
Cloth Diapers?

Rachel, I think that if you're moving your own stuff from one location to another you don't have to pay duty as it's not considered importing or gifting but I'm not sure the same applies to mailing to somebody else. It's worth checking out though...
We are finally moving towards full-time cloth! It has taken this long because I ended up only liking some of my newborn stash (I had AIOs, prefolds, flats and a couple of pockets, and I much preferred using AIOs and pockets - the prefolds I had just didn't hold quite enough wee and I didn't really get around to using the flats, although I use them for everything else!).

S is now well over 11 pounds and is now using:

BG 4.0
BG Elementals
Charlie Bananas
Bambooty medium AIOs
Applecheeks size 1
Itti Bitti AIOs

Of the above, my favourites so far are the Charlie Bananas - I love that the size adjustment is made by altering the leg elastics, and they are super super trim for a OSFM. I also really like the Bambooty AIOs - we used the smalls for S before but then she grew out of the rise of those before she grew into the waist of the mediums. Whilst I like the idea of the Elementals and organic inserts for the Flips, I must admit that I prefer the stay-dry fabrics on her bottom and she clearly likes them better too. I haven't had any problems with any of the nappies overall though, so I am really happy with my current stash! We have about 30 in rotation and I am washing every 3rd day or so. I am still baulking at changing to cloth for S's longer sleeps at night, but I really need to bite the bullet soon...
LC, you asked about Grandma El's. I've never had any problems with it, but I did use Lansinoh nipple cream (similar ingredients I bet) right up against my hemp/cotton nursing pads, and it wouldn't come out. The reviews where it didn't work were when it was against a "stay dry" fabric, it looks like to me. So I'm thinking against an all cotton material it's OK? IDK. All I know is we've never had any problems. We've also never had super diaper rash issues so we don't use very much of it. Actually, no, there was a period about three months ago where Claire would ask for spray and goop (Grandma El's) after every diaper change in her room, and I would put it on when she didn't really need it, and still no issues.

So I'm hitting some CD fatigue. About half the time when we leave the house for the day, we're on foot in the stroller. It's just kind of annoying to have to make sure I have a stash of clean CDs and to lug them around in the bottom of the stroller. It doesn't seem so bad doing it for just one kid's diapers, but with two they become too bulky to really fit in the diaper bag, so either need to use my giant JuJuBe Be Prepared or clip the bag of diapers onto the outside of the diaper bag. Probably this is the universe telling me to increase my potting training efforts. Like last night we were going to walk somewhere for dinner, but the baby was crying and Claire didn't seem to feel well and I was like, oh no, the diapers, don't want to have to figure this out . . .

A couple of weeks ago I got sick from my POTS (sometimes my heart doesn't get blood to my brain correctly resulting in symptoms like dizziness, nausea, vomiting, the chills, etc.) so we went to the ER for fluids. We had to bring the baby because I needed to feed her. After a couple of hours I saw DH rooting around in the diaper bag looking frustrated. I asked if he needed something and he said, yeah, he had just discovered that the bag of diapers he brought was the dirty bag from our outing that day. So he put the least dirty diaper in there back on her. :eek: I was like, don't you know me at all? There are 2 emergency disposables in a pocket. It was just annoying that the diapers always require so much forethought. Maybe I should just use disposables out of the house but we're out of the house a good portion every day. Maybe I would feel better about this if I had a second Planet Wise wet/dry bag. :naughty:
Phoenixgirl, I think I can understand how having two LOs in CDs might be a bit overwhelming.

Pancake, that looks like a great stash.

Speaking of stashes, I attach a pic of mine. This is my complete stash in terms of shells. I have 5 flips and 3 bestbottoms and I think I'm going to try and make do with them. I just need to get inserts for them since right now I have only 1-2 inserts per shell which isn't nearly enough - I'm trying to hold out for offers as the week we're about to enter is real nappy week in the UK (or possibly world-wide?). I've also decided to give pockets a go and now have two rumparooz. They certainly seem like they can hold a lot so I might be tempted to get more of them after the baby arrives if we find that they work well. Anyway, here's the stash. Don't you just love the kangaroo and owl prints? :love:

Edit: Okay, I seem to be unable to upload any pictures for some reason. I'll try again later.
Finally able to upload the pic...

Well I figured I'd post really quick my plans for CD :) All of your posts have been really helpful and I'll let you know after the baby is born how all of them do.

I'm apart of a coop on FB that runs different things (diapers/milk savers/wraps/etc) and they are running a kawaii diaper one. The prices are INSANE and I've decided after reading a ton of reviews to bite the bullet and place a decent size order. Since IF they work they'll save us a ton of money-and if not I'll sell them for close to what I paid since the prices are SO good. Here is the site they are ordering from (I'll list the prices I'm paying before the link so you can compare it to the online prices)

I've decided to get the organic cotton prefolds (2 dozen-so 24) which can be used for diapers/burp clothes/etc. For a dozen it's 11.80-I can't even find cotton prefolds for that price used-so I can't complain about that. That should get us though quite a bit alone.

Then I decided since the covers have good reviews and for 3.95 each I decided to get 8 of them. 2 of each of the gender neutral colors

For the newborn phase we'll be getting some of these-the great news is they have bamboo inserts that they come with so I can use them with other diapers. They are only 5.00 each so we're getting 5 of them

And I know some people have had smelling issues with microfiber but for 4.25 each for the newborn phase and with the cute patterns I couldn't resist :) We are getting 5 of these as well

We got the most of these since they have such good reviews and since they are bamboo (again I can use them in other diapers) and for 7.99 each compared to the 22.00 Bum Genius 4.0 (not even bamboo) I figured we'll try them out.

I didn't care much for a lot of their fun print ones-we have to go gender neutral as well which limits us too. But for 5.30 I couldn't resist the jean print one :)

Last but not least we're getting 5 of the heavy wetters to try out at 5.95 each. I figure with a bamboo/cotton insert they should work pretty well and not have any leaking issues

The coop fee is only 3.00 with shipping flat rate 11.00-so a total of 14.00

So I'll have 24 cotton pre-folds
8 covers
I'll have 10 diapers that are super small for the newborn phase (5 bamboo-5 microfiber)
10 of the bamboo 8-36 lbs
5 of the heavy wetters and
one fun print bringing my total diapers to a good amount for $225.45 :appl:

I still plan on getting some Bum Genius 4.0 and probably some apple cheeks but I'll just register for those. We'll try these out for a while and fill in where we need them. I still need wet bags (planning on using planet wise ones)-cloth wipes-a wipe warmer and snappi's and other odds and ends.

For laundry I plan on using soap nuts and also spraying my diapers with Bac-Out for odors and stains

I plan on using a clothes line and also our wood burning stove (with an indoor wood hanger) to dry them most of the time. If they need to be fluffed I'll throw them in the dryer for a while to fluff them up.

If it wasn't for this thread I would have been so lost. I'm so excited to place my order this week but I won't get them until Aug. since I'm mailing them to a relative and they are bringing them up. International shipping is free if you order from the site but if you compare the prices I wrote here to the ones even on the site it's not worth the free shipping. I can wait-the baby won't need them until Oct. anyways :naughty:
Vintagelover, I'm impressed! You've done so much research!

I posted the other day saying I was done with my stash and yet I couldn't resist the real nappy week offers and just ordered a happy heinys pocket... :roll:
Ladies, I have a question: I've got some hemp inserts that I need to run through the laundry a few times to build up absorbency and I was wondering whether it's necessary to use detergent when I do that or whether it's okay to just run the cycle with just water.
Just water, Mayerling. I think the hemp inserts take a lot more prepping than microfiber if I recall correctly. I also think you have to wash and dry them. I only have a few that I use as boosters. They really work great as boosters because they're thin.
mayerling|1334603125|3172528 said:
Ladies, I have a question: I've got some hemp inserts that I need to run through the laundry a few times to build up absorbency and I was wondering whether it's necessary to use detergent when I do that or whether it's okay to just run the cycle with just water.

hi mayerling,
my understanding is that you'll want to use a little bit of detergent to help release the oils out of the hemp. hemp oils seem more resilient than cotton fiber oils, so it will take a number of hot washes and hot dries before they're fully prepped. however, you can usually check to see if they're "good enough" by dropping a few drops of water onto the dried liner and seeing how quickly the droplets are absorbed. if they sort of "sit" on top of the liner, then you'll probably want to give it another cycle. you don't need them fully prepped to begin using, though, since each subsequent wash will help wash out the oils. i think the issue is that you'll want to get to a "good enough" point to avoid potentially re-depositing oils onto your other items, which would impede maximum absorbancy.

mayerling - Have you considered boiling them? That's what I did with my hemp to prep them faster. Then I ran them through a few loads with my towels for good measure. Like YD said, you just have to be really careful the oil is gone before washing them with any other Cd laundry.

YD (or anyone really) - this is off topic, but since you know a lot about the CB fiasco... Can you give a rec for a sunblock? Before O was born I did a ton of research and settled on CB, but now I don't know what to use this summer and I need to get something quick.

Is it Earth day yet?? I have the itch to buy some pocket diapers for the twinks! Bed rest is not going to be kind to the budget :naughty:
Thanks for the help, puppmom, yellowducky and kunzite.

Kunzite, when you say 'boiling' the inserts, how many times do you mean? Also, do you strain the water out and dry them each time and then reboil them? Do you boil them in any kind of detergent?
Kunzite|1334614941|3172780 said:
mayerling - Have you considered boiling them? That's what I did with my hemp to prep them faster. Then I ran them through a few loads with my towels for good measure. Like YD said, you just have to be really careful the oil is gone before washing them with any other Cd laundry.

YD (or anyone really) - this is off topic, but since you know a lot about the CB fiasco... Can you give a rec for a sunblock? Before O was born I did a ton of research and settled on CB, but now I don't know what to use this summer and I need to get something quick.

Is it Earth day yet?? I have the itch to buy some pocket diapers for the twinks! Bed rest is not going to be kind to the budget :naughty:

hey kunzite,
for my personal use, i regularly use devita international solar protective moisturizer spf 30+ with a hat and sunglasses. i also use badger balm's unscented spf stick but would recommend the tube-version (much easier to apply!) for your LO. as a general tip, just be sure that whatever product you are applying does not contain nano-sized particles (<100 nm or <0.1 microns). if you have to choose between titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, i would choose the zinc oxide product over the titanium dioxide product.

LC - I am finally responding about Earth Day sales and DS!! I typed up a long post the other day, then hit the back button. Sad face. Anyway, this is thread to which I referred: There is nothing in terms of sales right now, but I just noticed that the hype is starting to build!!

Rachel - I never used gdiapers, so I can't comment on those. I started out with kissaluvs newborn fitteds and covers, and moved on to fuzzibunz size small. I know a mom who happily used fuzzibunz for all 3 of her kids. They are a tried and true brand, and if you don't go out searching for something better, then you could be perfectly content with them. I think the buying and selling (particularly on DS) happens when people hear about a different diaper, works very well for whatever reason, and then they have to have it. All of the CDs out there are functional, so it's absolutely possible to buy in advance and not have to sell and replace what you don't like. For sure, I have my favorites that get used first, but all of my CDs are useable (with the exception of one Rocky Mountain Diaper that never worked for us.) You might like one of the rental packages? Oh, and I don't think it's too early to start buying, unless you intend to find out gender. In that case, I'd wait until you find out!

Kunzite - I JUST bought sunscreen today, and I totally wanted to report in to YellowDucky too. So, I found this and just printed it and brought it shopping with me. Whole Foods did not have most of these. I got,_SPF_30+/ and Green Babies, which looks to be a new product.
Mayerling, I would definitely just boil hemp. I have some hemp prefolds that I just boiled for 10 minutes, left to cool down, then ran through a spin cycle and dried. Much easier than doing multiple wash cycles!

VL, that is an incredible stash for the price! I reckon you will definitely find good options in there. I would hold off getting any BGs, Applecheeks, etc, until you've tried out the Kawaii stash as if it works well for you you will have no need for anything else!

AFU, we are finally in 24-7 cloth! Hip hip hooray!
Pancake, do you use any detergent when boiling your hemp?
YD & LV - Thanks for the sunblock info!! I think maybe we'll do Badger Balm for pool days and Purple Prairie for playground days!! I wish I could keep a hat on the kid, that would really help too!! :twirl:

mayerling - No soap, just boiling water for 10 - 20 minutes. Like I said, I ran them through a few towel loads too (with soap) for good measure.

rachel - Can I ask what is drawing you to G diapers over the other AI2s? I've never actually used them, but every diaper board I've seen has horrible reviews for them. I think most people get sucked in by how adorable they are, I know I almost did! But I couldn't get over the terrible reviews. The Flip system seems to get good reviews and is pretty much the same concept. I don't think anyone uses a wet pail because 1. you really don't need to and 2. it's not safe to have around a baby.
Mayerling - nope, no soap. I boil cotton prefolds too.
Well, I am officially addicted! :oops:

I just couldn't resist all the real nappy week offers, and this, coupled with my newfound love for pockets means that I've been buying CDs for the past week :roll: Having said that, I did get some pretty good deals: I got a fuzzibunz for 30% off, a charlie banana for 20% off, a rumparooz for 25% off, a bestbottom shell for 35% off, etc. All in all, I now have 11 AI2s and 7 pockets (and various inserts) and so far I have spent about £250 on CDs. I'm waiting for my charlie banana to arrive tomorrow and then I'll do an updated stash description and photo. I've also started prepping my hemp. So far I've done two boils+rinses+dries, and one wash with my towel load. I'm not worried as I've still got 3 months before the LO arrives so plenty of time to get everything ready.
Well, here's the final count!

5 flip shells
4 bestbottom shells
3 rumparooz pockets
2 happy heinys pockets
1 fuzzibunz pocket
1 charlie banana pocket
(everything is one size)

11 one-size microfibre inserts
6 medium microfibre inserts
6 medium hemp inserts
1 small hemp insert
9 small microfibre inserts

I think that's it for my stash at the moment. I have no intention of buying more (she said with determination...) until the baby comes and we figure out what works best for him. I think I'll probably stick to my resolution as I've stopped stalking websites for real nappy week offers. And without further ado, here's my stash! :appl:

Grovia shells and AIOs are on Babysteals today :-)
kellyscloset has 25% off all BumGenius with the code genius. That's a rockin' deal but they hardly have any 4.0s in snaps... booo!
Kunzite, bouncing babies is having a buy 3 get 1 sale on BG. I hope I don't embarrass myself here but that's the same as 25% off right? Assuming you buy four...

code FREEBG4 (that's spefically for 4.0)

ETA 2:

...and shipping is free over $50 so that's 4 BG 4.0 diapers for $53.85 (plus tax depending on your state). That's like $13.50 a diaper. I dig it!
Great deal pupp! The only problem is every time I try to check out it tells me it can't process my order because inventory is too low, but it doesn't tell me on which color!!
Wow, thanks Kunzite, I was able to get on to Kelly's Closet and ordered

One Flip (snap) in Sweet w/ stay dry insert
3pk of Flip Organic Inserts
One BG Elemental in Clementine
One BG Freetime (snap) in Ribbit
BG 4.0 (snap) in Moonbeam
BG 4.0 (h/l) in Grasshopper
BG 4.0 (snap) in Twilight

for $101.80 so I saved $33.93 and got free shipping!!

I can't wait for them to come :appl: :appl: :appl:

P.S. - Mayerling - I love seeing pictures of your diapers!! Thanks for sharing!!
Kunzite|1334950357|3176469 said:
Great deal pupp! The only problem is every time I try to check out it tells me it can't process my order because inventory is too low, but it doesn't tell me on which color!!

On bouncing babies? I just ordered two sweet, one moonbeam and a Ribbit no problem.

Oh, and I screwed up the name of the site. It's
Great job Merry!

I finally got Bouncing Babies to work but the code only works once per order so I did three separate orders. I hope that's okay, it doesn't say on the promo that there's a limit! I need to order more than 12 diapers but I didn't want my CC company to get mad at all of the orders for the same amount to the same vendor! I'll have to try somewhere else for the rest.

I got:
2 Mirror
1 Albert
3 White
3 Sassy
3 Clementine

puppmom|1334951913|3176504 said:
Kunzite|1334950357|3176469 said:
Great deal pupp! The only problem is every time I try to check out it tells me it can't process my order because inventory is too low, but it doesn't tell me on which color!!

On bouncing babies? I just ordered two sweet, one moonbeam and a Ribbit no problem.

Oh, and I screwed up the name of the site. It's

I played around with it and it was the Albert and Mirror that were causing me problems. Too bad because I wanted like 4 of each!
Oh...that Albert was SO cute! DH doesn't like prints so I didn't order it.
MerryMary|1334951071|3176481 said:
Wow, thanks Kunzite, I was able to get on to Kelly's Closet and ordered

One Flip (snap) in Sweet w/ stay dry insert
3pk of Flip Organic Inserts
One BG Elemental in Clementine
One BG Freetime (snap) in Ribbit
BG 4.0 (snap) in Moonbeam
BG 4.0 (h/l) in Grasshopper
BG 4.0 (snap) in Twilight

for $101.80 so I saved $33.93 and got free shipping!!

I can't wait for them to come :appl: :appl: :appl:

P.S. - Mayerling - I love seeing pictures of your diapers!! Thanks for sharing!!

Yeah, I love seeing pics of people's stashes too. Please post yours when you get your fluffy mail! I've been getting fluffy mail every day this week ( :oops: ) and now that I've completed my stash I'm actually a bit bummed that I won't be receiving any more in the near future :roll:

Edit: I'm glad all of you ladies were able to get good deals this week too!