
Comparison of Two Stones - can you see the difference with the naked eye?

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Jul 29, 2002
If you had the following two stones next to each other, would they look identical to the naked eye? Assuming they have exactly the same cut and dimensions.

.49C, D, IF
.49C, G, SI1

What I'm getting at is that from my readings on the net, it seems that the size and cut matter most for what the stone looks like, and the colour and clarity (in the top half of the scale) don't make any difference to the layperson as to how the thing actually looks (i.e. you'd need to be a trained jeweller with a lupe to tell the difference.)

Is this right or would the colour and clarity actually affect the fire and brilliance to a noticeable degree?

My fiance and I are looking for an engagement ring, and from what I've seen it looks like we could easily compromise on colour and clarity to get a larger and better cut stone, but I just wanted to check that I'm not barking up the wrong tree!



Dec 31, 1999
I think you are 100% correct.

If it is eye-clean SI1 you won't see a difference in clarity without a loupe.

You will see the difference between D and G only when comparing two stones together when looking from the side. In everyday life in face up position - probably no.

And you will not see any effect on brilliance and fire whatsoever.

In fact, you might even go down to H and SI2 and still have a beautiful stone - white and no visible inclusion in table up position. But this is your personal choice.

Garry H (Cut Nut)

Aug 15, 2000
Side by side testing ( i do it a few times a week)
1. 1/2 can pick H from F-D
2. 10-20% can pick G from D
3. 1 in 20 can pick SI from IF

Most experts can pick G from D in shops lighting face up. it is easier in daylight or grading light.
Most can not pick SI1 from flawless with naked eye in normal lighting, most can in grading lighting.

Fun isn't it :)


Jul 22, 2002
On 7/31/2002 6:17:56 AM

Side by side testing ( i do it a few times a week)
1. 1/2 can pick H from F-D
2. 10-20% can pick G from D
3. 1 in 20 can pick SI from IF


Are you saying the average person can pick the difference 10- 20 % or your trained eye? If it your eye than this is fascinating. Unless you were buying strickly for investment, wouldn't going w/ a G SI1 be a more prudent course. JMHO, but sometimes I think people get to hung up on color & clarity..(meanwhile ignoring cut)..and what's on paper. But then, I am one of the crazy ones who buys on my eye.

Garry H (Cut Nut)

Aug 15, 2000
F&I I mean consumers with unaided and untrained eyes.

If you read the tutorial then you will see that the G-H SI is exactly what I advise people to buy. It will also increasingly become the area of most demand - especially in Asia as they move away from VVS to VS and SI, and from JKL to IHG.


May 6, 2002
people get WAAAAYYYYYY to hung up on color and clarity...and I WAS one of them until I actually saw the diamonds next to each other and realized I had let this board convince me I needed a F color VVS...I wound up with the most beautiful I color SI2 (eye clean) with med blue is a fascinating stone that I cant take my eyes off of. Not to be too annoying with the plugs but I cant say enough about Jim at for setting me straight...


Jul 10, 2002
The biggest Bang for your Buck is SI, H/I, especially on smaller stones - Make or Cut is the key factor for most of you and you don't even know it. Unfortunately, if you go to Zales (or any mall Jeweler), you pretty much get screwed there. There are lots of poorly cut stones out there because consumer demand has been driven by advertising based on SIZE --- Americans (average consumer) want size - women (yes, it matters) want size. Could you imagine how much different things would be if Cut drove demand? For one, you'd see a lot of really well cut stones coming in at .97 carats, and believe it or not, your mall store stones might actually sparkle and shine - even those low color I2's and I1's they all sell...

And guys - especially, don't get hung up on such high color - You don't need "D" color - honest. Even in a white gold setting - and if you put it in yellow, forget it. Also - actually "D" colored stones look a little cold - color adds warmth. And unless your woman is an ice princess (ouch), then get her something in the near colorless range. Psychologically it will be a better stone for her - She wont know why, but she'll love it more and feel better about it (the mind is mysterious).

VS/SI stones are great, H/I color is great: One caveat - as long as the stones are correctly graded and the cut is very good or excellent you are going to be laughing all the way back to the back to deposit the remainder of your money (you can buy yourself a new car stereo or golf clubs or something). Or spend the excess cash on one of those new fangled sex swings for your play room (a gift for the two of you), or get her a few extra massages from Jerome at the honeymoon health spa - then fly her to Chicago for an Oprah taping when you get back....

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