
Chronicle of a chronic upgrader - kudos to Whiteflash!

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Jul 23, 2006
Hi all,

I have been looking for a stone for about 4 months now. I posted a few times asking for opinions and got great advice - thank you!

I thought I would share my story a little as I think it''s time I officially said thanks to Whiteflash and in particular Katie H for her endless patience with my multiple changes of mind...

I started off at a B&M looking at Eightstar. I found PS and the world of internet diamonds. Still not convinced I ordered an ACA ''New Line'' .7ct D SI1 to take to my B&M to compare with a similar 8* I was looking at. I have to say I was blown away! by the ACA that is. It also helped that it was 40% cheaper. Even the jeweler commented that it was an exceptional stone. My dh said why don''t you just keep that one to which I answered as a true PS''er - ''Naw, it''s not big enough!''

Anyway I''ll speed up now... next I was looking at 1.2ct diamonds... agonised over color, clarity and size... went up to 1.5ct... down to K and SI, then back up to G VS.... back to I VS... decided on a 1.63 I SI.... changed my mind again... 1.6 G SI1, absolutely sure about that one... back to I VS2, actually ordered that one, was on the way to the bank to wire and changed my mind... bored yet?

Ordered a 1.2 E VS2, actually paid for that one and got it... returned that for a 1.197 F VS2 - NO idea why I did that!!! changed my mind on that one before it shipped and then ordered a 1.635 E SI1.

Whew!! I was extremely happy with that one and even made it past the 10 day return period. Absolutely gorgeous stone and a great price.

However sad to say I am well and truly bitten by the bug and have just returned that one and settled on a 2.023 I SI2.

Wow now I''ve written it down it looks bad! I hope you weren''t too bored by all this I just really wanted to say that Katie and WF were SO patient with me and never made me feel bad about changing my mind so often, even though I know it must have been a pain in the patootie! katie was always extremely pleasant to me and personable even though I was really annoying, even to myself!

The I SI2 is completely eye-clean, I spoke with Brian about it and he helped me choose between several SI2''s (only way I was going to get over 2ct) It''s an ACA and I really feel completely satisfied that this is the one. Brian was fantastic to talk to, helped me cut through my indecision and identify what was really important to me.

So here''s all the info and thanks for listening ;) The next saga is the setting ;) although thanks to FacetFire I think I''m on my way after ogling her gorgeous M. Bondanza..

Report: AGS
Shape: A Cut Above H&A
Carat: 2.023
Depth %: 60.6
Table %: 56.7
Crown Angle: 34.8
Crown %: 15.1
Pavilion Angle: 40.7
Pavilion %: 43
Girdle: Thin to Medium Faceted
Measurements: 8.17-8.21X4.96
Light Performance: 0
Polish: Ideal
Symmetry: Ideal
Culet: Pointed
Fluorescence: Negligible

couldn''t attach all at once... here''s the IS

Congratulations, I''m so happy that you found the one. What a gorgeous stone, can''t wait to see the final product.
Awesome stone, congratulations!!!
Thanks JulieN, I remember you helping me a lot with stones I posted. I'm really looking forward to wearing something now lol!

Thanks kcoursolle, I will get the camera charged and ready! The stone should be here next week.


ETA: Thanks Kaleigh, that's a real compliment, I have admired your rings from afar for a long time!
LOL! That is one great story, angeline!!! From a .7 to a 2.02... and proudly told in a true PS''er style!
I love it!

Your diamond is KILLER
, good job! I cannot wait for the photos. And, oh BTW, welcome to the 2-Carat Club!!!
wow Angeline
You''re my kinda gal!
Oh, my, gosh! NOT boring at all - I kinda giggled in fact. How can you not be happy with what you ended up with!! That is so awesome! I can''t wait to see it in the setting. Congrats! make all of us indecisive people feel sooooooo much better!

Congrats on the new diamond..can''t wait to see it!
Thank you so much everyone for your kind words, it makes feel better! I had to go back through all my old emails to WF and even I was surprised by how many diamonds I hd investigated. Can''t say I didn''t do my homework, lol!

Lynn B - thank you for the welcome to the 2ct club! I feel all excited and a bit teary believe it or not! My original e-ring is .3ct and this is a 10year stone - not an upgrade you understand *wink* as dh is a bit sensitive about that concept.

sevens one and bae7 - thanks for liking my story. I wasn''t sure if it would be a yawn, good to know I didn''t bore you!

diamondseeker - I have been following your setting story. I love what you decided on. My problem is... I just love all diamonds! D, K, big, small, I think they''re all beautiful, so it''s hard to decide!

I will post pics as soon as I have stone in hand!

Date: 10/19/2006 7:07:18 PM
Author: diamondseeker2006 make all of us indecisive people feel sooooooo much better!

Congrats on the new diamond..can''t wait to see it!

Yes. It looks like it will be a wonderful stone. So clean and crisp.
Your story is hilarious! I really enjoyed it and I can relate to it as I keep changing my mind too.

I relate to how you like all kinds of diamonds cause I do to - I love them all. Terrible isn''t it? On the other hand, it is fun to look for them (up to a point

Thanks for sharing your tale and your diamond journey.
BEEEEEEEEutiful choice!!!

This thread cracks me up because I did the same thing.

Saturday I will receive my third ACA.
This time I got a E VVS1 albeit a 0.82 carat.
This one's a keeper!
I find that diamonds over a carat look funny on a man.

But I totally understand the difficulty.
I also brought an ideal cut and a Solasfera into a jeweler and compared to the Eightstar.
I bought the Solasfera.
Wow you guys are all so great! kenny - I remember your thread on upgrading! I remember thinking at least there''s someone else that''s doing the same thing, ha ha. Your stone sounds gorgeous, there''s something about smaller and perfect that is really attractive to me. I would like my next diamond purchase to be a .5ct >= E, VS to put in a Niwaka style ring (ho, ho we''ll see where that one ends up!)

Oh, it is BEAUTIFUL! How are you going to set it? (sorry if I missed it if it was mentioned)
Ha if you think I was indecisive about the stone you should see me with settings! I think I started with Michael B, then Leon, was stuck on halos for the longest time. Anway that''s a whole other thread. I was VERY keen on tension for a long time too, also bezel (Etienne Perret) then went to Whitney Boin, then after looking at diamondlove''s Locke''s I started on the solitaire path, which led me to Mark Morrell, Cartier, Bulgari and now I''m in love with Michael Bondanza. Sorry you didn''t really ask for all that...

Trouble is I would love Mark Morrell to make the setting and he''s finally free at the moment, so I have to decide soon. About the only thing I do know is that I want platinum, no pave, clean lines, 4 prongs if there are prongs. The rest is still up in the air.

Got any ideas?

Oh, how funny!!! I don''t feel so bad now.
I also wavered, but I did so over the course of over 2 years. Cheers to Whiteflash, my jewelers were not nearly so patient, LOL! I joked that my indecisiveness was probably legendary and have wondered if at conferences someone might have described their experience with me, only to be told, "OMG, she came into our store TOO!"

I''m glad you have finally found your diamond. Now for the setting. Hopefully you won''t waver on that to the point of having it mounted in several settings....
lumpkin - I hope not! hey I feel better now too knowing it took you 2 years, :) I laughed about the conference thing... my husband jokes that jewelers are faxing pictures of me around to warn each other !
I totally understand, Angeline. I too giggled when I read your story. I "upgraded" from a 1.00 carat G VVS2 to a 3.02 carat F VS2, though it took me ten years and a few (small) actual diamonds and many (virtual) diamonds in between. I went from wishing for a 1.0 carat to another 1.03 carat thinking I'd be satisfied with a two-stone ring. Alas! No, of course not. Then, I wanted a 2 carat D IF princess cut after 5yrs, came very very close to buying that but decided that DH's money was too precious and hard-earned to be "wasted" on just this little rock
. Consoled myself with several tiny pairs of earrings and pendants of varying colours and clarities in between. Looked at various shapes, princess, emerald, asscher (all of which I absolutely adore), even oval and trillion (which look very big for their size), many various combinations of colour and clarity, many many diferent sizes ranging from 2+ carat to 6 carat (yes, 6!
but didn't buy that of course) before deciding on this latest baby and am thinking again of "upgrading" again but DH is protesting loudly, which reminds me of another thread where a PS'er husband refers to us as "diamond sickos"!

Anyway, forgive me if I have hijacked your thread but couldn't help sharing a similar tale to yours. Long live diamonds and those who love them!
. This forum is soooo cool...
. Looooveee your stone and all those other beautiful diamonds/ rings posted, esp. in the fire thread.
You sound more neurotic then me. I don''t find 2ct stones that big, perhaps you should move up to 2.25 or 2.5 :)
Date: 10/20/2006 12:05:08 AM
Author: angeline
Ha if you think I was indecisive about the stone you should see me with settings! I think I started with Michael B, then Leon, was stuck on halos for the longest time. Anway that''s a whole other thread. I was VERY keen on tension for a long time too, also bezel (Etienne Perret) then went to Whitney Boin, then after looking at diamondlove''s Locke''s I started on the solitaire path, which led me to Mark Morrell, Cartier, Bulgari and now I''m in love with Michael Bondanza. Sorry you didn''t really ask for all that...

Trouble is I would love Mark Morrell to make the setting and he''s finally free at the moment, so I have to decide soon. About the only thing I do know is that I want platinum, no pave, clean lines, 4 prongs if there are prongs. The rest is still up in the air.

Got any ideas?

Angeline, not sure if you read where I said this or not, but MM is the right person to go to for plat without pave. The 90%plat is better because it is harder and will scratch less than the plat used by typical ring makers. So I consider MM an excellent choice if you want shiny finish plat. Now all you have to do is choose a style!
lienTN - thank you for sharing some of your story. I have to go look up your rock now, wow sounds divine!

davidwolf - are you tempting me??? I''m maxed out now in the budget department, my dh would have a conniption if I mentioned anything bigger

ds - I agree re MM. I just adore his work. It would be a dream to have him make something. I don''t want to keep changing my mind on him though, so I''ll really have to make up my mind....arrrggghhhh!

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