
Color advice needed for a 3 carat stone!!!

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Nov 16, 2002
My boyfriend and I are looking to purchase an engagement ring. We will most likely end up purchasing over the web (no sales tax/better deals on the stones). We did go to a B&M store to take a look where I fell in love with a 3.0 carat E SI1 stone, but it was out of the price range at $32K. We were originally thinking of something smaller (2-2.5 carats) but since seeing the 3 carat stone I now have my heart set on that. Our budget will permit us to get a very well cut (below 2.0 on the HCA) 3 carat around H SI1 (my biggest concern is that it is eye clean--I know some SI1 stones out there in this size are not, but I have seen ones that are so I know they exist). I keep thinking about that elusive E colored stone and wondering if the H is going to look bad. Am I compromising too much on the color (wrt the clarity, any stone would have to be inspected to make sure it is eye clean but spending money on something I can't see is not too big of a prioirty to me so I don't want to spend hoards on that)? The stone would be set in platinum. Would it be better to go for something smaller in a higher color grade? I do realize that a D is better than an H, however is an H in this size going to be a disappointment? Would it be better to go for something smaller in a higher color grade? I have seen an H colored stone and it didn't look yellow to me but I keep reading these posts and it seems like everyone is buying colorless stones and I am beginnning to second guess myself. Plus, I keep thinking about that beautiful E colored stone I saw and wonder if I shouldn't get one of those in a "smaller" model.

Colored Gemstone Nut

Nov 21, 2002
Hello Googleman-The color difference in an H color stone is not as substantial as you think it might be. There are some really fine examples and comparisons of different color stones side by side on website. Jonathan runs the site and illustrates each of the color stones in descending order next to a d colored stone. As far as trying to keep your diamond as white as you can and getting the most bang out of your buck with dropping the clarity grade a little, I think you are on the right track. If you go to goodoldgold and click on the diamond education bar you will get to see everything you want to know about your possible options. Further more if your willing to contact Jonathan via email he will probably be kind enough to answer them in helping you clear up any other questions you might have. The better a stone is cut, the better it faces up. In the case of an H color stone I don't think you will be able to tell much of a difference if it is an ideal cut. I have seen a couple of H color stones set in platinum in the local jewelry store where I live and it faces up very nicely and is quite white. I think it's all a matter of personal preference and what options you might want to lean on. As far as clarity goes there are some si1's that are better than others, it just depends on the stone your looking at.As far as color goes if you have a chance to go on the website which is very informative you'll see by looking at side by side comparisons most people cannot tell the difference between D, E, & F. I elected to go with an H color stone and vs1 clarit because it was in the right price range for the size of the stone I wanted. Color and clarity are things that I decided I could compromise on a little because the differences are very subtle if not even noticiable. One thing which was inportant for me not to compromise on was the cut. Anyway I hope I may have helped you out a little and apologize if my response seemed jumbled. Good luck and I hope you check out the goodoldgold website.

Have Fun-

Garry H (Cut Nut)

Aug 15, 2000
Excellent response Scorpio.

There is a big difference between 3ct H SI1 and G SI1 -17% on Rap- and i think that is because many people can see color and are prepared to pay to avoid seeing it. Markets are not silly; D-E is 6%.

Because I live in Australia with very good daylight, it would worry me. But here are some tricks
1. find an eyeclean (tell the vendor you are going to have them ship the stone direct to one of the appraisers on this list and if it is a low or easily seen SI1 then it goes back and forward at their cost) SI1 - probably a central (harder to see) not black or dispersed inclusions.
2. Buy a G or H medium to strong blue Flouro diamond because when you are in good daylight and able to see the color it will be masked by the blue flouro.
3. Stay with GIA, or buy an EGL-USA G VS2. AGS will cost more.


Oct 29, 2002

What shape are you looking at? I can only offer my personal experience, having a 3.05 G VS1, medium blue fluoro. If I could change it, I'd go for an F or E. In larger dia's you see the color more. Be careful of strong blue fluoro; even if they aren't milky, in a large stone, you'll see blue in early morning, late day, and some cloudy conditions -- I think the atmosphere allows less full-spectrum light at that time and thge UV comes through. You'd have to know and have a good eye to see mine flouresce in these conditions, and I think it's a fascinating property of dia's, but strong in a 2.5-plus, maybe not. Also, I CAN see the color from the side in my dia, but not from that top at all side by side with a D.

One advantage of a smaller stone is down the road, you have more "room" on the sides for some killer side stones. A 1.9 ct radiant now can turn into a blazing ring with .50 trillions on each side a few years later. With a big rock, you really don't want to take away from the gorgeous central diamond with *anything*, except perhaps baguettes.

Think 1.99 carat D or E VS2 or VS1. Down the road, those inclusions would really bug me in a SI1.

Best regards,


Jul 22, 2002
Sane advice scorpion.

I'm with Garry also, I would seriously consider a stone w/ med bl. fluor. I have a 3c stone set in platinum that is an "I" w/ med/strong bl. fluor w/ F/G baguettes on the side. Once set, it faces up very white. I see none to little difference in my F stone to my I stone. But - a warning - I did indeed see a yellow hue to another "I" stone w/o fluor.

I'm not a cut nut; but, advocate getting a well cut stone - something w/ a very good to good make. A well cut stone will hide many flaws. It is not going to "change" the color; but, it could influence perception of color face up.

You are correct, there is a *very big* perceived size difference between a 2 c & 3 c. As for the SI - in a stone that size - you most likely will see inclusions from the underside & from the side - face up is what matters. Once set you really can't view the stone from the side or underneath. Every once in a while when I tilt the stone a certain way in certain light, I can see a "carbon spot". Quite frankly, I kinda like it.

I began my search with not compromising my G VS1 need. After looking at several stones, I ended up w/ an "I" SI1 at a cost savings of over 10K. I really could not *see* that much difference between the two & the difference in cost was substantial. The money was not the issue. The comfort of wearing that much money on my hands was.

Most of all, be patient - your search may take a while. I waited over 2 months for a 3c well cut stone w/ blue fluor to come up in my parameters. When it did, I was prepared to commit.

Good luck. Also, make sure that what you get is what you get. Some stones can be overgraded. Don't be afraid of an EGL cert as long as you get it checked by an appraiser.
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