
Could this work?

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Jul 2, 2007
I absolutely LOVE the way the diamonds are set on this shank. But I also really like the knife edges but don''t want a plain band and I''m not sure I want pave''.

Is there any way the diamonds could be set like that on each of the "slanted" sides of the kinfe edge insted of how you usually see them set as pave''? Would this look ok? Has anyone seen anything like this done?

If not and there is anyone that is a photoshop whiz
that could create a composite that would give me an idea I would be extremely greatful. I tried but I''m not very talented with the meshing of pictures.

Thank you all for reading and I apologize for so many questions.
If I imagine this correctly then in the normal viewing position you'd be seeing the metal edge of the band and all of the diamonds would be tilted somewhat away from the viewer's eye.

This means when the center stone is facing straight up & sparkling at its best you will have no supporting "chorus" of pave to showcase it. And at best you'd see only half the pave "chorus" at a time (by tilting the band), and the center stone would always be facing away in those views.

My 2 cents...if you're throwing down $$ for the bling it's nice to have at least some of the sidestone firecrackers popping in exactly the same orientation as the center stone - you know - to distract others around you.

Nice pave on that ring.

Your idea can be done. There will be a fine ridge line without stones (the knife edge). But I can imagine it very sharp locking, needs to be done by a very good jeweler-stone setter though, so it will not look bulky. You want it to look dainty and elegant.
Thank you both for your answers.

John, I didn''t even think of that, that they would each be facing outward from the center and if looking down I wouldn''t get to see the sparkles!
Date: 4/9/2009 12:33:39 PM
Author: mirre
Thank you both for your answers.

John, I didn't even think of that, that they would each be facing outward from the center and if looking down I wouldn't get to see the sparkles!
Well, the ring will be in motion much of the time so you'd certainly see them sparkling...but I'm a confessed center-stone-snob and prefer a good portion of the supporting cast to have the same orientation as that prima donna (prima-diama?).

I should admit that it's a personal preference thing. YMMV.
Maybe I''m not getting what you are talking about...this is a knife edge pave. Do you want more rows of diamonds?
Or are you saying you want the diamonds more set on the side facing outward instead of facing up like they are?
Edit to orginial post! I goofed!

I had the wrong link up there... It was suppose to be this ring not the one from WF. I like the way the diamonds are set on the top of the shank not the sides.

Terribly sorry for the mixup!
Hi there. If the second link you posted to the "Diana" ring is correct, I believe the way the diamonds are set on the top of the shank are bead set as opposed to pave. I don''t see why you couldn''t have a knife edge ring with bead set diamonds on each side of the pave instead of the shank. However, Jonathan''s comment is correct, that the diamonds on the band will not be facing upwards, they would be facing toward you and away from you on the respective sides of the knife edge.
Yes it is suppose to link to the Diana ring.

I thought that was "burnished" "flush set" or "gypsy set" though?

I have found a ring that is a pave knife edge and it is beautiful. But I really like the way those are set in the top of that band in the picture and just wondered how it would look or even if it would work.

these stones are burnished into the shank. Everything is feasible in a way or another. I would think the look on a knife edge shank,set on both sides like that, would look kind a heavy, almost bulky.

We are getting in an area though where taste is the driving factor. I don''t like it but you might love it and nobody is wrong or right. This is the nice thing about jewelry there is something for everyone''s taste.

It can be done, yes.
Never mind my previous post (the picture move didnt work). Here is the picture I meant to post but
it appears it doesnt matter anyway because your link was to the wrong ring (we must be having a bad day
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