
Comment on this proportion

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Feb 8, 2003
I spotted this stone on the net but there was no other info attached:

E color

The table looks way out but I want to know why its still pricey ?!
Why is it pricey?


Find a stone that has the proportions you want, that isn't pricey.

Why waste time on a stone you really don't want that is not priced cometitively????

My comment is...Yikes!

Hi Bill, how's the eye?
Its probably pricey because *someone* will pay for it. Someone who doesn't know better than to ask some questions or do some research. It could still be a pretty stone, the larger table and shallower depth COULD combine to create a brilliant stone, I have one of those (61.4% table, 56.9% depth), but you'd need more #s to learn more. Also SI2? Be sure that baby is eye clean--not always the case with SI2.

For $12k you could have this!
Purty Firescope sims!
1.6 G VS2 AGS 0 1.9 HCA
Pricey???!!! Besides counting on lack of knowledge, maybe the vendor has a "name" or huge overhead to pay for??!!

If it's a B&M store, could be the jeweler saw something interesting in the diamond to buy it for resale. It could be a gorgeous performer, but I would investigate further before taking that leap.
Its probably pricey because *someone* will pay for it. Someone who doesn't know better than to ask some questions or do some research. It could still be a pretty stone, the larger table and shallower depth COULD combine to create a brilliant stone, I have one of those (61.4% table, 56.9% depth), but you'd need more #s to learn more. Also SI2? Be sure that baby is eye clean--not always the case with SI2.

For $12k you could have this! Purty Firescope sims!

Dear Mara,

Thanks for the feedback. Just interested to know how come you got one of these no where near ideal cut stone ?
well it didn't start out that way, we were looking for an ideal stone (what is ideal anyway?) and I researched for a few months. I found a great stone online at and at the last minute, we had an offline jeweler we have worked with bring in 2 stones for us to look at. I was surprised he offered to match the online pricing we had found and so because my fiance is more the offline buyer type (while I am very much online...being in internet marketing and all!), he felt more comfortable with the offline stone since he saw it before purchase etc. Plus with the price match...we also got a VS quality over the online stone's SI quality.

The interesting thing is that our offline jeweler brought in 2 stones. One was probably pretty close to 'ideal' in that it was an excellently cut stone, scored 1.0 on the HCA and looked amazing. But it was an SI1. I could see the black carbon spot even though we could hide it under a prong...and I didn't feel comfortable. In comparison, the other stone was a G VS1 and so icy white and clean. This stone's proportions were off a bit, an AGS 7 vs an AGS 0 but because of the larger table and shallower depth, the stone appears to be larger..because the dimensions of the top diameter is larger. So essentially, we have a stone with the diameter of a 1.35c stone, but it is a 1.23tcw. It's because the depth is more shallow, there is less weight carried there...its all up top. We had the numbers run through the HCA, and while Garry warned us a bit that it maybe a bit shallow of a crown (e.g. more chance for chipping the girdle with a good knock), we decided that we liked the look of the stone enough, and the extra spread plus VS quality etc, so we chose it over the 'ideal' offline stone. It was truly a case of letting your eyes be the judge, plus we had the Sarin results, and the appraiser checked it out and said that even though the #'s sounded really scary when I told her about it on the phone, she thought it was very beautiful and it appraised nicely. So that's the story!

Would I go back and do it differently? Maybe...I am intrigued by some of the more superideal stones such as SC and WF and Rhino/Jonathan of GOG has some amazing bscope reports on his site that tempt even the hardiest soul. But I really like my stone and ring, and so does my fiance, which is important as well. I wanted to be sure that whatever we got, we both really loved, and it wasn't just about what I wanted, or what he wanted...but instead an agreement on what we both really loved. It worked out well!

You will have to choose for yourself what you are interested in. You will see from my posts that I mostly suggest the ideal or superideal stones to searchers, its because for someone who is looking for a beautiful stone and does not want to spend 6 months researching, they are the surest bet on getting something amazing for relatively little markup...and most of the online vendors who sell them, or GOG and Nice Ice who sell unbranded, gorgeous H&A's, handpick their stones and really know their stock. Plus the 'cut quality' search on Pscope is WAY too easy to use...I didn't even know that was there while I was looking!! Things may have turned out differently....

But the larger tabled stones do appeal to some, however it is my opinion that they are harder to find. Many of the stones with proportions near to mine probably look dull or have a fish-eye. I lucked out with my proportions being the best way to cut a larger tabled stone and still have it look great. So finding something like this takes more work...and why do that work unless it falls in your lap? If you just want a beautiful stone with minimal effort, the ideal/excellently cut stones are the way to go IMO.

But if you are intrigued, get more info on this stone you found online, get Sarin results which will give the crown and pav angle...then see what the HCA and the experts here say. This stone may look bigger than its 1.5c, which is always fun too!! Better than having the ctw lost in the depth...I'd rather have it all up top.

Sorry for the long ramble.
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