
Choosing an appraiser

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Feb 20, 2003
Now that I have my new rock, what questions should I ask of an appraiser to make sure that they are going to do all that should be done? And what exactly should be done? What is a reasonable fee for a comprehensive appraisal?

I would like a very comprehensive appraisal for my own peace of mind (and love) and for insurance purposes, especially because it was bought overseas and is not a lab-graded stone. Also, it is an unusual cut so I want to make sure that everything is properly documented so that it will be comparably replaced should the need ever arise.

Finally, Rich is in Sarasota which is a day trip I''d be willing to make but I think he''s unavailable for a while. Does anyone have a reference in south Florida or does the GIA have a referral service?

Thanks in advance for your replies. I''ll go back to staring at my new ring now....
Hello Noles,

What you need to do is call the American Society of Appraisers and get a list of Master Gemologist Appraisers in your area.
You can look up the ASA on the internet and get the information that way. ASA is in northern Virginia.
Your appraisal needs to have a complete discription of your diamond: Length, width and depth sizes in mm, carat weight
color, clarity, cut, any damage (chipe or nicks) information. Complete information on any other stones in the ring and complete discription information of the ring.
Also a very good photo should be included. And Value $$
There is much more that is included in an appraisal but an ASA appraiser has the education needed to do a complete job.
It is not a one page appraisal of yesteryear.
Good Luck!
ASA only lists four appraisers in Florida, but fortunately one is just in the next county. Thanks for your input!

....just took a look at GOG's page on appraisals....he's got it all!!
Fort Lauderdale, Florida - or anywhere else in South Florida.
Rich! We have missed you! Hope all is well...
Hey Rich - Glad to see you back!

Thanks guys! (girls!) It's good to be back...

It really was an unbelievable escapade. My wife ended up getting emergency back surgery by a Mexican neurosurgeon in a hospital in Tijuana, Mexico. (She had been at a clinic for breast cancer treatment when she suffered the spinal trauma). I was a bit apprehensive about the surgery being done in Mexico, but the situation required immediate attention and my wife (a chiropractor) said she really trusted the neurosurgeon (she knows him from previous encounters).

Turns out he did an awesome job, and the hospital/staff was first rate! Clean and professional, with very caring staff. I was humbled for my earlier misgivings...

Get this- The surgery, along with a week's hospital stay came to $6000 total.

Can you believe that?! An American hospital would have been $50,000 easy...

She's recovering well, and we're now at a San Diego hotel, fixing to come back to Sarasota Sunday. Her prognosis is excellent, considering.

Amazing... Treasure each day, guys.
On 3/14/2003 11:49:57 PM Richard Sherwood wrote:

Her prognosis is excellent, considering.

Amazing... Treasure each day, guys.

Great news.

Your positive spin on life in general is healing.
I finally found this post! I have been wanting to respond all day to you Rich.

I'm so glad to hear that your wife is doing excellently! Life does throw curveballs at best wishes for a very speedy recovery. Now is your chance to be that stellar, doting husband, you know...breakfast in bed, housecleaning, foot massages, a new wardrobe, a new trough of jewelry....uh oh I'm getting carried away!
So glad to hear that things went well. Have a safe trip and maybe we'll see you in a week or two!

breakfast in bed, housecleaning, foot massages, a new wardrobe, a new
trough of jewelry...

Yeah, I really miss all that stuff.

I can't wait till she heals up so she can start giving them to me again...

Heh heh heh

What some women will do to get out of their duties.

Rich, back in Sarasota and ready to hit the ground running...
Hi, I am looking for the name of the Neurosurgeon that you wife used if they are still in TJ. Thank you.
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