
Collie puppy needs a good home, anyone interested?


Jun 8, 2008
Here is the story. My sister is a veterinarian and this past Monday a person dropped off (i.e. abandoned) a male Collie puppy (think Lassie) who is 8 months old and not neutered. They never returned. My sister's boss is keeping him until Monday and then sending him to the pound where we all know what happens if no one adopts him.

My mom met him and said he is the most loving, playful sweet puppy. Adorable and wonderful and if they weren't so old they would adopt him but they are done raising dogs. So I am posting here just in case any local PSers or their friends are interested. I have no pics but my mom said he looks exactly like Lassie. My sister is working tomorrow and if anyone is interested please let me know. I can ask her to take a picture for you.

The dog is located in Great Neck Long Island. If anyone is interested or knows of anyone who might be interested please post here. Thanks.
Missy, there are probably rescue groups your sister can reach out to for help. Angels Among Us, Mutt Madness, etc. (I'm sure there are also collie specific rescue groups as well). Hope you can find a loving home for him!
I wish we were local. So glad your sister is helping.
Missy, I agree with yennyfire about finding a rescue group. In addition to yenny's suggestion, something to be aware of is that some people look for specific types of dogs through groups that specialize in that type of dog. If you search the internet for collie rescue group, you will find some in multiple states including one in New York.

Alternatively, I suggest contacting Brooklyn-based Erin O'Sullivan who started a non-profit organization and runs the associated Facebook page called Susie's Senior Dogs. Though the page, which has more than 350,000 likes and thus reaches a lot of people, is geared towards placement of older dogs and has a lot of success stories, Erin might be willing to feature the collie or know of resources who can help. Erin is the girlfriend of Brandon Stanton who started and runs the Facebook page called Humans of New York (HONY) which you may be familiar with. Here's an article.
This is but one example of your awesome attributes, Missy. He sounds adorable and full of love. I'm on the West Coast, and its probably a good thing, as I already have three rescues, one of which can't live with us due to bad fighting. :(sad

I honestly think you are the closest person I've encountered to an angel on earth. Good luck - maybe he loves cats ;))
minousbijoux|1445626671|3941409 said:
This is but one example of your awesome attributes, Missy. He sounds adorable and full of love. I'm on the West Coast, and its probably a good thing, as I already have three rescues, one of which can't live with us due to bad fighting. :(sad

I honestly think you are the closest person I've encountered to an angel on earth. Good luck - maybe he loves cats ;))

Well said Minousbijoux! :clap: Missy is a wonderful person! She's always helping others including those in the animal kingdom! :wavey:
Hugs Missy, I hope you find the puppy a great home, is there anyone you know that can take him for a short while until everyone on here can ask everyone they know if they might want him. Sometimes friends of friends are handy but it can take a while to eventually find someone that will take a cat, dog, puppy or kitten....
I was going to suggest a Collie rescue just as the others have done. Here's another one, I just typed in Collie rescue Long Island and several came up. The first was the one Rockinruby posted. The Facebook group looks great too.

Puppies/adolescents tend to go quickly from the breed specific rescue groups so it's a really good chance the pup will find his/her forever home.

All the best for a wonderful home for the puppy!!
Thank you so much everyone. Yenny, Too Patient, mary poppins, PintoBean, Rockinruby, minousbijoux, arkieb and JDDN. Thank you guys for the info, links and support.

No news for sure yet but Jimmianne, who is the real angel here, contacted a group for me yesterday to help find this dog a forever home and when she contacted the veterinarian's office it seems they might have found him a forever home. I will find out more today as my sister is working and keep you guys posted.

And also a big thank you to Kristie who offered to go in with me and pay the bill to have him neutered and get his vaccinations. Not necessary but I cannot thank you enough for your generosity.

Minous and Rockinruby, you made me blush and thank you for such lovely comments. However I am not an angel at all. I just love animals (how can one not love them!) and want every stray or abandoned animal to find a loving home. I so wish we could do away with kill shelters all through the US and throughout the world. It makes me cry when I think of all the healthy animals that have no future because of the way our system works. How many healthy animals are sentenced to death and murdered every single day. :cry:

Thank you again and I will update this thread as soon as I find out any more info. Hopefully with good news!
If you have a picture that would help. I've posted on my Facebook page as I know a lot of people in the area, but a picture would give it more impact honey.
Hi Gypsy, thanks for your input and thank you for posting on your FB page, I appreciate that!I totally agree about having a picture or 2. As promised my sister sent me this picture yesterday when she was at work. He is sweet!

So far it looks like there are a few potential interested people to be his forever home but unfortunately the way NY law works regarding abandoned animals is this. The clinic had to keep him 7 days (that 7 day period ends tomorrow) and then the pound picks him up and I don't know how long they have to hold him (just to make sure the person who abandoned him doesn't come back crazy right?) and that is where he can then be adopted. So we won't know anything sure until next week.

Here are 2 pics of him.


I heard about this gorgeous boy on Gypsy's FB page and I immediately sent the info to a divorced friend of mine in Manhasset (the town next to Great Neck). He finally got a dog for his kids, they named her Chloe after my last pup and now they're absolutely crazy about their addition to the family. (The kids mother is missing in action). I'll see if his kids (who have TONS of friends) knows of a family who could help.
Missy, don't blush! Anyone helping animals in need is an angel in my opinion. Thankfully we have lots of ps angels on this thread looking to help this sweet puppy! :clap: He's really cute! I hope the people who abandoned him don't come back. In my experience they usually don't because they don't want to be responsible for any vet or boarding bills. Hopefully he can find a new home soon where he is loved & appreciated! :appl:
Oh he's just GORGEOUS. If he was here in CA I think my mom would get a divorce to be able to adopt him (stepdad is not an animal person).

Will let you know if anything turns up!
Thank you Gypsy! Haha yes I know what you mean. Greg would be first in line for getting a divorce I think if I pushed the issue (he loves animals but he thinks 4 cats are enough especially with his allergies and though he's being quite unreasonable (lol) but what can I do) because I would LOVE to adopt him. Thank you also Gemgirl and Rockinruby.

I will keep you posted as it looks like there are a number of people who are interested in adopting him but this process has to go through the pound for legal reasons and as I write this the pound is picking him up now. I hate that but it's the only legal way since he was abandoned. They take possession and then he gets adopted through them. I will absolutely let you know either way.
Aww, he's a beauty! Glad to hear some people are interested in adopting him. Too bad he has to go through the shelter experience first, but his future seems bright.
He really does look like Lassie in the second picture, like a skinny Lassie - beautiful dog, I hope that he finds a wonderful home soon!!!
Thank you everyone who participated in this thread with support, advice and good wishes and I am happy to share good news! The sweet Collie's new owner picked him up and is bringing him to Maryland. Woohoo happy ending to this story! I will keep you posted if anything changes but fingers crossed dog and owner are blissfully happy together and he has found his forever (loving) home! :appl: :appl: :appl:
missy|1446469524|3944706 said:
Thank you everyone who participated in this thread with support, advice and good wishes and I am happy to share good news! The sweet Collie's new owner picked him up and is bringing him to Maryland. Woohoo happy ending to this story! I will keep you posted if anything changes but fingers crossed dog and owner are blissfully happy together and he has found his forever (loving) home! :appl: :appl: :appl:

What great news Missy. I'm so glad he now has a forever home!
Thank you for the update. Happy to hear he found his new human family.
Great news! :appl: Thanks for the update! I have had him in my thoughts and it's nice to hear he has a good home now! :clap:

Great news. So good to hear he found a home. I hope they love him and cherish him and that he is safe forever. :appl:
So happy to see this missy! Great news! :dance: :clap: