Given the fact that I would go to the same Jeweler to get the new ring if a claim had to be made, what company is better?
Pros or Cons of both?
From were i stand they are pretty much the same in terms of what they cover. Do they both cover loss outside of the United States?
Chubb give a cash settlement and you can use it anywere, where as Jewelers Mutual gives a credit at the place you originally purchased. Since i would go there anyway no matter what policy i get i am wondering what place to take it to.
Pros or Cons of both?
From were i stand they are pretty much the same in terms of what they cover. Do they both cover loss outside of the United States?
Chubb give a cash settlement and you can use it anywere, where as Jewelers Mutual gives a credit at the place you originally purchased. Since i would go there anyway no matter what policy i get i am wondering what place to take it to.