I've been browsing this site for about a month now educating myself for the purchase of an engagement ring...what a great resource!!!
I am unsure what the lowest color grade I should look at for a platinum solitaire setting. I have compared G, H, I and J in platinum and it looks as if 'I' would be the lowest color grade to use in this setting without seeing yellow. I think the lighting in the jewelers (I've viewed at several) may be deceiving though. Any opinions on minimum color grades would be greatly appreciated.
I am unsure what the lowest color grade I should look at for a platinum solitaire setting. I have compared G, H, I and J in platinum and it looks as if 'I' would be the lowest color grade to use in this setting without seeing yellow. I think the lighting in the jewelers (I've viewed at several) may be deceiving though. Any opinions on minimum color grades would be greatly appreciated.