
Cover natural on girdle with a prong?

Should I have tiny natural on diamond girdle covered with prong?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • No

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters


Mar 31, 2018
I would love to get your valued opinions on whether I should have my jeweler turn my stone and cover my tiny natural on the girdle under a prong. I posted on this board a few months ago asking for opinions thinking I chipped the stone after having my diamond reset into a new setting. I felt the indent with my finger and freaked out asking people on this board about getting it polished out. It turns out that it’s a natural that’s been plotted on my AGS report and has been there all along but hidden under a prong. I took it to a GIA appraiser and they confirmed it was a natural and showed me that it was already plotted on the report. I’m enormously relieved but I’m wondering if I should have it turned and put back under a prong. She said that it was a great way for me to identify my ring. It’s a VS1 so although it looks huge on the’s very tiny and can’t be seen with the naked eye. I can just feel it..and it bothers me a little. She said my option was to bring it back to the jeweler and have them just have the diamond turned. Am I taking a chance of having the ring damaged by having him open the prongs and resetting it? Thank you!
I am not a craftsman, but I have great craftsmen who have told me that you can only open and close a prong so many times before you risk causing it to weaken and be a danger to its job of keeping the diamond where it belongs.

Still, if it really bothers you, that is your choice. For me, I would love being able to check the identity of my diamond every time I had it cleaned and polished at a local jewelry store.

The danger is minimal provided you are using a good craftsman. Make your decision, one way or another, and once the job is done/not done, rest comfortably with your choice.

I personally think it's kind of a cool feature and a good reminder that these stones we pull out of the ground aren't perfect as is. Especially now with the advent of man made diamonds.

But agree with Wink, if it really bothers you then do it.
Would turning the stone make the "arrows" or table facet edges be off center f m the prongs?
I am not a craftsman, but I have great craftsmen who have told me that you can only open and close a prong so many times before you risk causing it to weaken and be a danger to its job of keeping the diamond where it belongs.

Still, if it really bothers you, that is your choice. For me, I would love being able to check the identity of my diamond every time I had it cleaned and polished at a local jewelry store.

The danger is minimal provided you are using a good craftsman. Make your decision, one way or another, and once the job is done/not done, rest comfortably with your choice.


This is great advice Wink is giving you...

On a side note, it used to be quite common to find naturals on "the four corners" of a diamond when I first started in the business.

The four corners being the north, south, east, and west positions as you look at the diamond from the face-up vantage point.

A natural is kind of like the original skin of the diamond which was left on the girdle edge by the cutter. In the old days, the naturals served as proof to the foreman that the cutter didn't waste any more of the rough than was necessary to polish the diamond.

Or so I've been told by the old-timers who mentored me...

Personally, I don't give them a second thought since they're not visible and pose no durability risk.

If you don't mind my saying so, I think that your initial reaction is based on your previous experience where your diamond chipped. It's a perfectly natural reaction and I imagine that it gave you quite a start.

While you could set it beneath a prong, the reality is that diamonds tend to spin a little bit in the seat over the course of time, so it might need to be turned back and adjusted, and over the course of time, that might create the metal stress that Wink is eluding to.
Thank you for helping me decide..I appreciate all your help..I realize this may seem like a small problem to the experts but struck fear in my heart when I thought it was chipped. Todd Gray, it isn’t chipped. I mistakenly thought it was chipped previously so brought it to an expert who told me it was a natural. She said I could have it turned and put under a prong but I’ve been lurking here for quite a while and got the feeling that if I had the prong put over it I was risking damage. I’ve had it under a prong for around twelve years before I had the new setting made and never knew it was there..and it never got damage..but I understand that it could get damaged if I have the new jeweler put a prong over it. The jeweler should have asked me before setting it in the new setting if I wanted to cover it with the prong..As it is now I can feel it so I turn it in so it’s facing my elbow instead of my finger tips to protect it. I don’t want to do this everyday and be reminded of the natural.
Would turning the stone make the "arrows" or table facet edges be off center f m the prongs?
Thank you..
I don’t understand the question because I’m not very knowledgeable..Can someone please answer this?
I am not a craftsman, but I have great craftsmen who have told me that you can only open and close a prong so many times before you risk causing it to weaken and be a danger to its job of keeping the diamond where it belongs.

Still, if it really bothers you, that is your choice. For me, I would love being able to check the identity of my diamond every time I had it cleaned and polished at a local jewelry store.

The danger is minimal provided you are using a good craftsman. Make your decision, one way or another, and once the job is done/not done, rest comfortably with your choice.

Thank you Wink!
Thanks HDer!
Thank you for your opinions. I just got my diamond turned covering the
natural with a prong. I’m happy now! I don’t know how to delete the thread..If someone can tell me how to do that I would appreciate it!
I do not think you can delete the thread. It will soon fall off the front page and for all intents and purposes will disappear. This way, if someone ever has the same question and does a search, it will be there to be seen in the future.

Thank you Wink! I was trying for over a half hour!
@Mamabean You can also hit the "Report Concern" button and ask mods to close the thread for you. That way, it'll leave the thread up but won't be open to further replies.
Thank you Anastasia