Garry (aka Cut Nut) said that the firm or individual who originally submitted a diamond to GIA can request the crown and pavilion angle data from GIA (many dealers do not know this fact).
True. The key concept here being "the original" person or company who submitted the diamond to the GIA for grading... Thus if the jeweler you are working with was not the original person who submitted the stone to the GIA for grading they won't be able to get it for you, the cutter or dealer who they bought it from will have to do that... And sometimes the diamonds have been traded amongst the diamond dealers like baseball cards between kids on a Saturday afternoon...
Better to get a Sarin or OGI computerized proportions analysis that you can see than take the jewelers or dealers word for it as to what the GIA results were... You can "see" the Sarin / OGI results, whatever the jeweler says is "just talk"...