
cover letter question

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Oct 22, 2005
I recently took a position with a startup company close to my apartment, but I truely do not enjoy it. Everyone''s nice and everything but I just don''t feel that I''m a good fit for the position and I don''t feel that the company is right for me.

I am looking to apply for jobs elsewhere, and I''ve actually found one that sounds interesting, but I am not sure what experience from this position I should include on my resume. I''ve only been working there since November, but I can tell it''s just not for me.

Do I address this in my cover letter? Is this experience anything that I should include in a resume, or should it be left off? It''s not significant experience, yet when I interview they will likely ask what I''ve done since Sept (when I moved to michigan).

What do you guys think.

PS--I''ll be on alot today...home sick with what feels like strep throat. I hope it''s not.
Sweetpea, first of all I hope that you do NOT have strep and that you feel better soon.

As for your current postion; I would put it on your resume but *not* address it in your cover letter. There will be plenty of time for that in the interview, and I''m sure you will find a way to tell them that you took the postion and have since realized it''s not for you. At that point, though, you will probably want to discuss why you think this new postion/company is different/better and you''re confident that you wouldn''t be making a similar mistake. ("Mistake" is too strong a word, but I can''t think of a better one right now.)
I would not address this in a cover letter, but I would indicate the experience on my resume. In my experience (I worked in HR for two different companies for a total of 4 years) unexplained breaks in employment are worse than jobs that aren''t the right fit, especially if you aren''t having issues with your current employer, it''s just not the right place and position for you.
Thank you Dee*Jay and KimberlyH!

Thankfully I have no issues with my employer, I just don't enjoy this job and it's not really turning out to be what they had originally said it would. Granted, it is a small small company, so everyone has to do alot of other tasks that aren't their jobs, but I don't seem to get anything that was in the original job description and it's been 2 months. I have mentioned that I would like more responsibility and everything, and acted enthusiastic about it, but I think they're really in no rush to move me where I want to be. It could also be b/c I'm at least 10 years younger than the youngest person at my work, so the least experienced, so maybe they just don't trust me yet with certain things, but I'm just thinking this is not the right place for me b/c I'm not happy there.
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