate explanation. There is some housekeeping that needs to be done, but I think we should ask the Mods what degree of self regulation they want us to have over it. Serenity Diamonds link has not worked in a month; does anyone know what is up? I have been reluctant to make clean up deletions just for historical interest. For instance, Steve Perry hasn't had an update to his site in two years and hasn't answered an email in far longer. I have no idea why he pays to maintain the hosting of the site. But there are lots of pictures, and a time capsule of old prices, which might be useful to some. Gemcal seems to think it is still June 2013. It bums me out to make my monthly rounds and find no change, no new stock on a site in nearly a year. Similarly, though not related to our vendor list, it really really bugs me when vendors leave sold items in the for sale listings. It is great to be proud of the work one has done and the pieces that have sold. Certainly too, they are part of a vendor's identity and history and resume. But when I click to buy on pieces that have already sold, and realize they were sold ages ago, I just get angry. I dont want to sort the available pieces from the inventory. Please keep a section for sold pieces if you want to tempt us with unavailable candies.
Great thread idea! I'm happy to answer the questions with my opinion.

minousbijoux|1393874934|3626594 said:
1. Can anyone come along and add a vendor? As long as they have had a positive experience, sure. I think it is silly to not believe someone just because they are new. However, I think it should be mandatory to share the experience to let others know on a thread and not just randomly add vendors from all over.

2. What about vendors that have been purposely omitted from the list? Can they be added back? This is a case by case basis IMO and difficult to generalize. It depends on what the seller had done to be omitted, eg. if they sold a diffused sapphire as untreated, blatantly lied, or grossly misrepresented a stone, that's not okay and I wouldn't take a chance with them. They shouldn't be added back. If a vendor has improved, evident in recent feedback from customers, I think they should be given another chance!

3. What about a brand new member who has limited posts? Can they add vendors? See answer to question 1

4. Should we make a distinction between vendors with stellar records (I'm thinking of the precision cutters here like AC Stones, Roger Dery, Jeff White and Precision Gems) and those that have mixed feedback (for example, NSC)? YES YES YES. SOMEONE NEEDS TO DO THIS. It took me a while to understand who were the top vendors from the not so top vendors.

5. Should we keep it informal and continue as we have? Yes, I think drama could ensue if we made it all formal, strict and unpleasant...

6. Should the thread be locked so that only certain designated folks, after discussions with the moderator, can make changes? This is the only safe way to to prevent shill posters, but I'm going to answer no. I don't see many users adding tons of vendors all the time. Again, see answer to question 1.

7. If the thread is locked, should we designate members to periodically clean it up? For example, check that links still work, that there are no extraneous comments on the thread, etc.? The thread doesn't necessarily have to be locked to have users make sure the links are working and what not. I think that would be a nice thing to do if someone is willing to do it.

8. If no members have bought from the vendor in a long period of time (Five years?), should they stay on the list? is there a case like this? It's unlikely that 5 years would pass without any PS reviews. I don't believe a company would randomly start selling bad stones, though.

9. How do we prevent a shill acting as a newcomer from coming on with a glowing review of a new vendor? Right now, this would automatically result in their addition to the list - is this acceptable? I don't know. This is a problem. I think locking the thread and only letting certain members and mods post in it is the only way. I don't think that should happen and shill posters are just part of the risk.

10. Can a vendor be removed from the list? If so, what prompts such action? If a vendor has consistently been receiving bad feedback they ought be removed. If a vendor receives mixed feedback like NSC a note should be added somewhere letting a potential buyer know. A distinction should be made with the stellar vendors and the rest like suggested in question 4

I believe that before a vendor is added, we must be sure they have a generous return policy. This is especially important for coloured stones since they always look different in hand than on a one dimensional picture.

Adding a notice like Preg suggested is a wonderful idea.
Hello All;

In light of watching all the hoop-la in the other posts I think " as a vendor" that the moderator should be the one that can add or take away from the list per the consensus of the members of this forum.

IF the respected vendor has proven themselves to be forthright in their goods, return policy, and just plain good social skills and etiquette, proper business licenses, etc. I feel they deserve the right to be on the said list.

But to give anyone the power to add or remove a vendor at their own personal whim is maybe not the most professional route to take.

Therefore I as a vendor ask that the moderator who is fair, honest , and vetted as the person whom we all put our trust in; but the person with the proverbial keys to that lock...

Just my two cents as a vendor.

That aims to please the best I humanly can :) LOL

Most respectfully;

Dana Reynolds
Certified Supreme Master gem Cutter
VapidLapid|1393877799|3626646 said:
Similarly, though not related to our vendor list, it really really bugs me when vendors leave sold items in the for sale listings. It is great to be proud of the work one has done and the pieces that have sold. Certainly too, they are part of a vendor's identity and history and resume. But when I click to buy on pieces that have already sold, and realize they were sold ages ago, I just get angry. I dont want to sort the available pieces from the inventory. Please keep a section for sold pieces if you want to tempt us with unavailable candies.

I SO relate to this. It doesn't make me angry but somewhat disappointed.
Greg bought some paraibas from Steve Perry, I think in the last year?

If the mods are willing to regulate that thread, then more power to them, but I think it's still misleading in that people will think they will receive good products and service from these vendors all the time.

Also, PS takes advertisement money from vendors. To ask the mods to regulate a vendor list leads to issues of conflict of interest, and also puts them in a sticky situation we say a paying vendor should not be on the vendor list. There is one vendor who PSers regularly have bad interactions with, but he is a paying advertiser.

If the mods regulate it despite this, someone will no doubt come back after they have a bad experience. It happens because of poor communication, best efforts that fail, poor judgement of 1 person on 1 day, etc. What if a sapphire comes back as synthetic? We know that happened to a very reputable vendor on here. Of course he made good on it, but it's still quite something to go through. I had a bad experience with a "trusted" vendor on RT, and it was both in terms of a shoddy product and being treated poorly (they refused to repair it and I had to find someone who would!)

What about restocking fees? A vendor who has been recently debated has a 15% restocking fee. To me, that's no good.

I guess it's up to the mods. Thank you mods for everything you do. We're such a nutty group.

Dana, even if you weren't on the list, I would still buy from you based on the multiple good testimonies from posters who have a good record here. I still have yet to buy a stone from you, but you've been very gracious in answering my questions by email, and one day I am sure you will have the right stone for me. You even link to Litnon, and because of it, I've purchased stones from them.

Diamonds are so much easier.
pregcurious|1393875396|3626600 said:
I would like the thread to be renamed, "Colored Stone+ Vendors", and a bolded disclaimer at the beginning of each renewed list" This list is only an open list of vendors that provided stones and jewelry related items/services. This in no way gives a guarantee of vendors' products or customer service. It is the responsibility of each individual to properly research the vendor and verify the products. Please be aware of return policies, including restocking fees and taxes/duties/tariffs when purchasing across countries. For comments on vendors, please start your own thread.."

I think anyone should be allowed to edit it as there is documentation on the thread who is adding what. As this is an anonymous forum, there is no reasonable way to verify if someone has actually purchased an item and is not a shill.

Personally, I consider the "trusted" vendors to be ones that _I_ trust. As many of you know, I had issues with one vendor that I posted about here, and to this day, I feel badly about how they treated me. However, they are a vendor that has a great reputation. They sent me a hand written letter, but no admission of guilt, and no refund on the item that cost me ~$2K. In contrast, I have not had a single bad transaction with 10+ other vendors for settings and stones.

+ 1 to this entire post.

I also have had varying experiences with several of the listed vendors with one or two vendors no longer on my personal "go to" list - I am aware they continue to receive rave reviews from other PS members - and at present I regard my less-than-positive experiences to be singular rather than the norm for these vendors - certainly I do not think vendors should be removed from the Respected Vendor List based on one or two members' negative experiences.
I do NOT agree that anyone should be able to post to the Vendors thread. I think there needs to be a more established protocol and some requirements. For example, someone wants to add a new vendor.

1. They must start a thread and vet the vendor. They describe their experience with the new vendor and solicit feedback/experience from others.

2. Hopefully, other feedback is provided - I would prefer if there was supporting feedback and/or other members with positive experiences before a new vendor is added (admittedly, I am not comfortable with a vendor getting on the list based on one review alone). At the very least, hopefully, we'd hear if there were negative stories/deceptive practices associated with the vendor.

3. The vendor is then added.

I am uncomfortable with brand new members under a certain post count posting. It requires little effort to post, say 20 times and IMO would cut down on fraudulent promotion - as would the requirement that a vetting thread need be created before any vendor is added.

Pregcurious's preamble is fine with me - other than the deletion of the word "open" as it is not in fact an open list.
I think a lot of what people are suggesting is a pain for the mods. Ella and Andrey have enough on their plates as it is, and adding babysitting a thread in CS to it (where they get very little ad revenue because most people come to PS for diamonds!) is not in their best interest.

I like what preg said, and I'd recommend adding that consumers do their own research and searches (preferably using google, as PS's own search engine is less than reliable) on said vendors.

I'm sure that limiting who can change the list would probably be ideal, but it doesn't make a lot of sense unless it's a paid employee of PS.

The LIW board has a list that is maintained by a longer standing member of that community, referred to as a "listkeeper". That person updates the list here and there, typically until they get engaged or take themselves off the list for another reason.

Basically, I don't have any answers.
Unfortunately as it is just me largely moderating this board, it is impossible for me to vet vendors posted here. However, if you all can agree on what you would like it renamed to, we can change the name of the thread so it more accurately reflects what it is.

There is no way to give permission for certain users to post to a thread and others not. It's either locked or unlocked.

We do watch carefully already to make sure that shills do not add to the list.
VapidLapid|1393877799|3626646 said:
* * * Serenity Diamonds link has not worked in a month; does anyone know what is up?
I've been wondering the same thing. The (212) 376-5636 telephone number that's sometimes shown as being that of Serenity Diamonds, e.g.,
is now listed by Trevian Capital as their NYC telephone number:

When I called the (646) 321-7141 number this afternoon that's on the Google-cached home page for Serenity Diamonds, I simply got a voice mail greeting that you'd expect from a personal, not business, number: "Hi, thanks for calling Joshua. Please leave a message after the tone & I will return your call as soon as possible."
Thanks, Ella, for moderating this forum.

Does anyone else have suggestions for what to call the thread?
I don't think the title of the thread is as important as who gets listed and how they get listed on it.

We have heard from a very small minority of our members and believe we owe it to ourselves to wait for more responses. Fwiw, I agree that moderators should not be responsible for the thread; my one and only concern is to ensure that those on the list are up to date, bona fide vendors and have been vetted by multiple PS members, and not put on the list after a single recommendation from a newcomer.
I know there is a vendor on the recommended vendors list that apparently watches what we say very carefully. I made a comment in a thread about a vendor and how their pictures hadn't accurately depicted the stones I'd received, and how it had left a bad taste in my mouth. I also said they were cordial in taking care of things after it was established that I wanted a return. Nonetheless I was promptly blocked on Facebook by them, which is the move of a petulant child or scorned lover, not a professional and certainly not somebody I'd recommend buying from. Knowing a vendor watches this forum like that disturbs me.
yes, it is true that some of us who rarely post really aren't new members (although my joining date might indicate I've been on PS for awhile).

I read the diamond threads for a long time before I gravitated over to CS. I actually joined the first time a much longer time ago (anyone who has read the diamond threads for a number of years will remember when "Mara had her original diamond, found PS and traded the stone in".

I left for a couple of years, then couldn't remember my user name much less my password so simply signed up again.

Preg's suggestion of explanation at the beginning of the list is excellent. It might help newbies to add that they should not hesitate to ask a vendor for further description or info on a stone before buying.

Otherwise, except for sellers such as Serenity Diamonds who seem not to be there anymore, it seems as well done as possible, to me. Buying gems -- or anything else -- online is a case of caveat emptor to some degree. There's no way to take the risk out of it for everybody -- all of the vendors on the list state their return policies clearly & a buyer who does not want to risk a re-stocking fee, for instance, is free to go elsewhere.

So far I haven't seen instances of someone new adding vendors after, say, one transaction. Seems not to be a problem at this point -- if it becomes one, it can be dealt with at the time. I'm not nuts about putting responsibility and authority for vetting, adding, or taking off vendors on the shoulders of a few people. Members come & go on forums and often long-time writers get busy with other things & slow down; it's too much to ask, not to mention inefficient. Seems like fixing something that ain't broke.

When a website doesn't work anymore, a phone number doesn't reach the business, it's reasonable to remove the name. Sites like Steve Perry's, which hasn't been updated since Noah, are annoying, but buyers soon learn to skip it; at least I do. If he's still selling & reachable through info on his site, there's no reason to take him off completely.

That's all I can think of!

--- Laurie
Okay then - it appears that PSers have spoken! If it ain't broke, don't fix it, other than to add a preamble. :))
MollyMalone|1393891971|3626850 said:
VapidLapid|1393877799|3626646 said:
* * * Serenity Diamonds link has not worked in a month; does anyone know what is up?
I've been wondering the same thing. The (212) 376-5636 telephone number that's sometimes shown as being that of Serenity Diamonds, e.g.,
is now listed by Trevian Capital as their NYC telephone number:

When I called the (646) 321-7141 number this afternoon that's on the Google-cached home page for Serenity Diamonds, I simply got a voice mail greeting that you'd expect from a personal, not business, number: "Hi, thanks for calling Joshua. Please leave a message after the tone & I will return your call as soon as possible."

I emailed them on FB, and am waiting to hear a response. I asked about the business, and if there has been new contact information. The FB page still has the broken link/url in their "About" page, and the last post made was in 2010.

I have only used the list to have a quick way to get to some vendors. Truthfully, I think this list is way too long and really doesn't tell others about the BEST vendors. When new people come I've read them say , "Oh, I got them off the recommended list" It seems to me that you want to include everyone who deals in gems. There are a few on there that I wouldn't recommend, simply because their products are really inferior. I think it should be pared down. I like Pregs preamble, and after you take off some names I would lock it and review every 3-6 months. Return policies are crucial to being on the list.

My 2 cents.


And vendors don't get a say on who gets on the list. It should be earned.
I know it would be a ridiculous project, but if there was a way to provide some more meaningful ratings, I think that would be awesome. In my case, when I look for stones or just want to browse, I go through the whole list (granted, I've only done this a few times). If I actually am going to buy, I will also search for threads here for specific experiences. But it would be neat if there were a way to do a very brief survey on each vendor, where folks who have purchased from each one can rate the overall experience, picture accuracy, and return policy whenever they buy.

Then the listing could look like:

Vendor Name Site overall rating photo accuracy Return # of reviewers

Barry "Supernova" Bridgestock 5/5 4.5/5 5/5 27

That would be a monster project, though, and then there's always the possibility of people rating/reviewing falsely. But it would be a better overall picture of how many people have purchased, whether they're happy, and what to expect. Obviously I don't think this is something the mods really need to worry about. And overall, I think if people do it like I do (searching for threads on vendors instead of just relying on the list) then it's pretty clear what to expect from different people. Perhaps just add that as a disclaimer, telling people they really need to do that.
It would make thing easier, DJ, but I don't see how you would ever get agreement on a lot of vendors. Not only might one dislike, three like, but so many people come here for an engagement or anniversary stone, buy it, and go away. Others aren't interested in participating in a rating discussion. The rule of thumb in most organizations is that 10% of people do 90% of the work -- I think you'd get a lower percentage of input on this.

I agree that businesses that don't appear to be around any longer should be removed, Annette, but whose "inferior" takes precedence otherwise? That's the kind of thing the buyer should decide for himself. When newcomers ask, everyone is generous with advice on whom to go to for this or that stone or cut. A few are problematic but some have had satisfactory experiences with them -- and many times new people have been steered away from those who aren't real good.

I dislike the idea of regular evaluation threads on listed vendors, because they stand a good chance of turning into pile-ons, as recently. This forum is not confidential, is read & referred to all over the place. We can hurt a reputation it took years to build & that's inexcusable.

People buying stones over time develop their personal list of places to go. Rather then the whole list, I look at a handful of sites most of the time & suppose a lot do the same.

--- Laurie
The list was massively helpful to me (and still is). I don't mind having a long list of vendors, as it's often hard to find new places online to begin with, but I don't think it's helpful to have anyone and everyone able to add to the list.

As for separating the best from the others, i think it quickly becomes evident as you go through the forums as to which vendors are preferred by the majority of PS'ers. Most new members will start their own thread and receive great advice about where to start looking for what they are after from the other great people here.

It's helpful to see many sites and many stones when first starting out but in the end it's up to the individual to decide which vendor they would like to deal with.

Anywho, just a noobs 2 cents :bigsmile:
Hi there everyone,

I am new here, my main interest is colored stones, I design jewelry, and I collect, buy, sell & trade loose natural colored gemstones on an informal basis. I hope to become a graduate gemologist someday, but all my knowledge thus far was gleaned as an autodidact. Been studying gemology on my own for 10+ years and know a fair amount, but always learning more! I would like to learn how to make fine jewelry and acquire all the skills necessary for carving wax molds, casting, stone setting, engraving, etc. Can't afford to go to GIA right now, but traveling hopefully...and always on the lookout for good jewelry-making courses in Northern CA (SF bay area) if anyone knows of any that aren't too expensive. I'd also like to learn lapidary skills and cut my own cabochons and faceted stones someday.

My main question right now is: Where, exactly, can I find/access the much-referred-to list of respected/trusted Colored Gemstone Dealers? An exact URL would be most helpful to me. Does the list have only names, or also web addresses, email, etc.? Is it downloadable?

I have dealt with some very reliable and knowledgeable vendors on eBay, actually, although I really caution people (especially those not very experienced) about using eBay for gemstones, as there are a LOT of dishonest and ignorant people selling stones there.
However, there are quite a few that are truly stellar and from whom I have purchased excellent, beautiful natural colored gemstones at terrific prices...I would like to contribute a few vendors to the list at some point, because I like to support people who are doing what is right and offering really nice stones at reasonable prices, and who are just good, decent people who know their gems. Unfortunately I have dealt with my share of stinkers, too - in fact, I can report that eBay's money-back guarantee actually works, because some dishonest jerks sold me some FAKE loose tanzanites (I believe he had downloaded the photos of the stones he was supposedly selling from some other vendor's listings) and when I contacted the vendor and got no reply, eBay stepped in and got me my money back, including the s/h charges! I have not always had the highest opinion of eBay's policies, and I wish they would police their gem dealers better, but I am very happy to say that their money-back satisfaction guarantee is indeed working. I also got my money back when some supposedly 100% cotton sheets turned out to be cheap synthetic microfiber, and I did not even have to return the sheets! So, at least that gives people some protection that was not available before, and makes purchasing loose gemstones and jewelry a bit safer.

Anyway, I would be most grateful for access to the CS Vendor List, and look forward to learning from and sharing info and experience with all of the colored stone community here! Thanks very much.


gemefex|1394020540|3627855 said:
My main question right now is: Where, exactly, can I find/access the much-referred-to list of respected/trusted Colored Gemstone Dealers? An exact URL would be most helpful to me. Does the list have only names, or also web addresses, email, etc.? Is it downloadable?

gemefex|1394020540|3627855 said:
Hi there everyone,

I am new here, my main interest is colored stones, I design jewelry, and I collect, buy, sell & trade loose natural colored gemstones on an informal basis. I hope to become a graduate gemologist someday, but all my knowledge thus far was gleaned as an autodidact. Been studying gemology on my own for 10+ years and know a fair amount, but always learning more! I would like to learn how to make fine jewelry and acquire all the skills necessary for carving wax molds, casting, stone setting, engraving, etc. Can't afford to go to GIA right now, but traveling hopefully...and always on the lookout for good jewelry-making courses in Northern CA (SF bay area) if anyone knows of any that aren't too expensive. I'd also like to learn lapidary skills and cut my own cabochons and faceted stones someday.

My main question right now is: Where, exactly, can I find/access the much-referred-to list of respected/trusted Colored Gemstone Dealers? An exact URL would be most helpful to me. Does the list have only names, or also web addresses, email, etc.? Is it downloadable?

I have dealt with some very reliable and knowledgeable vendors on eBay, actually, although I really caution people (especially those not very experienced) about using eBay for gemstones, as there are a LOT of dishonest and ignorant people selling stones there.
However, there are quite a few that are truly stellar and from whom I have purchased excellent, beautiful natural colored gemstones at terrific prices...I would like to contribute a few vendors to the list at some point, because I like to support people who are doing what is right and offering really nice stones at reasonable prices, and who are just good, decent people who know their gems. Unfortunately I have dealt with my share of stinkers, too - in fact, I can report that eBay's money-back guarantee actually works, because some dishonest jerks sold me some FAKE loose tanzanites (I believe he had downloaded the photos of the stones he was supposedly selling from some other vendor's listings) and when I contacted the vendor and got no reply, eBay stepped in and got me my money back, including the s/h charges! I have not always had the highest opinion of eBay's policies, and I wish they would police their gem dealers better, but I am very happy to say that their money-back satisfaction guarantee is indeed working. I also got my money back when some supposedly 100% cotton sheets turned out to be cheap synthetic microfiber, and I did not even have to return the sheets! So, at least that gives people some protection that was not available before, and makes purchasing loose gemstones and jewelry a bit safer.

Anyway, I would be most grateful for access to the CS Vendor List, and look forward to learning from and sharing info and experience with all of the colored stone community here! Thanks very much.



I suggest you use to review their complete feedback before purchasing anything from ebay. The regular feedback isn't always sufficient. Since you are new here, maybe you can open a thread about these vendors so we can discuss them and look at their feedback, before they are added to the list.

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