
Certified vs. Not certified

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Aug 15, 2002
If a diamond is not certified, what do you need to do to get it certified. My scenerio is, is that my friends dad is a jeweler and is helping me with an engagement ring. I completely trust him. He has a few very nice "uncertified" diamonds (but also has certified one). Would it be bad to take his word that the specs are what he says they are and go with an uncertified stone if it fits within my requirements?

Thanks in advance for your help!:loopy:
Certing stones is more an internet phenom. There is nothing wrong w/ buying an uncerted stone. If i were you, I would send a stone to an independent appraiser. If the jeweler indeed is honest in his evaluation, then this should not be a problem.
thanks a bunch, that makes me feel a lot better. And he even said if it makes me feel more comfortable, then I should get it appraised from someone else.

Good to see some consistancy!
thanks again:twirl:
On 8/15/2002 12:32:16 PM

thanks a bunch, that makes me feel a lot better. And he even said if it makes me feel more comfortable, then I should get it appraised from someone else.

Good to see some consistancy!
thanks again:twirl:

That is a very good sign. Just make sure the cut is proper - read the tutorial here about cut.
fire&ice is correct and gave you some sound advice.

I would just like to add that the labs Do Not Certify Anything. They are lab reports, opinions of what they believe the correct grade to be. They, on occasion do make mistakes (pretty rare though). They also guarantee nothing, read the back of any grading report and you will get my drift.

I would certainly say that a grading report is certainly worth buying form a consumer stand point. Many jewelers are selling, so their grading may not be as accurate as it should be. Get the second opinion!
Something that from your point of view would never be an issue.......but to a consumer - the lab at least certifies that the stone is a diamond. The thought of selling a Immitation diamond would never cross your mind....but there are jeweler's (using the term loosely) that would.
Very interesting point of view! Your are correct in that I never gave it a thought.
You have already gotten very good advice, but I thought I would add my 2 cents as well. I just got engaged a week ago yesterday. My fiance bought an uncerted stone from someone he really trusts (does jewelry as a hobby, actually--works with my fiance's dad). He was able to look at it with a loupe, inside, outside, etc. and given time to think about it. He presented me with an absolutely gorgeous .72c round stone. He got an appraisal that I have not seen, so I can't comment on the "technical" stuff for sure, but I think it was represented as a G-H SI1. In my words, it is eye-clean and faces up white and is very lively!
I would say if you buy online, insist on a cert, if not, trust your eyes but be very critical. Make sure your eves have plenty of info to go on! I am just so proud that I can't shut up! So, again, there is my 2 cents!:bigsmile:
congrats on your engagement!!! Thanks for your "2 cents", I appreciate it. :twirl:
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