
Copying, and ... copying


Apr 26, 2007
Hi, RedWood66 - I'm sorry it's under a shadow, but I'm really glad to have met you, because your words are sensible and compelling. I'll admit, there are a lot of my own things I don't post, because they're against the rules ... but the sense of community makes it worth it for me.

Which is just ONE of the reasons I am really sorry you've felt discriminated against (same goes for any other ladies from BTD who've detected that here). For whatever it's worth, I don't think anybody here would ever say something like that flat-out, but I think perspective-wise and given the lack of tone on the internet, some miscommunication is almost inevitable. Even given that, though, I hope you'll keep posting here - we can always use another poster who loves the bling and likes to discuss it AT LENGTH. Sounds like we're on the same page.

P.S. - I'm going to go and check your ring out, because it sounds luscious.


Feb 15, 2007
redwood--Welcome, and thank you for your post and for your kind words about my ring.

I can't imagine that anyone on PS believes that you or anyone else is less deserving of a beautifully designed piece of jewelry simply because you choose not to put a diamond in it. I haven't seen that said here in this thread or elsewhere on PS.

I'm not familiar with the other forum, I was only introduced to it when someone shared the copy of my ring over there. I didn't even realize that that forum is for sims until I read that in this thread.

I agree that there is a "home" for everyone on the Internet. I have never seen mention of the other forum or its posters (or any sim forum) on PS before, so it was surprising to read unkind things about PSers written by posters on the other forum. I wonder how much some people's personal beliefs about people who purchase diamonds informs their impressions of us.

I've always found this forum to be filled with lovely people who will bend over backwards to help strangers find good stones, design pieces, and navigate through a jewelry purchase. I imagine we could say the same about most jewelry forums.

ETA: I should have just let Circe post. She said it all better. And I agree, your ring sounds beautiful.


Aug 22, 2012
Circe and Haven - thank you for the welcome as it is truly appreciated. I did not mean to sound harsh to you but just giving an opinion of how it sounds to others. I think things have gotten out of hand and crass on both boards regarding these two threads. It is unfortunate. I have refrained from posting in the thread on BTD that is mentioned here.

PS is so vast compared to the other place and there is so much knowledge here. All of it is well appreciated by many there also. As someone here mentioned earlier we are from all parts of the US and the world. I happen to live in a very small town with nothing near me to view lovely jewelry designs in person. I rely on the internet to see "what is out there" in the rest of world. We can all pretty much be resigned to the fact that if we put designs on the net then someone somewhere will love it and want it for their own.

Thank you again for the welcome! =)


Aug 25, 2009
redwood66|1362094653|3393069 said:
Hello Ladies,

I feel the need to post in this thread as much has been said about the "other forum" of which I am also a member. There is a place for everyone to feel "at home" on the internet with people who share their love of something. I do not post here but do "lurk" because there are many beautiful things to see and learn about. The reason I do not post here is due to the many rules against this or that and also because of the display of haughtiness and snobbery seen in some places in this thread. I own diamonds, colored stones and sims. I have in fact just designed with "Mr. Classy" an original ring set which I posted on that forum. It has a sim and therefore I cannot post its lovely design here. I love Yssie's 5 stone and her original 3 stone ring and would love to have something similar one day. I also love Haven's ring and my new set has the feel of it but looks nothing like it. I choose not to spend $$$$$ on a 2ct diamond but that does not mean that I am no less deserving of a beautifully designed piece of jewelry.

There are many lovely people here and there also. I will continue to lurk here and post there and this is all JMHO.

Ummmm to my knowledge no one is debating diamond vs. sim. In fact I don't think many people care either way. The issue is copying specific designs of rings. Read through page 2-3. Good stuff!

Edit- Haven and Circe say everything so much better! Sorry try to put toddlers down for the night! Argh. Anyhow welcome either way. I only knew about the other board from their selling forum until today. I love jewerly and bling no matter what so bring it on! :))


Mar 18, 2009
Welcome Redwood. I think there are several members here who have simulant gems. The only issue is copying copyrighted designs, as far as I see it. In the past, PS has had this discussion about PS members doing this to other PS members.

I hope you decide to post in the future. We have a few posters who are part of both communities. I personally don't have issues with simulants. I am not aware of anyone else here who does either.


Aug 22, 2012
Thank you for the welcome. I guess my point got lost in translation as it wasn't a debate about diamond vs. sim. More to the tone of the thread and its appearance to others. Now I feel like Rodney King. "Can't we all just get along?"

Edited for grammar.


Aug 25, 2009
I have no problem with getting along but I find it amusing that you think this thread on PS has a nasty tone!!! :lol: I just read the other one :razz:

No worries Red. Goodluck with your upcoming projects.


Mar 18, 2009
I think some of the posters here are genuinely upset. I don't think anything nasty has been said, but yes, some people are not happy about the copies. I would like everyone to get along, which is why I won't post anything I don't want copied. I don't know how I would feel honestly. I would like to think it would not bother me, but I don't know.

I'm not from RockyTalky, and I don't collect diamonds because I can't afford it. I'm not ashamed of that. I'm part of the Colored Stone forum, and we are a pretty price conscious bunch. Some of the CSers have big budgets, but many of us do not. Everyone has their niche. I think the most popular stones are garnets and spinels, (with a deluge of new posters who want blue sapphires because of the Princess Catherine ring). A good bunch of us set things in silver.

Anyway, please feel free to join PS and please let the ladies/men in the other forum that they are welcome. It's always nice to have more contributors.


Apr 26, 2007
I think the awful part is that posters on both forums ARE genuinely upset. Here, because people feel almost ... violated, I think, possibly not as much by the imitations per se (though, it may well be the case when it comes to the jewelers) but because of the almost derisive tone in the posts that referenced them, with all the getting people's names wrong and the "better than the original!" stuff. I think no matter what the circumstances, whether the imitation is worse or better, just the fact that it IS an imitation makes it feel weirdly like a slap if the original is derided. Adding insult to injury, sorta.

And on the other end, I can see how the people who may have commissioned the imitations might feel crestfallen if their genuine admiration is taken as carelessness- like, obviously they love it, they wanted to be able to admire their own versions 24/7 - and they then see the originators or their friends criticizing it. (I actually feel sorta bad for the lady who got the RDG ring, who is now on the other thread explaining that she actually DID ask for changes to the tune of MORE than 20%, but instead it's being interpreted as an inept copy instead of an honest homage.) It still leaves the whole thing that got me wondering about it, the whole politics of imitation, up in the air, but ... at the end of the day, none of us (except Alj ...?) are copyright lawyers, maybe feelings should matter more.

At the end of the day, honestly, I think the biggest problem might be the lack of communication between the two forums, with everybody feeling like they exist in their own bubble. Laila called it.

And that's before we get into the weird assumptions about the rich ladies with their posing in front of their label objects (that's the OTHER other forum! I keed), vs. the whatever it is people here are supposed to be saying - look, folks, I can't speak for anybody else, but I'm a broke-ass professor who likes to bargain shop and make her own weird medieval-looking jewelry out of cheap colored stones and ridiculous sims, because if I can make myself a chain that Henry VIII would have envied thanks to the miracle of modern science, I WILL. NO SNOBBERY. Just some frank and honest curiosity about where people draw the line, which judging by BOTH threads, is all over the map.

I'm not saying we should all just get along, because, wow, unrealistic (I mean, I don't even get along with everybody HERE), but maybe ... we shouldn't assume the worst of one another?


May 16, 2011
I do not post here often, as you can see from my post count, but do post a lot on other forums. I can see why people are upset here, absolutely. And I can also see why people over there are hurt too. It is never 'just a ring" to people like us, and I hope that no one now looks at their ring with bad feelings. :( Reading both threads today, I really just feel sad that people have had rings that they adore insulted... on both sides.

Onto the topic at hand, I do agree that just because we can does not mean we should, but "inspired by" is a very grey area. What is inspired to some is a copy to others... Asking the owner, or giving them a heads up is a good place to start, imo. I think it is unfortunate that if you do not want it copied, you should not post it, but that is the rule I live by for myself, and I post very few pics of the details now.


Aug 22, 2012
I really don't have anything more to add to this discussion other than what some others here have said that if you put it out there it will get copied, right or wrong. I can fully understand those that designed their rings being upset if they truly wanted an original design. And I have seen other threads about that here. I myself don't want someone else's design exactly. What's the fun in that? Vaguely similar maybe if I love it enough.


Mar 18, 2009
I definitely agree that some posters over there are upset. If you copy someone's ring however, you also open yourself up to comparisons. As I said before, I think most of the rings were executed well. In some cases the originals were better, in opinion. The comparison should not surprise anyone.

Don't copy someone's ring unless you accept that yours will be compared to the original. This is the same as saying don't post if you don't want to be copied. Both facts are not "nice", I wish no one felt bad, but this is reality. Now that I am aware of the feelings that get hurt, I am not going to copy (I had no plans to), nor will I post things I want copied. It's sad that things have to be this way.

I want to see everyone's beautiful rings. Now I won't. This point is not a big deal to me. I do feel for everyone who has hurt feelings.


Mar 18, 2009
Circe, I didn't know you were a broke a$$ professor. Hello, fellow CSer on a budget.


Apr 26, 2007
pregcurious said:
Circe, I didn't know you were a broke a$$ professor. Hello, fellow CSer on a budget.

Hail, darling! Someday, the world will acknowledge the value of my contributions to fairy tale studies. The fiduciary value, that is - the scholarly value is priceless. Until then, though .... Spinel! Zircon! Various form of quartz! Sock it to me, babies!


May 24, 2012
Circe said:
Hail, darling! Someday, the world will acknowledge the value of my contributions to fairy tale studies. The fiduciary value, that is - the scholarly value is priceless. Until then, though .... Spinel! Zircon! Various form of quartz! Sock it to me, babies!


I'm a brand new broke a$$ college grad. I'm definitely not dripping in diamonds.... yet. :Up_to_something:


Apr 26, 2007
Half of these are AW3SOM3, and half of these make hipsters look bad.


Mar 18, 2009
Circe|1362105642|3393254 said:
pregcurious said:
Circe, I didn't know you were a broke a$$ professor. Hello, fellow CSer on a budget.

Hail, darling! Someday, the world will acknowledge the value of my contributions to fairy tale studies. The fiduciary value, that is - the scholarly value is priceless. Until then, though .... Spinel! Zircon! Various form of quartz! Sock it to me, babies!

I bet we could convert some people in the other forum to spinels. High RI and low price in the lighter colors; what's there to dislike?


Jan 18, 2012
I am the woman from the other forum who had the 5 stone ring like Yssies's made as a right hand ring with different stones. I found the original on the internet which lead me to here. I had no intention of ever making an exact copy of Yssies's ring, or insulting her by trying to do so. I really never thought to reach out to her because truthfully I did not belong to this forum and thought she would think it was inappropriate. I am really sorry if I upset her or anyone here, that was not my intention. I do not post a lot anymore on the other forum, but happened to be on there this evening when I came across the post and knew immediately that it was in reference to my ring which a post led me to here. After reading her posts outlining her points, I felt I should post this message. Again, I did not mean to upset her or anyone else, I just thought her design was beautiful and would look different w/stones other than the original ring.


Jan 11, 2006
I was glad to have some hints to where the rings are located, and I thought they were quite lovely especially considering they likely cost a fraction of the price of RGD, VC, SK, etc. I actually think they are a good choice for sims (or colored stones) and the stones certainly all looked great! I don't think I would mistake any of the rings for the originals, so they are more "inspired by" rings here than exact copies, to me anyway. I have already said that I do understand how an original designer like Mike might feel about his designs being copied, but if someone copied something of mine, I really wouldn't care because I do not have to be the only person in the world with a particular piece of jewelry! But the ladies over there have good taste from what I saw on that site and I certainly am happy for them to have jewelry they love. There is great diversity in budget and collections even on this site, so the other site just presents another set of options for jewelry lovers.

(Sarah, I do like great quality diamonds, but I love beautiful settings as well (and my husband will tell you that I have done my share with getting 3 Beaudry settings in less than a year :lol: )! I admire many things that are intricate and gorgeous and large, such as your beautiful emerald bracelet or Zahra's amazing ring, but I simply don't buy them because I don't go to enough formal events to ever wear them! But it doesn't mean that I don't love them! I just try to buy things I can wear often, and I am in jeans about 6 days a week!)


Jan 11, 2006
badabling84|1362106640|3393275 said:
I am the woman from the other forum who had the 5 stone ring like Yssies's made as a right hand ring with different stones. I found the original on the internet which lead me to here. I had no intention of ever making an exact copy of Yssies's ring, or insulting her by trying to do so. I really never thought to reach out to her because truthfully I did not belong to this forum and thought she would think it was inappropriate. I am really sorry if I upset her or anyone here, that was not my intention. I do not post a lot anymore on the other forum, but happened to be on there this evening when I came across the post and knew immediately that it was in reference to my ring which a post led me to here. After reading her posts outlining her points, I felt I should post this message. Again, I did not mean to upset her or anyone else, I just thought her design was beautiful and would look different w/stones other than the original ring.

Your ring is very pretty and I think it was very sweet of you to come here! Please come back and join us again anytime! :wavey:


Jan 7, 2009
HI badabling84
Please do stick around!
I think your ring is a very pretty interpretation of the five stone trellis.
Enjoy it!


Apr 28, 2008
badabling84|1362106640|3393275 said:
I am the woman from the other forum who had the 5 stone ring like Yssies's made as a right hand ring with different stones. I found the original on the internet which lead me to here. I had no intention of ever making an exact copy of Yssies's ring, or insulting her by trying to do so. I really never thought to reach out to her because truthfully I did not belong to this forum and thought she would think it was inappropriate. I am really sorry if I upset her or anyone here, that was not my intention. I do not post a lot anymore on the other forum, but happened to be on there this evening when I came across the post and knew immediately that it was in reference to my ring which a post led me to here. After reading her posts outlining her points, I felt I should post this message. Again, I did not mean to upset her or anyone else, I just thought her design was beautiful and would look different w/stones other than the original ring.

Hi badabling! Please don't feel bad. Trellis styles are a very common, popular design and your ring is especially pretty and unique with the pink stones!


Aug 1, 2011
Not sure how I totally missed this thread until last night-LOL. But I find it very pertinent as it is something I've been grappling with quite a bit lately. I am also having a ring made by Mike at RDG- in fact he is making it right now. The copies have bothered me as he takes great strides to create something unusual and beautiful- from his watercolor sketches, to the painstaking hand forging, to the final piece of art. Let me say that Mike has NEVER asked me not to share my ring here (so I doubt he asked Yssie not to share) as someone stated in one of the posts!! If RDG didn't want their jewelry shown they wouldn't have a facebook page and website!! Yssie and I have "talked" and I certainly understand and respect her decision not to post her ring. I hadn't realized there were so many others that hadn't posted rings as they didn't want their rings copied either. It does make me sad as I love to look at unusual bling and it's too bad that there are jewelers who will blatantly copy. I had almost decided not to post my RDG, too. However, I have changed my mind.

I think beautiful things should be shared. :love: If someone wants it so badly that they want to copy it,oh well. It's a very large planet and I know it will never look just like mine, and I will probably never see the ring or person wearing it anyway. I can't imagine that the details of a copy would come anywhere near my original!! I have loved the pictures that RDG is sending me- watching a hunk of metal unfurling into a beautiful, artistic piece of art. It's not a typical Pricescope type of ring, so I think it may be interesting for many people to watch the process. I didn't even know what hand forged meant when I first joined this forum, and watching step by step pictures of the process is incredibly exciting to me. I'd like to share that excitement. Mike is so incredibly talented- I'd like more people to see his unique work. Any successful artist is copied. Heck, look at the designer gowns from the Oscars. The designer originals cost tens of thousands of dollars and the designer has made something unique and beautiful. Two days later there are "copies" everywhere!! Do they really look like the original? No way!! The materials are inexpensive- the details are not there, and the labor is usually sloppy- but the ultimate buyer is happy with their "copy"!! I have decided that life is too short to worry about the small things!! So I will be starting a thread soon on my RDG ring. Hope you all will enjoy the process with me. =)

ETA - please remind me I posted all this when I see my ring copied :rolleyes:


May 11, 2009
pinkjewel|1362145780|3393501 said:
Not sure how I totally missed this thread until last night-LOL. But I find it very pertinent as it is something I've been grappling with quite a bit lately. I am also having a ring made by Mike at RDG- in fact he is making it right now. The copies have bothered me as he takes great strides to create something unusual and beautiful- from his watercolor sketches, to the painstaking hand forging, to the final piece of art. Let me say that Mike has NEVER asked me not to share my ring here (so I doubt he asked Yssie not to share) as someone stated in one of the posts!! If RDG didn't want their jewelry shown they wouldn't have a facebook page and website!! Yssie and I have "talked" and I certainly understand and respect her decision not to post her ring. I hadn't realized there were so many others that hadn't posted rings as they didn't want their rings copied either. It does make me sad as I love to look at unusual bling and it's too bad that there are jewelers who will blatantly copy. I had almost decided not to post my RDG, too. However, I have changed my mind.

I think beautiful things should be shared. :love: If someone wants it so badly that they want to copy it,oh well. It's a very large planet and I know it will never look just like mine, and I will probably never see the ring or person wearing it anyway. I can't imagine that the details of a copy would come anywhere near my original!! I have loved the pictures that RDG is sending me- watching a hunk of metal unfurling into a beautiful, artistic piece of art. It's not a typical Pricescope type of ring, so I think it may be interesting for many people to watch the process. I didn't even know what hand forged meant when I first joined this forum, and watching step by step pictures of the process is incredibly exciting to me. I'd like to share that excitement. Mike is so incredibly talented- I'd like more people to see his unique work. Any successful artist is copied. Heck, look at the designer gowns from the Oscars. The designer originals cost tens of thousands of dollars and the designer has made something unique and beautiful. Two days later there are "copies" everywhere!! Do they really look like the original? No way!! The materials are inexpensive- the details are not there, and the labor is usually sloppy- but the ultimate buyer is happy with their "copy"!! I have decided that life is too short to worry about the small things!! So I will be starting a thread soon on my RDG ring. Hope you all will enjoy the process with me. =)

ETA - please remind me I posted all this when I see my ring copied :rolleyes:

This made me laugh. THEORETICALLY it all seems cool - when it actually happens, I'm sure it will throw you for a bit of a loop.

Thank you for deciding to share though - I love seeing Mike's work, and every different kind of unique piece PSers have come up with.


Jun 8, 2008
pinkjewel|1362145780|3393501 said:
Not sure how I totally missed this thread until last night-LOL. But I find it very pertinent as it is something I've been grappling with quite a bit lately. I am also having a ring made by Mike at RDG- in fact he is making it right now. The copies have bothered me as he takes great strides to create something unusual and beautiful- from his watercolor sketches, to the painstaking hand forging, to the final piece of art. Let me say that Mike has NEVER asked me not to share my ring here (so I doubt he asked Yssie not to share) as someone stated in one of the posts!! If RDG didn't want their jewelry shown they wouldn't have a facebook page and website!! Yssie and I have "talked" and I certainly understand and respect her decision not to post her ring. I hadn't realized there were so many others that hadn't posted rings as they didn't want their rings copied either. It does make me sad as I love to look at unusual bling and it's too bad that there are jewelers who will blatantly copy. I had almost decided not to post my RDG, too. However, I have changed my mind.

I think beautiful things should be shared. :love: If someone wants it so badly that they want to copy it,oh well. It's a very large planet and I know it will never look just like mine, and I will probably never see the ring or person wearing it anyway. I can't imagine that the details of a copy would come anywhere near my original!! I have loved the pictures that RDG is sending me- watching a hunk of metal unfurling into a beautiful, artistic piece of art. It's not a typical Pricescope type of ring, so I think it may be interesting for many people to watch the process. I didn't even know what hand forged meant when I first joined this forum, and watching step by step pictures of the process is incredibly exciting to me. I'd like to share that excitement. Mike is so incredibly talented- I'd like more people to see his unique work. Any successful artist is copied. Heck, look at the designer gowns from the Oscars. The designer originals cost tens of thousands of dollars and the designer has made something unique and beautiful. Two days later there are "copies" everywhere!! Do they really look like the original? No way!! The materials are inexpensive- the details are not there, and the labor is usually sloppy- but the ultimate buyer is happy with their "copy"!! I have decided that life is too short to worry about the small things!! So I will be starting a thread soon on my RDG ring. Hope you all will enjoy the process with me. =)

ETA - please remind me I posted all this when I see my ring copied :rolleyes:

I totally agree with pinkjewel.

Beauty should be enjoyed and shared IMO. It makes it that much more lovely if many can enjoy it. A great masterpiece in a closet or hanging on someone's wall just for them to enjoy is not as marvelous as it being in the museum for many to enjoy (JMO ofc). So to that end I say share pics of your beauties. However, I respect 100% the right not to share pictures if having them copied would be upsetting to you or if the artist asked you not to share them. If the artist of a truly unique piece(like Mike Robinson for example) doesn't want it to be shared though I understand and respect that. I just find it a bit sad that it cannot be enjoyed by many- that's all.

Having said that though I would never copy someone else's unique piece without requestng permission first out of respect for the artist and the owner of the piece. And if they declined I wouldn't pursue it. I would be flattered if others wanted to copy a unique piece of jewelry I owned though, but that's me. And as many others have said already-if you wouldn't like it don't post it. But still sad I won't be seeing some of your beauties. ::)


Apr 26, 2007
Pinkjewel, I love everything about your post, and I cannot wait to see your ring. The last "Spirit of Pricescope" thread was on a slightly different note, but if we ever have a "Spirit of Pricescope Hall of Fame," I'm nominating this one.


Aug 1, 2011
Circe- what an incredibly sweet thing to say- hugs to you. :D

Missy- glad you agree!!

Justginger- yes, things do sound much better in theory-lol ;))


Aug 14, 2009
Clarification - as pinkjewel said, no, Mike never asked or suggested that I share or not share! He said it's completely up to me. I'm choosing not to for a number of reasons, one of which is that I do know how he feels about other vendors copying his designs. I'm choosing not to because I think now everyone can guess exactly how I'd react if I did see it copied and there's just no need to invite trouble! :bigsmile:

badabling - I appreciate you coming into this thread.

I shared a bit of the story about the setting itself on here - the original thoughts, the first make, the remake... it was a long process. There was more to it that I didn't share: DH and I made a number of difficult and life-changing decisions that year, some of which I was thrilled about, some of which I wasn't, most of which I was terrified of! That setting came with all the emotional baggage of getting it *right*, the way we'd bantered about wayyyy back when we started dating, in the middle of everything else that was going on, and even DH - who really couldn't care less about my jewellery - had surprisingly strong feelings.

Ultimately it's a piece that fair or not, logical or not, I do feel strongly about. I'm not speaking for anyone else - PSer or vendor, just myself, but when Circe said there were obviously hurt feelings on both sides she was right. When I saw it I was taken aback - and upset - to see a thread on another forum of my ring made by a vendor I don't respect with no warning and referenced with my screenname spelt incorrectly. Again, fair or not, logical or not, petty or not (and let's be honest, it's a bit of all of those!)... I guess sometimes we just feel the way we do :sick: and I guess the other part of being human is admitting that had someone I'd never interacted with reached out to me out of the blue and said "I love your ring and I'd love to make one of my own!" I'd have been both flattered and honoured, and it'd have been... validation is probably the best way to put it - validation of all those feelings I poured into the original, whether or not I shared them online.

I do feel strongly about vendors' rights to their designs. But in MY case, when VC said he'd never make it again because it's a total PITA and DBL doesn't care, even though I'm something of a guard dog about some things sometimes even I see the lunacy of pushing my feelings on how vendors I work with should feel onto other customers!! Which makes your choice of vendor completely and totally none of my business (not that it wasn't completely and totally your choice anyway, but hopefully you know what I mean).

Mostly I'm just sorry. At the end of the day, whatever the circumstances, being the reason someone else is upset is not a good feeling :(sad I'm sure that's what made you post here too, and thank you for that.

pinkjewel your post made me smile ::) Is it weird that I applaud your sentiments even as I make the opposite choice? I'm so sad that I'll miss seeing it IRL by a day!! There *is* always the taping a photo to your finger option :))


Aug 1, 2011
Yssie- I totally understand your feelings and in no way was I trying to persuade you differently!! :wavey:

I'm just hoping I get to see yours!! You are bringing it, aren't you??? I will plan on taping a pic of mine to my finger just so everyone will know it's me :lol:


Aug 30, 2011

I have a question.

If the decorous thing to do would be to ask permission from the original owner if someone wanted to do a "copy" or "inspired piece", can I ask how one would go about doing that? There isn't a PM system here. has to do it... publicly?

And then is the original owner going to have conditions if they say yes? For example, "yes, but only if you get it done by the original designer. I don't want it to be a 'desecration' of mine. And It has to be hand forged and have the fluidity or my original" or "yes, but don't change the shank/basket/halo/struts/prongs/etc. That would make it a mauled version of the design"

I'm not posing a rhetorical question here, so please don't read it as that. I'm just trying to take a practical approach here, and I am really, very interested in seeing what you all have to say about what would be the specific protocols if someone did want to approach you, especially if they have no way to contact you privately on PS, and what would the contact would entail.

For example, if it's has to be public, you can see how scary that could be to someone right? The risk of rejection, ridicule of differing ideas, the embarrassing exposure of budget constraints, unwelcomed input in terms of what vendor to use and what design changes they can or cannot to make?

If it can be private, would one go about finding a private way to contact you without a PM system? Go internet sleuthing? The internet is a very open place and any info or contact information can be found pretty easily now that we are in the age of social networking sites as the norm. And then it gets even easier if you have access to westlaw or lexis nexis as well. But is that what you want? Do you want strangers to regularly hunt for you elsewhere, maybe even on your office email that you posted somewhere because that was the only contact information they could link you to, in order to have a private conversation to ask about your permission to copy your jewelry design?

I also want to say this. Just to give a little perspective and then an analogy. I can't speak for everyone, but some girls over there feel like some of you ARE like celebrities. Inaccessible people who are in the public eye, with higher incomes, grander design ideas, wider resources, who have their own circle of other like people to share them with while the rest of the world watches them set trends, etc... They speak highly of you, admire you, are inspired by you, and some even want to copy you. So, that being said, when I went to my hair stylist to copy Nicole Richie's hair cut and brought several pictures, I didn't think that I should contact her for her permission or that I'd be insulting her if I made a few personal changes, or that I'd be desecrating the style if my hair stylist didn't execute it as well. That was my mind set. But if she did end up finding my picture on the internet one day and then told a magazine about how disgusted she was with my version and wished I had consulted her first, I would definitely be hurt and inconsolable. I guess I could have hunted her down and asked her, but I didn't know that I should have gone through the lengths it would have required to do so, or even needed to.
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