
Coming back home & am ready to propose but need a ring!


Jun 19, 2014
I plan on buying my SO's engagement ring (with ~$10k) and popping the question in about 2 weeks. We have been together for many years but I have been out of the country for the last year and am returning next week.

Friends at home have been secretly shopping on my behalf, sending me pics. They have found a great ring at Tiffany's (Soleste) and somewhat similar ones at other NYC Diamond District locations.

Consequently, I personally have limited time to shop around for the ring and really see any myself.

I am looking for a radiant cut center diamond in a halo setting. It would be nice to have filigree or a decorative setting but my focus is on the center diamond. I am worried about buying such an expensive item online, having received suggestions to go to Blue Nile, James Allen etc.

You guys are the experts and I am certainly a blank slate/budding enthusiast so please, I appreciate any help you have to offer.

This is my favorite of the items I have seen online:
Other online friends have shown me this setting as well:
Your favourite item has a crisscut centre stone (which is a custom cut diamond) and will look nothing like a radiant in real life, do you have a preference for a radiant or would a cushion work as well?
necedemalis|1403238603|3697054 said:
I plan on buying my SO's engagement ring (with ~$10k) and popping the question in about 2 weeks. We have been together for many years but I have been out of the country for the last year and am returning next week.

Friends at home have been secretly shopping on my behalf, sending me pics. They have found a great ring at Tiffany's (Soleste) and somewhat similar ones at other NYC Diamond District locations.

Consequently, I personally have limited time to shop around for the ring and really see any myself.

I am looking for a radiant cut center diamond in a halo setting. It would be nice to have filigree or a decorative setting but my focus is on the center diamond. I am worried about buying such an expensive item online, having received suggestions to go to Blue Nile, James Allen etc.

You guys are the experts and I am certainly a blank slate/budding enthusiast so please, I appreciate any help you have to offer.

This is my favorite of the items I have seen online:
Other online friends have shown me this setting as well:

Hi necedemalis :wavey:

I will say, I like your style!! (I have that same CD setting custom made for a round stone -- with a few "tweaks" here and there, and I can tell you that it's beautiful! ...of course, I'm a bit biased. ;)) )

Are you set on a radiant, or would you be open to other shapes? Also, is your $10K budget for the stone only, or for the entire ring??

P.S. I would not pay for the Tiffany Soleste, or you will end up with a much smaller stone. That setting can be made by several PS trusted vendors with larger center stones for what you would pay at T&Co. :halo:
arkieb1|1403240169|3697066 said:
Your favourite item has a crisscut centre stone (which is a custom cut diamond) and will look nothing like a radiant in real life, do you have a preference for a radiant or would a cushion work as well?

Arkie, I've seen a cushion and a radiant in this setting in person, and I much preferred the cushion. It was a "crushed ice" style cushion, but nice and symmetrical. (I believe it was an 8 main, maybe?? I can't remember...)

The also popped an EC in it, and it was GORGEOUS!!! :love: :love:
msop04|1403240520|3697071 said:
arkieb1|1403240169|3697066 said:
Your favourite item has a crisscut centre stone (which is a custom cut diamond) and will look nothing like a radiant in real life, do you have a preference for a radiant or would a cushion work as well?

Arkie, I've seen a cushion and a radiant in this setting in person, and I much preferred the cushion. It was a "crushed ice" style cushion, but nice and symmetrical. (I believe it was an 8 main, maybe?? I can't remember...)

The also popped an EC in it, and it was GORGEOUS!!! :love: :love:

I fully agree if the OP is after something that looks more like the Tiffany ring something like a custom cut Hearts and Arrows Cushion is probably going to be visually more in line with that and the OPs Crisscut choice than a standard cut radiant, hence the question if a cushion would work as well. Having said that radiants are generally cheaper than cushions.

I was thinking of something more like this;

Or this one currently on sale;

How big is the centre Crisscut stone that you like? And is the $10 000 budget for the stone only or for the complete ring?
arkieb1|1403241063|3697074 said:
I fully agree if the OP is after something that looks more like the Tiffany ring something like a custom cut Hearts and Arrows Cushion is probably going to be visually more in line with that and the OPs Crisscut choice than a standard cut radiant, hence the question if a cushion would work as well. Having said that radiants are generally cheaper than cushions.

I was thinking of something more like this;

Or this one currently on sale;

How big is the centre Crisscut stone that you like? And is the $10 000 budget for the stone only or for the complete ring?

Those are both :cheeky: :cheeky: :love: :love: :love: arkie!! The only thing is that the price of the setting will be $3500-4500 at the least AND if done in 14K gold, as opposed to platinum. No problem if the $10K budget is for the stone only, but may not work if for the whole ring... I LOVE the BG stone!!! Nice size and gorgeous -- great find!! :appl:
We need the setting gurus now to find a similar style setting for a budget price!!!
arkieb1|1403241518|3697076 said:
We need the setting gurus now to find a similar style setting for a budget price!!!

Where's Niel??? :bigsmile: The Soleste settings are plentiful, but the CD will be more difficult to find -- it could probably be made by ERD, no?
Okay, the least expensive I could find the CD setting was from Robbins Brothers. $4350 in 18K WG... could probably take several hundred off if in 14K (which is what I should have done...) and make the melee and surprise diamond smaller, etc.
WOW! You guys rock! These are all such invested suggestions and questions.

- msop04, that is a STUNNING piece, congrats!
- I allotted $10k for the entire ring but I am flexible
- I prefer a radiant over a cushion but have seen neither in person
- I am stepping back from EC because of the stepped cut (prefer the appearance of the radiant/brilliant)
- I am in love with this GOG item: *thanks arkieb1*
PLUS I can visit GOG very easily (NYC = home)
- I am not sure who Niel is but I am excited to hear from Niel about settings
- Moneymeister, that is a nice Ritani setting but the flanks (?) are little too wide/thick for me
If you're in NYC and really need the ring in 2 weeks, I'd suggest stopping by IDJ in the diamond district. They have access to many stones and settings in stock. You can have the ring in under a week. Other options previously mentioned are great if you have more time. If you can't find anything at IDJ, take a ride out to GOG in long island.
Is IDJ one of the co's PS endorses? I have heard so much about IDJ. GOG's site and videos are impressive too.
That is encouraging - now I cannot wait to visit! Is there anyone in particular I should ask for at IDJ? While I'm in midtown - who else should I visit?
I dealt with Yekutiel and Luann at IDJ.

Other PS recommended vendors in the diamond district are ERD and DBL. They don't have storefronts on street level so you need to set up an appointment in advance.
baby monster|1403282079|3697289 said:
I dealt with Yekutiel and Luann at IDJ.

Other PS recommended vendors in the diamond district are ERD and DBL. They don't have storefronts on street level so you need to set up an appointment in advance.

I've read about Yekutiel online! Sounds like a wonderful person.

What are ERD and DBL's info so that I may get in touch with them?