
Cloth Diapers?


May 17, 2009
*double post*


May 17, 2009
Question for OS diaper mamas!! Do you unsnap the rise when you wash your diapers? We've always unsnapped them for the wash and then snap them back up when we stuff them, but the snaps look like they're starting to wear the fabric around them from the tugging. We try to unsnap them gently but I guess that's not working. Some of these diapers we've only been using for four month! I'm afraid we're going to get holes :(sad I was thinking maybe I'd start leaving them snapped in the wash to stop the damage but I'm not sure. Has anyone had this problem?


Jun 25, 2007
Kunzite, my BumGenius and Blueberries have snap down rise. The rise is unsnapped now since N is so big. When I first started with them, I would unsnap the rise but it got to be a pain so I stopped and I didn't have any issues except that they took a little longer to line dry. I don't have any wear on any of my snaps.

What do you ladies use for daycare. N is starting daycare next month and I need a wet bag. I was hoping to find a large wet bag with some sort of should strap since I'll have to take it back and forth every day but so far no luck.

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
Puppmom - I think this may be what you're looking for: We have this, and it's held up really well. The prints are amazing, and the design is great. We stuff the dry side with 6 diapers, and daycare puts the dirty diapers on the wet side.

Kunzite - I have never unsnapped the rise to launder. I just always keep them snapped and no issues!


May 17, 2009
Well now I feel silly for all of the snapping/unsnapping!! I guess I'll stop doing that and see if we can avoid any problems!

pupp - I linked the wet bags that we have on the previous page, but the seller is on vacation right now so you can't see them. They're super cute, one of the more affordable wet bags on etsy, and have a snap handle that I can put over my wrist when I carry O into daycare. Love them!


Mar 20, 2003
Hmmmm, just wanted to report that by 24 months the one-size FuzziBunz are really not fitting at all. They're like little bikini briefs - the rise does not extend high enough for a toddler. :o But FB does have great customer service - I had bought three of their velcro diapers in size large (still a prototype) and the velco tabs curled and became unusable after just a few months. So on top of my one-size diapers not working, I was down to just a few perfect size that still fit. Anyway, I contacted FB and they are replacing my crappy velcro diapers with the snap versions for free. Yay!

I'm expecting in March and have bought some Thirsties duo wraps and prefolds to try out to get me until my OS diapers fit. I hope this will help me make the most of what I already have.

Also, I've been reading over on DiaperSwappers, and those women swear that you don't have to wash your CDs in special detergent. They say Tide is the best, so I'm giving it a try.

We're PTing and instead of paying $17 for a single training pant from a CD company, I got a three pack of Gerber training pants at Target for $7.99 (in the bibs/toddler underwear section). So we'll see how that goes.

How are things going for all the other CDing mamas? Are you having to dry inside now that the weather's getting colder? I'm trying to make the most of what sunlight we have but it's hard to have the diapers washed early enough in the day to dry them completely outside.


Aug 19, 2009
We're CDing our just turned 3 year old son "B" and potty training. He joined our family at the beginning of July, so we're just a little over 4 months in and potty-training could take a while since he's had so many changes recently...

I amassed a ridiculous stash while we were TTC and in the adoption process, so we have several different brands/combos.

We've found the best fit for him are applecheeks size 2, jamtots berry plush size large, knickernappies size large, bumgenious one size AIO, and ragababes size large AIO or one size snap-ins (which I bought before their prices and availability went through the roof).

We also use Motherease Sandys and Clotheez prefolds with the above covers or thirsties covers.

We have some sunbabies too, they don't leak during the day and are trim, but I wouldn't use them at night...

Our best nighttime solution is an applecheeks cover with an infant prefold and a bumgenious insert or 2 loopydo inserts and my fave daytime diapers are the bumgenious AIO or ragababe AIO b/c they are so easy :cheeky:

We soak in oxyclean and then wash in purex free and that works great for us (but he's pottytrained for poop, so we're just dealing with pee...)


Jun 25, 2007
PG, N is short and the rise on the FBs is getting low already on him too. When he bends over, he has plumbers butt! leeks though He's on the last waist setting but that doesn't worry me so much because he's actually getting thinner in the waist. I'll definitely have to supplement my stash if he grows out of them before he's potty-trained. re: detergent. I've never been able to find plain TIDE. I loved DappleBaby but my BRU stopped carrying it so I tried RockNGreen. I hated it. My diapers started stinking within a week of using it. I found Dapple online and hand stripped all of my diapers and we're good again.

Bella, applecheeks with loopy-dos are our fool-proof night time diaper too! N NEVER leaks. I love his fluffy bedtime butt. :bigsmile:

AFU, N just started daycare and I followed the advice of a couple ladies on here. I send 6 on Monday and replace what he uses each day and take home everything on Friday. I only send in dipeys with two snaps (no FB) because those confused MIL the most so I figured the daycare teachers might struggle too. N's the only one who uses cloth at daycare so this is new to most of them.


Mar 20, 2003
Bella, I'm just trying to keep myself from amassing a giant stash. It's so addictive! That's so great that CDing has worked so well and that you're already #2 PTed. Good work, mama!

Pupp, that's great that your DC accepts cloth. I didn't use them until after C was out of DC, but I kind of doubt they would have gone for it. My friend has her son at another DC and they don't use cloth, so he uses disposables there. That makes it hard to CD at home because the diaper pail gets gross while you're trying to amass enough diapers to justify a wash. I find that even two mornings of preschool a week affects my washing (I usually wash every two days).

I'll have to check out these Applecheeks!


Aug 19, 2009
:) I can't take any credit for the #2 potty-training. He came that way, that's all him and the nannies at the orphanage:)

He went to the potty at church today which was huge! First pee on the potty outside of our house :cheeky:

But, I think we fed him too much fruit this morning and he had a giant poop during his nap and his doublestuffed knickernappy leaked, no exploded, EVERYWHERE. Poop all over!!! This is only the second time he's ever had a poopy diaper in 4.5 months so I shouldn't complain, but argh, it was awful. We sprayed him off in the tub, and then he had to have two baths--cleaned and sanitized the bathtub between baths since there were chunks in the bottom of the tub even after the spraying, plus we had to wash everything, and our apartment now smells like clorox :knockout:

So, I think we're going to stick with applecheeks for ALL naps and nighttime from now on and we're cutting back the amount of fruit he eats.


Mar 20, 2003
Ew, sorry Bella! I guess it's all trial and error!


Mar 20, 2003
So I've been checking this diaper selling/trading forum, and while I totally get the obsession, I do not get:

A) why people expect like 75-90% of retail for heavily used CDs
B) why people buy so many CDs, like 90 diapers for one kid.

So point A . . . would you buy used diapers? A lot of people say they put it on their kid once or twice and then decided to go with something else, and I think in that case I would (discounted of course). But my friend paid $12 each for small heavily used FuzziBunzs that had stains on them (ew). But you can get them for $13.50 or $14 new! Am I missing something? Wouldn't you expect diapers to depreciate more than, say, cars? I plan to sell mine when I'm done with them, but I'm not going to expect $15 for a $20 diaper I used in heavy rotation for two years.

And point B . . . how long can you go before needing to wash? We used to be just exactly two days, but then when she fit into both the mediums and the larges, we could go longer. Now that she can't fit into the OS's, we can go maybe a day and a half (waiting for my 3 new ones arrive!). A medium just bit the dust so that has me down even further, but I feel like with a two year old I shouldn't go crazy building my stash and should just do laundry more. But laundry is a pain (takes 3 hours of washing in my HE front loader) so I may sneak a few more in.

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
PG, I've noticed the same thing. Have you ever visited other parts of that forum? Some of those ladies are just CRAZY! That's a whole different story, but back to you your point. I think that they really get caught up in the whole building of their stashes thing, and it's not really about practicality so much as wanting to have MORE. It's strange, but I guess it happens with whatever you're into. Anyway, yeah, there's a woman on there who is a collector. I don't think she has any kids in diapers at this point, but she keeps buying them! She once reported that her collection is valued at more than 10k. That's an extreme!

I do think they charge a lot for their used diapers, but I think they do so because they can, and they feed into the obsession a bit. I do think pricing adjusts if it's not a highly sought after item. I also think they price high and then negotiate via pms. I bought one diaper (a cover) on there, and wasn't pleased with what I received. Thought the velcro was in bad shape, so I have no desire to buy more. Oh, and they also have tons of issues with people misrepresenting the condition of their items.

I did buy used. I bought a whole set of nb kissaluvs off of ebay. No staining. (I have a no stain rule.) I used them for 3 weeks I think. I also bought size small FBs, also a large set (maybe 12 or 14), also no stains for very cheap. Turns out, they are the old style, but they functioned for as long as I needed them.

Now, everything that I have was purchased new, and I'm happy about that because I will get a ton of use out of all of my OSs. I went through a phase where I wanted to try everything, but I am really happy with the TotsBots. At this point, I see no benefit to buying a used TotsBot for 18-20, when I could get it brand new, delivered to my door in a nice clean package in one to two days from Amazon for 23.95.


Jun 25, 2007
I would totally buy used if it was cost effective. I agree that the ladies on those boards can be a little cuckoo. There's one on BabyCenter that you need permission to join!

There are some great deals out there on diapers if you have time to build your stash.

LV, I've heard wonderful things about TotBots. How's the aplix holding up? We've always stuck with snaps because I was afraid the aplix would wear.

PG, I could wash every 3 days but I would have to stay up late that night and wash, dry and stuff so we have diapers in the morning. I usually wash on Monday night, Wednesday night and Saturday morning. If I have some stripping or extra yuckies (like now because N is on antibiotics - GROSS!), I'll do an extra load. Sometimes, pushing it to the third day makes my diapers a little stinky and I wash them twice. I have 24 diapers for reference.

When you say 3 hours - is that just the washing? Or does that include drying? For me washing takes about an hour with the prerinse, wash and extra rinse. I put the inserts in the dryer for an hour on high and hang the covers overnight. It's weird how it just becomes a part of your routine. I can't tell you me how many people have said they think cloth must be such a pain in the buns. I would personally rather wash my diapers than drag my butt to BRU every two weeks to buy sposies.


Mar 20, 2003
LV, $10k in diapers!!! Lady, start your own diaper store/service!

Kissaluvs are fitteds, right? Did you use them with a cover? I was going to do prefolds when baby #2 arrives but now that I'm prepping them, I'm having doubts. The newborns shrank soooooo small. I know newborns are small and all but I just feel like they're not going to provide enough coverage. So now I'm thinking some fitteds would be good. And yeah, I'd go used (in good condition) for something that will only last a few weeks.

PM, my routine is this (I've tried to cut it down but then I get the stinkies):
40 min. cold "quick cycle" (I don't have a pre-rinse option)
75 min. hot heavy duty + extra rinse cycle with detergent
75 min. hot heavy duty + extra rinse to get detergent out (I still see bubbles at the end usually)

Then hang to dry or throw in dryer. So sadly, the washing really does take a long time, and I have to be around to keep resetting it.


Mar 20, 2003
OK, so I was just checking out the Kissaluvs size 0. I can get a 6 pack on Amazon for $71.70 shipped free (well, not really since I pay for Prime, but you know what I mean). And somebody wants $65 for 6 that *she* bought used, so who knows how old or used these diapers are. Seriously? Ew. But if you said they were $30, then I'd be like, well, maybe for something I'll only use for a few weeks, I'll go the discount/used route . . .


Aug 19, 2009
Yes, the diaperswappers ladies are crazy! 10k in diapers...seriously!!!! :rolleyes: that's like diaper hoarding (and I say that as someone who has a lot of diapers, especially if you count the lot of brand new Cloth-eez prefolds I bought for like $50 including shipping (I think it was 3 doz newborn, 2 doz infant, and 6 covers...)

I bought a lot of our diapers used, but mostly in excellent condition, no stains, etc.

I like buying them used just a few times b/c--I don't have to prep them (we live in the city and washing new diapers like 6 times before using takes a lot of $) and I only buy when the price is great, usually 50% off of retail or more.

We go a long time between washes (usually 5 days) b/c we live in NYC and don't have laundry in our unit, wash in a common laundry room, and right now our elevator is being replaced so we have to walk down 4 flights of stairs, outside on the sidewalk, down another flight of stairs and a long hallway to get to the laundry room. thank goodness DH is in charge of laundry right now :appl:

BUT...we are pretty much only dealing with pee diapers, for a half potty-trained 3 year old. So, we use 1-5 diapers a day depending on how well he does with the potty.

We heavily rinse (essentially hand wash) the diapers in the bathroom sink when we change him, wring them out, put them in the fuzzibunz door-hanging bag. We hardly have any problem with odor, when DH stretches it to 5-7 :rolleyes: days it gets slightly funky, but usually you can't smell it at all.

For washing, we soak in oxyclean in the laundry sink for 30 minutes, rinse clean with water in the sink, and then wash once with very little detergent (purex free&clear) in our building's front-loading washer, and then put in the dryer.

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
Puppmom, The TBEF Aplix is still in really good shape! Very sticky, and it stays stuck in the wash. The cover I bought on DS was a Weehuggers, and that aplix is really worn and comes off in the wash. It's still very cute though!

PG, Yes, they are fitteds, and I needed covers. I was never really good at re-using covers. I felt like I still needed to wash them after each use. The KLs certainly served their purpose, but all of those snaps. Oh, I hate snaps. You snap the KLs on, and then you have to snap a cover on, and then you have to snap all those snaps on baby's outfit. Eeesh! The other problem I found with fitteds is that they really took forever to dry in the dryer. I just went back to earlier parts of this thread, which reminded me of that little problem. I don't recall how many covers I had. Several I bought new from a cloth diaper store in Boston, and I think I never used some of them, like I bought size smalls or mediums and never used them because after the KL's I didn't need covers any longer, but I didn't quite realize that when I was in a pregant daze in the CD shop!

So, I went back and found my orders, out of curiosity. Here's what I got and what I paid:

13 Old Style FBs - $85 including shipping - 6.53 each (some covers were also included as freebies)
20 KLs (I didn't realize I had so many!) - $126.60 including shipping - 6.33 each

So, I think ebay has much more sensible prices than DS!!

Oh, to answer your earlier question -- I am laundering about every 1.5 - 2 days. I think we have around 15-16 diapers in rotation. I have a strong preference for my TBEFs, however!

BTW, when are you due?

Bella, You win the most-difficult-laundering-CD prize! You go through a lot to get those CDs laundered! Or, your DH does
right now. Kudos to you!


So, I need some advice. My wash routine is as follows: normal wash with soap and the rinse that goes with that cycle, heavy wash with soap, regular rinse, extra rinse. I use Charlies soap. At some point, I started doing a normal wash/rinse, as opposed to just a rinse, because diapers were a little stinky when I opened the dryer and/or because I am now getting some staining. :blackeye: I have tried sunning. I have tried using lemon juice and sunning, but no real improvement. Advice? Thoughts?

Oh, these are FB (i only have one os, and it has a tiny little stain, that turn opaque white when wet :confused:), BGs and TBEFs.

Do I need to use something stronger than Charlies? I have thrown in some oxyclean (but not a lot) in the wash, but have seen no improvement.

I think sunning doesn't help because I have filtered sunlight and then direct sunlight for only a few short hours.


Mar 20, 2003
LV, thanks for the heads up on fitteds/Kissaluvs. Ugh, can't decide what to do! I'm due March 4 with baby girl #2. I didn't cloth diaper until Claire was 9 months so I have FuzziBunz one-sizes that will work at some point but nothing for a newborn.

For stains/stink: OK, so I drank the koolaid on Diaperswappers and am washing mine in Tide now. I've also added Oxyclean when needed, and I treat the poopy diapers with a few sprays of BacOut before throwing them in the pail. Until last week I washed with RockinGreen and I would sometimes get stains that didn't come out in the wash, but they would come out eventually.

Gotta go pick the hubs up in the rain. He rode his bike to work because he insisted that even though the weather report said cloudy/rainy, it looked sunny to him. :rolleyes:

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
Oh no, PG, I didn't mean to dissuade you from the Kissaluvs!!!! I see now that I only noted the negatives! Oops! They do have quite a fan following for newborns, so take my words with a grain of salt. Plus, if you are able to dry outside, then you don't have to worry about the extended drying times. I would totally use these again if I am ever lucky enough to have a newborn again. Here are the positives:

-- Functionality. I don't recall any leaking and breast milk poo was completely contained by these!!
-- Soft. Ohhhhhh, they are so so soft, and I think probably get softer when washed dried more often. You will feel GOOD about putting something so soft on your nb!
-- Cuteness. Oh, they couldn't be any cuter! I love the natural colored ones, but also think the pastels are sweet too.

If I were to do it all again, I think I'd still get the Kissaluvs, over prefolds, because the Kissaluvs are softer. I only have one prefold (Zabibaby), which is supposed to be really soft, but I don't think it's soft at all!

ETA: They also have the snap down to protect the umbilical cord area.

So, the tide is working out for you? I guess there was an old formula that was discontinued?


Jun 25, 2007
LV, what are you washing with?

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
Puppmom, Charlies Soap with an occasional dash of oxyclean.


Aug 19, 2009
Well, since I amasses a nb stash during my TTC craziness (and then lent it to my friends and SILs), here's my feedback PG:)

1. Kissaluvs are soft, hold infant poop, and snap down to below the umbilical cord
2. I have another newboard diaper that is even softer, but I can't remember the name, I'll check when I get home tonight
3. clotheez prefolds infant size (soft, absorbant, and awesome, plus they can be used as burp cloths and stuffed inside pocket diapers for older kids)
4. size 1 applecheeks


May 17, 2009
PG - We have the same wash routine nearly! We also have a front loading HE machine and do 50 minute cold rinse no detergent, 70 minute hot wash with extra hot rinse, and 50 minute hot wash no detergent. When we were on vacation a few weeks ago I was washing in my sister's top loading machine so I thought I could get away with doing shorter cycles (quick rinse loads) but found that my diapers weren't getting as clean as I liked them. So that makes me reluctant to change our system. If you find a shorter routine please let me know! We literally start diapers the second we walk in the door on wash days so they're in the dryer by the time we want to go to bed. We wash every two days, but have 23 diapers so we could probably go three days if we needed to for some reason. One thing we do to help is on non-wash days we run the day's diapers through a cold rinse at the end of the day and then throw them back in the pail. That way none of the diapers go more than one day while sitting dirty. Maybe something to think about if you want to go longer between washes? We did prefolds/covers with our LO for the first few months and will with our second as well. You go through so many diapers at first that it was the more economic route, plus they fit so much better than OS. Be sure to report back on the Tide! Is is liquid or powder? I try not to use liquid in our washer because I read that it contributes to stink in front loading machines.


Jun 25, 2007
Hmmm, no experience with Charlie's Soap. I currently use Dapple Baby which is what I used originally and I love it. I think I mentioned it before but I was not impressed with RockinGreen. I will say though that my Fuzzibunz do look a little *dingy* in the crotch area. Not really stained but slightly discolored. Sunning has never worked for me either.

So N is having his first bout with diarrhea (he's on antibiotics) and yuck...the poo goes through to the microfiber insert. Ew! I did a load and they came out completely white. Thank goodness!


Jun 25, 2007
Kunzite|1321038956|3059728 said:
PG - We have the same wash routine nearly! We also have a front loading HE machine and do 50 minute cold rinse no detergent, 70 minute hot wash with extra hot rinse, and 50 minute hot wash no detergent. When we were on vacation a few weeks ago I was washing in my sister's top loading machine so I thought I could get away with doing shorter cycles (quick rinse loads) but found that my diapers weren't getting as clean as I liked them. So that makes me reluctant to change our system. If you find a shorter routine please let me know! We literally start diapers the second we walk in the door on wash days so they're in the dryer by the time we want to go to bed. We wash every two days, but have 23 diapers so we could probably go three days if we needed to for some reason. One thing we do to help is on non-wash days we run the day's diapers through a cold rinse at the end of the day and then throw them back in the pail. That way none of the diapers go more than one day while sitting dirty. Maybe something to think about if you want to go longer between washes? We did prefolds/covers with our LO for the first few months and will with our second as well. You go through so many diapers at first that it was the more economic route, plus they fit so much better than OS. Be sure to report back on the Tide! Is is liquid or powder? I try not to use liquid in our washer because I read that it contributes to stink in front loading machines.

This is genius! Without fail, N poos as soon as I put a load in and then I hate the idea of that poopy diaper sitting for two days. I should totally rinse every day. Maybe even with a little Biokleen. :bigsmile:

I also find that instead of running an extra rinse, I have to run an extra short wash because I used too much detergent. I hate when that happens!


Mar 20, 2003
Tide - yeah, apparently the new Tide isn't as good for diapers for some reason (???), but I couldn't find the old formula so that's what I'm using (in powder form). It seems to be working well. No stains that haven't come out.

LV, no worries! But the BumGenius newborns are the same price as Kissaluvs with no cover required, so I just can't decide. But I could do prefolds during the day and fitteds for grandma or overnight . . .

Kunzite, funny that we have the same routine! Every time I stray from it, I get the funks, so I just stick with it.

I'm definitely not using OSs with a newborn, so that's why I was thinking about the covers and prefolds - I'm just worrying about my ability to use the prefolds correctly and their ease of use for my mom or DH. I've got two Thirsties Duo Size 1 and have read that they really do work with 6 pound babies - anyone have any experience? People say that they don't go all the way up to 18 pounds like advertized, but that's OK because I'll have OSs for then. But then to buy fitteds plus covers is more than buying a single newborn sized FB or BG (or at least comparable if you go with the most economical fitteds), so what is the point of that? I don't know - I just put a newborn cloth diaper sampler on my Christmas wish list. I figure I can see what works best and then order a bunch. It comes with one FB xs, one BG newborn, one Kissaluvs fitted, one Bummis wrap, and a couple of prefolds (already have some of those too).

Where is your diaper pail in relation to your laundry room? Our pail is on the second floor just outside the nursery (which is only 7x10 so definitely don't want the smell in there), and our laundry is in the basement. The logistics of a preemptive rinse don't seem worth it.

Bella, I love your stash stories! I admit I'm jealous. Part of me wants to just order a million diapers just to see what else is out there, but I'm just really set on spending as little as possible. To that end, I just ordered 6 cheap Diaper Rite pockets (sold only on Diaper Junction) to try to last me through PTing with Claire. I got a couple of them on sale a month ago and while they're obviously flimsier than FBs, I think they'll work for daytime so I can go back to laundry every two days.

Speaking of FBs, feeling less satisfied these days. I'd read that they'd changed the sizes on their "perfect size." Well, the larges I got in the spring fit perfectly, but the larges I just got are ginormous. Also, I think I got seconds from the Diaper Swappers lady! I noticed that there's an X in permanent marker on the tags. :confused: And they fit really weird and bulky. So great. Don't think I'm going to be buying there again either, but maybe I'll sell there if nobody bites when the time comes to put my stash on CL.

On top of that, ANOTHER medium perfect fit just bit the dust, so I'm down two diapers in one week. DD and I were at a playdate yesterday when I noticed it looked like she had peed her pants - might as well not have been wearing a diaper. I've never seen anything like it since usually any leak problems are at the edges. So I removed the insert, and the plasticy part of the cover had a big old tear. I wonder if I can contact them again, but the two that have bit the dust were used in heavy rotation for over a year (their warranty is a year). I don't want to be greedy, but if they would replace them, I don't want to be down two diapers for nothing.


Mar 20, 2003
Me again. ;)) Nice sunny day here so I'm getting a line-dry n.

Question - do you ladies use reusable wipes? I bought a whole bunch and some spray, but I could never get the poop off of DD. I guess spraying just isn't good enough and I need to soak them? That step was beyond me so I've just been using chlorine-free disposable wipes. Also, they seem really crunchy/rough after line drying, and I didn't like that either, but I didn't want to run the dryer just for the wipes. What does everyone else do? Sometimes I'll use one to wipe her if it's just pee, but usually I just let her air out.

If somebody can tell me how exactly to do the wet wipe storage and maintenance, I'll definitely give it a try. I'm really just being lazy.


Aug 19, 2009
:wavey: Hi Phoenix, We usually use disposable sensative skin wipes, but I bought wipes when I was building my stash and we ran out of wipes last week, so we started using them. I like them, BUT I prefer the disposable ones for poop.

We made the solution in an empty disposable wipes container with a cup of warm water, 2 squirts of almond oil, and 1 small squirt of Dr. Bronners liquid peppermint soap. Then we fold our wipes in half and stack them in the wipes container making sure that they all get covered in solution. If B were younger/messier, I would also use a spray bottle with solution to spray directly on stubborn areas when wiping.

When he poops in the potty we wipe with toilet paper and then give him a once over with a cloth wipe.

His second poo-splosion we only had cloth wipes. I was NOT happy.

Our wipes are super soft and I like them a lot, we have ragababe wipes (got them for free when i bought our ragababes--when they were first starting before they got INSANE in price and availability) and fuzzibunz wipes.

We got to scoop poop into vials this morning as B is getting tested for parasites...gross!


Jun 25, 2007
I always wanted to try reusable wipes since disposables are so expensive but I was always afraid I would make some concoction that would burn N's bum!

PS - I hate antibiotics! N took a poop that cover EVERY square inch of his diaper and even got IN the pocket. I sprayed it and soaked it but now all of my diapers have a hint of that weird poop smell even after washing. We're on our third wash. If this doesn't do, I'm going to hand scrub. :(sad
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