
Cracked platinum?? HELP!!


Jul 25, 2010
My engagement ring is an heirloom ring from the 1920s. It is platinum band which has been sized twice (once about 30 years ago and once about 6 months ago). Last weekend I took my ring to a highly recommended local jeweler to have sizing beads installed in it to help the spinning when it is worn with my wedding band. The beads are too large and I haven't been able to wear the ring all week, and plan to get them polished down a bit on Saturday. Tonight i picked up my ring from my jewelery dish where it has sat since Saturday and noticed a CRACK where the ring was sized. It is all of the way through the ring. I am FREAKING OUT!!!! Please help! What do I do?

It's okay! It just means the solder seam split. It's an easy fix - the jeweler can repair it at the same time that they take the beads down.
it should be easily and quickly fixed.
yep, nothing to freak out about. The jeweler will be able to fix it.
Okay I am taking deep breaths...and now I am wondering how hard of a repair is this? Can a local (non-mall) jeweler make this repair? How long should I expect it to take? And how much should I expect it to cost. Finally, is this likely to happen again because of the sizing beads and pressure along the shank? If so, I think I need to have the sizing beads removed and some other thing installed to stop my top heavy ring from spinning (1.26ct OEC center with, 2 flanking tiny OECs and 1 east west marquis on each side). Help please!
Thank you!!!
It's an easy repair: it should take a good bench less than an hour, though possibly they'll ask you to leave the ring if they have a backlog or if their bench is offsite; I'd guess under $100, all told. Frankly, since it split along the line where it was last sized, I'd expect the place that sized it to do it for free - this is something that can happen to any ring that's been sized, ever, and doesn't imply anything about their work, but most places are aware consumers are likely to associate them with The Thing That Went Wrong, and want them, instead, to associate them with Fixing Things.

It has nothing to do with the sizing beads - timing wise, that's pure coincidence. So don't worry! BTW, I adore old cuts, and if you have any pictures, I'd love to see - your ring sounds lovely.
Agreed that it's an easy fix, as CIrce said, a benchman should be able to do it within a day. I had a crack in my platinum ring and it took a few days--the cost was only $50 and that was at a fancy schmancy high-end B&M store.
Well I have dropped my baby (I mean ring) off to the jeweler who put the beads in to have it fixed. Fingers crossed it comes out as good as new. I am literally pacing the house waiting for the call so I can go pick it up. In the meantime, as requested here are a few not so amazing photos of my ring... Enjoy!
